Until You Came Along

I was headed for the exit while looking at the ground. I felt incredibly sick, I felt like I can just vomit since this morning and for some reason my back has been hurting a lot. During the lunch break I couldn't stand up... this pregnancy really hitting me in a bad way. I'm envious of those who don't have a problem with the whole baby carrying.

I vaguely saw the students going outside, someone pushed me from behind and since I had no strength left I fell. ! I hit my knee. I feel pathetic, no one stops to help, they laugh, they take photos. I hate this.

"Hey, are you okay?" A student squatted down in front of me, holding out his hand. I have already learned not to fall for these, I have been disappointed too many times, my heart can't take it anymore.

"Jinyoung! Leave that alone, you know he is a liar!" A random student shouted from the crowd. Jinyoung? Brother of Chae and Chanyeol? This is the first time I seen him.. I mean.. the second.

"I'll decide what to do, I don't need to believe in your stupid gossips," he growled, gently wrapped his arms around my waist and helped me to my feet. I wanted to resist, but I really didn't have any strength left.. if he beats me too.. then I'll defend my belly again.

We slowly entered the bathroom where he helped me lean against the wall. Ugh, I'm like a puppet.

"Would you like some water? I didn't open it yet and it's cold." I would normally refuse, but it's just water, it can't hurt me especially if it's unopened, so I reluctantly took it from him. “This is my first day at school and everyone already thinks I’m their buddy. I've heard a lot about you." I rolled my eyes as I drank the liquid in big gulps. "I don't believe everything I hear from people, especially because I don't know them." He pulled out some kind of a cereal bar and started muching on it. "My brother is in your class, I hope he's not misbehaving, he can be an idiot sometimes."

I put the cap onto the bottle and shrugged. I was too sick today to watch what Chanyeol was doing.

"In the first break he happily told me that you're going to give him a tour, but in the second one he was hanging out with a girl."

"It was Nana.."

"Ah.. I've heard a lot about her, too."

"Listen, thank you for giving me water and helping me back there, but I don't have the time to chat," I put the bottle in my bag.

"I saw how they treated you out there, it's awful.. Chae has told me a lot about you and since my sister likes you, I do to. Feel free to come to me if anyone bullies you again."

"Chaeyoung is my friend, but what makes you think I'll trust you? Your brother acted nice until Nana brainwashed him."

"Argh, I need to talk to that ," he massaged his forehead. "First of all, I can't fully feel what you're going through now, but remember, my sister was pregnant, just like you are now. At the school we all three went to, almos everyone was bullying my sister, so our dad decided that she should study from home. Me and Chan were taken out of the school as well. Chae suffered for a long time, she felt alone, seeing her cry every day was not pleasant. Secondly, don’t be mad at my stupid brother, he is easy to manipulate. If you choose not to trust me, so be it, I just want you to know I would make friends with you sooner than with those gossiping money-hungry leeches."

"Which classroom is yours?"

[*] "E/5, except when we have PE and Chem'."

"Then.. maybe.. I'll come by sometimes," I was playing with my fingers nervously. 

"Okay," he nodded.

I turned around with a quiet sigh, I'd better hurry, dad's definitely worried about me. As soon as I opened the door I almost got a minor heart attack, Chanyeol almost fell through the door. Did he eavesdroped? How cheeky.

Neither he nor I had time to speak because Jinyoung grabbed Chanyeol's ear and the younger brother whimpered in pain.

"We have to talk little brother," he growled at him. Huh, so he can be scary too.. "I'll see you tomorrow, Baek," he grinned at me, pulling his brother out of the bathroom. Well, that was interesting.

I'd be the happiest if Chanyeol was by my side, Jin-ah doesn't have a good influence, and it seems to me that the Park brothers are nice. Even though I don't know their dad, but what Jinyoung said about their father taking Chae out of school when she was bullied. He must be a good man, too.

There is so many people who hate me here I don't want that number to expand further.

|| x ||

Now I regret coming in today, the more days go by the worse I get, the doctor said it's normal only I get the symptoms stronger. She recommended I should drink a lot so I don't dry myself out, and she given me a vitamin that I have to take every four hours.

I stood up nauseously, turned around and jumped when I saw Jinyoung with a water bottle in his hand.

"Are you and your brother are some kind of ninjas?" I frowned as I accepted the bottle.

"You were distracted, you didn't even hear me when I shouted your name, you just came in here so I bought you some water.. Why don't you carry water with you?"

"I forgot" I washed my hands and suggested we should go out to the hallway, I don't feel like talking in the bathroom again, not because it's disgusting, the school toilets are unbelievably clean, I'm just here too many times because of my sickness.

When we stepped out I was a little bit nervous, but the students didn't even care. Are ing serious? Would a Park really have this much power? I still haven’t looked at why they’re so rich and why people look up to them, not like I care..

"So... did you talk to your brother?"

"Yeah, he was ashamed he fell for the rumors, he should have been smarter because of Chae."

"He's a real idiot." I muttered. "I mean, that's not--!"

"It's okay, in most cases no one dares to insult us since the incident. I'm glad you did it whitout hesitation," he laughed. Okay, I'm starting to like him a lot. "Oh-oh, idiot Yeol danger. He may be stupid, but he deserves another chance," he patted me on my shoulder, then as Chanyeol stood in front of us I was staring at him with suspicious eyes, and Jinyoung left us alone.

"Do you want to say something?" I crossed my arm. I wanted to grin as he stood in front of me with his head bowed, his face was full with guilt, but I restrained myself.

"I want to apologize for believing all the things Nana said about you."

"And?" I rolled my eyes.

"And... don't be mad at me for turning away from you right away. I was stupid, it happens. Jinyoung yelled at me for it.. I deserved it. ”He scratched the back of his neck.

"I don't blame you. Everyone except your brother condemns me. I'm used to it. You are forgiven" I smiled.

"Then... do I have a chance to be your friend?" His eyes sparkled with hope.

" I don't think so.."

"Why?" He whined and pouted.

"Everyone hates the fact that I'm talking to your brother already, I'm surprised I haven't been beaten for it yet... My baby's safety comes first."

"I could protect you two." A smile appears on my face, I'm glad he said 'you two', he wanted to protect my little one and that felt nice.

"You don't even know me.''

"But I want to know you... What if we go out to eat after school?"

"Chanyeol," I would refuse, but he interrupts.

"Chae and Jinyoung are coming too.."

"All right.. but until then, let's just not talk, I want to avoid trouble." The Park boy nodded then whispered that he is going to bump me in the shoulder just to make it looke like he hates me because every student were looking at us, so when he did it I wasn't suprised but it took all my energy to not laugh out loud.

Eating with the Park siblings, eh? Then I'll have to tell dad not to pick me up. I couldn’t deny how happy I am now.

I actually owe it to Jinyoung, he talked to his brother as he said and now he is by my side as well. My heart started to beat faster of the memory when he helped me get up from the ground.. Ah, stop Baek, you would never have a chance with that guy, especially because you're pregnant!

Hell, who would want a sixteen-year-old pregnant boy? I'd better forget about love, my baby is my first priority.

            Jinyoung and I waited in the parking lot, more precisely in his car. I don't know much about cars, I never cared about them, but.. I didn't expect this. I really thought he will have like.. a sport car or something like that, but his car doesn't seem on the expensive side and I look up to that. Even though he is rich, he is definitely humble. Would it be rude if I'd asked him why doesn't he have a more expensive car? Maybe I should just keep quiet.

"How are you feeling?" Jinyoung asked suddenly, which made me jump. "Oops, I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's fine" I waved it off. "I'm.. good I guees? My back hurts a little."

"Lean forward."

"Pardon?" I blushed right away.

"Lean forward, I'll try to give you a massage. It worked for my sister, she also complained about having back pains and I always gave her a massage." Ah, I see. I leaned forward and I felt his hand on my back, he started to press his fingers, I didn't had to tell him where it hurt's the most, he knew exactly what he was doing. As his fingers were moving all around my lower back I had to bite my lip, he was doing such a good job that my legs trembled. "Is it better now?"

"Much better, thank you"

"Tell me if it's hurting again" he winked at me. Well, that was pretty confusing, I could only nod. Agh, why does he has to be this kind?

"Oh," Chanyeol snapped me out of my thoughts, he had the car's door open and he was looking at me with a suprised face.  At firts a didn't know why he was staring at me, but then-

"Oh, I'm sorry," I was ready to get out of the car to give him the passenger seat.

"No, you can stay" he sat in the back of the car. "Sorry for taking so long, Jin-ah tried to hold me back."

"You should just tell her to piss off" JingYoung started the vehicle.

"I wish it would be that simple.. She is really stubborn.. Whatever, I'll handle it later."

And this is how our short trip went, the two brothers talked, mostly Chanyeol.. He talks way too much, it started to annoy me, but everytime I heard Jinyoung's calm voice it also calmed me down, and if it didn't I just thought about him giving me that good massage.

The relationship between Chanyeol and Jinyoung is so werid.. I mean, is this how brothers really behave? Jin always humiliates his little brother, calls him an idiot and a fool, never praises him, but they don't seem to hate each other.

I wonder how they will behave in front of Chaeyoung.

As soon as we arrived, I didn't wait until we parked normally, because out of the corner of my eye I saw Chae so I jumped out of the car and ran infront of her to gave her a hug. I missed her so much!

"Baek? What are you doing here?"

"Your twin invited me," I grinned, looking down at the stroller to see his son, because I had only seen him in the pictures so far. "Omo, look at you, you are adorable!"

"Would you like to hold him?" My eyes immediately lit up.

"Can I?" I bounced excitedly. Chae chuckled, reached for her baby and handed him to me. "Omo," I teared up.

"Yah, don't you dare cry, I'm still sensitive," she warned me. My chest was filled with pure warmth. As I watched Chaeyoung’s son, my heart was full of happiness, I don't know why, but this gives me strength, and I want to hold my little one in my hand as soon as possible.

"I'm sorry but I can't control it" I blinked violently hoping my tears will stop. I was ready tell tell her more, but Jinyoung and Chanyeol came to us running, interupting the sweet moment.

"BaekHyun! Never do that again! Are you out of your mind? You could have been hurt,” the oldest brother shook his head.

"Sorry," I lowered my head. It was really stupid of me to jump out of a moving car.

"I'm only saying it's okay, because nothing bad happened to you" he smiled at me, and ruffled my hair, then carefully took the baby out of my hand, putting him back in the stroller, and hugging his sister as we started to go towards the restaurant. My face flushed again.. it felt soo good when he ruffled my hair..

"Hey, is there something wrong?" Chanyeol stepped next to me. I grimaced, does he really has to bother me when I'm daydreaming?!

"No" I replied briefly, immediately following Chae and Jin.

When we entered the restaurant I was ashamed because of my clothing choice. I have a big sweater and grey sweatpants on, with a sneaker that is way too old, while Chaeyoung is in a beautiful floral dress, Jinyoung is wearing a white shirt fashionably and Chanyeol is wearing a shirt too, only his is black.

A woman stood in front of Chae with a kind smile, I heard her say there was a place at their usual table. As I followed them, I could feel the woman's condemning gaze, she even muttered something but I didn't understand.

As we sat down, I was surprised that there was no menu on the table. I blinked in confusion.

"Baek, what would you like to eat?"

"Ahh... I'm- ," I looked left and right.

Jinyoung put his phone on the table  "This restaurant does not have a menu, you need to download an app. Here you have to choose what you want and the chefs will get your order on a big TV. It's mutch more faster for them, ” he explained and I nodded as I scrolled on his phone, getting pale becasue of the prices.

"I ... I don't have the money for this," I pouted.

"You've been invited, you don't have to pay." Well that's just..  "You eat what you want." I'm still not sure if I should eat. "You can't let your baby starve," Chanyeol grinned because he knew he got me with that one. I rolled my eyes and started looking for something cheaper.

The dinner was interesting, I barely spoke, not because I didn’t want to, I just stuffed the food in me without stopping, glad I didn’t feel like at last. Jinyoung was busy with Chae's baby. 

I think Jin would be an awsome father.. I wish he was my baby's father.. He would support me unlike Jackson..

Chanyeol sincerely wanted to gave me brain cancer with all of his bull stuff, I was constantly bombarded with questions but I totally ignored him, sometimes I hummed something irrelevant but I focused entirely on Jinyoung and of course on the food.

As we left the restaurant I happily caressed my stomach because my little one must be very happy, it's been a long time since I had this much food in my belly and didn't throw up after eating. 

"Baekhyun, is it okay for you if Chan takes you home?" Jinyoung turned to me. No! It's not okay, I don't want to be alone with this idiot.

"Can he drive at all? What if the cops catch him?"

"Don't worry, he already has his driver's license there will be nothing wrong he is a safe driver. Me and Chae are going to go on foot because the stroller can't fit into my car. ” he smiled giving his car keys to his little brother.

I sighed, throwing a big tantrum in my head. I hugged Chae and give a big kiss to his son, but I didn't hug Jinyoung, we're not that close yet, so I just waved at him and we said goodbye to each other, Jin slapped Yeol on the shoulder, telling him to take care of me which really made me happy.

"Did you have fun?" Chanyeol buckled his seat belt, waiting for me to do it too.

"Yeah, I did. Thanks for the invitation"  I took out my phone writing to my father that I was on the way home.

"You can come another time, we used to have dinner there every week, originally it was ordered by our father, he thought we would get closer to each other, which was successful. We’re doing it out of routine now and since we all like you, we’d love to see you more."

"That's cute, but seriously, that place is too expensive for me and I hate it when someone else is paying for me. Also it's a family thing isn't it?  I'd rather not spoil it."  But I would love to be with Jinyoung and eat with him though..

I still don’t know how to act with Yeol, I known him for two days which is not a lot.. I can't really read him yet. He smiles non-stop, which is quite irritating, his jokes are flat and gullible. I’m really grateful to Jinyoung for talking to him, but I don’t really want to befriend him.. I just didn't want him to hate me for no reason.

"Dou you wanna tell about yourself little? You were so quiet all along" Ugh.. he just can't shut up, can he?

"There's nothing I can say," I shrugged, looking out the window, hoping we would get to my house as soon as possible.. But he drives so ing slowly!

"For sure there is! Everyone has. For example, I play guitar and piano as a hobby.. when I finish school I will take these more seriously! My dream is to be a composer!" He said excitedly, devotedly. "What's your dream?"

"... To make Dad finally completely happy." I mumbled.. "Mom left us when I was a little baby. Dad sacrificed everything for me, he didn't get to find someone for himself, and I think I'm taking that chance away from him again," my eyes started to tear up. “I was irresponsible, I got pregnant, and I didn't had the heart to get an abortion" I hugged my belly. "He promised to support me, but if he focuses on a baby again when he will have time for himself?" I sobbed.

The car stopped after a few seconds, I heard a movement next to me and then I felt two arms around my body.

"I totally understand," he whispered in a soothing hoarse deep voice that made me relax, but my tears didn't stop. "Our mother died in an accident, I was eight years old. My siblings and I never missed a day looking for her, we didn’t want to accept that she was gone, our father lost himself, he started drinking, Jinyoung tried to raise me and Chaeyoung for two years. I clearly remember the day when an eleven-year-old Jin yelled at our father that he had three children who he needed to take care of. From then on, he did exactly what your dad did, sacrificing everything for us." Although I didn't see him, I was sure he was smiling. "You know what," he leaned away, raising his hand in front of me. "Why don't we share that dream? The dream that one day maybe our fathers will find real happiness?" He lowered all his fingers except the little one.

I stared at him in surprise, the tears dried on my face, my lips curled up, and we did a pinky swear.

"I'd like that." I nodded with a smile.

[*] (I don't really know how class rooms work in Korea or anywhere else, but in my country every class has their own room and number, so that's why I put E/5)

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Chapter 6: I'm glad things worked out for them. I hope the same goes for the dads
Beau1996 1380 streak #2
Chapter 6: Nice ending to the Chanbaek part - Areum is the perfect name!
Beau1996 1380 streak #3
Chapter 5: I like how there relationship is progressing - you have a good grasp of inner monologue, especially how quickly you're mind can go back and forth between thoughts - friends with baby daddy is always a good thing if you're not together 🐻
Beau1996 1380 streak #4
Chapter 4: Yeah - a little girl!! Parks and Byuns just more and more involved!!
Beau1996 1380 streak #5
Chapter 3: Did you reorganize this story? I like mpreg stories a lot!
springmiya #6
Chapter 7: ^_^
Chapter 7: Oh this was a surprise
springmiya #8
Chapter 6: loved the chapter
Beau1996 1380 streak #9
Chapter 6: Nice dream and promise!!
Chapter 6: Lol Baek really isn't on Chanyeol. I get it though. I would be put out with him too tbh