
Forget It

Jonghyun arrived at the house nearly twenty minutes later, parking his car across from the males house and slipping out of the driver's seat and walking towards the front door. His fingers tapping against his thigh, keys hooked around his finger, jingling as he knocked on the door before being shoved into his pocket. 

It only took seconds before the door edged open, Jonghyun catching a glimpse of Jinki's face before the boy closed the door again to undo the chain lock and let Jonghyun inside. "Thanks..." He whispered, gripping the front of his sweatpants as the younger male entered the house, slipping off his shoes and closing the door behind him. 

"No problem, are you ok?" The Kim asked, looking down at the other who seemed to shrink even further under his gaze, eyes darting towards the living room before he made his way over there, swallowing hard. 

"I'm fine," Jinki whispered, sitting on the couch and pulling his knees up as Jonghyun sat beside him, fixing his gaze on the other before sighing and slowly pulling the other into a hug. One hand rubbing small circles on Jinki's back. The Lee stiffening before slowly relaxing against the other's chest, eyes closing as he fought to keep the tears back, gripping Jonghyun's shirt tightly. "I-I'm sorry-." He choked out, causing the shorter male for frown, tightening his arms around Jinki and shaking his head. 

"You have nothing to be sorry for," He said quietly, letting the male cry into his shoulder. 

"I'm ruining your shirt a-and I asked you to come here and w-we're not even that close." He whispered, voice breaking as Jonghyun smiled, shaking his head and ruffling Jinki's hair. 

"Crying on it won't ruin it. And we're not close but we are friends." Jonghyun mumbled, reaching for a tissue from the end table. "And friends are here to comfort one another." He said, smiling softly as Jinki choked out a thank you, his arms staying tight around the other. 

Minho let out a small groan, his alarm blaring beside his ear and forcing the male to get up. Eyes narrowing at the clock beside his bed before the heel of his hand slammed onto the button to silence it, hair sticking up at odd ends and lips parted in a yawn as he stared across the room, not wanting to get up at all that day but knowing he had to. After all, why waste time and money on college if he wasn't going to attend. 

Reaching up slowly the male rubbed his eyes and stood, arching his back and shuffling to his bathroom to get ready for the day, ignoring the light that flashed on his phone. Not caring much about the emails he had probably received through the night, as he always got a few from school or from whatever subscriptions he had at the time. Though, as he brushed his teeth, he realized he had none at the moment. So a class of his must have been canceled, and he silently hoped it was his first one. 

Seven AM really was too early for anything involving the words Classic or Literature. 

Shaking his head slowly Minho ran his fingers through his hair and forced himself to get dressed, buttoning up the shirt he had picked the night before, and then finally returning to his bedroom. Sitting on the edge of his bed and grabbing his phone from the edge of his desk. Unlocking it quickly and opening the emails first, smiling when he saw that his first two classes were canceled, before opening the text message from Jonghyun and feeling his mood soar. 

Dropping his phone onto the bed Minho tugged his shoes on quickly before shooting up and pulling his jacket on in a matter of seconds before darting out the door, phone in hand and keys in pocket as he left the house, barely calling a goodbye to Sulli who sat at the kitchen table. 

Jinki was going to give him a chance, or so Jonghyun said. 

He had a chance to make it up to the other, though he was sure it was going to be hard, a thought that had his chest sinking and shoulders falling forward. But hell, he had been taught that the good things were always a fight. So it would all be worth it, he just hoped that Jinki felt the same way. 

"Thank you again," Jonghyun said, smiling at the boy who sat on the couch, a bowl of cereal balanced on his legs, spoon dangling from his lips as he stared up at the other, his skin pale and eyes rimmed with red from the night before. 

"I only said yes because you sat with me last night," The Lee muttered, hearing Taemin scoff from the spot beside him, the younger male tapping his foot on the ground, not wanting to leave for school before Minho arrived, but knowing he most likely would have to. Though he wasn't exactly keen on the idea of leaving Jinki with Jonghyun, a man he had come to find his brother sleeping on top of that morning, but Jinki had made him fold and agree to attend class. 

"I know, but he really is eager to make it up to you," Jonghyun repeated, having said the same line over twenty-seven times that morning, he had counted, though he knew that it was best for Jinki and Minho to have some kind of closure between them. Even if it wasn't the friendly sort. "Just, be sure to make him work. Ok?" The Kim said, smiling wide as Taemin nodded firmly.

"Make him do everything." The youngest said before getting up, tossing his bag over his shoulder before striding out of the living room. Pulling his shoes on by the front door and leaving, Jinki's cheeks puffed as he stared down at the bowl in his lap before standing to go wash it and the spoon. Jonghyun following him as he had been doing since they woke with a start, well, Jinki woke with a start. Jonghyun had been hit on the head with a binder, though he wasn't too mad at Taemin, as it was a natural reaction after recent events. 

The Lee dumped his bowl into the sink, turning to look at his new friend- even if the other didn't consider them new friends. "I don't want to give him another chance," Jinki said, causing Jonghyun to sigh, opening his mouth to speak before Jinki cut him off. "But I will, it's not his fault I had such high hopes for him for years." 

Jonghyun smiled faintly before giving Jinki a quick hug before going to answer the door when the bell rang, leaving the other to shake his head and grab a bottle of water for himself. 

"Minho, you got here fast," Jonghyun said, laughing a bit before letting the other inside. Minho nodding slowly before slipping off his shoes and looking around, head bowed. 

"Yeah, well, classes were canceled." He said, fixing his hair which had been tossed about by the wind and his fingers slipping through it more often than not as his mind had tumbled over the thousands of ways he could apologize to Jinki.

The other only snorted, shaking his head before leading Minho to the living room where Jinki was seated once again, his water bottle balanced on his knee as he stared up at the two before quickly averting his gaze as Minho cleared his throat and looking down. 

"Jinki-" Minho stared, glancing at Jonghyun who had seated himself beside the other, picking up the water bottle and setting it on the side table, which caused a small pout to form on Jinki's lips. He had taken some pride in getting it to balance. "Jinki, I really am sorry- I-" The male sighed, rubbing his eyes. "I don't want to give you a cheesy overused apology, but I will make it up to you." He said quietly, the Lee glancing over at him. "I was a dickhead," He said, narrowing his eyes at Jonghyun who grinned widely, "And I had no right to be." 

"You're right," Jinki mumbled after a moment of silence, tugging at the hem of his shirt. "You are a dickhead," He said, Minho scowling at the present tense before raising a brow as the boy continued. "And I really don't want to let you make it up to me but you can try." 

And there it is. 
Did you guys like it? I hope you did ;;
Sorry it took so long haha
I hope I can start updating more often.


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Hey guys! Update will be coming by Monday!


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Chapter 25: Llegue muy tarde pero igual si la reestructuras la leere también ♡
Chapter 24: Que lindos ya est tiempo que sean felices se lo merecen mis hermosos chicos ❀.(*´▽`*)❀.
Chapter 22: No me imagino el dolor que Jinki es sintiendo pero eso es lo mejor ya así el maldito pagara su crimen
Gracias Mingo por cuidar de mi bebé 💪('ω'💪)
Chapter 11: Sabía que ese maldito maetro tenia que ver con los rumores.
gracias Minho por salvar a Jinkisito bebe (^O^)/o(*^▽^*)o
Chapter 9: Maldito ese bastardo como fue capas de tal cosas lo odio ヾ(`ε´)ノ
Chapter 6: Mi pobre Jinkisito quiero protegerlo y cuidar de él
Se me hace que el maestro es el que inició los rumores
Chapter 5: Yo que creí inocente a el lindo Jinki pero es diablillo vamos 💪
961 streak #8
Chapter 25: The last chapter feels like an ending.
But I would be very happy if you will just continue to your intended ending.
Thank you so much for thinking of continuing this fic.
961 streak #9
Chapter 16: Whatever happened to Mr. Shen? Is he still in that school?
Or has he resigned?