Her Mom? Amnesiac

The Exchange
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It was the first thing that came into her head when she saw what was around her, screaming her heart out at the bizarre view. Just what exactly is this, or better yet, where is she?


She was surrounded by autumn trees, the yellow trees that seems to be dying. She was hyperventilating because she couldn't recognize anything familiar around her.


The ground under her tickled her and she looked down to realize she was standing on a grassy field with bare foot. The grass too was fading into yellow. 


"Oh, you are here! It’s not the time yet. Who brought you here?"


An angelic voice from behind made her snap her head to that direction, watching with wide eyes as a lady morphed in front of her out from a tree, giving her a tender smile that made her gulp.


The face was new, one she hasn’t seen before. The lady was smiling and there were two dimples on the corners of her lips, making her look even more beautiful to Sora. 


"W-who… Are you?" She hesitantly asked, pointing a shaky finger in the woman’s direction. The lady grinned widely and started circling around her, making her more alarmed at the sudden turn of events. Wasn't she at a party? How come she is here in the snap of a finger? And why can't she remember some stuff? Some pieces of the past were unknown to her, making her grow confused.


"I'm not going to tell you yet. You need to wait for your own birthday, where the real powers is coming to you. Whoever brought you here might have been a little impulsive," the lady smiled again, giving her another dimpled smile before lifting her right hand and snapping her finger, throwing Sora into another dimension as she out again.



"Sora! Wake up! You are late for school!" The sound of her aunt shocked her, and Sora shot up from her bed with a gasp, giving her aunt wide eyes and panicky expression.


Sora realized she was in her room, wearing her favorite set of pajamas and lying down on her own bed. Her hair seemed ruffled which was normal, and she coughed, and said the word stupid for a voice test. Everything was fine, but why is her heartbeat speeding up like that?


"Are you done being strange? Get up, you have to go to school. You’re already late!" Her aunt raised her voice, which was a first considering that she doesn't get angry that easily, maybe frustrated but not angry. Sora could literally see smoke coming out of her ears.


"Okay geez, why are you so upset?" Sora mumbled, not wanting her aunt to hear it, but unfortunately, her rabbit demon seemed to notice because it twitched it’s ears.


"Your sister, she is kinda… You know, depressed. I would appreciate it if you didn't speak to her directly, she might just lose it."


Sora was confused at her aunt's words. She doesn't know why her cousin is depressed when she should be the opposite. Wasn't her coronation party yesterday? Shouldn't she be ecstatic that her powers have been upgraded or something? 


"Ehm, yeah sure."


Even though she was really confused, she answered, giving her aunt a weirded-out look.


"Thanks, now get up and get ready for school," and then she left, leaving Sora all by herself, scratching her head like an infected monkey.


"Ooookay," she muttered before looking down at her clock on the nightstand.


7:54 AM


"Shoot! I’m dead!" She hurriedly jumped off her bed to rush to school, but Sora had a sudden rush of nausea that caused her to land her feet wrongly on the carpet. She almost fell down because her eyesight went blurry, and her feet lost all balance. It was a good thing to have the carpet as a landing place.


She massaged her head tiredly and tried to get the nauseous feeling away from her head. She failed to make it go away fully but there was a small amount of relief in her body and eyes. The puking sensation also started to fade and she was good to go. At least for now.



Sora was supposed to eat her breakfast, but with all the tension in the room, she really couldn't. It was just too much for her, and she left.


Yoora had refused to touch her food and was just gazing solemnly at it. Sora almost pitied that confused look on her face if Yoora hadn't opened and started cursing at her, accusing Sora of whatever bad thing that happened to her.


Curse her.


"Lalala, lalallala lalallala..." She was happily singing a tune that was so childish to her instead of running toward the school in a rushing manner like her life depended on it, but she realized she was already late and there is no way she could arrive to school when it has already started right? So why panic at all?


The barking of a dog popped her bubble of happiness, and she turned her head backwards to see a huge, black dog marching towards her, and she was really scared it would attack her.


The dog did jump on her, but instead of attacking her or cutting her into pieces, he was rather quite friendly.


The dog started her face and barking happily as Sora tried her best to stop it's movement, fearing that she would be lying down on her back if he continued to play like that. I mean, she is tiny compared to it.


She tried to stop the dog and pushed him away from her, even if she was quite startled that a dog was walking around alone. In this territory, there is no animal roaming around freely like that. There aren’t animals here. Instead, there are demons. This might be someone's demon. If so, then this 'someone' must be very strong to shape his or her demon into this form.


"Yah! What’s gotten into you today?!" The huffing voice of Kai really -not- shocked Sora. She almost forgot he was her neighbor. 


He went to the dog and grabbed it’s ears and shifted the dog into a meowing cat the size of Sora’s head. 


Which is a bit big.


He cradled the now silent cat and eyed Sora warily.


"I didn't do anything! I promise!" She raised her hands, surrendering herself to him before he could open his mouth. Her eyes were as wide as onion rings.


"Why did he suddenly wanted to hug you and cuddle you then? What did you do?"


"Nothing! Honestly!" 


"He does not like you! His feelings are his owner’s!" 


"You don't like me? Why? I'm fabulous!"


He gave her an incredulous look, and she pretended to zip .


"Fine, I'm shutting up," she mumbled and glanced somewhere else. Has Sora ever mentioned how much scary Kai gets when he is…well, like this? 


He gave her a snarl before patting his cat lovingly, who still gave Sora some creepy looks she doesn't know the meaning of.


"It’s funny, he usually doesn't like people. Why was he suddenly hyped up to see you?"


Kai was only whispering to himself, but Sora obviously heard him and wanted to change the subject immediately before he starts to accuse her of poisoning his demon, which is awfully stupid, but really, these boys represent stupidity. 


"So Kai, do you remember what happened yesterday? I kinda…don't?" She really didn't want to ask Kai that question, but her 'family' was a little bit moody today and didn't tell her anything.


"Yes you were hot."


She had to smack his head for that and raised her nose confidently at him.


"I'm always hot you idiot, and who told you that you could flirt with me?"


"If I'm flirting with you then it’s the end of the world."


"Didn't you just say I was hot?"


"Yeah, that was yesterday so technically I was flirting with you yesterday."


"Technically, you are an idiot."


He shut his mouth at the pointed look Sora gave him and ended up pouting before scoffing at her.


"Shouldn't you be happy I even complimented you?"


"Why? Who the hell are you?"


"I'm Kai from the second Kim family. We are next in command." 


"Well then I’m impressed yesterday."


She giggled at her stupid joke and Kai gave her a blank look, which immediately made her grow defensive.




"Nothing, just staring to see if there is something there inside that brain of yours."


"I'm smart, thank you very much."


"Yeah, that would explain why Chanyeol hyung tutors you for math."


At his words, she remembered what happened between her and Chanyeol and grimaced, but she didn't had the time to continue grimacing when she remembered she had to go to school.


She widened her eyes and pointed at Kai with a gasp.


"You are late for school too? Ohmygod you can teleport both of us there sneakily! Like how you always do!"


"How the hell did you know about that?"


"Seriously Kai? You popping out of nowhere in a crowded hallway and joining your friends like nothing happened? What would you call that? Fitness rehearsal?" She was the one to give him a blank look this time, and he gulped before looking away, placing his cat in the ground soon after. Good thing the cat didn't attack Sora this time and only circled around her legs with meowing sounds.


"This is really strange… Speaking of that, your aura is… strange too," Kai commented as he glanced at her with wide eyes, quirking his eyebrow up in suspicion.


"What? How is that strange?"


"Well, you feel a lot more stronger than before."


Sora laughed at that, covering with her palms to make herself unheard. She gasped a bit and glanced at Kai with a more collected face, but she laughed again when she saw his stoic, irritated face.


"Yah! That’s not funny!" He whined like a kid and she shook her head amusingly with a loud laugh.


"Yes! Yes it is! You think my aura got powerful? Like that would happen, lets just go shall we? Or I'm telling everyone about your sneaking habits." She immediately hooked their arms together and grinned excitedly, not even feeling weird that she was literally hugging her enemy's arms like a koala.


"What are you doing?" He asked, irritated at her as he tried to wiggle free, but her solid grip made it impossible.


"Doesn’t teleportation work when you have physical contact? Well I'm touching you!" She replied with a 'duh' expression on her face, making Kai roll his eyes.


"Yes, physical contact, as in touching my skin not my blazer sleeves." He didn't even wait for her to protest and immediately took her hand in his, giving it a squeeze.


She looked down at her hand, surprised at the sudden rush of electricity that spread through her arms. It wasn't something normal, and she felt itchy all of a sudden. Seemingly, she was the only one who felt it as Kai was completely fine.


The nauseous feeling returned and she felt like puking again. She tried shrugging her hand off of his considering how she only felt like this after holding his hand, but he didn't let her go and squeezed her hand tightly. Sora didn't notice the blush tinting his cheeks.


"Okay, I'm going to start, it may cause a little bit of … You know, uncomfortable feelings?"


With that, he teleported them, leaving only a trail of smoke.



Sora has been throwing up for hours now, she had skipped her first three classes and it was lunch period now. Ever since she arrived at school and she has been throwing up. She wanted to believe it was the after effects of teleportation, but she know it was rather because of his touch and not his powers.


Whatever things are happening to her now, she was absolutely clueless.


She exited the bathroom with a troubled face, putting a hand on her throbbing stomach that was preparing another attack for her. She hoped she'd be fine by then. 


She saw students giving her the same nasty looks they give her all the time,
As always, she ignored them and headed over to her locker, her face looking as pale as a ghost.


Sora stopped in place all of a sudden, watching with wide eyes as Yoora, her cousin, was being teased by students.


A boy poked her in the shoulder, making her stumble back and drop her books. Another ruffled her hair, and Sora was so damn sure it wasn't a friendly gesture.


They were bullying her.


She wouldn’t deny the fact that she was surprised, but she wondered why were they suddenly acting like that? Wasn't Yoora their role model or whatever? She was a royal, shouldn't she be respected?


Sora didn't want to interfere since they were all big guys and they all had powers. She was probably the weakest in the school, and she didn't want to be bullied again too. She was already sick, she doesn't want to be bruised too.


Someone's shoulder brushed against hers roughly and immediately the boy passed by her, heading towards the group of bullies as his normal animal demon turned into a huge tigress with red dots and woolen hair. The tigress had two huge fangs that reached her feet. She is a mythological creature. Sora had seen her before. She had seen the boy's mythological creature before and it was purple then, and she even thought it was a purple cheetah..




He was furious, and he had pinned one of the boys to the wall while his animal demon attacked the other three, two girls and a boy. They immediately rushed away leaving their fourth friend at Luhan's mercy. 


Luhan's eyes were red with anger. His powers glowed in his eyes, and Sora was really terrified. She had heard about this before. Legendary people are able to reflect their powers in their eyes, but they had to express it all, their ultimate power, and now Luhan was angry, she was so sure of it.


She didn't know what he told the boy, but she could see his lips moving. Maybe he was threatening the boy because the boy seemed really scared. Remind her again not to upset Luhan this badly.


Luhan let go of him after sending him a hard punch in the face, making the boy spit some blood before walking away while bowing his head in shame.


Luhan looked her way after that, as if he knew she was watching all along. His look was unreadable but she knew he was blaming her and probably questioning why she hadn’t done anything to help.


"What could she do?" A voice answered Luhan's silent question. She snapped her head sideways to see Kris standing next to her with his usual blank look on. He was in his school uniform looking all good and mighty and was wearing a baseball cap, a cap she thinks she spot with Chanyeol earlier. 


Obviously, Kris could read Luhan's look as well, and had just answered it, erasing the suspicions from her mind.


He looked at her, giving her another blank look before his brow scrunched in the middle, suddenly feeling confused.


"Has he possibly felt… that?" He had asked himself, but Sora heard it, yet she didn't put any effort to answer him.


"Be careful Sora, you might have just earned yourself an enemy…"


If he meant Luhan, then so be it. He is already her enemy anyways.


Everyone is.


"Oh my god did you hear?"


"They said he was human!"


"They got one? Seriously?"


"It's already enough that we have Sora, we don't need another."


"They’ve given him a job in this school."


Even though the gossip was juicy, Sora couldn't bring herself to say anything. She even heard someone insult her and as annoyed as she was, she didn't pay them any attention and just continued her walking. Her stomach was still grumbling, and felt dry. She honestly wanted to go home and rest because it was so hard to continue when her stomach burned her every five minutes, requesting to throw up. A human being has a limit, and she just reached hers.


As slow as a snail, she walked to her fourth period, which happened to be math. The teacher still gave her snarls and side glances, checking all the time to see if she was paying attention. She would say it annoyed the hell out of her and that she just wanted to smack him (or his donkey, that somehow managed to irritate her), but she stopped herself and started to imagine how she would kill Chanyeol instead. He hadn't told the teacher about him quitting his job as a tutor and instead smiled when asked about his process with her. What a liar.


Heads snapped in her direction the moment she stepped in, and Sora nearly freaked out because she didn’t know they were waiting for her.


She smiled bravely and waved annoyingly at them, telling them with movements how much they mattered to her, which is zero. 


She wanted to head to the seat Baekhyun always fights her about. It was her favorite, but she saw someone sitting on it already and sighed. She would have told him to get up and rest his demon elsewhere but didn't have the heart to.


So instead of going to that particular seat (she finds really awesome because it has a good angle where no one can see you, especially the teacher), she decided to look for an empty seat around, ignoring the heavy stares and whispers of her classmates. Honestly, today the murmurs seemed quite…a lot.


The only seat vacant was beside Chanyeol, who didn't spare her a glance after that accident. She no longer feared him when she exploded at him with Luhan's younger brother, but his presence still irks her to no measure. 


Silently (and without a choice), she trudged towards his direction and slowly sat down on the seat next to him, causing the murmurs to increase.


She gave them annoyed looks before shifting her eyes to the royal next to her. He seemed to stop writing whatever he was writing and glanced at her with surprised eyes, probably wondering why she would sit next to him when he wasn't her favorite person in the world.


"I'm glad you know that." Damn it, did she say that out loud? 


Sora didn't spare him any glances after that and slowly took out the math worksheet they were assigned yesterday. She wasn't the brightest student in math, and she admits that she will never be, but for now, she wanted to solve this correctly. 


Yesterday, she didn't have the time to solve this considering there was a party. Every royal was excused from it because they were royals, and the coronation was important, but the other students, including her, were supposed to do it. The other students had time to go home and do it if they haven't done it already, but Sora didn't have those priviledges because she was asked t

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i cannot describe how much i love this story! the character developments were insanely good and just the way you wrote this story is *chefs kiss* I always come back here to read it again T.T
Chapter 98: Missed the story so I re-read it again. Hope all is well. :)
31 streak #4
Chapter 98: Woah... finally finished reading this amazing story... really enjoyed reading the whole story from beginning till end... really loved sora's bold, cold and amazing unique character... also the boys... hehe.. in their starting point, it really hurt and broke my heart the way they treated her but she coolly handled them all perfectly... at some point couldn't stop laughing... amazingly well written with plot, plot twist and all the characters here... after getting her power, the way all of their relationship developed drastically, it was quite impressive and also surprising but lovable... specially loved kai and baekhyun's confession part ...also suho's underwater moment with her.. Lay was unexpectedly outstand... hehe...sehunnie..cutie pie but his mom's incident part was really heartbreaking with luhan's part... baekhyun's secret was one of the amazing plot twist... but felt really bad for him... chanyeollie...awww..tough, cold and bold but hidden lover ...hehe... xiumin's first human wild Visit with her and that moment..one of my favorite... Kay's dancing and confession moment ... kyungsoo's past experience and trauma really broke my heart.. but the way she supported and understood then approached him, that was appreciable... chen's whole part with sora was too amazing... wanted to give him hug.. aww... suga's real secret really shocked me... amazing plot twist... with or without power , love the way all of them accepted her and loved the way they did it just like before ... even though their starting wasn't that good but the ending was satisfying with another plot twist...chen's aunt's part made me so emotional... aww... really really loved this story.. worth reading...thank you authornim for writing such an amazing story..:)
Chapter 69: Lol baekhyun if you are nicer to her she might fall for u first. Eyy stoopid
Chapter 98: Finally finished this! I really liked it and I’m not one for harem thingys usually but this sort of innocent kind works for me and I enjoyed the story.
Chapter 84: Ooh poor Kyungsoo!
Chapter 80: Honestly- I can’t fault Tao’s methods of getting things done 😂😂