Episode 15.5

i'd rather lose (my mind)
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The golden-haired knight, carefully adjusting her cloak, sat opposite Lady Ning and the princess. On the other hand, the lady of the house leaned forward. Her delicate fingers traced the intricate patterns adorning her goblet. "Pray, reveal thy name," she commanded.


The knight inclined her head respectfully. "I am known as Jimin, milady.”


Curiosity flickered in the Lady's eyes as she looked at her. "Would it be acceptable for you to adopt a disguise?" she inquired. "This would entail forsaking your sword on occasion."


Jimin's gaze shifted to the princess. "As long as I remain in the presence of thy grace, I shall embrace any guise," she pledged.


Lady Ning nodded, understanding the knight’s devotion. "Minjeong, in her concealed identity, shall adopt the humble role of a farmhand," she disclosed. "Would you also be inclined to assume a similar facade?"


Confusion flickered briefly across Jimin's countenance, "Minjeong?"


"That is the name by which our princess shall be known," The lady clarified.


Understanding dawned in Jimin's eyes as she connected the dots. "I comprehend," she affirmed. "I am willing to undertake the role of a farmhand, though I must confess, milady, that my knowledge of tending crops is rather limited."


A warm smile graced Lady Ning's lips as she reassured the knight. "That poses no hindrance. I shall enlist the aid of our head farmhand to instruct thee both," she says with a soothing tone. "The knowledge of your true identities shall remain a secret between us."


"Now, accompany me," the lady of the house beckoned, rising from her seat with fluid grace. She motioned for them to follow as she led them toward a nearby chamber. "I shall provide you with garments that befit thy roles. Those cloaks arouse suspicion.”


Lady Ning guided her esteemed guests into a lavishly adorned bedroom, its opulent tapestries and ornate furnishings exuding an air of elegance. 


She extended a fresh set of clothes towards the knight. "Jimin, this shall be your temporary abode," Lady Ning declared.


Jimin's brows furrowed with concern as her gaze fell upon the solitary bed within the room. "Pardon me, milady, but I must inquire, for there seems to be only one resting place."


The lady's eyes sparkled mischievously. "Indeed, good knight, for there is only one of thee," she replied with a coy smile.


The knight's gaze shifted to Winter, seeking support and understanding. "Yet, I must be in the constant presence of the princess—" 


"Minjeong," Winter corrected.


"Apologies…. I am bound to remain in the presence of Minjeong… that means at all times," Jimin amended.


A rosy blush crept across Winter's cheeks at the knight's words, "Nonsense," she interjected, her voice carrying a note of authority. "We shall each have our own chambers if it’s alright with Lady Ning"


The lady's face flushed at the sudden call of her name from the royal. "Ah, yes, of course, Princess Minjeong," she stammered, attempting to regain her composure. "That was, indeed, my original intent"




Winter cut Jimin off with a firm look. "Jimin, please, change your clothes instead," she commanded, her tone gentle but authoritative. Winter took the courtesy of closing the door behind them, leaving the knight to her preparations.


As Jimin removed her cloak, her eyes caught sight of a stain upon her garments—a telltale mark of spilled blood. She brought the fabric closer to her nose, inhaling deeply.


She can’t smell.


"It worsens," she murmured, her words carried away by a sigh.





Lady Ning and Princess Winter engaged in a whispered conversation within the confines of the princess's appointed chamber. The flickering candlelight cast dancing shadows on the chamber walls, mirroring the weight of their discussion.


"Our noble knight is rather intense," Lady Ning observed, her voice hushed as they spoke of Jimin's unwavering dedication to the princess's safety.


"She is," Winter agreed, her fingers fumbling with the laces of her gown as she struggled to change her attire.


Once she had finally donned her elegant dress, Winter settled on the bed beside Lady Ning. Her eyes brimmed with curiosity as she posed a question, her voice laced with apprehension. "Do you know anything about the sorceress?"


Lady Ning let out a weary sigh, her gaze distant as she contemplated the enigmatic figure. "Sorceress Yu," she mused. "Her appearance is ever-changing, like a chameleon that evades capture."


A sense of confusion washed over Winter. If the sorceress was not Karina, then it meant that Karina resided within this realm as Jimin, her loyal knight. 


Then…. The very purpose of escaping her past lover was rendered futile.


Determined not to let history repeat itself, Winter steeled her resolve. She couldn't allow the same cycle to unfold again.


"Is there any way for me to relieve the knight of their duty? I’m a princess, right?" Winter inquired, seeking guidance from Lady Ning. 


Lady Ning offered a sympathetic smile, her eyes filled with understanding. "The king's commands are absolute, my princess. Your knight will not abandon their post."


Winter's heart sank. How could she distance herself from Jimin, the one who now held the essence of Karina? 


"Are you truly afraid of Jimin, Your Grace?" Lady Ning's inquiry pierced Winter's thoughts.


As Winter allowed the question to permeate her consciousness, the image of Jimin's face, marred by the stain of blood, surged forth, haunting her mind with its vivid intensity.


"If it is your wish," Lady Ning interjected, interrupting Winter's inner turmoil, "I can devise a plan to minimize your interactions with your knight."


"I would be grateful for that, Lady Ning. Thank you," Winter expressed.


As the conversation between Lady Ning and Princess Minjeong continued, hurried footsteps pierced through the air. The harmony of their words was abruptly interrupted by the arrival of a distressed servant, her breath heavy with worry.


"Milady, someone pleads for your aid!" the servant exclaimed urgently.


Lady Ning's face reflected concern as she turned her attention to the servant. "Forgive the interruptions, Minjeong.”


Minjeong trailed closely behind Lady Ning, her eyes widening with curiosity and empathy as she caught sight of an old man clutching a frail child to his chest. It was a heartbreaking scene that tugged at her heartstrings.


"Please, milady, my daughter is gravely ill," the old man implored.


Minjeong's heart ached at the sight of the child, her small form shivering as if in the grip of an unseen force. Purple bruises marred the girl's throat and lower face. Reacting swiftly, Lady Ning took charge, her voice emanating both authority and compassion. "Bring her to the clinic," she directed, gesturing towards a nearby room.


The father and Lady Ning's devoted servant hurriedly carried the child into the designated room, swiftly preparing a bed for her comfort. Lady Ning followed close behind, her nimble fingers deftly searching through drawers for a specific object.


With practiced grace, Lady Ning rummaged through the drawers, her hands moving swiftly and purposefully. Finally, she retrieved a small stone adorned with mystical inscriptions. As if guided by unseen forces, the stone began to emit a radiant glow, casting an otherworldly light upon the room.


"Open your mouth, little one," Lady Ning gently instructed the child, her voice a soothing melody.


With innocent trust, the girl obediently complied, allowing Lady Ning to use the enchanted stone to examine . A soft murmur escaped the lady's lips as her diagnosis unfolded before her eyes.


"Just as I suspected," Lady Ning murmured.


"Minjeong, would you kindly pass me that bottle adorned in green?" Lady Ning's voice carried a hint of urgency. Her focus is firmly fixed on the task at hand.


Minjeong's eyes widened in alarm. There are tons of green bottles. "Which bottle?" she panicked.


"The one adorned with exquisite details.”


Minjeong's heart pounded as she scanned the assortment of green bottles before her, her hands trembling slightly. She held up three bottles in her grasp, her uncertainty evident. "Is it this one?" 


Lady Ning's gaze briefly shifted to the bottles presented by Minjeong, "No, it rests upon the uppermost shelf.”


Dismay etched itself onto Minjeong's face as she contemplated the height disparity between herself and the elusive bottle. Just as her frustration threatened to overwhelm her, an unexpected intervention unfolded. A strong arm appeared out of nowhere, encircling her waist in a gesture of support and stability.


"Careful, your grace," whispered the blonde knight. With ease, Jimin reached up and retrieved the desired bottle.


Jimin presented it to Lady Ning, "Is this the one you seek?"


"Yes!" Lady Ning wasted no time, promptly instructing the child to consume its contents. As the liquid was consumed, Lady Ning's expert knowledge and care began to take effect.


Tears welled in the father's eyes as gratitude overwhelmed him, his voice choked with emotion as he expressed his heartfelt appreciation and blessings upon the lady of the house.


At the entrance of the room, Winter and Jimin stood side by side. The knight's arm remained protectively wrapped around Minjeong's waist.


Winter allowed herself to bask in this fleeting moment.


Just for this brief instance.


Just once, she indulges in this familiar warmth again.





Inside the cozy confines of the wagon, the trio gathered around the spread-out map, their eyes focused on the marked locations. Giselle extended her slender finger to indicate crossed-out sites. "These are the three towns within our reach.”


Her gaze sharpened as she continued, "My instinct tells me that the princess is concealed within the fortified walls of Nu Evo Citadel. It boasts a strategic position and a legion of the royal army —a fitting sanctuary for the royal blood.”


Curiosity etched across Chaewon's face as she leaned closer. "And what of these other two towns?"


Giselle's expression grows grim as her gaze shifts to the marked towns on the map. "Hebi is plagued by the relentless Ashen Veil. It is only a matter of time before the neighboring town of Navi falls victim as well," she explained.


The sorceress rested her chin upon her hand, her mind seemingly lost in contemplation. 


"Let us journey to Hebi," she declared with resolute.


Giselle's brows furrowed, "Karina, the kingdom would never grant permission for the princess to venture into such a blighted land.”


Karina's eyes sparkled with unwavering determination. "I am aware, yet still..." she trailed off.


"Do not forget that the body of our princess rests under our protection," Giselle reminded. "What if the Ashen Veil were to take hold of her?" the air alchemist adds as she gestures towards Chaewon’s body.


Karina's confidence emanated as she leaned back, "Fear not, for I am here," she boasted with a self-assured smile tugging at her lips. "And I implore you, Giselle, to call me Minji when I wear this borrowed visage.”





On their third day in the town of Navi, Lady Ning gracefully led her guests through the lush expanse of her farm, her steps light and purposeful. The farmhands paused from their tasks to greet her with deference, their faces brightening at the sight of their esteemed lady.


Minjeong and Jimin followed closely behind, their eyes wide with curiosity as they took in the sights. So far, Lady Ning had shown them the grand manor house, vibrant flower gardens, expansive pastures, and bustling stables.


Now, they found themselves in the sprawling orchard, its layout organized in neat rows of fruit trees, creating a mesmerizing grid-like pattern. The air was filled with the sweet scent of ripe fruits, and the central pathway buzzed with activity as farmhands diligently transported the harvested bounty back to the manor.


Minjeong couldn't contain her amazement and blurted, "Your family is both merchants and farmers, no wonder you’re so rich."


Lady Ning chuckled warmly. "Indeed, but it is their combined efforts that have brought us prosperity," she explained, gesturing to the diligent workers. "They tend to this land with love and care, and in return, it provides for them, allowing them to feed their families and lead a life of dignity."


Minjeong nodded in admiration, truly impressed by Lady Ning's compassionate approach to managing her estate.


Suddenly, the blonde knight spoke up. "Milady, is this where we shall be working?" 


Lady Ning turned to face the knight, "Indeed. This orchard is a vital part of our estate. We shall seek out our esteemed head farmhand and request his guidance in training you."


As they ventured deeper into the orchard, Lady Ning overheard snippets of hushed conversation between two farmers. Intrigued, sh

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Phew! Finally laid out the "hints" for this story.

I hope u guys don't mind the additional characters! This story will involve a loooot of disguises so be on your toes ^^

Let me hear ur thoughts on the comments (ps: so far no one is getting it right on who's the "real" karina)


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2188 streak #1
Chapter 16: I miss this story...
Chapter 16: karina vs... karina?? AJHFJAHFJA
Chapter 15: this is so interesting.... WTF
Chapter 13: OH MY GOD ??????
Chapter 11: :((
Chapter 9: This chapter is so cute i always love me a bookshop owner winter. But i honestly cant help but imagine them as smurfs KAHDKSHAHA oh well at least theyre in love 🥰
Chapter 5: 🥺🥺🥺
Chapter 16: Its been a long while since I last saw this fic, congrats on the promo author-ssi! 🥳
385 streak #10
Chapter 1: 🥹🥹🥹🥹