Episode 9.4

i'd rather lose (my mind)
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Winter lay there, unmoving and still, her eyelids shut tight as she tried to ignore the pull of consciousness. She was too afraid to open her eyes, too afraid that she would have to face the harsh realities of her life once again.


The woman couldn’t help but feel like a failure. The thought of facing another day seemed unbearable. 


She couldn’t remember her dream nor why she felt like had let down the only person she cared about.


Winter groaned as she was violently jostled awake. She blinked her eyes open to find her best friend, Giselle, hovering over her, looking frantic. "We have to open the bookstore, dumbo" Giselle said urgently. "The morning rush is going to start any minute now!"


Winter rubbed her eyes and glanced at the clock. It was only 6 am. She couldn't imagine why anyone would want to buy books this early in the morning. But Giselle was already bustling around the room, gathering her things and urging Winter to do the same.


As Winter swung her feet out of bed and stood up, she noticed something strange. Everything in the room was blue. The walls, the curtains, the bedspread. Even the light filtering in through the window was tinted blue.


The young girl couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. The blue tint seemed almost unnatural like they were trapped in a dream. She wondered if she was still asleep, dreaming of this strange scenario.


Am I dreaming? 


No, this feels too real.


"Is it just me or is everything blue?" Winter asked, her voice groggy.


Giselle paused in her frantic movements and looked around the room. "Oh, yeah," she said as if just noticing it herself. "That's because you haven't found your soulmate yet."


Winter’s eyes widened in confusion. "What do you mean?"


Giselle let out a sigh, "The world didn’t change when you slept, Winter. The rules stay the same.”


“What rules?” Winter asked in confusion.


Her best friend just gave a huff as she arranged her stuff, “The rule that everything will only bloom into all of the colors when you’ve finally laid your eyes upon your soulmate’s eyes.”


Winter doesn’t know why she felt fear and excitement mixed within her. The thought of finally meeting her soulmate was only supposed to be thrilling… but why does Winter feel like it is also bound to break her heart?


Before she could think more on the matter, Giselle was already pulling her to push Winter to the bathroom. 


Her mind was still reeling with questions when they reached the bookstore. As they unlocked the door and the lights, Winter couldn't help but feel disoriented by the blue glow that filled the room. Even the books on the shelves seemed to have a blue tint to them.


"This is so strange," Winter muttered to herself, her head spinning.


Giselle and Winter were the owners of the small but beloved bookstore in town. They were an odd pair, with personalities that seemed to clash at every turn. Somehow, however, their opposite natures had blended together to create a business that had become a staple in the community.


When they had first opened the store, they had joked that they were like the characters from the classic comedy film "Dumb and Dumber". Giselle had laughed about it and tossed the name around, never truly expecting it to stick. But to their surprise, the locals had taken a liking to the name and soon it became synonymous with the bookstore itself.


People would come in and ask for recommendations from "the Dumb and Dumber duo", and Winter and Giselle would smile, knowing that they had somehow stumbled upon the perfect name for their store.


Dumb & Dumber bookstore was a cozy and inviting space that immediately drew you in with its warm blue lighting and inviting smell of freshly brewed coffee. 


Winter's long wooden counter with shelves of books behind it acted as the café area, where customers could order a latte or pastry to enjoy while they peruse the shelves. 


Despite the emphasis on fiction, the bookstore had a diverse collection of science research materials. From textbooks on biology to treatises on physics, there was something for every science enthusiast. And for those who preferred non-fiction, the bookstore had a section dedicated to memoirs and biographies, with titles ranging from historical figures to modern-day celebrities.


The walls were lined with shelves of books, with comfortable chairs and tables placed strategically throughout the store for customers to relax and read. Soft background music played over the speakers, adding to the peaceful atmosphere. 


But this was no ordinary bookstore. It was a haven for book lovers who wanted to take their time and enjoy the company of like-minded individuals. 


Members of the bookstore's subscription service had access to exclusive seating areas, where they could settle in with a good book and a steaming cup of coffee. The bookstore even offered book clubs and reading groups for its members, where they could discuss the latest titles with fellow readers.


Moreover, the staff were knowledgeable and friendly, always ready to help customers find the perfect book or recommend a new author. It was this enthusiasm that made the bookstore more than just a place to buy books - it was a community.


Well… almost all of the staff were friendly. 


Winter sat behind the cash register, head bowed down as she rang up the day's sales. She never looked up at the customers who approached her, only glancing at their bodies from the neck down.


Winter knew it was strange, but she couldn't bring herself to look anyone in the eye.


She thinks Giselle asked about it before.


"Why won't you look at them, dumbo?" Her friend asked, as she organized a stack of books nearby.


Winter shrugged, not wanting to admit the truth. She didn't feel like she deserved to look someone in the eye, especially if that meant recognizing her soulmate. She wasn't ready for that kind of connection, not when she felt so lost and uncertain in her own life.


The young woman was lost in thought, sorting through paperwork at the counter when she heard someone approach. Without looking up, she bowed her head and kept her gaze fixed on the desk in front of her, intentionally avoiding the customer's face.


Someone approached the cash register, placing their items on the counter. Winter took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. 


"Hi there," a woman said, her voice warm and friendly.


Winter couldn't help but be mesmerized by the sound of the customer's voice, even though she kept her blue-colored sight on the low.


The shop owner nodded, trying to keep her voice steady. "Good day. Did you find everything you were looking for?"


"Yes, I did. Thank you. How much do I owe you?"


Winter rang up the items and gave the woman the total. She tried to focus on the task at hand, but she couldn't help stealing glances at the customer out of the corner of her eye. There was something about the way she moved and spoke that drew Winter in.


As Winter handed over the money, the woman's fingers brushed against Winter's, sending a shockwave through her. She quickly pulled her hand back, feeling her cheeks grow warm.

"Thanks," the woman said, tucking their change into her wallet. "Have a good day."











The bookstore doesn't sell well on a rainy day, prompting Winter to focus on checking their inventory and all of the technical stuff on their computer. 


The gloomy blue hue on the outside didn't even help with the mood. 


Winter saw an unfamiliar stack of flyers on the surface, when she walked behind the counter of the bookstore . "Hey, Gi…" she said, "What are these flyers for?"


Giselle looked up from the book she was reading and sighed. "Oh, those," she said, "The Oracle requires every business establishment to give them out for the sake of spreading the 'Word'."


"The 'Word'?" Winter repeated, confused.


"You're really forgetful these days-" Giselle mirrored her expression, "-have you forgotten? Our society is now governed by religious organizations who follow the Oracle."


Winter furrowed her brow. "The Oracle? Who's that?"


Her friend's expression turned solemn which is even more riveting with Winter's blue-colored sight.  "He's the Messiah, the chosen one. He delivers opinions in cryptic phrases or with pompous dogmatism. It's said that his words are the will of the gods themselves."


Winter couldn't believe what she was hearing. "But how can a man have that much power? What happened to democracy?"


Giselle shook her head. "It all started 50 years ago, with the Global War. People lost faith in their governments and turned to religion for comfort. The Oracle rose to power, claiming to have the answers to all of our problems. And now, we are all governed by his words."


The young shop owner felt a chill run down her spine. "But what about those who don't believe in him?"


Giselle sighed. "They are seen as heretics, as enemies of the state. They are silenced, or worse."


Winter felt her stomach turn. She couldn't believe that her society had fallen so far, that they had given up their freedom for the false promises of a man who claimed to speak for the gods.


"Is this why we don't sell any books relating to religion?"


Giselle nodded, "I'm even surprised that you asked about the Bible a few days ago. The last time I heard that word was when we're watching TV when I was seven."


Giselle then closed her book before continuing to speak, "Also, it's really hard to find the books concerning the religions that used to exist before the Global War. The Oracle ordered for all of them to be destroyed so they are hard to come by these days."


Winter felt a knot form in her stomach as she looked at the flyers filled with different shades of blue graphics. The Oracle's influence seemed to be everywhere. "I don't know if I'm comfortable giving these out," she said hesitantly.


The bookstore co-owner shrugged. "It's not up to us, unfortunately. We have to follow the rules, or else we risk being seen as enemies of the state."


Winter sighed. It was a tough situation to be in. "Do you believe in the Oracle?" she asked.


Giselle shook her head. "I don't know what to believe, to be honest. But I do know that I don't want any trouble. It's best to just follow the rules and stay out of trouble…. especially since our shop's already been getting attention for selling a diverse collection of literature."


Winter nodded slowly, understanding where her friend was coming from. She couldn't blame Giselle for wanting to avoid any problems. But the idea of blindly following the Oracle's words didn't sit right with her.


The conversation was halted when the sound of the shop's bell ringing interrupted them. Giselle looked up to see a customer, drenched from the rain outside.


"Looks like I caught the tail end of the storm-" the woman, a hint of a smile coming from her voice. "I hope you guys don't mind,"  she added as she patiently stood at the door, waiting to see if the bookstore owners would kick her out. 


Winter didn't have to look to know that it was the same woman who purchased a book from their shop a few days ago. 


'I wouldn't forget that voice' she thought to herself. 


"Let me get you a towel," she announced, walking over to the counter and grabbing a nearby cloth.


Winter kept her eyes on the floor. She saw the drenched rubber shoes from the customer when she passed the towel. 


"Thanks," the woman said, gratefully accepting the towel a

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Phew! Finally laid out the "hints" for this story.

I hope u guys don't mind the additional characters! This story will involve a loooot of disguises so be on your toes ^^

Let me hear ur thoughts on the comments (ps: so far no one is getting it right on who's the "real" karina)


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2188 streak #1
Chapter 16: I miss this story...
Chapter 16: karina vs... karina?? AJHFJAHFJA
Chapter 15: this is so interesting.... WTF
Chapter 13: OH MY GOD ??????
Chapter 11: :((
Chapter 9: This chapter is so cute i always love me a bookshop owner winter. But i honestly cant help but imagine them as smurfs KAHDKSHAHA oh well at least theyre in love 🥰
Chapter 5: 🥺🥺🥺
Chapter 16: Its been a long while since I last saw this fic, congrats on the promo author-ssi! 🥳
385 streak #10
Chapter 1: 🥹🥹🥹🥹