Until You Came Along

       Leaning against the wall, I waited for Jackson to arrive at school. I heard from the gossipy nobodies that he was extra mad last week, supposedly he hates the fact that the Park brothers are coming next month, he’s upset that he is not going to be the 'favourite boy' anymore and he's trying to up to everyone. Poor him... He really thinks he is the 'big somebody' here and the fact that it's going to change is really annoying him.

Well, I'm sorry, Wang, I'm about to ruin your little world even more. Besides, why is everyone so excited about the Park brothers? I've never heard of them in my life. The gossip 'team' told everyone how they don't have a mother because she died tragically. And the father got three kids, the eldest is Jin, the youngest is Yeol. My memory isn't the best when it comes to names. They also have a sister, but I didn't get any information about her from the rumors.

I still can't comprehend it though. Like... hooray we're gonna have two spoiled brats coming to our school to dominate it, which for me it means I'll have two ers who will definitely bully the out of me. Absolutely wonderful.

As soon as I see Jackson, I push myself away from the wall, but immediately grimace as I see Nana walks there next to Wang. The boy was desperate to explain himself to the girl, but she ignored him, and Jin-ah even quickened her pace, thus leaving Jackson behind. Maybe I'm a little interested in what they talked about but it's not like it's my business.

"Jackson!" I ran in front of him. "Can we talk?"

"Leave me alone, Byun. I thought you realized I used you for nothing more."

"I did, yes, because you left me without saying a word," I crossed my hand. "The problem is Wang, that you didn't put a on and you got me pregnant.."

"What? Ha, we're funny today I see. This is your way trying to make me feel for you? Because it didn't work" he tries to leave but I didn't let him

"Listen here Wang. I don't give a if you don't want to support me." This is a lie. "But I figured since you got me pregnant it's your right to know about it. I don't want anything from you."

"You're just a big who sleeps with people so that kid probably isn't even mine. Don't you dare talk to me again. I don't want to see your face, Byun. Tire someone else with your stupidity and lies!"

Well... it went as I imagined. I have no idea why everyone thinks I’m a , I’ve had three times in my life, I don’t tend to linger around guys all the time, it’s ridiculous. For example, there’s Jin-ah, the whole school loves her — except for the teachers —, she sleeps with everyone, but she can do it because she’s the “queen” here. It's just disgusting.

I put my hand on my belly. Looks like dad doesn't care little one. Pay no mind, I'm here for you, and I'll always be here. And, of course, you have an irreplaceable grandfather. You're going to love him just like I do....

I want to be like my father, but do I have that kind of power? I hope so.


I thought today was weird. I was not bullied which never happened before, but they haven't even spoken to me today. My senses, on the other hand, didn't fool me, I felt the burning gaze of the students when they thought I wasn’t paying attention

When our last class ended, I quickly packed up and rushed to the exit, I wanted to get home as soon as possible, I didn't feel safe.

"Where are you going, Byun? Why are you in such a hurry?" He walked next to me... I don't know his name, he's one of Jackson's dogs.

"Ah, don't expect him to answer Nam. He’s famous for not being taught decency,” another boy appeared on my left. "But he was taught how to lie," he put his arm around my shoulder. Okay, I'm getting scared now. "But he at that as well.." he laughed out loud. "Come with us, Byun!" I was dragged into an empty, narrow street.

"What do you want from me?" I clenched my fingers.

"Nothing. We just want to help, since your mother left you and your father is a useless piece of , our job will be to beat a little sense into you."

My eyes widened, I tried to run but but they held me down. I repeated in my head that my baby wouldn't get hurt. My legs wobbled as I got the first punch into my stomach. I fell on my knees while I cursed myself for telling Jackson I'm pregnant. I never thought he would ask his two buddies to beat me up.

Lying on the ground, curled up, I protected my belly so I got the most kicks on my head and back. I could taste the blood in my mouth, my tears were running nonstop. Why doesn't anyone come here? I mean, yea sure, it's a creepy narrow street but still...

I can't stay on the ground, I need to know if my baby is alright.. I can't lose it. In my mind I decided to get up but before I could do anything I out.
I woke up to someone poking my face, my eyes popped out right away and I put my arms up in defense.

"Hey, hey, it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you." I looked up at the sky with heavy breathing. Is it night? Jesus, have I been out for so long? Let's just say those two peasants didn't go easy on me. Why I'm surprised... 

I have to go home right now, my dad is probably freaking out, he must have called the police already, but they refused to look for me because I hadn't been missing for forty-eight hours. That's exactly what happened when Mom left, my father panicked for being left alone with me since I was a newborn, and the police sent him away and told him to go back later.

"Oh, woah, be careful," he said as I hissed, tried to get up from the ground.. "Someone really messed you up," he started to clean my face with some kind of tissue... Oh, yeah.. I was beaten up.

"Someones.." I corrected him.

"Two against one? Only cowards do it like that.." he frowned.

"Um ... thank you very much for your help, but I have to go now" I looked away awkwardly.

"I can take you home," he offered.

"Dad told me not to trust strangers..."

"And he is right. I always tell my kids the same thing,” he laughed. 
 "Then let me call a cab for you. I don't want you to walk home in this condition."

"I..... well.. okay," I smiled at the elegantly dressed man.

As soon as the taxi arrived, I thanked the stranger once again for the help, and all he asked from me is that is should take better care of myself. By the time I got home the pain in my head was gone, but in my back I could still feel the stinging. At least my stomach was alright.. I hope my baby is a-okay.

I almost broke into the house, I saw my father right away, he was walking back and forth like a lion in a cage, clutching his phone in his hand, but what really squeezed my heart that he was crying.. The last time I saw him like this was when I was litte.. Oh dad...

"Dad," I ran in front of him, it takes a few seconds for him to recognize it's really me and when he does, he immediately hugs me tightly. "I'm here..." I caress his back and he starts sobbing harder.. "It's okay.."

"I thought-"

"I'm not like mom... I'd never leave you Dad."

"You scared me to death," he muttered. I really feel like we just swithced roles, I'm the parent and he's my child. - "What happened? " He leaned away.. "My God, are you-?" He put his palm on my face.

"I was beaten by two boys from school," I shrugged.

"I'm going to call the principal" he said and started dialing the number.

"Dad, you don't have to, let it go."

"I'm not going to just 'leave it'. You were beaten!"


"Don't try to talk me down, go take a bath, we'll eat afterwards and we'll talk, okay?"


As I was looking into the mirror I made a disgusted face.. My lower lip has a scar on it, there was a wound above my eyebrows, but it was mostly cleaned, I guess that stranger whiped the blood off of it. I turned around, my back is full of reddish purple spots, it's going to hurt for a while. Huh, at least my belly if totally fine, I've been able to protect it.

After bathing, I went down to the kitchen where Dad was still shaking, but I don't know if he was shaking because he was mad that I got beaten or he was still affected by my late home coming.. Either way I understand his concern. 

He told me a lot about mom, and at the beginning he always tried to talk about her positively, but the older I got, he couldn't take it anymore and he told me everything. He and my mother got together when they were very young. They loved each other but... Mom got pregnant by accident.. Yeah, I wasn't planned.

Mom wanted to abort me, she wanted to live and not deal with a child, but dad made her keep me. During her pregnancy, she didn't seem to want to leave my father. She gave birth to me without any complications, but for some reason after all of that she just left.

I hate her for being able to leave a man like dad. If she ever comes back — I hope she never will — I wouldn’t let her in our life. Dad still loves that woman, I know he would be waiting with open arms, but I would do my best to chase her away from him.

"What did the principal say?" I sat down at the table.

"She said there is no evidence you attackers were from the school so she can't fire them," he rolled his eyes. "Because it happened outside of school, she doesn't want to deal with it.. I did tell her that you are pregnant which she replied; 'As long as your child is studying, I don't care'," he mimicked our principals voice. I laughed out loud. "This is not funny kiddo."

"You overreacting, dad," I waved him off.. "She didn't kick me out of the school even though I'm pregnant," I shrugged. "Better than nothing... and stop shaking!" He pouted for a second then got serious. "Are you okay?"

"I'm thinking of leaving my job"

"What?! Why? They promoted you two months ago!"

"Yeah, I know.. it's just.. I have no time at all.. I promised you, didn't I? I will support you which means I will need more time. I'm looking for a new job.. of course I won't quit until I find something ..

"You're sacrificing too much for me," I sighed.

"Because I love you son," he smiled at me, which I returned immediately.

"Me too, dad."

|| x ||

Thanks to heaven, the examination revealed that my baby was completely healthy, not in trouble, which filled me with joy. The doctor also warned me that since I am quite thin it is only possible that my belly will start to appear in my fifth month and from there I will grow drastically.

But what makes me feel uncomfortable, the whole school knows about my pregnancy, so not only Nana and her s and Jackson and his dogs bully me non-stop, everyone started on my blood. They just throw painful words at my head, and because of my hormones it was easy to make me cry. I was an easy target. I became the object of laughter. As more day passed I was getting more scared.

For example, I started to be late from classes - which the teachers didn't like at all - I listened to music during breaks, I always ran out of the classroom at the end of school. I’m aware of how unhealthy I am and a lot of stress isn’t good for my little one, but what can I do?

I have a total of three reasons for happiness. The first is my little one because I felt it's movement a week ago, the second is my dad who found a much better paying job pretty quickly, and he also has so much more time for me. The third Chaeyoung, we never met after our first encounter, - and she already gave birth -  we talk on the phone every day and she sends photos of his son without stopping.

Today, exceptionally, the students didn't focus on me, they focused on looking perfect for the arrival of the Park brothers. Most of the girls came in skirts that were pulled up to their necks - okay not really, but still, they looked ridiculus - , and the boys were trying to look friendly as ever.

The arrival of the two bastards leaves me cold, so while everyone was waiting for them in the lobby and in the hallways, I sat in the class reading some random book.

As the bell rang, everyone entered the classroom, immediately sitting down. Nana started arguing with her bestfriend, telling her to sit elsewhere. They are so pathetic, seriously.. The situation got so bad, Jin-ah pushed the girl off of the chair. Geez..

"Nana, what the hell? I could've been hurt!"

"But you're not hurt, stop being so dramatic," she shrugged. Her friend shook her head angrily, picked up her bag and left. Poor girl... I get her though.. Jin-ah is too unbearable.

The door opened again and a new boy entered.. Wait, why is it just one? And why is this guy so familiar to me? Like if I had seen him somewhere. Our gaze meets, his eyes twinkle, an idiotic smile appears on his face.

Ugh, and the students excited about this? I'm going to throw up.

Wait, holup.. stop the time, why is he coming to me? Is he trying to hurt me already? I wrap my arms around my belly immediately.

"Can I sit next to you?" I blinked in suprise. My lord, he is TALL!.. Altough my father is taller. I nodded. "I take that as a yes." As he sat down next to me, Nana made an angry sound. "I'm Park Chanyeol, you?" I just pointed at my notebook, cause' it has my name on it. "Byun Baekhyun," he read it out loud. "I finally know your full name." he smiled which made me frown. "Don't you remember me?" I shook my head. "You and Chae came out together of the doctor's office! She is my sister.. well more like my twin, but she is a few minutes older." Oh.. OHH~ I get it now! That's why he was so familiar. "I wanted to get to know you then, but you left so fast. Chae reassured me that I'm going to be in the same school as you.. She saw you badge, that's how she knew." Ah.. yes.. We don't have to wear uniforms in our school but we have to wear a badge.

Before he could continue the speech, the teacher entered, greeted the new student with a smile, and immediately began teaching.

So, Chanyeol and Chaeyoung are twins? They don't look alike at all. And then where is the third brother... what's his name? Jinyoung?

"Hey," the person sitting next to me whispered. "Can you say a few things about this school?"

"We are in class..." I rolled my eyes as I tried to take notes.

"....Will you lend me your notebook after the class?"

"Do you ever shut up?" I started to get angry, I always get sensitive, sad and angry quickly because of my hormones. I stared at him, the grin immediately fades from his face and he also focuses on the teacher.

Maybe I'm fine with Chaeyoung, I even consider her my friend, it doesn't mean I trust this boy. He'll find out about me soon and he'll hate me in an instant.

"After all the classes are over, can you show me around?" I'm going to shoot him..

"Ask Nana," I pointed at the girl who was staring at me with deadly eyes.

"But I want you to show me around!

"Will you keep quiet if I say yes?" He starts nodding violently. "Then yes." I saw how he wanted to talk again so a glared at him, he bit his lips. Good boy.

At the end of class, Chanyeol asked me if I wanted to go with him because he'd introduce me to his brother, which I turned down. I feel like I angered a lot of people just because he sat down next to me.. I don't want to meet his brother, because if I do.. there will be chaos.

I wasn't suprised at all when the Park kid left our classroom, Nana stood infront of my desk, slamming her hand on it. Well, she is just one crazy er, isn't she?

"I told you to stay away from Channie, didn't I? But no, you're just going to around him! You're probably thinking how can you take him into your bed so he can you real good, just like you did it with Jackson! You’re pathetic and even stupid, so I'm going to tell you again.. Chanyeol is mine. Make sure he doesn't sit next to you again or you'll regret it!"  She's threatening me again... She pushed her long hair away and left as well.

If I'm honest, Chanyeol doesn't seem like the person I imagined him to be, I spent a month hearing the rumors that he is from a wealthy family, handsome and all that. However.. he is.. well quite cute.. and annoying as ... But I don't want him to be close to me. I'm used to the loneliness.

I've got Chae anyway, although when I think about it, they're twins.. Let's say, I ask Chanyeol to leave me alone and he'll tell Chaeyoung what a jerk I am, and she souldn't be my friend.. Why do I have to always lose everyone?

I should ask dad for advice, I won't do anything until I ask him.. they can't hurt me after school because Dad always comes to pick me up.

When Chanyeol returned to the classroom, Nana hung on his arm and told him something which made him laugh. The Park boy picked up his bag from the desk and put it next to Nana's desk.

"I don't need a tour after all" he said bitterly. Wellp.. That hurt.. So the rumors reached him.. I don't need my fathers advice then..

Tears appeared in my eyes, though I tried to stop them from breaking out, they started to run along my cheek, leaving a burning sensation on my skin. My head started to hurt and the nausea hit me too.. Aish,  get yourself together Byun Baekhyun! You can't show how weak you are...

"... un, Byun," the math teacher was calling my name, the only teacher who is nice to me because I'm really good at math. "If you're not well, feel free to go home," she said it with a smile. I immediately wiped away my tears.

"I'm fine.."

"All right... then let's start" I didn't pay attention to her, my brain was empty..

I always wanted a normal life, I was constantly praying for my mother to come home, I wanted a whole family, I wanted to see dad with his most sincere smile. That wish never came true. 

Afterwards, I decided I was going to make a lot of friends for myself. In kindergarten, the kids immediately looked at me as an outsider, but I was too little to understand why I was alone all the time.

In primary school, I focused too much on learning, I had no time for friends. High school came after it, I talked to Nana, she was so cute at first, we were always together and all of the sudden she turned against me after four months of friendship, she spread rumors about me and by the time the students started to bully me and I had no one left.

The Jackson incident happened recently, I was enchanted, I liked him, I was stupid to let him take me to the bed on our first 'date' - it wasn't a date -, we had and now he is denying that he is the father of my baby.

What kind of life have I lived so far? How come I haven't become a drug addict yet? If Mom had stayed with us, it might have been different but it's not like I can change a thing..

My lips curl slightly upwards because I felt my baby moving. 

You have a good timing little one.. you know when to react.

It's true that my life ing .. But I'm going to do my best so yours wouldn't be bad.

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Chapter 6: I'm glad things worked out for them. I hope the same goes for the dads
Beau1996 1380 streak #2
Chapter 6: Nice ending to the Chanbaek part - Areum is the perfect name!
Beau1996 1380 streak #3
Chapter 5: I like how there relationship is progressing - you have a good grasp of inner monologue, especially how quickly you're mind can go back and forth between thoughts - friends with baby daddy is always a good thing if you're not together 🐻
Beau1996 1380 streak #4
Chapter 4: Yeah - a little girl!! Parks and Byuns just more and more involved!!
Beau1996 1380 streak #5
Chapter 3: Did you reorganize this story? I like mpreg stories a lot!
springmiya #6
Chapter 7: ^_^
Chapter 7: Oh this was a surprise
springmiya #8
Chapter 6: loved the chapter
Beau1996 1380 streak #9
Chapter 6: Nice dream and promise!!
Chapter 6: Lol Baek really isn't on Chanyeol. I get it though. I would be put out with him too tbh