
Forget It

The mall was huge, which was one of the reasons Jinki loved it. He loved the fact that the people weren't all crammed together and that the conversations of people were only distant murmurs instead of loud voices right in his ear. He disliked having people close to him after all, save for a few people that he trusted. Like Taemin, Mr. Shen or even Sulli. The girl was like another younger sibling to him, always coming to him when she had problems claiming that her own brother was too serious and it scared her to confess to him. 

He sighed happily when he saw the stores nearly empty and grabbed the male's hand that was hanging lazily by his side before darting off to the store he favored. It was huge and bright, full of upbeat music. It was just a place that made him smile.

"So are you going to tell me what made you upset earlier Jinki?" The teacher hummed as he followed the boy to the clothing racks, eyeing up the strange shirts that Jinki took a liking to. The boy ignored the question though and began to shift through the shirts, pulling out a short-sleeved yellow shirt that made the man cringe. "Jinki."

"Just... some things affect me." He mumbled quietly as he put the shirt back much to the males relief since there was no possible way he would have been able to look at the other in such a bright shirt, Jinki's personality was usually bright enough. 

"Things like what?" Mr. Shen asked as he took a step closer to the college student who was moving down the rack. "Was it something with your parents? Another student? Your brother again?" 

Jinki recoiled at these questions though and played with the sleeve of a navy blue shirt, eyes on his shoes. He often got into fights with Taemin about how often he stayed home or the fact that it was odd that a boy Jinki's age stuck to his teacher's side so often. But he could never tell Taemin the reason why such things went on in his life. No. His younger brother would be disgusted. Surely he would believe the rumors just like everyone else. And he loved his younger brother. He loved the fact that the other looked up to him so much. "It was..." He let out a small sigh, "Minho."

Mr. Shen raised a brow at this, his curiosity peeking over his worry. "That Choi boy? The one you always sigh after?" He asked as the other let go of the shirt and nodded. "How did he manage to make you feel down? Did you run into him outside?"

"No, he came to pick up his sister. And his friend said that everyone knew me." Jinki explained slowly. "Of course everyone knows me, I'm the school ." He scoffed and kicked the wall as his head hung, shoulders hunched slightly. "Then he acted so cold. His friend was nice, but Minho treats me like everyone else." 

The older man let out a soft sigh and wrapped an arm around Jinki's shoulder to pull the boy away from his corner and hold him against his side. He hated to see the other so distraught especially when there was nothing he could do other than attempt to comfort him. "Of course he does Jinki, he doesn't know you. He doesn't know it's all some lie someone started." He mumbled as Jinki leaned against him and bit his lip.

"I know that. But why? Why did someone say that? Why did someone look at me and think I'm going to ruin him?" His voice was tense and watery. He didn't understand why someone felt the need to spread such rumors about his self. He never said anything to anyone, he was always as polite as he could possibly be and yet this ended up happening. 

"I don't know Jinki. Some people just like to watch others suffer. But you're strong right? You've lasted this long." Mr. Shen mumbled as he smiled down at the other softly relaxing only when he saw the other smile slightly and nod. "Plus you have me by your side no matter what."

"Yeah," he mumbled with a small smile as he leaned up to hug the other. "I can bear it a little longer."

Minho huffed as he felt someone shake him awake, hands on his shoulders as he grunted and forced his eyes open blinking a few times before focusing on the face above him. 

"Goddammit, Jonghyun what do you want?" He grunted as soon as he recognized the annoying smile and messy hair. He just wanted to sleep, he had no classes after all so why he was being woken before the sun was not something he would be able to answer. 

"Come on, the club is still open," Jonghyun said with a smile. "And his shift started an hour ago!" 

The taller man groaned and shoved the other away before tugging the blanket over his head. "Just go stalk your buddy by yourself." He muttered closing his eyes. The last thing he wanted to do was to be dragged to some club to watch Jonghyun grind up on some unsuspecting bartender. Sure the dog had been drooling over the guy for months but really, it was starting to piss Minho off.

"No, you are coming this time." His friend muttered before tearing the blankets away and dumping a bottle of water on Minho's head, plastering his hair to his head and making him open his eyes enough to glare. "Come on. Get up." Jonghyun chirped before sitting back in the computer chair that sat a few feet from Minho's bed. 

"You are so ing annoying," Minho grunted as he sat up and pulled a few wet strands of hair from his face with a scowl. 

"Next time get up when I say up." Jonghyun nodded and spun in the chair as he said this, knees pulled against his chest. "I already picked out the clothes you look somewhat good in." Minho made a face at this and turned to see the clothes tossed on the end of his bed. 

"How long have you been in my house?" He asked, standing up and grabbing the clothes. 

"About twenty minutes. Your sister let me in," He answered as he watched the other stumble into his bathroom and turn on the light before cursing a bit and closing the door behind him. A grumpy Minho always amused Jonghyun for some reason, so he was smiling at this display. The other always acted like a ticked off toddler when he has woken up anyway. 

It wasn't long before Minho exited the bathroom and walked over to the desk to grab his boots. "What? No complaining?" Jonghyun asked with a small poke at Minho's side. 

"No, because I am not willing to fight with you." Was the simple response before Minho stood and grabbed Jonghyun's shirt dragging him out of the house with him and locking the door behind them. 

Jinki glanced around as he walked into the club, the music making him cringe since it wasn't his type of music at all and the lights making him step aside into the shadows. He didn't like things like this and tended to avoid them, but Mr. Shen was convinced that it would cheer him up and dragged him along to the building since he was old enough to drink. 

He stepped past a couple who were whispering to one another and forced his eyes to focus on his teachers back when the woman's hand slipped to a place he was sure it was not supposed to go in a public place. He didn't want to drink. He was fine with not tasting alcohol. It never attracted him in any way. But he didn't want to turn down the offer made by the man who was always so nice to him. It tore him and he gave in. 

"H-How long are we staying here?" He asked, trying to raise his voice over the music as he was led to a stool by the counter that a male stood behind. 

"As long as we need to. Why? Do you feel uncomfortable?" The other asked as he sat beside Jinki and ordered two beers. 

"It's just....new." He replied as he smiled at the bartender who placed the drink in front of him just as someone pulled out the seat next to him and began to call out to the skinny male serving him. The voice made his back stiffen though and he cursed his luck repeatedly wondering why whatever greater force was out there seemed to hate him.

"Hey, Kibum~" The voice drawled as the bartender sighed and fixed began to fix Mr. Shen's drink. 

"Jonghyun just order some drinks." Another voice muttered making Jinki groan and shift further away from the pair who for some reason just had to sit next to him. Him. Because karma deemed him fit for such a punishment. 

This chapter yeah ><
It dips into Jinki and Mr. Shen's relationship
And leads up to the next chapter which will be good since it's an important scene

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Hey guys! Update will be coming by Monday!


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Chapter 25: Llegue muy tarde pero igual si la reestructuras la leere también ♡
Chapter 24: Que lindos ya est tiempo que sean felices se lo merecen mis hermosos chicos ❀.(*´▽`*)❀.
Chapter 22: No me imagino el dolor que Jinki es sintiendo pero eso es lo mejor ya así el maldito pagara su crimen
Gracias Mingo por cuidar de mi bebé 💪('ω'💪)
Chapter 11: Sabía que ese maldito maetro tenia que ver con los rumores.
gracias Minho por salvar a Jinkisito bebe (^O^)/o(*^▽^*)o
Chapter 9: Maldito ese bastardo como fue capas de tal cosas lo odio ヾ(`ε´)ノ
Chapter 6: Mi pobre Jinkisito quiero protegerlo y cuidar de él
Se me hace que el maestro es el que inició los rumores
Chapter 5: Yo que creí inocente a el lindo Jinki pero es diablillo vamos 💪
970 streak #8
Chapter 25: The last chapter feels like an ending.
But I would be very happy if you will just continue to your intended ending.
Thank you so much for thinking of continuing this fic.
970 streak #9
Chapter 16: Whatever happened to Mr. Shen? Is he still in that school?
Or has he resigned?