Until You Came Along

      Why did I imagine that something is going to happen after this? Of course, he just wanted to have with me. I watched him quietly as he got dressed and when he was done he didn't even spare me one last look. He didn't even asked if I was okay after the way he treated me last night.

I'd better get my act together since there's a school today.

I push myself up awkwardly, I look down at my chest, which is full of hickeys and if I have to guess my neck has some too. Why on earth would he mark me if he didn't wanted anything else other then ? 

Of course the weather is really hot outside so I can't really cover them up with anything.. it's not like I feel ashamed because I had with the best looking guy in the school I just don't want anyone to ask me what happened.. I mean it's pretty ing obvious.. Also that man is awful in bed.

I got ready and went down to the kitchen where my father had already made breakfast.

"Good morning," I hopped down on the chair.

'Morning, kid,' he put down the steaming food in front of me. 'That boy you had over.. what was up with him? He left so early..'

'Cause we have school today, and I'm sure he wants to get a shower at his own house," I rolled my eyes, picked up the chopsticks and started to eat.

'But, well, it's.... it's still very early. He didn't even say goodbye when he saw me..'

"Don't take it personally, Jackson is just like that," I reassured him, though he didn't seem convinced.

'Is everything okay, son?' he pointed at my shoulder where I had an ugly reddish-purple spot. I quickly put my hand on it, although he already saw it.

"Ah, it's nothing serious," I waved. 'Don't worry about me Dad,' I smiled, but he didn't reciprocate, he walked next to me and started to play with my hair.

'You're the only and most important person to me, the chance not to worry about you is equal to zero percent. You can tell me anything,' he encouraged me.

'No. I don't want to talk about it' I bow my head, even my appetite is gone.

'It's okay. But if you want to talk to me later, I'll be here.' I nodded as a thank you.

My father and I live alone in this medium two-story house.I've always considered my relationship with Dad special because he raised me alone since I was a little boy. Mom took off after she had me, leaving dad in a pickle. At the beginning, it was really difficult for him to keep us.. you know.. alive. Maybe he should've just give me in to some adaptation, but instead he put all of his energy into making my life not so problematic. I have no idea how he did it, but I'm proud of it with my whole being. I'm glad he's my dad.

But since he had sacrificed sixteen years on me, he had no time for anything else. I would be happy if he could find someone for himself, I know mom wounded him with her disappearance, but those wounds won't heal on their own if he keeps going like this. I want to see him fully happy.

'I have to go now, thank you for breakfast, it was very delicious,' I stood up and hugged him.

'Wait, don't you want me to take you to school?' he shouted after me as I picked up my shoes while standing in the doorway.

'No, I better walk today. I'll see you tonight!'

'Take care of yourself!' I didn't said anything to that, just left with my hands in my pockets.

Students were already gathering in the school parking lot, and I saw Jackson leaning over his friend's car, chatting to his minions, and though he was far away I still heard his mocking voice. For a moment, our eyes met, but I didn't waste more time on him so I just moved on.

I bet everyone's going to know that Byun BaekHyun, who doesn't have any friends because he prefers to hide in his books, is actually a big ing .

Which is not true at all..

Okay, I'm really not a social person, but I liked Jackson. He started talking to me out of nowhere, he was interested in me, which felt really good. I have no idea what I expected from this guy. Because everyone knows he never gets into serious relationships, he just goes for . Do I even have the right to judge him? He's young, at this age, a lot of people want to have and try everything. Ugh, I can't believe I'm trying to protect him. But like I said. I liked him. Well.. it's better of this way, I'm good on my own.

'Hi BaekHyun,' a familiar bitc- I mean girl bounced infront of me, the girl who is completely in love with Jackson, would do anything to get him into her bed. Hell, why is she bothering me early in the ing morning? Like who is in a mood for a morning 's speech? 'Hey, I said hi,' she grabbed my arm. 'What, your mommy didn't teach decency?'


'Oh, wait, you don't have a mother,' she chuckled loudly.

'How many times do you want to play this boring card, girl? Can't afford new insult?'

'Ch, you grew your balls out or some'? Listen, just because Jackson ed you, you're not going to be anybody. Got it? Stay away from him, he's mine.'

'Sure,' I smile sweetly, leaving her there with that.

There are quite a few people who actually are rooting for them, they want them to be a couple. To be honest I don't think they fit together at all. That girl is mercilessly annoying, and Wang hates annoying things. That shows that just because they look good doesn't mean they're a match for each other.

The news got to Nana pretty quickly, I'm sure she is very furious on the inside cuz' while I slept with Jackson already, she didn't.

When I entered the class, I immediately got the attention that I never wanted. I sat down on my chair, took the book out of my bag, put my earphones in and started reading with my chin dropped into my palm. This is literally the easiest way to ignore everyone.

|| x ||

Sitting on the bed, I was trying to figure out what was happening to me right now. It's been two months since I slept with Jackson, and a month since I started to feel weird. At first my head hurt nonstop, then I felt nauseous all the time. I've registered it as a disease, I must have swallowed some nasty virus, even though I'm not the person who gets sick easily. Since my pains had not subsided, I suspected that I had a very different problem, and now as I was looking at the test... I was right.

I'm pregnant.
Jackson isn't the first man I've slept with, but he's the first idiot who didn't put a ing on his . Okay, I could have taken some medicine too.

Like... what should I do now? I'm aborting, obviously. I wouldn’t be able to deal with a kid right now, adding, I’m too young for that, and the other one, if i would keep it Jackson.. well.. he would never support me and then it would all be pointless. I know exactly what it’s like to grow up with just one parent, I don’t want my own child to feel that way.

I sighed throwing the pregnany test into my little bin trying to not think about it. I have enough problems, I don't need more.

"Son!" my father rushed into my room, which, by the way, was weird because most of the time he would knock first. "Sorry for bursting in like this, but I have good news,' his said with twinkling eyes.

"It's okay. What is up?" I leaned against my desk, trying not to show how scared I am. I mean I'm not scared of his news but afraid that he'll sees that something is wrong with me.

"I got a promotion!"

"Oh my God, dad! Ahh~ I'm so happy for you. I'm proud. You've earned it, you're working out your guts in the kitchen."

"Yes, it was a good decision to stay at this restaurant," he smiled. "Are you alright?" Aish, why do you know me so well? Even though I tried my hardest to not look worrisome he still notices if something is wrong.

"Of course, why wouldn't it be? I have to study alot," I pointed at my books.

"Baekhyun. I may not be so young anymore, but I can see if something is bothering my son," he murmures seriously. I don't want to lie to him, he'd be the last person in the world I'd lie to, but now I have to.

"Do you remember that boy? Jackson?"

"Of course," he nodded.

"We had a fight. A pretty bad one... There's no chance for us to make up." Dad looks at me with unconvinced eyes.

"I see," he nodded again. "Well, I won't bother you anymore," he walked to the door, but before he went outside he turned back. "If you don't want to talk about your problems, you just have to tell me, there is no reason for you to lie to me like this.." his eyes were disappointed and when I didn't said anything he left my room, closing the door.

This is just great. I angered my own father. I mean.. he didn't look angry just really disappointed.

I put my palms over my stomach. "You're probably so tiny and you're already causing me a lot of trouble," I mumbled. I need to get rid of it as soon as possible.

I sat down on my chair with nausea and started to study for distraction. Let my pregnancy be tomorrow's problem.

|| x ||

I was writing my homework (at school because I slept in and didn't had the time to do it at home) and I didn't had my earphones in so I heard Nana's voice as she was talking nonsese.

"So girls... I have to give up Jackson. He may be handsome, but he's got soup in his brain" she pouted. Wow, how persuasive. "But! I found out who's coming to our school!" she clapped happily. "The Park brothers!" Park brothers? Who are they? Should I know?

"They're like from some rich family, right?" a random classmate asked.

"Exactly," Nana chuckled. "Chanyeol, the younger one ... he's mine, don't try to take him," she squinted. "Especially you, Byun," she looked at me. I frowned but didn't say anything. "Though you probably will try considering how big of a you are." She is so ing funny. She is already calling that Park kid hers just because he is rich.. So who is the then?

I still didn’t speak up, I focused more on finishing my homework quickly, but Nana pulled my notebook out from under my palm, ripping out the page.

"Im Jin-ah, give that back!"

"Why would I do that?" she grinned mockingly. "You're pathetic, Byun. Just like your mother who left you,"  she tore my homework apart, trampling on it for the 'effect'. I shook my head slightly. She doesn't deserve my attention at all. She thinks se can make me cry which happened in the past.

Nana was a very nice girl in the beggining, but something completely changed her. That's exactly why she knows I don't have a mom, because we were friends, and after her change she told everyone my secret that I don't have a mom. Since then she's trying to make my life miserable. I'm immune to it now, but it hurts the same way, I often feel useless.

I picked up my notebook from the ground and tried to rewrite everything quickly, to no avail, of course, since I couldn't finish it yesterday, there was literally no way that I could finish it right now in a few minutes.

The teacher came in, in my head I already heard her yelling voice. Since we have double lessons every Wednesday with this teacher, she always collects the notebooks first to check the homeworks out. When it was my turn, the nausea suddenly hit me. I couldn't even ask if I could go to the bathroom, I had to run, I didn't care that the teacher shouted after me.

Leaning over the toilet, I let out the contents of my stomach. I had a hard time pulling myself together, walking slowly in front of the tap that I opened and washed my face. Looking at the mirror, I grimaced, this pregnancy is killing me. I've never looked so pale in my life. But I have to admit, the timing came perfectly to me. I better go to the principal an ask if I can go home, I have to go to the doctor anyway.

After the principal said I can go, I went back to the classroom to get my bag. The teacher immediately questioned me why I rushed out so quickly.

"I got sick. The principal sent me home" I packed my notebook.

"All right, recover soon," she nodded

"Excuse me, Mrs.Choi!" Nana raised her hand. I swear to God I will lock shut.. "Do you believe in his sudden "illness"? He didn't do his homework thats why he is running away."

"Im Jin-ah, I can see the torn paper lying in front of Byun's desk, I don't think it's there by accident. It would be good if you could finally focus on your own lesson instead of focusing on others. Baekhyun, you just go, I'm waiting for your homework next week." I nodded, thanked her and left the classroom.

|| x ||

I felt uncomfortable sitting around pregnant men and women, all waiting to be examined. Almost all of them came with their partner, but one girl sitting opposite me came alone just like me.

Maybe I was staring too conspicuously because she noticed me, a smile spread across her face right away. I was surprised when she got up, walked infront of me then sat down next to me.

"Hello," she greets me with a kind voice. "I haven't seen you here, is this your first time?"  I nodded. "Oh, let me introduce myself, I'm Park Chaeyoung."

"Baekhyun," I replied briefly.

"It may be a little disrespectful, but can I ask how old you are, just because you look really young."

"I'm sixteen." I bit my lower lip.

"Ah, you're only a year younger than me. You know, you'd think you'd meet a lot more young people here, so far you're the only one as young as me" she smiled. "So, you're keeping it?"

"I'm not sure yet.." I suddenly feel insecure.

"Um, the child's father wouldn't support you?"

"Not really...."

"I totally get you though, as soon as my boyfriend find out that I'm pregnant he broke up with me. I feel a little sorry for him because my brother and my twin messed him up pretty badly.. He even left the city", ” she chuckled. "I'm sorry for boring you with nonsense, you can tell me if you want me to go away."

"You're not boring me." I shaked my head. "I'm just not really a social person... Anyway, that ex of yours is a big douchebag. You seem nice."

"Oh, well thank you, I could say the same about you. Ah ~ I look like it's my turn. Would you like to come in with me?"

"Why... why not," I followed her into the room.

"Good morning, Chae. Oh!  You brought someone with you," she blinked in suprise behind her glasses.

"I met him in the waiting room, this is his first time here, I know how bad it is to be alone at this time, and I didn't want him to feel lonely so I thought he should join me."

"That's really nice of you, you've always been a good person. Well then, let's see your baby!"

I watched as the woman checked on Chae's baby. As soon as the ultra sound appeared on the screen, she shed happy tears that softened my heart. Will I react that way when I see my baby? Hell... am I attached to it already?

I was so sure about abortion yesterday, and now I really have no idea what to do. If I kept it, Jackson would never help me with it, but Dad would definitely be by my side. I have to make a decision soon.

|| x ||

We walked out with Chaeyoung, and while she was looking at his own ultrasound picture, I was looking at mine. The further I stare at it, the more it engraves in my heart.

"Chan, Jinyoung!" she shouted out suddenly beside me, waving to two boys. "Come on, I'll introduce you to my two idiot brothers."

"Ah, Chae, it would be nice to know them, really, but I have to go home. What if I would give you my phone number?"

Chae nodded understandingly.  "Okay, but next time you won't run away!" she warned me as we gave each other our phone numbers. She hugged me which surprised me a bit but I quickly hugged her back.

As I was goin home, I caressed my belly, I didn’t want to admit it at first but now I'm sure.. I'm going to keep this baby.

|| x ||

When I entered the house, I immediately saw dad which suprised me 'cause waht is he doing here? Is he sick? I didn't seem sick in the morning... Or maybe he just wanted to stay home.

"Dad," I called out to him while putting my bag down.

"Wha- what are you-?"

"I got sick," I interrupted his words "I just got back from the doctor," I slumped down next to him. "Dad... You always say whatever happens, you're going to support me, right?" I don't even wait for his answer, I keep talking. "That boy... Jackson. Uh-- He just wanted with me... nothing more. The thing is, we weren't using any protection, and I didn't take anything to stop this," I pulled out the ultrasound picture and handed to him. "If you say it would be better for me to have an abortion... I'll do it."

"What do you want?" he asked calmly.

"I wanna keep it.. Aren't you like-? Why aren't you freaking out?"

"I thought you'd be more careful. And I already knew. Remember, I always take your trash out, so you should have hidden the pregnancy test better."

"Oops?" I laughed awkwardly. "So... can I keep it?"

"Son, raising a child at such a young age is very difficult. Of course, I'd help you with everything, but it's not going to be easy. Do you think you're ready for that?"

"I'm scared," I muttered weakly, frowning. "Regardless... I.. want this.. What really gave me power is a girl I met at the doctor's office. She's seventeen and she's eight months pregnant. She seemed happy and confident, even though his partner had left her.."

"Huh, you can always surprise your old man, kid. It's a shame that your mother wasn't as brave as you right now," he sighed. "You can keep it."

"Thank you Dad!" I slide closer to him and hugged him tightly. "You're the best in the world," I lean away.. "What are you doing at home, by the way?"

"I deserve some rest, don't I?"

"Yes, you do" I nodded. "Okay... I'm gonna take a nap, I feel sick.."

"Okay.. oh wait! What should I cook for lunch?

"I dunno.. I'm not picky yet, so you can make anything. Wake me up in case I sleep in.." I waved to him while yawning and went to my room.

 I dropped down on my bed smiling, clutching the picture between my fingers. I'm so happy... I mean, I was hoping he'd accept me and support me, but there's always that little uncertainty.

On the other hand, it's a thousand percent that Jackson will not care about my pregnancy, although he needs to know about it. I mean he is the 'dad' of my baby. But I'm going to skip school this week, so I have time to figure out how I'm going to get that idiot infromed.

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Chapter 6: I'm glad things worked out for them. I hope the same goes for the dads
Beau1996 1371 streak #2
Chapter 6: Nice ending to the Chanbaek part - Areum is the perfect name!
Beau1996 1371 streak #3
Chapter 5: I like how there relationship is progressing - you have a good grasp of inner monologue, especially how quickly you're mind can go back and forth between thoughts - friends with baby daddy is always a good thing if you're not together 🐻
Beau1996 1371 streak #4
Chapter 4: Yeah - a little girl!! Parks and Byuns just more and more involved!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #5
Chapter 3: Did you reorganize this story? I like mpreg stories a lot!
springmiya #6
Chapter 7: ^_^
Chapter 7: Oh this was a surprise
springmiya #8
Chapter 6: loved the chapter
Beau1996 1371 streak #9
Chapter 6: Nice dream and promise!!
Chapter 6: Lol Baek really isn't on Chanyeol. I get it though. I would be put out with him too tbh