Pain plus comfort equals chaos

The Exchange
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"....They were a loving people, parents and royals. We would miss them greatly. They may have not deserved to die but thats a life's cycle and we all have to pray for them--"


A sneeze.


That's what exited Sora's mouth in front of all the people and it was exactly what interrupted the priest's words of wisdom. Sora realized that everyone stopped listening to the priest to look at her face with a glare, while the priest himself coldly glared at her for interrupting him. Sora awkwardly smiled and stood up to bow at the people around her and the twelve royals, who were all watching her except for Luhan who was blankly looking ahead of him in his black suit. She sat back on her seat with a crimson color on her cheeks and nose but that was probably because of the sneezing fits she was having. She could only blame Suho for her cold today and she could say he was feeling guilty with the pull on her heart. He was sitting next to her and every time she sneezes he would rub her back in comfort. She had ignored all his comforting acts and was coldly glaring at him, mentally cursing him in her head. He probably realized her glares and silent prayers for him to get a flu himself as he was sheepishly smiling at her. 


Two days has passed really fast and they were already seated on the chairs of their church, where they were all listening to the priest talking. Sora's body was healing quickly and now she was able to walk without wincing every time she did that, though she would still feel slight pain when she overuse her legs. Her sides were burning still but not like the first time she was hit.


Sora glanced at Luhan from the corner and saw him fidgeting with his fingers in angsty, he no longer looked ahead and was solemnly looking at his fingers. His younger brother, Lujian was sitting next to him and Sora was surprised he wasn't tearing or even saying anything, he was simply just sitting there watching the priest silently. Sora had wanted to approach Luhan but she just couldn't find the courage to do so, she felt how much sorrow and sadness he was feeling but she simply couldn't do so. She saw Yoora sitting next to him crying softly on her arms. She was wearing a long sleeved black dress that reached her knees. For the first time Sora actually felt sad for the girl and she wanted to hit a wall.


Finally the priest seemed to finish talking and the burying ceremony started. Sora stood up with everyone and watched as the tomb softly went down the dirt. Neither Luhan or Lujian had send their last words to their parents and simply stayed seated, even when everyone was standing up in respect, the two boys refused to move a muscle and nobody really cared enough to notice except for Sora of course.


Sora was afraid, not only because three of the current royals were dead, but because she knows that the killing will resume and two days have passed. It could be anyone's death and that someone is one of the twelve royals.




"Hey kiddo..." Sora sat down next to the mourning kid, who was hunched over himself as he drank his juice, totally ignoring the adults that were walking past him with sympathetic looks upon their faces.


The small kid lifted his head and glanced at her, a sudden gleam appeared on his orbs and Sora found herself involved into a big embrace by the little kid. Sora's eyes widened and she immediately crouched down to have a proper embrace with the kid who started weeping the moment he was in her embrace.


"Noona..." He whimpered, and Sora found herself gulping down her saliva. She patted Lujian on his back and squeezed him tighter. 


"Hey hey it's okay, your parents are in a better pla..-"

"Luhan hyung is acting strange.." Sora was extremely surprise at his words. She thought he was crying because of his parent's funeral or maybe because he remembered how his parents were killed before his eyes, but all he mentioned was how his hyung was acting?


"I know, I know. He just lost his parents of course he would be acting strange.."

"No you don't understand, he is.. He is pushing me away and he is.. He is so strange Noona please go talk to him.." The small kid broke the hug away but he still stood still on his place, tears streaming down his face with a hiccup. His sight broke her heart, and she didn't know what to do. The boy before her didn't know what's wrong with his brother and he probably doesn't know that her and Luhan's relationship weren't that tight for her to speak with him, but the look on the boy's face were so fragile that she didn't have the heart to reject him.


"Fine... I would talk to him but only for you!" The boy smiled softly at the bigger girl and hugged her again, like she is the most precious gem to him that he does not want to loose. Sora hesitatingly let go of the boy and walked towards Luhan's hunched body, not before she ruffle his bangs softly.


Luhan was sipping on his wine, and he was probably drinking his third glass by now. Sora sighed at his conflicting feelings that attacked her without mercy. She didn't know what's wrong with him because clearly, he didn't seem to care that much about his parents death and it probably because they weren't the ideal parents he wished to have, but the sadness he held inside his shell was scary and weird.


"Luhan.." Softly Sora sat down next to him. She hardly prayed in her head for the disappearance of Lee Yoora before starting her supposed talk.


"What do you want now Lee Sora? I'm clearly not in the mood for you.." Sora had to bit really hard on her tongue to stop herself from choking the daylight out of his throat. Calm down, she told herself, it's his parents funeral just let it pass for now.


"I just wanted to check on you.. You seem awfully quiet.." Sora fidgeted with her fingers nervously, not even knowing why the hell she was nervous to begin with. She stifled another upcoming sneeze and sniffled away the signs. Luhan sighed heavily before looking at her with a glare so hard she almost peed in her pants.


"I'm always quiet okay? What do you know about me?" Anger prickled her heart and yet once again Sora bit on her emotions and gulped it down. This won't even allow her to consider his situation as his tongue needed to be cut off by a scissor.


"I don't know anything about you true. But I know when someone needs to have someone by his side.." 

"I don't need anyone and I for God's sake don't need you,"

"I wasn't talking about you.." That seemed to silence the angered Luhan as Sora could tell his emotions all disappeared to be replaced by another new emotion; confusion.


Sora didn't need to be told twice as she clearly knew he wanted her to spill the beans, but she wasn't ready to tell him about his brother who specifically asked her to speak to his brother to the sake of Luhan.


"I know it's hard losing your parents Luhan. I know how it feels to be watched, no, judged by people who probably don't even know what is it like to be in this position. The most precious people to you had just passed away and it , I know it does and it's okay, it's okay to be sad and it's okay to be angry. I know your parents weren't the best parents out there, but I know deep inside you and your brother, that there is still some good memories of your parents in you, and that's probably why it hurts so much.." Sora scooted closer to Luhan, taking his shaking hand in hers and intertwining their fingers. Their shoulders touched and she was shocked he didn't push her away or spout some nonsense by now, she was surprised he bothered to hear her out and let her comfort him.


"I know you are confused. I know you are angry about yourself right now because you were affected. I know that you think they don't deserve your tears nor your sadness and I know you feel like a weakling. Crying for your horrible parents' funeral isn't weakness Luhan, it just shows how much of a good son you are and how much they greatly means to you when they only made you feel like you mean nothing to them.." Sora leaned down to have a better look on his face, and she saw how a single tear he prevented so much from falling has just fallen out of his socket just by mere words of herself, words she thought would come out of the other ear considering how much he hates her.


Sora let go of his hand to crouch in front of him, sitting on her knees to embrace him tightly with a squeeze, feeling how much his sadness just gushed out of him like a river. Guess all the time he was only allowing her to feel a small share of his sorrows while now he simply let loose.


Maybe he thought she didn't care enough.


"You are a good person Luhan, you are a good son and it is okay for you to be sad over your parents death. Just because they are horrible doesn't lessen the fact they are still and will forever be your parents. The mom who gave birth to you and the dad who stood next to you as you grow. Loving them unconditionally is not a sin and would never be, please promise me you'll never forget anything good, even if it was small, because eventually that's all that matters." Eventually Sora felt Luhan's arms wrap around her body and she felt his tears wetting her back, which she happily allowed.


Luhan doesn't know how lucky he is to have someone as Sora beside him right now. 


Sora felt Lujian's arms wrap around her waist from the back and felt his head rest on her back, she smiled softly at the thought of him hugging her and wondered if he was hearing her talking to his brother all along.


They looked like a happy family hugging each other, the mom, the dad and the baby, and someone was not happy about it.




Sora stirred in her sleep, turning around in her bed to sleep on her sides, maybe it would be a better and more comfortable position to sleep on.


But no, once again the tug on her heart made her uncomfortable and she stirred. She sat down on her bed with a huge frown and wondered what the hell was happening to her right now.

She glanced at the clock on her nightstand and it read 2:00 in the morning. The boys were probably sleeping comfortably by now and wouldn't be awake to share her worries.


She scratched her chest, right in the spot of her heart. It was beating abnormally and she felt like scratching her abdomen. She gulped down hardly and shifted her hand from her stomach to her chest yet again, scratching hectically as if a bug pierced her there. But that wasn't the case, a nagging sensation was spreading hurriedly on the back of her mind and something screamed for her to leave the bed and get out of the house.


The feelings only grew harder the more she stayed in bed. Her heartbeats increased even harder to the extent she could feel it turning numb, her brain kept tugging badly on her mind and body kept twitching uncomfortably in every inch of the bed.


Suddenly, a piercing pain shook through her stomach and she doubled over in pain. She glanced down at her stomach and started to scratch hardly on her skin, trying to make the sudden, extreme pain to move away.


It only got worse, however and she let out a choked yell of pain as tears started pouring down. It was incredible, and she wondered what the hell is happening to her..


Sora's eyes widened immediately and she found herself standing up from her position hurriedly. She ran to the first boy's room even though the pain was hardly making her move, she bit her lips and kept moving, barging roughly inside one of the chambers.


Xiumin stirred in his sleep at the sudden bang at his door, making him awake. He lifted up with a groan of annoyance but his sentence was cut short when he saw Sora falling down on his carpet in pain.


"Sora!!" Shouting, Xiumin got out of his bed and immediately rushed to her, crouching down to the girl's position on the floor who was gurgling hardly with pain, as if she was finding it hard to breathe.

"O-one... One of you is.. is. in t-trouble.." Sora tried to let out her words to Xiumin, and she couldn't help but stutter horribly. The pain in her abdomen was so strong that it was like someone was stabbing her severely on her stomach.






Sora suddenly screamed so loudly when she realized what the hell was happening.


One of the boys was being stabbed on his abdomen severely as she yelled out, and she realized that he probably felt even more pain than what she was feeling.


He probably was drowning on his own pool of blood, he probably was crying out in pain, he probably was shouting for the pain, and he probably was dying.


"Please Xiumin.. Lets save him before he dies.."


And then it was... gone.

    The pain was gone.         Sora scrambled to her feet, looking at the gathering boys around her. She realized to her dismay that all of them had woken up from her sudden shout and screams. She glanced at all of them with wide eyes and uneven breathing cycles. She started counting them, and indeed they were eleven.        "Baekhyun, Xiumin, Sehun, Luhan..." Sora trailed, eyes turning even wider when she realized the person who is missing is the least one who favorites her, and she was so ing angry right now she can swing a rock and it can break.       She scrambled to her feet and immediately reached her hands towards the boys, who were eyeing her confusedly, but even with that she was able to witness how every single one of them was scratching on his lower abdomen, almost like they were in pain that wasn't theirs. Unlike her, they weren't able to feel the pain so hardly, and maybe the boy was feeling it even worse than her and the thought made her horrified. She didn't say anything to clarify as she immediately shouted.       "Come on we have to save him! Clutch onto me I'm teleporting us all. And Kai would you please help me?" Nothing needed to be said anymore and Xiumin was the first one to clutch on her shoulder blade, completely ignoring her outstretched hand for the other boys to take. Sora closed her eyes shut the moment all of them grabbed her, Kai being next to her to help her in teleporting. Since her powers were only a copy, she needed the boss himself to teleport eleven men. She unconsciously sendt energy waves all through her body to Kai, for him to track the energy of the lost boy to find his location.       Immediately they were all teleported to somewhere Sora didn't know exists. They were standing solemnly in the middle of a dark street, the signal coming from the boy was extremely close to her that she let go of the boys' arms around her and started running away to god knows where, all she knows that she had to save him before he dies.       Sora headed to a closed alley, where three bodies of men were lying down on the ground. To her horror, two of the men were dead and the last one was heavily breathing. His dark black chopped hair was clinging around his eyes and forehead. He was sweating heavily and
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i cannot describe how much i love this story! the character developments were insanely good and just the way you wrote this story is *chefs kiss* I always come back here to read it again T.T
Chapter 98: Missed the story so I re-read it again. Hope all is well. :)
30 streak #4
Chapter 98: Woah... finally finished reading this amazing story... really enjoyed reading the whole story from beginning till end... really loved sora's bold, cold and amazing unique character... also the boys... hehe.. in their starting point, it really hurt and broke my heart the way they treated her but she coolly handled them all perfectly... at some point couldn't stop laughing... amazingly well written with plot, plot twist and all the characters here... after getting her power, the way all of their relationship developed drastically, it was quite impressive and also surprising but lovable... specially loved kai and baekhyun's confession part ...also suho's underwater moment with her.. Lay was unexpectedly outstand... hehe...sehunnie..cutie pie but his mom's incident part was really heartbreaking with luhan's part... baekhyun's secret was one of the amazing plot twist... but felt really bad for him... chanyeollie...awww..tough, cold and bold but hidden lover ...hehe... xiumin's first human wild Visit with her and that of my favorite... Kay's dancing and confession moment ... kyungsoo's past experience and trauma really broke my heart.. but the way she supported and understood then approached him, that was appreciable... chen's whole part with sora was too amazing... wanted to give him hug.. aww... suga's real secret really shocked me... amazing plot twist... with or without power , love the way all of them accepted her and loved the way they did it just like before ... even though their starting wasn't that good but the ending was satisfying with another plot twist...chen's aunt's part made me so emotional... aww... really really loved this story.. worth reading...thank you authornim for writing such an amazing story..:)
Chapter 69: Lol baekhyun if you are nicer to her she might fall for u first. Eyy stoopid
Chapter 98: Finally finished this! I really liked it and I’m not one for harem thingys usually but this sort of innocent kind works for me and I enjoyed the story.
Chapter 84: Ooh poor Kyungsoo!
Chapter 80: Honestly- I can’t fault Tao’s methods of getting things done 😂😂