
Our Bittersweet Marriage

Breakfast is your favourite time then you have to attend another meeting. Your father is sitting with the VIPs while you're with Joongki,facing each  other. He's busy looking at his cellphone not even touching his food. 

"Your fiancee?"

He nods eagerly, taking a sip of his warm coffee. "She's asking me to come with her to choose her wedding dress. I'm thinking of telling her about my plan. What do you think?"

"Can't you try to open your heart for her? Then,decide. "

Joongki's look change,he's being serious right now,not a playful as always. He sighs,opening his mouth wide.You raise an eyebrow at him. "Why?"

"Feed me.Aaaa~"

You look around,most of the people here are related to the company. You roll your eyes,taking another bite of your pasta."People will be watching,mind your attitude"

"So?" he looks clueless on purpose. "Just once,come on,we're firends aren't we?"

You hesistantly feed him with your white cream pasta. He the the corner of his lips. "Mmm,delicious.I guess pretty girls do make food taste better"

You stick your tongue out at him. "Such a playboy!"

As expected,people are watching. The articles back then about the both of you dating must be true.Joongki hadn't announce about his marriage so,it is possible. Your father saw it too, he quickly turns his look away. Are you and Changmin not in a good term?


Changmin wakes up at 12 p.m. His head feels heavy,must be because of the wine. He checks for his cellphone, calls and text messages all from Anna. He deletes all of it without even reading it first. It's Friday,Mason will come home early today.He will be home in any minutes from now. 

Changmin takes a quick shower before going down to the kitchen to have something for lunch. Jaejoong is baking with your mother, they're closer now. 

"Ah muh nim" calls Changmin being casual.

"You're awake? Have something for lunch,I'll prepare the table.I thought it's just me and Jaejoong" she pats her son-in-law's back, just like a mother.

Jaejoong takes  a quick glance at Changmin, he's not looking good. Is it because he misses Anna? Just thinking of it makes him mad at him.Yunho won't even look at Changmin, Junsu is doubting and Yoochun is just too busy with his son to even bump into Changmin in the mansion.

"_______-ah is coming back from Busan today.She must be tired with those boring  meetings."

"She's coming home today?" asks Changmin with his eyes wide.

"She didn't tell you?"

"No, she must be busy" He can't even face his mother-in-law, to see her looking dissapointed in him. "Changmin-ah, please pay more attention to her.She's the type of person who keep things to herself"

Jaejoong nudges on Changmin's shoulder,giving him a menacing glare. Changmin knows well how his hyungs are. Today,he will clear things off with you. He wants to hold you in his arms forever not for 5 or 10 years only.


Your father insists for you to ride with him but , you promise Joongki to stop by his office to check on his new designs. You're standing in the middle between the two man.

"Appa will send you home,come in" says your father in a strict voice. You shake your head. "I'm going with Joongki, I promise him appa"

"So you're choosing Joongki over your father?"

You have no idea what's going on your father's mind suddenly forcing you to come with him. Joongki bow to his respected senior. " It's ok,next time will be good"

"Appa, I'll see you at home." You peck his cheek. "I love you appa"

You get in Joongki's car, he excuses himself walking in the driver's seat. He turns on the heater while you're wearing your spectacles. 

"Why don't you put on your lens?"

"I lost it when I woke up this morning. I can be clumsy sometimes"


"Yes" you hug yourself, checking your face on the mirror. Your cellphone is ringing, you check the caller id and ignore it.

Joongki raises an eyebrow at you. "Your annoying husband?"

You slowly nod, leaning backwards.

"Answer it, it's noisy"

"Don't feel like to" The fact is, you want to answer it but you're afraid to listen to any heartbreaking words from him,his harsh words, his baritone voice.You turn off your cellphone,tossing it to the back seat.You caress your baby bump, staring blankly to the front.

"You know, they said fight,jealousy completes the love. Don't you think happily ever after needs some sacrifices? Think of the good times to overcome the bad times. Understand?" He grabs your hand,brushing his thumb on the top of your hand."I believe my friend is a tough woman"

"He...he told me to forget about him.He told me not to love him.What should I do? Is that a fight, jealousy? He simply ask me to forget about him.Maybe, he really don't love me anymore"

"Hey~ Don't think of your own conclusion,ask him"

"and what if he says...he doesn't love me?"

Joongki tighten his grasp on the steering wheel, gritting his teeth."Then, let him be.If that's what that bastard want to"


He smirks, glancing at you. "Princess, if he's really letting you go. He's the most stupid man I have ever known in my life"

You blink and tears fall. "Let's not talk about this.I've made up my mind"


Changmin looks out the window watching you getting off Joongki's car. He's holding your hands saying something then kiss your hand. Changmin turns his look away,hesistantly looking out the window again. You're smiling playfully smacking his head.Just then,Joongki pulls you into a hug and you hug him back.

"That guy, can't he stop flirting around her?" mutters Changmin, taking a seat at the dege of the bed,waiting for his wife to come in.

Junsu helps you with your luggage bringing it up with you. You thank him and with heavy steps, you walk in the place you want to avoid the most right now.

"What time is it?" asks Changmin crossing his arms,walking towards you.

You glance at your watch. "12 p.m." you takes off your scarf,placing it on the dresser."You should be sleeping by now?"

"So you're with that guy all day?"

You nod,not hiding anything from him. The tone of his voice is lower than usual, he's not in  a good mood right now. You're reaching for his face but you stop half way.He didn't move as if he's ok with it.But you remember the last time you hug him,he told you to let go. 

"Go to bed, I need to arrange my stuff" you pull your luggage with you to the walk in closet."If you need anything,let me know.I'm still your wife to you? or at least on paper"

Your sarcasm hurts him, he wants to aplogise to you but his ego is holding him back.You're at fault too,coming home late at night with another guy." Can't you stop taking a ride with him? "

"What should I do? My own husband is pushing me away.He's not just some other guy,he's my friend" 

"We need to talk"

Your heart skips a beat, you don't want to talk to him.In this condition,he might ask for a divorce or a time out. Judging the look in his eyes and his voice. Nothing good will come out from his mouth.

"Tomorrow,let me have some rest" you give an excuse."My parents will be staying for 3 more days,till then, we can still talk to each other"

"Do as you please" he lies down on the bed,looking up the white ceiling. Tomorrow,yes tomorrow,he will ask for your forgiveness, he can't skip another day or he might regret it. You're tired after the bussniness trip,talking to you will just make you more sensitive and it can just lead into another problem.

You feel bad for being a bit harsh to him but,isn't this what e wants? You who won't barge in his love affair and stop loving him.Maybe this is what he's waiting for. Tomorrow, you're not sure what will happen but,let's just hope for the best.

"Baby~ Is it ok if omma and appa don't live together anymore?"


Comment please, appreciate my hardwork

Seriously saying,next chap will be tough for me and you as well.Let's be prepared^^

Silent readers, show some kindness to me ne? 

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i can't believe it's over huhuhuhu.feel like crying


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Chapter 63: One moment I'll be in distress then next I'll be fidgety. Dang! The lead character is so strong! She endured being a hidden wife wow!
jessicabyun #2
Chapter 64: i'm done reading it good story :D
ccherylyy #3
Chapter 16: This fanfic is the best I’ve ever read so far! Thank you author-nim for creating such an awesome story! Can't stop re-reading it everytime
naname2000 #4
Chapter 64: Omg the best awesome fanfic i've ever read.
UknowTheHero #5
Chapter 64: I love this story !!! It's just amazing !! I usuallydon't like sad stories (coz I cry way too much) but this one is awesome. I somehow expected a sad end but I'm relieved that everything end up well.
Chapter 16: This story is great!! Your story inspired me to improve my languange and writing style <3
Keep up the good job!!! ^o^
2026 streak #7
Chapter 64: OMG!!! This story was so angsty... You have justified emotions and essence of the story. Nicely written and I enjoyed myself reading it. Keep up the good work author-nim :)
Chapter 63: i love happy endings <3 great job author-nim, it's really an amazing story i enjoyed readng every single chapiter
Chapter 47: Omg i'm about to start crying, this is an amazing story yet painful :'(..