Episode 5.3

i'd rather lose (my mind)
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Winter had been looking forward to this moment for weeks. Ever since Giselle had shown her a picture of her girlfriend on her phone, Winter had been eagerly anticipating the day when she would finally get to meet her.


Now, here they were, sitting across from each other in a cozy restaurant on a crisp summer morning.


As soon as Giselle's girlfriend walked in, Winter's heart skipped a beat. The woman looked so familiar, like someone she had met before. 


And then it hit her – she looked exactly like her research groupmate from one of her real estate management courses. Winter couldn't believe it. What were the odds of that?


Winter looked closer, she realized that there was something different about the woman sitting across from her. It was as if she had been slightly altered, like a character in a dream that had been reshaped in some small but significant way. And yet, there was no mistaking it – this was the same person.


"Hi babe," the woman said, leaning over to give Giselle a quick kiss on the cheek.


"Hi, I'm—" Giselle began to introduce her.


"Ningning," Winter interrupted, her mind racing. 


"You know her?"


Winter looked at Giselle before glancing back to the familiar face, "You were my group mate in our business and real estate taxation class."


Ningning incredulously laughed, "I'm a network & cyber security major."


Winter was taken aback. Had she made a mistake? Was this really not the same person? But there was something about the way she moved, the way she laughed, that was so familiar.


Giselle had a moment of clarity, "Are you saying you have a vivid memory of Ningning being with you in your dreams? Like there's a personalized description of her that you could remember?"


Winter nodded, unsure of what to say.


"In your memory, who is she?"


"As I said, she was my group mate. She mostly handles and proofreads our presentations. As far as I can recall, she was also a student-athlete, I'm not sure though if her sports are badminton or table tennis."


Ningning looked at Winter, her eyes wide with confusion. She had never been an overachiever and she certainly didn't play a sport during her college life. 


Instead, the woman solely focused on maintaining her grades while she studies for her major and sometimes sneaks up bar-hopping into her busy schedule.


As they sat there, sipping their coffee and chatting, Winter couldn't help but feel like she was caught in some strange, surreal dream. 


"I think I read a book similar to your case," Ningning opened up. She's still contemplating whether to feed the stranger's bizarre imagination but looking at the desperation in Winter's eyes, she chose to voice out her thoughts. 


"Are you familiar with the concept of the multiverse?" 


"The multiverse," Winter repeated, almost to herself. It was a concept she had heard of before, of course, but one she had never truly understood. Until now, that is.


Ningning continued, "Multiverse suggests that there are infinite parallel universes, each with its own unique circumstances, events, and versions of ourselves." 


Winter felt a strange sense of familiarity wash over her. It was as though the words were tugging at something deep within her, something she couldn't quite put her finger on. But still, she listened intently, desperate for any explanation that could help her make sense of the situation she found herself in.


"Are you saying I'm stuck in a multiverse?" Winter asked. 


"More like, traveling through the multiverse." Ningning cleared. "Maybe, in some way, you're able to put your consciousness to your other variants."


It was a lot to take in, but as she listened, Winter found herself nodding along, her mind racing with the possibilities. Maybe this was what was happening to her, she thought. Maybe this was the explanation she had been searching for.


But then came the question that had been haunting her ever since she first woke up in this strange new world. "What about the other versions of me?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.


Ningning hesitated for a moment, and Winter could see the concern etched on her face. With a deep breath, she began to speak.


"It's hard to say for sure," she said. "Maybe, in some way, your consciousness is able to merge with those other versions. To take over their lives, their bodies, their...souls."


Winter shuddered at the thought. It was a chilling idea to think that she was essentially stealing other people's lives. 


What could I have done instead, she reasoned, it's not like she willingly partaken in all of it. If this was really what was happening to her, then she had to find a way to comprehend all of it before making peace with it.


As she pondered this, something caught Winter's eye. A thin red string, wrapped around her ring finger, had begun to glow, pulsing with an otherworldly energy. She gasped in surprise, her heart racing as she watched it rise up, pointing towards the sky.


"What's happening?" she cried, her voice barely audible over the sudden rush of wind.


"Don't worry," Giselle said, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "It happened to us too. Ningning had to go overseas for her job, and I noticed the line following her up to the sky. Maybe your soulmate is finally com

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Phew! Finally laid out the "hints" for this story.

I hope u guys don't mind the additional characters! This story will involve a loooot of disguises so be on your toes ^^

Let me hear ur thoughts on the comments (ps: so far no one is getting it right on who's the "real" karina)


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2189 streak #1
Chapter 16: I miss this story...
Chapter 16: karina vs... karina?? AJHFJAHFJA
Chapter 15: this is so interesting.... WTF
Chapter 13: OH MY GOD ??????
Chapter 11: :((
Chapter 9: This chapter is so cute i always love me a bookshop owner winter. But i honestly cant help but imagine them as smurfs KAHDKSHAHA oh well at least theyre in love 🥰
Chapter 5: 🥺🥺🥺
Chapter 16: Its been a long while since I last saw this fic, congrats on the promo author-ssi! 🥳
385 streak #10
Chapter 1: 🥹🥹🥹🥹