The Dimpled, Crazy Lady

The Exchange
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That was the sound of the rain pouring heavily from the sky, bouncing from the ground onto the hem of her school skirt. She first cursed it, but she was easily drifting away and walking while daydreaming.


“It’s a curse.” She remembered his voice so clearly, echoing vividly in her brain. It felt like it was only yesterday when he told her these words, cuddling her in his arms and smiling his dimpled smile that she didn’t inherit.


“And a gift at the same time. Death is hurtful, but at the same time it’s a lesson. It questions your ability to survive. See how they both connect?” His velvety voice spread to every corner, making her body shake and question Luhan's words again.


How was the person who brought her to life the same person who didn’t want her as his own? Did he really hate her or were Luhan's words just lies?


“Your mom...she really loves you. You have to remember that all the time and never question it. Although she is gone now, you need to realize how much of a great person she was…”


“She was just a fling…”


“She was so happy that we had you, we both were, and I'm still very happy to have you here. I know she is still happy too, in heaven. You know that, right?”


“He only treated you like that because he pitied you!”


She winced at the conflicting thoughts and covered her ears with her palms, sitting down on the floor. Her entire outfit was wet, so was her hair, and she felt disgusted with herself. She could also feel the cold water seeping through her shoes.


She was aware of all that but she was oblivious of the tears that was mixed with the raindrops falling down on her.


“You won't see her now,” a voice in her subconscious mind whispered, “She'll be forgotten so soon.”




She snapped her head up at the sudden voice. Everything in her head vanished, and a peeping sound spread soon after, like those sounds you find in horror movies or a broken T.V. She wiped her tears when she realized who it was, standing up hurriedly to glance at the surroundings she was in, seeing where the hell she stopped.


"And I thought rain in the morning was strange," she softly whispered, giving a questioning look to Suho, who smiled faintly at her, noticing the crack in her voice.


He was holding a huge book, about the size of his head. He was hugging it like it was the most precious thing in the world, maybe fearing it would be stolen. As if someone would want to steal a big boring book like that.


"What…?" He asked strangely, looking behind him to see if that judging look on her face was directed towards him. Seeing no one else is around, he looked back at her and gulped. He wasn't really fond of that look.


"Do you really want to know what?" Sarcastically she asked, sniffing strongly like all the snot of the world had poured while she was crying.


"Yeah… I want to know."


She discovered by only the look on his face (that was so confused and kinda cute) that he wasn't like his sarcastic friends. He was really collected and quiet, most importantly, he wasn't a very bright person. Yes he was smart, but not bright. He wasn't witty enough.


And she thought he only acts like that in front of the elders.


"Well, you are holding a huge book that could possibly be as boring as your personality, you have a huge frown on you face, you are confused as hell, and it’s raining."


As if just remembering that, his eyes brightened and he snapped his fingers.


"Oh! I forgot, this is for you!" Enthusiastically, he handed her the book, holding a big smile from appearing on his lips. He waited for her to make an expression, maybe she would react like him, but she only gagged at the book and gave him another pointed look.


"What is this?"


"It’s a training book which has all the methods and analysis of one's pure energy."


"And you are giving that to me for?"


"You are a newly born person, and you need it to survive."


"Correction! I was born seventeen years ago you doofus."


"I said newly, and I would appreciate it if you drop the inappropriate adjectives," she gaped at his statements and wondered what was wrong with this boy. Was he really like that when he was born too? So stiff and… that?


She huffed angrily and started to open the papers roughly, seeing a few drawings here and there and fighting poses. She even saw demons on it and wondered if she would have a demon now.


"So why were you sad?" Surprisingly, the question came out of her lips instead of his, and Suho was brutally surprised.


"Excuse me?" He stuttered, placing a shocked hand on his chest. He really was a nobleman, a bewildered one.


"You are excused… why do you seem so confused?"


"Because I am! What made you think I was sad? I'm here smiling right in front of you," he said, still wearing a baffled look on his angelic face. Hearing such words from Sora surprised him, how could she just jump to such a conclusion? Does he even look sad?


She closed the book and sighed heavily, giving him another one of her pointed looks. She pushed her silver hair away from her face, taking it all to tie it into a ponytail with the rubber band she had on her wrist, while dangling the book under her arms.


"The rain…”


"What does it have to do with me?"


"When you're sad, you make it rain. Isn't your main power water?" She gave him an 'I-know-everything' look and crossed her arms across her chest, still not dropping the highly heavy book.


"How would you know it’s me and not nature?"


"Ahm, it’s freaking morning? The weather yesterday night and just before was so bright and sunny? Duh…?"


He gave her a sigh before looking at Sora directly in the eyes, sending all kind of shivers down her spine when the look was different. From all those boring looks of his, he had managed to pull a dark one that sent her breath away. Was he really the same person she was talking to few minutes ago?


"How can you tell?"


She didn’t know how to answer him and only gulped down her saliva. She opened the book and started to fiddle with it, pretending that she was busy reading though it didn't stop her from answering.


"Rain represents sadness and shallowness. When it rains, the sky darkens and people tries to run away to find shelters. The grounds are left to get wet, and gloominess spreads everywhere. Everything just screams bitterness. I also heard that when it rains, the sky is crying. In your case, was it you who was crying?" She lifted her gaze from the book, stopping her hands from moving nervously on the book. Her eyes held innocence and lack of knowledge, but Suho knew better, he knew exactly what was going on in her head.


He scoffed while looking away, sniffing a little to save whatever remained of his dignity. He send her a last look before turning around and walk away, waving his hands a bit from behind.


"You have wushu lessons tomorrow with Tao, be prepared."



Sora decided to skip school today. She was already late anyway, and it was her birthday. She could use some good escape plan to celebrate by herself and maybe eat a second cake? It’s not like the news she heard were cotton candy and rainbows.


She still couldn’t believe the fact that she was the thirteenth one and not Yoora. She doesn't understand why suddenly she was the one. She was half human, and she wasn't supposed to be like them. She was human and she pretty much liked it that way. Even though she was getting bullied, abused, and harassed, she still preferred it that way. At least she was confident in herself; she loved herself and felt proud of herself. Now? Now she doesn't know anymore.


She felt fake. Not herself.


If people decided to be all goody-two-shoes to her now, she is so going to murder them, cut them into pieces, and throw their parts into the ocean.


Because they would be more fake than her.


She unconsciously opened her house door roughly, making it crash to the wall as it bounced. She grinned sheepishly and scratched her hair, making her look like a guilty boy being grounded for something.


"Sora! Oh gosh you are home! I'm so sorry f-"


"If you are going to apologize then don't, you didn't do anything wrong."


Seeing that her aunt was obviously drowning in guilt (she doesn't know why by the way), Sora decided to set her free from the struggle and just pretend everything was okay.


"But I hea-"


"So? I'm okay! I'm better than okay! I'm going to be powerful now alright? So don't give me that face. I'm tired auntie, and I really don't wanna talk about it so I'm just gonna head to bed early. It’s okay that I skipped, right?" The cake could wait for a little bit. She was going to sleep for a bit and then wake up for a lovely desert. A special treat for herself.


Her aunt gave a meek nod and Sora hurriedly stormed inside, closing the door roughly behind her as she climbed the stairs fast like a rushing bull.


She slumped into her bed, face landing on the sheets. She groaned loudly and stood up to freshen herself. Maybe take a minute or two in the bathroom.



It was almost unreal to see those humongous trees around her. She remembers them from somewhere; she’s seen them before but she just couldn't get the picture straight in her head.


She gaped when she realized she was in a jungle, a rather pink one than green. She felt out of place, like an alien, considering how everything around her seemed unreal. It was like an alien environment with exotic trees and fluffy pink...clouds.


She swore she was resting on her bed after taking a long, comfortable shower just minutes ago. She was so sure she fell asleep after downloading some new tracks in her phone, but now it seemed like she was transported into lala land.


Was this just a dream? Was she dream walking and somehow ended up wandering to an unfamiliar place?


She would’ve called it a dream if she didn't feel this weird glitch in her heart that told her she did know where she was.


"Oh! Finally you are here! You don't know for how long I’ve been waiting for you!"


She snapped her head back to see the same lady she saw before. The one who morphed out of a tree and smiled a dimpled smile.


Wait, is this the same grassy field she was in few days ago?


"I can change whatever place to meet you in, it’s in your subconscious mind anyway," the beautiful lady smiled again, showing those two deep dimples Sora once thought were a dream and a fragment of her imagination.


"Sub...conscious... Mind?" Confused, Sora questioned, furrowing her eyebrows in thought. She took glances at the surroundings, noting that indeed she was in an unfamiliar place that was familiar at the same time. She was in a jungle now, a pink one, while the other time. she was in a yellow, autumn, grassy field.


"You are dreaming."


She looked back at the lady, raising a shaky finger as she repeated the same word like a broken record.




"Yes, it’s the only way to get in contact with you!"


"Who the hell are you?!"


The lady wasn't surprised with her sudden shout, she knew Sora was confused and probably wondering if she was alright, maybe checking her own mental ability and sanity.


The lady shook her head softly, tsking softly to herself, muttering a small, almost unheard words.


"Come my dear, everything will be explained..." The lady gave her a hand, waiting for Sora to take it so they could take off to god-knows-where. Sora eyed the hand like it was an alien thing. She wasn't sure if she should take it or not, and the lady seemed to realize that because she spoke.


"Don't worry, this is your dream, I can't hurt you."



The lady led Sora to a cottage in the middle of the jungle. It was surrounded by big funky flowers that reached Sora's waist. They were huge and their colors were exotic. Some flowers were pink and blue, but some had mixed colors from brown to purple and green leaves. They were really strange and sent Sora's head into a daze.


The lady made Sora sit in the balcony, saying that she needed to bring something before she left, leaving Sora sitting on a chair with a cup of tea.


Sora blew her bangs away from her face, waiting boredly for the lady to come back. She wouldn't say she trusted her now, because the lady had a lot to explain, but for now Sora was ready to listen.


"Aw! Aw! Aw! Why are you hurting me?"


"Because you are a stupid helper! You are supposed to bring her at 12:00 sharp at night! Not at day!"


"But you were sleeping!"


"Couldn't you wake me up you doofus?"


Sora stood up from her seat when two people appeared from behind the closed doors. One was obviously the weird lady while the other one, the male one, was unfamiliar. Sora couldn't help but muffle her laughs when she saw the pained expression on the male's face as he rubbed his red ears.


Okay, he was the victim, she gets it.


"Sit down!" The lady ordered while pointing to a seat -that didn’t exist- beside Sora.


When she wanted to ask where the hell would he sit down when there were no chairs, a magical chair popped out of nowhere, resting itself next to hers.


The male groaned but sat his down on the seat, grumbling under his breath about how unlucky a person he was.


Another seat magically appeared next to Sora and the lady sat herself on it. A magical table appeared around them soon after, and the lady rested her hands on them with a grin, waving a hand at Sora.


"C'mon! Ask us out! I know you are confused!" The lady enthusiastically exclaimed, giving a happy grin to Sora, who was starting to feel creeped out by the lady's personality.


"Uh...ask you what?"


"Anything! Your powers! Your life! Me! My partner...whatever you want!"


Sora gulped her saliva strongly before straightening herself in her seat, stealing a sneaky glance at the sulking male next to her before looking back at the overly happy lady.


"Are you going to answer anything...?"


The lady nodded happily, giving a slap to the male next to her, shocking him.


"Well...who are you? Where am i?" Sora started, giving the place yet another look, examining where she was send to without her will.


"I'm the mimicker from the previous generation, your father's generation. You are in... Well nowhere exactly, you're still sleeping soundlessly in your bed. As I said before, you are sleeping, and this is your dream! I appear when you sleep! This place is your decoration, not mine!" The lady bounced in her seat excitedly, showing a grin. Sora thought she was just a baby, but obviously she was way older than her, no actually, she was the same age as Sora’s dad.


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i cannot describe how much i love this story! the character developments were insanely good and just the way you wrote this story is *chefs kiss* I always come back here to read it again T.T
Chapter 98: Missed the story so I re-read it again. Hope all is well. :)
41 streak #4
Chapter 98: Woah... finally finished reading this amazing story... really enjoyed reading the whole story from beginning till end... really loved sora's bold, cold and amazing unique character... also the boys... hehe.. in their starting point, it really hurt and broke my heart the way they treated her but she coolly handled them all perfectly... at some point couldn't stop laughing... amazingly well written with plot, plot twist and all the characters here... after getting her power, the way all of their relationship developed drastically, it was quite impressive and also surprising but lovable... specially loved kai and baekhyun's confession part ...also suho's underwater moment with her.. Lay was unexpectedly outstand... hehe...sehunnie..cutie pie but his mom's incident part was really heartbreaking with luhan's part... baekhyun's secret was one of the amazing plot twist... but felt really bad for him... chanyeollie...awww..tough, cold and bold but hidden lover ...hehe... xiumin's first human wild Visit with her and that of my favorite... Kay's dancing and confession moment ... kyungsoo's past experience and trauma really broke my heart.. but the way she supported and understood then approached him, that was appreciable... chen's whole part with sora was too amazing... wanted to give him hug.. aww... suga's real secret really shocked me... amazing plot twist... with or without power , love the way all of them accepted her and loved the way they did it just like before ... even though their starting wasn't that good but the ending was satisfying with another plot twist...chen's aunt's part made me so emotional... aww... really really loved this story.. worth reading...thank you authornim for writing such an amazing story..:)
Chapter 69: Lol baekhyun if you are nicer to her she might fall for u first. Eyy stoopid
Chapter 98: Finally finished this! I really liked it and I’m not one for harem thingys usually but this sort of innocent kind works for me and I enjoyed the story.
Chapter 84: Ooh poor Kyungsoo!
Chapter 80: Honestly- I can’t fault Tao’s methods of getting things done 😂😂