Episode 8.3

i'd rather lose (my mind)
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The couple had planned to spend the day at the Manila Ocean Park, hoping to have a great time together. 


They strolled through the place, admiring the marine life and taking in the atmosphere. The two of them started walking side-by-side along the oceanarium, admiring the colorful array of sea creatures swimming in the tanks.


Karina stood transfixed in front of the Shark and Ray Encounter exhibit, her eyes wide with wonder as she watched the sleek predators glide effortlessly through the water. Winter, standing a few feet away, couldn't help but be drawn to her. She gazed at her lover with love-struck eyes, feeling her heart race with every passing moment as Karina’s hair blew in the breeze.


Winter took a step closer, still keeping a respectful distance, but wanting to be near Karina. She can't stop herself from gazing at the other girl, drinking in every detail of her features. 


She watched how Karina leaned in closer to the glass, fascinated by the creatures on the other side. Winter felt a surge of pride knowing that she was here, sharing this moment with the love of her life. 


She knew that it was a small thing, but it meant everything to her to be able to witness Karina's awe and wonder firsthand.


Eventually, Karina turned to her soulmate and caught her eye. Winter felt a flush of embarrassment, worried that she had been caught staring. But Karina simply smiled at her and tilted her head to the pathway, urging them to walk on to the next exhibit. 


Their next destination was the underwater tunnel. The two of them gazed up at the schools of fish swimming overhead. 


Halfway through their trip, a little girl ran in front of them, and Karina almost backed out of the way, causing the other girl to grab her hand to pull her back. Their hands lingered for a second before Winter reluctantly let go.


As they continued walking, Karina suddenly reached for Winter's hand in the crowd, muttering a "just to be safe" as an excuse. 


The short haired girl felt her heart skip a beat at the contact, and she squeezed Karina's hand tightly. Winter also found herself stealing glances at Karina's hand, admiring the way her fingers intertwined with hers. 


‘I'm actually holding her hand?!!??'’ Karina, on the other hand, internally panics. 


The woman couldn't believe how giddy she felt when she realized how small her hand was compared to her soulmate's. During their drive, she noticed how Winter’s hands look so strong and capable. 


Now, she couldn't help but feel a boost of happiness knowing that she was holding them. 


Karina can't stop the grin from spreading across her face, feeling as though she was on top of the world. It was such a small thing, but it meant everything to the woman.


Suddenly, Winter ran her thumb over Karina's hand, sending a jolt of electricity through the older girl's body. 


'' the older mutters mentally. 


Karina panicked and the fluttering butterflies in her stomach intensified. She let out a small gasp in surprise.


Winter looked at her with concern, "Are you okay?" she asked, her thumb still rubbing circles on Karina's hand.


The other nodded, trying to steady her breathing. "Yeah, I'm fine," she replied, hiding the shakiness in her voice.


As they walked through, the couple stumbled upon the penguin exhibit, where the adorable creatures waddled around in their icy habitat. Karina's eyes lit up with excitement before tugging her companion towards the exhibit, unable to contain her enthusiasm.


Winter giggled at her lover's childlike glee and followed her to the exhibit. The penguins curiously waddled toward them when they approached, and the couple couldn't help but coo at the adorable creatures.


They noticed a photo booth nearby after watching the penguins for a while. Karina's eyes widened as she yanked on Winter's arm. "We've got to get a photo with them!" she exclaimed


The younger girl laughed and followed Karina to the photo booth. They dressed up in matching penguin hats and posed with the adorable birds. As the camera flashed, Karina drew Winter in closer by wrapping her arm around the younger girl's waist, causing Winter's face to turn bright red. 


Karina couldn't help but grin stupidly in the picture. 


Winter poked Karina in the side as they walked away from the photo booth. "What was that for?" Karina inquired, still beaming.


Winter rolled her eyes but couldn't hide the smile on her face. "You just caught me off guard," she replied, still flustered that her gay panic had been captured on camera. But deep down, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the moment, she wouldn't want to be anywhere else.


Absent-mindedly, Winter intertwined her hand with Karina’s as if it were the most natural thing in the world. The older girl, too happy to complain, held her bag, phone, and the picture in one hand. 


Karina will happily continue doing so if it means she doesn't have to let go.












Winter and Karina found themselves standing in line at McDonald's, the smell of French fries and burgers filling the air. Karina's eyes lit up as she glanced over the menu, her heart racing with excitement. "You're sleek," she said, smiling at Winter. "I used to come here all the time by myself, but it's so much better with you here."


Winter couldn't help but smile at the sight of her companion's excitement. "What do you usually order?" she asked, trying to make conversation as they waited in line. 


Karina listed off a few of her favorite items and they decided to order them all, insisting that they share. They sat down at a booth with their large BFF fries, big Mac, cheeseburger deluxe, and mcflurry. 


As they dug into the large BFF fries, they found themselves reaching for the same fry at the same time. Their hands brushed together, causing them both to pause for a moment. 


Karina looked at her soulmate and chuckled nervously. 


She couldn't help but notice how warm and gentle Winter's hand was, and she found herself wanting to hold it again. "Sorry about that," she said with a sheepish grin. 


"I guess we're both really hungry." Winter nodded, feeling her heart race with the slightest touch from Karina. She couldn't believe how much she wanted to be close to her, to feel her touch again and again.


Karina tried to ease the tension by starting a debate about their burgers. "You know, I think the Big Mac is better than the Cheeseburger Deluxe," she said with a smirk.


Winter fiercely defended her choice of burger, while Karina was adamant that the Big Mac was superior. 


In the middle of their debate, they couldn't help but laugh and playfully swat each other's arms. 


Winter took a bite of her burger and gestured it toward her opponent, "But have you ever tried the cheeseburger deluxe? It's perfect in every way!"


Karina chuckled and rolled her eyes, "I have, but the Big Mac is just on the next level. The special sauce alone makes it superior."


The younger girl playfully punched her partner's arm, "You're just saying that to be contrarian."


Karina laughed and punched Winter's arm back, "No, I genuinely believe it's better. Plus, you have to admit the middle bun is a game-changer."


Winter, without any retort left to say, raised an eyebrow, "Fine, you win the burger debate, but the cheeseburger deluxe still has a special place in my heart."


When they finished their meal, Winter decided to get a little petty. She stole a sip from Karina's soda, using the straw and biting it. 


Karina blushed and tried to play it cool and failed.


She couldn't help but notice the indirect kiss. 


They both knew the small touches were driving them crazy, but neither of them wanted to say it out loud. So Karina and Winter continued to banter and tease each other, using any excuse to the other's hands or arms. It was a dance they had perfected, and they loved every moment of it.


After their meal, they made their way through the crowded area. Winter kept leaving light touches on Karina's back to guide them through. The recipient couldn't help but feel a rush of warmth at the contact, and she leaned into Winter's hand willingly. 


Later, when they chatted while aimlessly strolling around, Karina found herself touching her soulmate's hand to emphasize a point she was making. Winter's skin was soft and warm under her fingers, and she couldn't help but wonder if Winter felt the same spark she did.


Their conversation turned to silly stories, they leaned in closer to whisper them in each other's ears. Winter could feel Karina's breath on her cheek, and she kept wondering how long she was going to be able to resist the urge to kiss the girl. 


They continued to touch each other in small ways throughout the night, always finding an excuse to brush against each other or take each other's hands. It was like they were speaking a secret language, one that only they could understand.


All of the sudden, Winter's phone rang, interrupting their conversation mid-sentence. She glanced at the caller ID and sighed apologetically. "I'm sorry, baby. I have to take this. It's my aunt."


Karina could only nod, not when her soulmate dropped that endearment at her once again. 


She watched as her partner spoke quietly into her phone, nodding and making notes on a small pad of paper. When she hung up, Winter looked at Karina with an apologetic smile. "I'm so sorry, my aunt needs me to pick up groceries for her," she said.


The older nodded understandingly, though her heart sank a little at the thought that the date is cut short. "I understand," she said softly, trying to hide the disappointment in her voice. "Do you need me to help you with anything?"


Winter smiled gratefully but shook her head. "No, it's okay. My aunt already sent me the list."


She dropped Karina off at her hotel, and they both lingered for a moment before saying goodbye. 


As Winter walked away, Karina couldn't help but feel a little forlorn. She had been looking forward to spending more time with her soulmate, but she understood that family always came first. She sighed and headed back out into the city, hoping that their next date would be longer and even more wonderful than the first.











Winter found herself walking through the aisles of the grocery store, her mind still reeling from her interrupted date with Karina. 


She absentmindedly picked out the items on her aunt's list, her thoughts wandering back to Karina and the evening they had planned. It wasn't fair that they were forced to part ways so soon, but the younger girl knew she had to fulfill her obligation to her family.


After dropping off the groceries and helping her aunt put them away, Winter made her way back home. 


She went through her usual night routine but she couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment. Halfway through brushing her teeth, she realized she didn't even have Karina's number. 


'How are we going to plan their next date if we can't even contact each other?'


‘What if something happens to her?’ 


These thoughts flood Winter as she stares at the bathroom mirror. The ugly feeling crept under her skin.


Winter quickly finished her routine and sat on her bed, contemplating what to do next. 


She knew it was a long shot, but Winter drove back to the hotel lobby, feeling embarrassed about having to ask for Karina's number from the receptionist. 


When she approached the front desk, the receptionist gave her a judgmental look and raised an eyebrow.


"Can I help you?" the receptionist asked in a monotone voice.


"Um, hi. I was wondering if I could get the phone number of the guest staying in room 101C?" Winter asked, feeling her cheeks turn red with embarrassment.


The receptionist hesitated momentarily, looking at the haphazardly dressed woman in front of him with a scrutinizing gaze. "I'm sorry, miss, but I'm afraid I can't give out that information due to privacy laws."


Winter let out a sigh, feeling frustrated. "I understand that, but it's urgent. I promised to call her as soon as I got home, and I forgot to get her number."


Maybe she lied at that part. Winter couldn’t care less though.


The receptionist leaned forward, "I'm sorry, but my hands are tied. Perhaps you can try contacting her through social media or email?"


Just then, Karina who walked outside for a breath of fresh air, overhearing the conversation between Winter and the receptionist.


She walked over, looking at her soulmate with a curious expression. "What's going on?"


The frantic woman turned around, feeling relieved to see Karina. "I'm trying to get your number from the receptionist, but he won't budge."


Karina let out a small chuckle, feeling amused. "I don't blame him. They have to protect their guests' privacy, after all."


Winter rolled her eyes, feeling exasperated. "I know that. But how am I supposed to contact you now?"


The vixen grinned, feeling mischievous. "Well, you could always just ask me for my number."


Winter stupidly grins, "Can I have your number, please?"


Karina laughed, feeling delighted. "Of course. Let me just write it down for you."


The receptionist gave them a skeptical look, but Winter didn't care. 


Karina turned to her and asked, "Do you want to stay the night instead?"


Winter's eyes widened in surprise. "Are you sure?" she asked.


Her lover nodded. "I'm sure. It's better than driving back home in late at night."


Winter's heart fluttered at the thought of staying the night with her partner, but she couldn't help feeling shy about the suggestion. "I don't want to impose," she said, biting her lip.


Karina shook her head and smirked. "Don't lie to me," she teased. "You drove all the way back here in the middle of the night just to get my number. You can't tell me you're not willing to stay."


Winter blushed and looked down at her feet. "I guess you have a point," she admitted. "But I don't want to overstay my welcome."


Karina stepped closer to Winter and took her hand. "You could never overstay your welcome with me."


Winter looked up with wide eyes. "Really?"


Karina smiled and nodded. "Really. You're welcome to stay for as long as you want."


Winter's face broke into a smile, feeling the heat rising on her cheeks. She couldn't deny the butterflies swirling in her stomach at Karina's words. "Okay."


Karina took her hand and led her toward the elevator. As they waited for the doors to open, Karina leaned in and whispered, "I hope you don't mind if we share a room."


Winter's heart skipped a beat. She had been hoping for something like this, but now that it was actually happening, she wasn't sure if she was ready. "Um, do you have separate beds?" she said, her voice barely above a whisper.


They stepped into the elevator. Karina couldn't help but feel disappointed. "It's okay," she said. "We don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with."


Winter noticed Karina's reaction and quickly clarified, "It's not that I'm not comfortable being close to you. It's just that I don't trust myself to keep my hands to myself."


The vixen's eyebrows raised in surprise. "Oh," she said, a smile forming on her lips. "Well, you don't have to keep your hands to yourself with me, you know."


The younger girl looked at her, surprised. "What do you mean?"


Karina stepped closer to her, her voice dropping to a low, teasing tone. "I mean, I wouldn't mind if you wanted to get a little playful," she said, her eyes dancing mischievously.


Winter felt her cheeks flush, but she couldn't help the giggle that escaped her. "You're terrible," she said, trying to sound scandalized but failing.


Karina grinned at her. "I know," she said. "But you like it."


The other girl rolled her eyes, although a smile spread across her face. 


Just then, Winter playfully placed her hand on Karina's waist and leaned in close, "Oh, I want you so much that I think you wouldn't be able to handle it."


Karina's eyes widened in surprise, "I- is that so?" she was taken aback by the other girl's bold move and was left as a stuttering mess. She tried to regain her comp

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Phew! Finally laid out the "hints" for this story.

I hope u guys don't mind the additional characters! This story will involve a loooot of disguises so be on your toes ^^

Let me hear ur thoughts on the comments (ps: so far no one is getting it right on who's the "real" karina)


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2188 streak #1
Chapter 16: I miss this story...
Chapter 16: karina vs... karina?? AJHFJAHFJA
Chapter 15: this is so interesting.... WTF
Chapter 13: OH MY GOD ??????
Chapter 11: :((
Chapter 9: This chapter is so cute i always love me a bookshop owner winter. But i honestly cant help but imagine them as smurfs KAHDKSHAHA oh well at least theyre in love 🥰
Chapter 5: 🥺🥺🥺
Chapter 16: Its been a long while since I last saw this fic, congrats on the promo author-ssi! 🥳
385 streak #10
Chapter 1: 🥹🥹🥹🥹