Until You Came Along

        I've entered my sixth month, I can hardly believe that my baby is going to be here in less then three months. It was so obvious that I was really excited. I was staring nonstop at my growing tummy at home as I sang loudly, hoping my baby hears everything.

Sometimes I was so loud that my dad had to tell me to be a little more quiet, but he was happy for me. I've always been close to dad, which is natural because he's the only relative I know, but since he's been working at his new job and he can spend more time with me, we've become even closer.

We sat on the couch every night watching TV, at some point watching some horror movies, although we laughed at it cause' we think scary movies are funny, sometimes we watched comedy, but our favorite is the action movies, so it's no surprise that we're watching one right now.

What caught my attention was Dad’s phone ringing which I found strange because he always puts it in silent mode. I watched him lift the device to himself. My jaw wanted to drop to the ground when I saw my dad blush at whatever he was reading.

"Who is it?" I stuffed another batch of popcorn into my mouth.

"My boss," he begins to tap on the screen of the phone. His boss? Did he blush because of his boss?!

"And why is he looking for you...-" I looked at the clock on the wall, "-at nine in the evening?" I frowned.

"He invited me for dinner," he muttered, and my eyes are so wide open that they started to hurt. "What?" he pouted like a kid when I didn't react.

"So," I coughed. "A date with your boss, huh," I grinned.

"First of all, it's not a date, secondly, I'm not going," he dropped his phone next to me.

"Why? Dad, you have to go! Especially... if it's not a date ... "I tried to encourage him, I took my leg off of the couch, leaned in a little to get his phone. At first he didn't understand what I was doing so I quickly got up and unlocked the screen.  "Ah, let's see... Park Seojoon... Why is there a heart next to his name?" I giggled.

"Son, give it back!"  he stood up and started walking towards me but I got around the table so that way he can't even grab it from me, while I read the messages they had exchanged.

"He says you looked really good in the white suit he gave you," I bit my lip. " Did he get you a suit? Aww- that's adorable."

"YAH! Byun Baekhyun!"

" 'You look really good today, Wooseok, I'm glad you're my assistant' ," I read the message out loud. "Looks like your boss likes you dad. Go have dinner with him.."

"Seojoon... he's not right for me, he is rich, and an egoistic bastard," he crossed his arms. That immediately reminded me of the Park siblings, more like Jinyoung, even though he is from a rich family he's not egoistic.

"It seems to me that he is nice to you," I shurgged. "Dad," I stepped forward, putting my hand on his shoulder. "It's time to let mom go, she won't come back, she left you, me, and this Seojoon sounds like a good person." I tilted my head. "Go out with him for me, hm?"

"Okay..." he sighed.

"Really?" My eyes twinkled with delight.

"But you're coming with me," he pointed at me. "I'd feel better if you were there, at least you'd get to know him."

I rolled my eyes. "I can't believe you," I shook my head. "Sure, I'll go with you... Now we should go to sleep," I my belly. "Text your boyfriend we're having a dinner with him tomorrow," I turned off the TV.

"He is not my boyfriend" he growled.

"Just tell yourself that, maybe I'll believe you one day," I yawned. "Good night Dad," I waved and started walking up the stairs.

Since I had already taken a bath before watching TV, I just washed my teeth and then layed down in my bed with a smile on my face. Maybe my dream will come true now. Can I finally see my dad happy?

The dream that I share with Chanyeol.... I hope his dad finds happiness too.

By the way, it's been eight weeks since I met for the first time with Jinyoung and Chanyeol. At school, the students still didn't like the fact that I'm their friend, Nana kept shouting nasty words at my head, she didn't like it at all that the brothers were always on my side, she was trying way too hard to lure Chan away from me with her made up lies, but the Park boy had already learned that trusting Nana was stupid.

I'm happy and I feel safe, Chanyeol is always lurking around in our class room, which first annoyed me, but after a while I got used to it, and Jinyoung protected me in the hallways. Maybe I shouldn't rely on them so much, but I feel like it's for the best. I'm glad they're in my life and I'm really greatful for them.

|| x ||

I grinned as I adjusted dad's dark brown locks. He looks amazing, and I feel proud that he's my father.

"This Seojoon of yours should be happy that he will get a dinner with you."

"I'm not so sure," he looked awkwardly left and right. "Maybe we should go home instead," he tried to turn back to his car, but I grabbed his arm in time and pulled him back.

"Don't be silly, you look amazing! You have nothing to fear." I mean I get that he is nervous. Seojoon has a big house, it's a modern one.. even his gate looks hella' expensive. And the fact that he has three women in the same clothing working on the plants... Damn.. this is the rich life I guess. "Let's go!" I moved forward and pressed the gate bell.

"Yes?" a female voice asked.

"We came to see Park Seojoon. He invited us for dinner, I'm Byun Wooseok."

"Oh, welcome Mr. Byun, I'm opening the gate" I heard a buzzing sound and the white gate opened. The further we went in the more my heart started to pound harder. Does Dad feel this way? I think he is because he's really squeezing my hand.

As soon as we get to the door it opens, my eyes widen. Hold up just a minute! Why is this man so familiar to me? Oh.. OHH I know! 
I smiled knowing this man is kind and won’t hurt my dad, he was the one who called me a taxi after wiping the blood off my forehead. He seems to recognize me too so I quickly shook my head hoping he understands what I meant by it.

"I'm glad you came, you are Baekhyun, right? Your dad told me a lot about you,” he invited us in. I'm happy he didn't mentiont that he was the one who saved me that night, I don't want my dad to like Seojoon just because he was kind to me.

I let go of Dad’s arm and watched with interest as Seojoon took my dad's coat off, hanged it and then looked at me questioningly.

"Oh, I don't really want to take off my sweater. I can get really cold.." Joon nods and sneaks his arm around my dad's waist without a shame. Why do I feel like something happened between the two of them? Something... intimate. Ugh, I want to know!

“Dinner is ready, I hope you like it, my chef is one of the best in the country." Ah, now I understand what my dad meant by him being 'egoistic."

Well I'll decide if the food is really good, since I entered my fifth month I've become an incredible picky person, and now I don't mean that I don't want meat, rice or those things, but that if the food is saltier, or sweeter or more sour than it should be then I will definitely throw a fit.

"You can take a seat," he pointed to the table. Woaah, the middle is made out of glass! "I'm going to call my kids. I hope it's okay that they're joining us."

"Yeah, it's fine."  Dad sits down, I would normally slam down next to him, but what if Seojoon wants to be next to him? Yeah, I better put my somewhere else.

As we waited for Joon to return with his children, two boys began to bring food to the table and the delicious scents were creeping into my nose. I swear if I was alone right now I would let my saliva out, because everything looks god damn good.

I was already eating everything in my head when a familiar voice brought me back to the real life.. Where did I heard this voice before? I know someone who has that idiotic laugh..

I turn around in surprise and saw the three Park siblings. Ha! This is starting to get ridiculous. So... the man who helped me is Chae, Chan and Jin’s father who are my friends and Seojoon is my father’s boss. It’s even funnier than a soap opera played on TV to be honest.

"Baekhyun?" they gape at me in surprise. I get up from the chair and hug them one by one and before anyone asks I started to explain the situation.

"Your dad is my dad's boss. He invited us for dinner," I said then I turned my attention to Chae's baby. I opened my arm to lift him. "Hi there Junnie baby!" I cooed and Jun smiled at me. Ah, I love this kid so much!

"All right kids, let's sit down," Seojoon said, taking a seat next to Dad. Hm, these two fit together so well. I never in my life imagined my dad being with a man, but looking at them now.. They look cute.

The table was filled with laughter as the two grown men told each other embarrassing stories about us, Seojoon mostly talked about Chanyeol saying that he has the funniest past, for example I learned that when he was eight years old he tried to pet a cute puppy in the park, but the dog barked at him and he and ran back to Jinyoung crying.

"Yah, dad, there's nothing funny about that!" Chan was offended. "That bastard scared me," he crossed his arms at which I giggled. "What are you laughing at Baek? It's not like you're better."

"Well, I've never cried because of a dachshund," I put my hand on my stomach because it started to hurt from laughing too much.

"Okay kids, I see everyone's full, I have something else to discuss with Wooseok, is that okay with you Baekhyun?"

"Sure, no problem," I waved, trying not to grin when Joon helped up my father, who had a slight blush on his face as they walked away.

“That was interesting,” Jinyoung blinked, looking down at his phone and smiling. "Ah, gotta go, it was nice to meet your dad."

"Where are you going?"  I'm only interested because it's already late.

"To his boyfriend..." Chaeyoung  giggled.

"Hey, Chae-!"

"What? You know I'm right.."

My mood goes away in an instant, I even started to feel nauseous. Jinyoung.. has a boyfriend.. And I.. I was hoping that maybe..

He was so nice to me! I really feel stupid now.

"Hey, where's the bathroom?" I turned to Chan, he immediately reacted.

"Come, I'll show you."

Sighing, I followed him while watching Jinyoung as he hurried away.

"Are you okay? You look pale."

"I'm fine," I shrugged. "I think it's just because of my pregnancy.." I leaned my back against the wall.

"Maybe you shouldn't have eaten so much," he scolds me, but continues to examine me with worried eyes.

"Yes, maybe," I half-heartedly answer, looking at the bathroom door, knowing I won't go in there. I don't want to be a jerk to Yeol, since he helped me so much, but I simply can't help myself. "I'm going to find dad, I want to go home," I muttered.

"Okay, but I'll come with you, I'm not trying to brag.. but you can get lost here pretty easily," he playfully shoved me in the shoulder. Ugh, it's unbelievable, he can cheer me up even in situations like this.

"Then let's go," I said, putting my hand around his arm, to which he stared at me in surprise, but immediately smiled after.

We found our fathers on the back terrace, and we could see them perfectly, since the door is made of glass, but what surprised both of us was that they were kissing, moreover.. quite passionately.

Seojoon isn't his boyfriend huh? Well, it doesn't seem like it to me..

And just like that, I forgot about Jinyoung and I was filled with happiness.

"It seems that our dream is starting to come true," Yeol poked my side.

I started to nod. "Will I-.. find love too?" I my belly. "I mean.. I'm only sixteen but I'm already expecting a child.. Of course I'm excited about my baby and I can't wait to hold my little one in my hands, but who would need me like that? If I told anyone how I got pregnant at such a young age, they would turn away from me... " I bowed my head.

"Baekhyun, don't say such things. You will find someone who will love you with all their heart, maybe not today, tomorrow, or a year from now, but I'm sure you won't be alone," he put his arms around my neck, pulling me closer to him.

He's right, because... dad found someone now that he loves, so I have a chance too.

"Oh, they're coming in, we'd better go back to the table before they think we were spying on them," he wanted to pull away, but I quickly grabbed his wrist. "Hm? What is it?"

"Thank you, Yeol," I stood on my tiptoes and planted a kiss on his cheek, then left him in a state of shock and went back.

|| x ||

While we were going home, I didn't say a word, I want dad to decide for himself what to do with Seojoon, I hope he really tries it with him, I would be the happiest person in the world then.

And now.. I have to forget Jinyoung will ever look at me more than a friend no matter how much I wanted him. At least he could have told me he has a boyfriend, I wouldn't have started to hope..

I don't even understand why I'm angry.. since Yeol said I'll find someone.

However, my little one will arrive in a few months, I haven't even chosen a name for my baby, and I already know the gender. I would also like to get some clothes, a stroller, a bed, cute stuffed animals, diapers and of course all the necessary things. I can only focus on my love after I can provide a normal life for my daughter.

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Chapter 6: I'm glad things worked out for them. I hope the same goes for the dads
Beau1996 1380 streak #2
Chapter 6: Nice ending to the Chanbaek part - Areum is the perfect name!
Beau1996 1380 streak #3
Chapter 5: I like how there relationship is progressing - you have a good grasp of inner monologue, especially how quickly you're mind can go back and forth between thoughts - friends with baby daddy is always a good thing if you're not together 🐻
Beau1996 1380 streak #4
Chapter 4: Yeah - a little girl!! Parks and Byuns just more and more involved!!
Beau1996 1380 streak #5
Chapter 3: Did you reorganize this story? I like mpreg stories a lot!
springmiya #6
Chapter 7: ^_^
Chapter 7: Oh this was a surprise
springmiya #8
Chapter 6: loved the chapter
Beau1996 1380 streak #9
Chapter 6: Nice dream and promise!!
Chapter 6: Lol Baek really isn't on Chanyeol. I get it though. I would be put out with him too tbh