What You Think

Forget It

He sighed and watched as his best friend continued to flirt with the slim boy. It was sad really, how the shorter male had managed to fall in love with a bartender was beyond him, but he wouldn't question it. He didn't want to anger Jonghyun after all. The boy believed that love was love, even if he was constantly blown off by girls and guys alike. 

"Drinks?" The older male mumbled before perking up and calling to the blond again, losing Minho's interest immediately. 

With the sound of Jonghyun's flirting failure in the background, Minho spun his chair and glanced out onto the dance floor. 

Why he had ever agreed to come was another thing that escaped him. His ideas of love were very strict, and he was against one night stands and playing with strangers who pressed their to his crotch. While some may see it as dancing he saw it as disgusting. He wanted to meet someone and gradually fall in love, like those stupid movies his mother made him watch with her on Lifetime. Of course, they were unlikely to have anything to do with reality but it was something he grew up watching.

Either way what he was viewing wasn't much to his tastes. And he went to voice this opinion to his friend right before the male cut him off. 

"Jinki?" Jonghyun asked, eyes going wide as they settled on the boy sitting beside Minho, shoulders hunched and head held low and seeming to drop lower when he heard his name. "Mr.Shen?"

Minho's eyes snapped over and landed on the boy who was trying to become one with his seat, then to his teacher who was smiling at waving at a confused Kim. "Jonghyun," He greeted calmly before placing his hand on Jinki's back. "Minho," The teacher said, as a greeting he guessed, but his voice was much darker than the tone he had used with Jonghyun. 

"What are you two doing here?" Jonghyun asked, leaning over Minho who was still eyeing up the hand on Jinki's back, wondering why the two were so close before it hit him. 

'He's ing the teachers too?'

He snorted at the thought before reaching over Jonghyun to grab the drink that was set on the counter, not bothering to ask what it was, and downing it quickly the one he had come with not noticing due to his conversation with the teacher and bartender.

Jinki wanted to die. 

To disappear and fade away.

They were talking over him.

At least the conversation wasn't about him, but he still felt ashamed around the two. 

Ashamed that he was known all over the school for something he wasn't, ashamed that he would never be able to stand as equals in their eyes. 

So he kept his head down, shoulders hunched and could only manage a small smile when he felt the hand on his back, a reminder that he wasn't alone with the two males. It was comforting, but only because he was with the man who promised he would never let anyone harm him, as cheesy as that sounded, it comforted Jinki. 

"So, why are you two here together?" Jonghyun eventually asked, nudging Jinki causing the boy to let out a small yelp and jump, not expecting the contact. 

His eyes darted up to the younger male who was staring at him, an eyebrow raised just slightly before a laugh escaped him. 

"Calm down, I'm not gonna bite ya'." He said, smiling as Mr.Shen helped Jinki back into his chair. "I just asked a question."

Jinki let out a small sigh as he settled down, back in his seat with a drink in front of him know thanks to the bartender who seemed fairly amused by all of this. "Ah, sorry, I just...didn't expect the sudden contact," He muttered, lifting the drink and taking a small sip of the cold drink, making a face at the awful taste. "And we're here becau-"

"Because I wanted to help Jinki unwind," Mr.Shen said, cutting Jinki off and making the boy huff a bit. "He is always so tense in class, so I worry about him as I do all my students." 

Jonghyun frowned at the answer, displeased that the teacher had cut Jinki off. After all, it was impossible to attempt to become closer to the boy if Mr.Shen cut in. Jinki however, was happier that the other had answered even if he was cut off which was a major pet peeve of his. He wasn't sure how to speak with Jonghyun at all. He wasn't used to being spoken to by his fellow students that he went to school with. Not that he wouldn't love to try, just not in such a place and with such a subject. 

None of them seemed to notice Minho or the way he was examining the teacher as though he were a criminal. Nor the way his drink seemed to refill itself only for him to drain it again. 

It was long before Jonghyun wandered off, following the poor bartender like a dog leaving Minho to sit and drink his self away as Mr.Shen had long ago dragged Jinki onto the dance floor, claiming that he needed to learn how to be close with people again. Not that the Choi cared. 

No, he was bored out of his mind, and his sight was beginning to blur the more he drank. His mind and thoughts became hazy and he stood, slamming down the small glass cup before walking onto the dance floor. The temperature seemed to increase as he glided through the groups of girls and guys shamelessly grinding on one another making him turn up his nose as he walked past them. 

It wasn't long before he found a spot with the least amount of ty girls skipping around in their booty shorts and hooker heels, and he relaxed starting to dance the way he himself enjoyed to. 

Which also meant it wasn't long before he was surrounded by people as well, and a girl was grinding on him making him back away before bumping into another person a low groan escaping his lips. 

"Minho?" He turned at the sound of his name and frowned when he saw Jinki standing at the edge of the circle like a confused child. 

"What?" He grunted, noting the fact that Jinki wasn't shying away from the many bodies surrounding him. Of course not, why would he? 

The boys face wavered a bit at this before he extended a hand. "Are you drunk? Come on, you should sit down." He said, voice almost a whisper.

The taller boy scowled at this and slapped Jinki's hand away, refusing the help and causing the other to recoil quickly staring up at him with hurt eyes. "Why would I accept your help?" He asked with a sneer. "You disgust me!" 

He laughed a bit at the end, shaking his head and making a move to step away before stumbling, adding to his drunk appearance as well as his slurred words.

Jinki however, had a new look on his face, one that Minho couldn't remember seeing on the others face not that he looked at him often. But it didn't suit the male, it made Minho wonder how often he made such an odd face until his thoughts were forgotten as a hand grabbed his wrist, dragging him off the dance floor and to a small booth in the back of the bar. 

"What are you doing?!" He asked, voice higher than normal as he fell onto the seats, glaring up at Jinki who was still staring at him with that face.

"You need to sit down, drink some water because your friend is wasted too." He mumbled as he looked around for a waiter. 

"I told you I don't want your help!" Minho growled out as he went to stand before being pushed back into he seat. "Don't touch me either!" 

"Why?!" Jinki hissed back, eyes boring into Minho's glaring ones. "Why not? Why not my help? What is so wrong with me?!" 

He was breathing hard as he waited for a response from the drunken male, his patience reaching its limit for the first time. He was starting to get sick of the constant rejections of simple friendship.

"Because of what you do you damned !" Minho snapped back, standing up, making Jinki take a step back. "I hate people like you!" He shoved his finger into Jinki's chest harshly. "Who just sleep around with whoever the they want! Who don't give a !" 

The older male clenched his fists. "What makes you think that I'm a ! Those stories?!" He asked, ignoring the eyes of passing people. 

"Of course! So many people, so so many, have said they had you in their beds! Why would I choose to believe some loner freak instead of them?!" 

"In their beds..." Jinki muttered looking away before shaking his head and laughing a broken one. "You know what," Facing Minho once again he shoved the male onto the chair, leaning closer and staring at him. "I'm sick of those stupid little stories, so I'm going to give you one to base it on. I'll be exactly what you think I am,"

My god it ....
I just...got bored and wanted to update.
Sorry if I disappointed any one ;;
Should there be in the next chapter? 
Or no? 

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Hey guys! Update will be coming by Monday!


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Chapter 25: Llegue muy tarde pero igual si la reestructuras la leere también ♡
Chapter 24: Que lindos ya est tiempo que sean felices se lo merecen mis hermosos chicos ❀.(*´▽`*)❀.
Chapter 22: No me imagino el dolor que Jinki es sintiendo pero eso es lo mejor ya así el maldito pagara su crimen
Gracias Mingo por cuidar de mi bebé 💪('ω'💪)
Chapter 11: Sabía que ese maldito maetro tenia que ver con los rumores.
gracias Minho por salvar a Jinkisito bebe (^O^)/o(*^▽^*)o
Chapter 9: Maldito ese bastardo como fue capas de tal cosas lo odio ヾ(`ε´)ノ
Chapter 6: Mi pobre Jinkisito quiero protegerlo y cuidar de él
Se me hace que el maestro es el que inició los rumores
Chapter 5: Yo que creí inocente a el lindo Jinki pero es diablillo vamos 💪
961 streak #8
Chapter 25: The last chapter feels like an ending.
But I would be very happy if you will just continue to your intended ending.
Thank you so much for thinking of continuing this fic.
961 streak #9
Chapter 16: Whatever happened to Mr. Shen? Is he still in that school?
Or has he resigned?