Mixed up

The Exchange
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"Why are all of you so freaking warm?" Sora groaned softly against Suho's chest, curling her petite fingers on his T-shirt. After the make out they had in the pool - plus learning how to breathe in her biggest weakness that is water - she and him had laid out on the cold floor, wanting to wait and watch the sunrise until one of them finally give up and sleep. She had started to feel cold when air picked up its speed, and thats when Suho remembered he had the ability in drying their bodies with his powers, which he discovered a little bit lately. 
"You think all of us are warm?" Suho asking, playing with her dry hair with his fingers. Sora lifted her head from his chest and leaned on her palm to stare at his lying form better. Suho raised a silent eyebrow when she gave him a blank look, and wondered what did he say wrong. 
"Or it could be because i'm cold all the time," Suho locked his gaze with her for a second, both of their eyes blank with no expression before they burst on laughing like the crazy people they are. 
"I'm sleepy," Sora whined childishly and laid back to her position on Suho's outstretched arm, snuggling into his chest. Suho leaned down to peck her softly on the forehead, lingering on her skin more than what he imagined he would. 
"Go to sleep then. At seven the boys would bring the security cameras from the block we found you in,"
Sora's heartbeat increased in her chest, suddenly aware of the situation she was in. Of course the royals would want to find out about what's been happening to her, hell even she wants to know what she is doing in her sleep. But Sora was scared; she was scared about finding out the identity of the abuser and so much more. She doesn't know why she feels so insecure about this.
"I think I'm going to sleep for a bit then, getting my emotions in check. You know, the usual," though she tried to make it sound light, Suho knows she is faking it, and that she was absolutely terrified and wanted some time to clear her head.
So Suho did not block her way, and left her to stand up and leave him with shaky legs, not even bothering to chase after her and steal another kiss. Who knows if she'll ever allow him to kiss her again?
Suho lied back on the floor, looking at the sky as the sun started to softly rise, looming an orange color on Suho's face.
"Who am I going to watch the sunrise with now?" -
Soft feathers it felt like.

Sora squirmed in her sleep, her conscious rushing back to her at the soft texture of fingers on her forehead. Someone was teasing her; she was sure, but somehow it felt too soft and smooth for this kind of teasing.

"Sora.. Wake up," 

Sora yawned loudly and snuggled closer to the fingers, holding the hand closer to her face. The boy chuckled softly at her childish acts, and softly he lowered his body to loom over her, watching her face as it slowly broke into a tender smile. The boy's lips curved into a beautiful dimpled smile, and all that jealousy and sadness he felt disappeared immediately, especially when Sora called him softly. "Hey Lay, how was your night?" Though she was drowsy, Lay was grateful she could recognize him easily. Or maybe the fact he was the only guy he kissed her and was brave enough to initiate skinship with her.
Oh Lay has no idea. 
"We have something to show you," Lay's soft whispers caused her entire body to shake in uneasiness, she couldn't help but remember Suho's words telling her about the security cameras they were going to watch; and she slowly opened her eyes to stare at Lay with slightly horrified expression in which Lay was able to detect without the bond even.
Sitting down on the bed beside her stomach, Lay lifted his fingers farther to tangle them into her hair. "Hey, you seem scared. Why? Don't you finally want to find out whose been giving you a hard time?" Sora took a deep sigh, diverting her eyes away from Lay's delicate emotions of worry.
"I do.. But I don't at the same time. Is that even possible?" Lay had to chuckle at her words, and easily tugged on her arms to seat her up. Sora let out a groan as if she was a broken doll he has just straightened, and Lay thought she even looked like one with the way her hair was everywhere.

"C'mon, don't think too much about it; i'm sure it's nothing scary," 


"Stop gurgling so loudly,"

Sora almost chocked on her water when she heard Kyungsoo's soft whispers from behind her. She looked back at him, eyes stinging from the coughing fits she did while gurgling. Sora knows water isn't her strength point whether she was in it or it was in her; water still is a bother to her.
Hull, this is the first time she realizes that Kyungsoo is taller than her. He wasn't so tall to her she had guessed; but now that she is close to him - not that she hasn't been close to him before, it's just that she hasn't payed much attention to him - he was really taller than her; and the discovery surprised her more than what she thought.
"K-kyungsoo.." Wow, it's like - fourth? Fifth? - time he is talking directly to her, being the second time he talks to her alone.

Kyungsoo walked inside the kitchen, eyes looking at the floor as he walked past her. So yeah he is a little bit over the fact she is a female - Kyungsoo has an idea she is the only girl he would be starting to talk to so calmly - and he find it quite amazing how he is feeling right now.
Nervous, Sora was nervous. She has been waiting for the golden - and proper - chance so she can have a decent conversation with Kyungsoo; but now that she is actually in the presence of him, she found herself speechless. 
"The boys are waiting for you, haven't Lay told you before?" Kyungsoo started speaking, still his eyes not meeting hers as he busied himself washing the dishes; a sight she wanted to watch for as long as she can. It's funny how the boy who is so afraid of her has a motherly side in him. 

"H-he did," darn it, when did she ever stutter in front of Kyungsoo? The tips of his heart-shaped lips lifted upward in a small - very tiny - smile that made Sora's heart skip a beat. Hell he was beautiful. Wide eyed; Sora stared at him. In admiration of his beautiful features and in awe of his sudden change. It feels good when Kyungsoo is acting good towards you. 
"The forest was beautiful," again; Sora's eyes could not get anymore wider. So he have seen it! Sora slowly started to grin, the thought of her hard work suddenly being braised after secretly been doing it gives a strange feelings inside of her; no wonder people strived for even a single compliment, the feelings coming from that single word can be great. 
"Thanks for that; I haven't got t..-"
"Time for it? Yeah you told me you didn't find time to do it before and i had time to do it so why not right?" Sora blushed slightly when she realized she was blabbering and that she had cut off Kyungsoo's words. Can she be more idiot than before? 
Kyungsoo lifted his head a bit, so he can have a deep look on her facial features. He almost gasped at her beauty; is it the only time he payed more attention to her delicate features? She was more than beautiful. She had this softly wide eyes now but he could tell her eyes were naturally round, doe eyes, like his Luhan Hyung. Her lips weren't plump nor thin, just hers. She wasn't an awestruck model, she was just herself; especially with the way her ponytail was extremely loose because she just woke up. The first time Do Kyungsoo places his eyes on hers for more than a second and the first time for him to realize how much time he wasted on not staring at this beauty.
Did he really used to fear this angel? "T-thank you," this time - the very first time in his life; Kyungsoo stuttered because of shyness instead of fear.
"You are welcome!" Sora smiled really widely, feeling extremely light-hearted now that Kyungsoo opened up to her more than one time.
Arms wrapped around Sora from behind and her smile wiped from her lips from the gasp that emitted from the bottom of , the gasp easily dissolved into anger as she immediately started to hit the arms around her; not noticing how Kyungsoo's face darkened immediately.
"Chen! What the hell? Back to your player self so soon?" Sora hissed to him, ignoring his throaty laugh that was muffled by her hair. He did not remove his arms from her; and damn it she did not know he is toned! She felt absolutely safe in his arms, but in the same time annoyed because she knows he was only playing.
"Nope!" Chen ignored her protest - and her so not hurting punches - and lifted her up in the air in the same position, her back pressing in his front with her legs dangling and kicking in the air. 
"We have videos to watch girl Okay?" And Chen dragged her to one of the couches in the living room. Chen sat down with her on his lap, beside him was Sehun who was gaping like a fish at his Hyung's behaviors but too shocked to say anything; in his other side was Suho, who was frowning really strongly that Sora sworn wrinkles would replace them so soon. He was holding a big tablet with the video of what happened to her last night playing. The video was still rolling but the streets and buildings were deserted; it was already after eight O'clock and Sora remembers she was already asleep in that time. 
Sora stood still in Chen's lap, stopping all her wiggling and ing when she saw herself in the video walking calmly like she is seeing clearly and knows where her destination is; except that her eyes were closed. Sora shuddered; eyes boring holes to the video rolling. The Sora in the past was giving her back to the camera; but everyone can see that she was alone, and that no one was there with her whatsoever. It was night anyway; but not even one person was walking by; she was only there by herself.
Sora was aware of Chen's chin on her shoulder; she was aware of Sehun's glare directed to him, she was aware of Baekhyun's stares at her face instead of the camera as he sat down on the floor in front of her legs, she was aware of the heat coming from above her was Chanyeol's, she was aware with the nervous stares of Suho's eyes as they shifted constantly from her face back to the camera. Kyungsoo was still in the kitchen, and Sora thinks the dishes were a lot for him to finish in a second; even though there are maids. The rest were scattered around, their amount is too big to fit in one big sofa. Lujian is probably sleeping still; considering how the house is quiet.
Sora stared at the figure of herself as she walked solemnly through the dark; there was nothing strange yet though the bruises were still not in her body, thinking that she is yet to be hit.
Suddenly a man appeared in front of the camera but he walked past her figure with a confused look towards her before continuing his walk, seeming to be uncaring of her weird situation. Sora's breath resumed to its usual pace when the man disappeared; a little bit relieved the man wasn't the cause of her bruises. The moment her breath came back to her; it was snatched out again when Sora in the camera suddenly slapped herself real hard in the face that send her knocking down in the floor. 
"What the hell.." She heard Chen's whisper from behind her but she payed him no mind; her entire brain was secured to the screen. The camera's angel suddenly changed and she was now face to face to her front body; she can see her face getting reddish by time as she stood up groggily from her place, just to give herself another punch.
This time Sora did flinch, thinking of why the hell was she hurting herself with her eyes closed shut and why the hell she hasn't yet waken up! The blood that exited her busted lips was evident enough that it hurt like a , but she ing had no response whatsoever. 
Again, she stood up from her position but this time Sora saw something strange. Sora's fingers in the camera started growing until they looked like five small knifes that were made of crystal glass, Ice. She stared with wide eyes at the screen as the past her started scratching her arm skin painfully and repeating the process over and over again until blood started oozing from her skin, yet there was not a sound coming out of .
Suddenly she started running really fast that her figure immediately disappeared from the camera and nobody was able to see anything except for the buildings laying silently in the screen.
"Where did i go?" Sora questioned, a tone filled with fright was evident in her lips and Suho was quick to answer.
"There were no cameras on the other streets, we could only take the tape from the top of the building,"
"But i was already unconscious then," "I'm sorry," when Suho apologized; the screen shifted its view and came Sora's staggering body, this time from a higher angle where she can see her entire physique. Now her body was all bloody and two scratch lines where in each of her legs. Sora in real life gulped and wondered how when they found her she was only bruised with no blood traces of whatsoever.
Her body came crashing down in the camera, laying in the same position she woke up in. Before she can wake up in the camera however; Sora's body seemed to heal by itself and surprisingly all the blood itself in her body. There was absolutely no trace of blood, but for 's sake the traces did not leave her skin at all.
It will explain her body now.
"What the hell was that?" Yeah, Sora wanted to know the abswer to Kai's question as well.


Sora was holding on her head as the boys all gathered around to talk about the matter. Since she was so confused and blank; they thought she wanted to have some time alone because she suddenly drifted away. Neither Lay or Suho were able to make her speak or break out of her state, the two who were at least the closest to her than the rest - they even thought they had a spot more special than Sehun's - as Sehun tried to speak to her but she only told him to go away from her.

Well to be fair to her it wasn't the most pleasant thing to discover, who would want to know or rather see themselves punch and scratch their own skin without an ounce of pain? Sora did not feel or know pain; she only did feel it when she woke up, and even then she was already sore. Sora scratched her cheek, where she punched herself before and stood up, heading upstairs in a slow almost rigid movement. 

The entire boys lifted their heads to glance at her, but none of them dared to follow her. Baekhyun, who was the only one worried dead to do so was held back by Suho, who shook his head at him and pulled him back. 

"We should report back to the elders. Now let Sora's head absorb the information given," this time it was Kris who took the lead and spoke for Suho's sake. Kris isn't stupid; he knows there is something in Suho's head the moment he saw the video, he knows Suho wasn't on his right mind. His hands were shaking; his entire body was shaking, and Kris was slightly worried. He knows there is something between Suho and Sora, and something in him was slightly annoyed with that truth.

"Someone needs to tell Sora about her real situation," it was slightly shocking to see Luhan view some visible emotion of worry and anxiety, though it was little and almost went unnoticed; it was still there, and somehow Tao found that ridiculously absurd, causing him to roll his eyes intentionally.

"I'll do it," all of them turned their head simultaneously at the small voice coming from the kitchen. Seemingly; Kyungsoo has been hearing them all along from his save haven, and all of them were slightly astonished with his volunteer. 

"You sure Soo?" Kai furrowed his eyes at his older brother; mostly worried that he wouldn't get along with Sora since it was a written rule Kyungsoo does not do good with females. He was his best friend from the boys, and he had always been worried about him.

"Yeah, we have been bonding secretly," there was a hint of a joke in Kyungsoo's remark, as it was noway he and Sora would be bonding in secret - though most of their interactions happened with them being alone, it still wasn't a secret to anyone and were free to join - but somehow his remark suddenly made the atmosphere tense, and a horrible silence roamed around the boys, Lay being the most nervous one as he continued to gulp and scratch the spot behind his ear.

"I'll go now; have a nice trip to your parents." When Kyungsoo turned around to head for Sora's room, he suddenly found it in him to stop and halt his moves. Kyungsoo titled his head to the sideway, his back still facing the boys. He wondered if he should confront Chen about it before he goes or not.

He decided he would anyway.
Turning back around, Kyungsoo send a blank - almost cold look to his friend but he wasn't shocked, as it was his signature look when he is around males - to Chen, who all of a sudden turned fidgety under his inspection look. 

He almost looked bored.

"Oh and Chen, your pants zipper is open. What a shame Sora saw you like that; what do you think she thought about you? She already think you are a ert," with a simple raise of his - perfect - eyebrows, Kyungsoo simply and comfortably walked upstairs, looking elegant and sophisticated enough to make girls swoon. It was a shame girls aren't his passion at the moment. 

 But maybe that was ought to change soon.

Chen could not help but scoff, thinking about the competitive tone he used. It was no secret everyone in the room noticed; and all of them turned to stare at Chen with a surprised look.

They all know what happens when Kyungsoo is angered.

He gets dominant. 

When Kyungsoo headed to Sora's room, he was surprised he couldn't see her there; and immediately he started pacing down the house in hopes of finding her.

He didn't call out to her, he didn't shout her name. When it's about Sora, he finds himself extremely shy and vulnerable. He had never been treated by girls like this, but then again maybe because he had never given anyone the chance to treat him fairly. But Sora was different; she had insisted on being his friend even when he shouted at her. She kept pushing herself to him and forced herself to speak to him; all he ever gave her was silent shrugs and annoyed expressions. But something about the girl made him safe, something told him he can trust her. Maybe it was the bond they shared; they are ought to fall in love with each other anyway, and love is about trust and safety. Maybe, just maybe he was starting to slowly accept her as a girl.

And maybe that was the very first step to falling. 
"I'm here kyung," 
Kyungsoo snapped his head towards her voice, and surprisingly it was coming from his own room, the very one place he did not bother to search in. 
He didn't even think she would be there.

Walking towards her, Kyungsoo found the door slightly ajar, and without hesitation he softly stepped in and closed the door behind him. He found her leaning against the wall opposite of the wall she drew the woods on, she was silently glancing at the beauty she created with slightly dazed face. Kyungsoo immediately knew she wasn't even seeing the wall; as her head was slightly out of the world.

"K-Kyungsoo is my name," how cute; Kyungsoo thought she misspelled his name on lack of knowledge.

Sora turned her head to look at him, eyes slightly widening when she realized how clueless and damn innocent he appeared.

"I know, it's a nickname,"
"Oh," Kyungsoo didn't dare to look at her; cheeks slightly redding due to the fact he did not know she was nicknaming him. Give him a break; since when were they on that level of relationship?

"Do you like it? I mean if you are uncomfortable I won't say it," Kyungsoo didn't know what to reply, and he simply didn't. He stared at the drawing she made for him and smiled tenderly. It was a gorgeous painting. The details were remarkable, she almost didn't miss a thing. Every leaf on a tree she did not fail to draw; and Kyungsoo was deadly impressed. He thought he was talented, but his own talent didn't seem a talent anymore at this beauty

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i cannot describe how much i love this story! the character developments were insanely good and just the way you wrote this story is *chefs kiss* I always come back here to read it again T.T
Chapter 98: Missed the story so I re-read it again. Hope all is well. :)
41 streak #4
Chapter 98: Woah... finally finished reading this amazing story... really enjoyed reading the whole story from beginning till end... really loved sora's bold, cold and amazing unique character... also the boys... hehe.. in their starting point, it really hurt and broke my heart the way they treated her but she coolly handled them all perfectly... at some point couldn't stop laughing... amazingly well written with plot, plot twist and all the characters here... after getting her power, the way all of their relationship developed drastically, it was quite impressive and also surprising but lovable... specially loved kai and baekhyun's confession part ...also suho's underwater moment with her.. Lay was unexpectedly outstand... hehe...sehunnie..cutie pie but his mom's incident part was really heartbreaking with luhan's part... baekhyun's secret was one of the amazing plot twist... but felt really bad for him... chanyeollie...awww..tough, cold and bold but hidden lover ...hehe... xiumin's first human wild Visit with her and that moment..one of my favorite... Kay's dancing and confession moment ... kyungsoo's past experience and trauma really broke my heart.. but the way she supported and understood then approached him, that was appreciable... chen's whole part with sora was too amazing... wanted to give him hug.. aww... suga's real secret really shocked me... amazing plot twist... with or without power , love the way all of them accepted her and loved the way they did it just like before ... even though their starting wasn't that good but the ending was satisfying with another plot twist...chen's aunt's part made me so emotional... aww... really really loved this story.. worth reading...thank you authornim for writing such an amazing story..:)
Chapter 69: Lol baekhyun if you are nicer to her she might fall for u first. Eyy stoopid
Chapter 98: Finally finished this! I really liked it and I’m not one for harem thingys usually but this sort of innocent kind works for me and I enjoyed the story.
Chapter 84: Ooh poor Kyungsoo!
Chapter 80: Honestly- I can’t fault Tao’s methods of getting things done 😂😂