
Forget It

A low groan slid past Minho's lips as he stared at the front of the class, his legs crossed and pen dangling between his fingers, waiting for the teacher to show up. Though whoever had replaced Mr. Shen had yet to show up and irritation was slowly starting to build within Minho's chest. Though he would admit that he had been a bit more irritable since the last time he had seen Jinki, bitter that he would never become close to the male. Of course, he had tried since that night, yet it seemed that Jinki was set on keeping Minho at an arms distance and there was nothing that the younger male could do about it. 

He scoffed at the thought, recalling how the male used to be, finding it amazing how one person could change so much, himself included. Human were fickle things and it made the Choi feel worse about his own personality. It wasn't until the door to the class opened that Jinki flew from Minho's thoughts, though it was only for a moment as he felt his stomach sink and fear settle inside his core when his gaze settled on the same man who had made Jinki cry. 

Questions flooded the males mind immediately, his fingers curling tighter around his pen as he watched the teacher walk towards the desk. Then it dawned on Minho. The male had never gotten punished. Nothing had happened to him. His life had been continuing as usual, and it made Minho sick to his stomach. Why should the other be able to go on happily when he knew what he had done to Jinki? When Minho knew that Jinki still had nightmares and cried to Jonghyun almost every night. His knuckles turned white as he grasped the pen as tight as possible, lips pulled into a thin line as their eyes locked, a smirk curling on the other man's lips. 

"Alright class," The older man breathed as he set down his case and turned towards the board to begin the class, not noticing as Minho shoved his things into his bag and tossed it over his shoulder. Storming out of the class as he tried to calm himself down, his body trembling as he breathed deeply. It was stupid, and he knew that. To get so worked up when not that long ago he didn't care about Jinki. Yet once he had bothered to give the boy a chance he felt as though it was his job to protect the other, he knew it wasn't, yet he wanted to. Which only made the male's rejection worse. 

Slowly the male slid his phone from his pocket, unlocking it and dialing Jonghyun's number, needing the other to talk to Jinki. It was likely that if Jonghyun pushed than Jinki was likely to call the cops, to take the man to court. Of course, it was too late for any physical evidence but perhaps the school had cameras, if not then at least there would be people to testify on Jinki's case. 

"Hello, my love," Jonghyun cooed the moment he answers, which would usually amuse the Choi, but instead he let out a low grunt. "Hey, hey, no laugh? I'm hurt." The Kim said quietly. 

"I'm really not in the mood," Minho muttered as he began to stomp down the hall, not feeling the need to go to any of his classes that day, as he was sure that he would be too angry to concentrate. 

"Why is that?" The shorter male asked, a dog barking in the background, leaving the other to assume that he was at his parent's house. 

"Mr. Shen is here, just ing smirking and teaching and enjoying oxygen." He snapped, reaching his car and tugging open the door to his car, throwing his bag into the back before sliding inside. 

Jonghyun was silent for a long moment before a long sigh sounded from the other line. "I know, Jinki didn't press charges." He said quietly, sounding defeated. "Me and Taemin told him too but he refused." 

Minho let out a low groan as he let his head fall forward onto the wheel, gripping onto his phone tighter than before. "You two have to get him to press charges... please." He mumbled, eyes closing slowly. "I know he hates me, but I can't feel at ease until Jinki is safe and he's not safe until that bastard is behind bars."

Slowly he stretched, lip parting in a loud yawn as Jinki slowly waking due to the sun shining on his face. Fingers curling loosely around his blanket as he tried to focus on what was happening, wondering idly what day it was before humming when he remembered that it was Tuesday and he had nothing to do, as he new college classes didn't start for another week. "More sleep~" he cooed, rolling onto his stomach as he let his eyes flutter closed once again. Only jolting up when he heard his mother pounding on his bedroom door, yelling at him to get up, causing a whine to escape him. 

"Fine!" He called, pulling his body into a sitting position and rubbing his eyes slowly. Fingers sliding along his bed as he searched for his phone, wanting to send Jonghyun a text to see if he wanted to hang out later before huffing when he couldn't find it. Deeming it not important as he threw his legs over the bedside and stood up, bare feet padding along the hardwood floors as he made his way to the closet to pick out a long sweatshirt, not wanting to get dressed but not wanting to blind his parents with his pale skin. "Perfect," He whispered as he tugged out his old high school sweatshirt, pulling the hem over his hips before shoving his hands into the pockets and wandering down into the living room.

His mother was shuffling around in the kitchen, presumably making dinner before leaving for the night, leaving him and Taemin until the next morning. Not that they minded, as they preferred to have breakfast with her rather than dinner, and it was best for Jinki, as she didn't know what had happened. Which was how he planned to keep it,  as she would worry about him too much and he was nearly numbed to the subject. It had happened, and he was over it. Of course, it had scarred him, he was scared to sleep at night, he was scared to become close to others and to touch others. Yet he didn't want to press charges, he didn't want to see that mans face ever again and he was sure he would have to face the other in court. Just the thought of doing so had him trembling. 

"I'm leaving Jinki, I'll see you tomorrow!" His mother said, peeking into the living room and smiling at the boy who looked up for a moment before reaching for the remote. 

"Alright, see you tomorrow, love you." He replied, offering a small smile, turning the TV onto a random channel. 

"Love you too," She cooed before turning to leave, allowing her eldest to think without disruption, eyes locked onto the cartoon that was playing out in front of him. 

In a way he was grateful for the events that occurred, as he gained Jonghyun as a friend and lost the burden he never knew he had. Though if he had never latched onto the teacher than he would have never had the rumors spread. It was confusing, and Jinki wasn't completely sure how he should feel, other than violated, yet that feeling left nothing but a bitter taste. 

He was living a life he had never imagined, and so he wasn't sure how to go about it. After all, he had lost the man he thought he would never lose, gained a friend he never imagined talking to, and nearly hated the man he thought he loved. Well, no, hated was the wrong word, and his lips pursed at the thought. No, he didn't hate Minho. Of course, he wasn't exactly happy with the Choi, yet he wasn't sure he wanted to cut ties with him. Which was what angered him most of the time. 

A part of him desperately wanted to seek out the other's affection now that it was offered, his friendship and comfort, but the stronger part of him was scared. Hell, Jinki was terrified if he would admit it. The thought of getting close to someone he admired so deeply again, especially since the words of the Choi still echoed inside Jinki whenever they became slightly closer than before. "You disgust me!" Of course, it was because of the rumors, and it was a misunderstanding but it hurt all the same. 

He wanted to get closer to Minho, he wanted to be friends, yet the thought scared him because if he were, honest to himself, he was scared of falling for the Choi again and he wasn't quite sure if he would be able to deal with the heartache this time. 

It was hours later that Jinki found himself sitting in the kitchen with Taemin, the younger Lee sitting on the counter to talk as the elder reheated the dinner that their mother had prepared beforehand. The two laughing at the jokes that slid from Taemin's lips, a feeling of happiness that they were both much too grateful for settling within them both. Which left Jinki with a smile on his lips as he answered Jonghyun's call, his free hand tugging two plates free from the cabinet. 

"You busy tonight?" Jonghyun asked, his voice in its usual upbeat tone that had Jinki's smile growing. 

"No, why?" He replied, setting the plates down before nodding to Taemin who immediately began to pile his with food, eager to run to his room so he could play some online game with Sulli, something that Jinki hadn't bothered to listen to. 

"I wanted to hang out for a bit, but this time I want you to come to my place, a bit of a sleepover." The Kim said, causing Jinki to freeze, brows creasing for a moment before his lips cracked into an even wider smile. He couldn't remember the last time he had been to a friends house, and the thought of it excited him to no end. "Of course, Minho will be there too though." He added, causing the smile to dampen a bit. 

"I'll come, I mean- it's not like I can just avoid him for no reason...." Jinki trailed off, repeating the words within his mind before sighing. It was true, he had to see the other if they were to both be Jonghyun's friends. Especially since Minho was his best friend, Jinki would just have to deal with it. "What time do you want me over?" He asked, carefully scooping rice with one hand, concentrating on not knocking the rice cooker over. 

"Oh, around eight. But don't worry, I'll get Minho to pick you up." He said, quickly calling a goodbye before ending the call, leaving Jinki to stare at his rice before slowly setting his phone on the table. 

He didn't want a ride from Minho, he didn't want to be alone with the other again. 

But Jonghyun would find a way to make it happen, and once again Jinki found a sense of distaste within him. 

"So annoying..." He breathed before adding more food onto his plate, deciding to eat his troubles away. 

Helllo again my dear readers ;; 
Wow, ahh I hope you all like the chapter! I can't wait to write the next one after all XD
Thank you all for being so loyal to the story and reading it and subscribing
It means so much to me ;; 
Thank you allll <3 

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Chapter 25: Llegue muy tarde pero igual si la reestructuras la leere también ♡
Chapter 24: Que lindos ya est tiempo que sean felices se lo merecen mis hermosos chicos ❀.(*´▽`*)❀.
Chapter 22: No me imagino el dolor que Jinki es sintiendo pero eso es lo mejor ya así el maldito pagara su crimen
Gracias Mingo por cuidar de mi bebé 💪('ω'💪)
Chapter 11: Sabía que ese maldito maetro tenia que ver con los rumores.
gracias Minho por salvar a Jinkisito bebe (^O^)/o(*^▽^*)o
Chapter 9: Maldito ese bastardo como fue capas de tal cosas lo odio ヾ(`ε´)ノ
Chapter 6: Mi pobre Jinkisito quiero protegerlo y cuidar de él
Se me hace que el maestro es el que inició los rumores
Chapter 5: Yo que creí inocente a el lindo Jinki pero es diablillo vamos 💪
961 streak #8
Chapter 25: The last chapter feels like an ending.
But I would be very happy if you will just continue to your intended ending.
Thank you so much for thinking of continuing this fic.
961 streak #9
Chapter 16: Whatever happened to Mr. Shen? Is he still in that school?
Or has he resigned?