That damn boy

Bad Teachers

They all sat down in the living room. Jessica and Sooyoung beside each other on the sofa. Jessica in a comfortable curled up ball, her knees pressed to her chest and feet crossed at the ankles. She held onto the cup of sweet green tea, biting on her lower lip in anticipation. Sooyoung, on the other hand, held her authoritative posture. She, still, was the principals wife, no matter what the situation or scenery was. She sat, legs crossed lady likely, hands hugging a cup of warm coffee above her knee. Her brown eyes were in a sort of strict glare. Her eyes were shifting from Tao to Kris and the other way around.

The two men were sitting on the floor behind the coffee table, Tao's head bowed in embarrassment. He was obviously in the worst situation he could ever imagine himself. He felt like new transfer student at the principal's office, with the realization that he is quite a bad student.

"How I wish I could tell you that it is alright," Sooyoung started, pity hidden behind her voice. Kris could only sigh. "But this is not only against the school's rules, but even against the law. It would never possibly work out," she finished. 

Tao's eyes finally raised, his head lifted up and looked from the stern looking teacher to his favorite one beside him. Kris didn't say a single word. He was looking away, away from the younger boy, hoping that the situation wouldn't last too long. Tao couldn't process all of those words spat at him, he suddenly felt empty and lightheaded, yet he wanted to say so much.

"What do you mean, Mrs. Choi?" Tao started, in surprise of Kris' lack of drive for fighting back.

"I'm really sorry, Zitao, but I cannot agree for the two of you to carry on anything that is going on between you," she said, her head pitifully rolling to her side, giving Tao a look. Jessica had a motherly approach, trying to stay positive for the young boy, as the only support he would find there today. "I can't risk you two being discovered. It would cost us a lot."

"But we can keep it a secret!"

"Tao, this is not a game! You're old and smart enough to understand this situation. Your guardians, if they'll find out, Mr. Wu can be sued, our school can be sued and this whole situation has nothing good in it! There is no possible way that this would have a happy ending, please understand this," Sooyoung put it out as a matter of fact. "We let it slip this once, but I can't promise to look this over ever again." Her eyes shifted from the student to the male teacher beside him. "And Kris, you know the rules. I'm really sorry," she said and stood up, placing her cup on the coffee table. She looked at Kris apologetically and left the house without any single word added.


The three of them stayed. Tao lost and hurt. Why didn't Kris fight back? Why did he let their relationship be ruined like this? Was he not in love with Tao as he is with him? He was heartbroken that is for sure. 

Jessica stood up not later than Sooyoung left. She looked sadly at Tao, gripped Kris' shoulder reassuringly and comfortingly, just to have him send her off coldly. He turned all grumpy and very strict. Jessica left, looking inside through the living room window to check upon them, but she couldn't see a single thing moving inside. She finally left the whole property.

"What is this all about?" Tao whispered, his attention and body turned completely towards Kris now. 

As there was no reply coming from Kris, Tao just chewed on his bottom lip. Kris turned away from him and stood up with difficulty. He took the two cups from the coffee table, that were left there and took them into the kitchen.

"Actually, I've spent lot of time thinking about you," Tao said in a small voice that was barely audible.

Kris paused, he could do nothing but grip on the side of the silver sink in the kitchen, staring into it with a certain shock of having hearing problems. He decides on passing to reply, once again, feeling safer not saying a single word. This is not only hard for the heartbroken younger, but also for the deceived elder.

"Is it strange?" Tao appeared in the doorway between the living room and the kitchen. He was looking so innocent and childlike, it was almost impossible for Kris to accept the fact that he has done such a dirty and filthy things to a sweet little boy. He was getting more disgusted with himself and his nasty preferences, he wished he wasn't so stupid to lose control. He regretted it.

"It's not..." Kris states softly, shaking his head carelessly. He still haven't looked up from the sink, he was still staring at the silver surface of it. One single badly chosen word and this whole thing was nothing more than useless. "I have done few obviously not so appropriate things in my carelessness and I'm sorry for that. I have certainly give you some ideas about you and me, but it seems like you have to forget all that. It's understandable in your case, that you might get attached to me, thanks to my irresponsibleness, but you have to be smarter than that. There are no excuses for me, yes, but you have to accept that it was a mistake."

Tao didn't understand. It was very indifferent from what Kris has said to him before, how he had acted before. His eyebrows were tightly knotted in a frown. "That's not what you said when you touched me that day."

A jolt struck through Kris. The whole act just came remembering itself in Kris' brain involuntarily. "Forget what I said... or did."

"No , Kris," Tao spat, eye glaring straight at the back of Kris' bowed head. It was penetrating and Kris could definitely feel it piercing through his skin. "You can't just forget something like that. I personally don't do that to strangers without intentions, but I don't know about you."

"Don't make me look like a bad person, please," Kris almost begged, turning his head just a little. "I feel guilty enough. Now I just want to move on and stop this nonsense."

"This is the first time I had a feeling like I can't ignore an arousal. I've felt like I have to indulge into this whole 'nonsense' as you call it. Since then, I can't help how my body reacts to you. Every time I see you, ever time I'm alone at home."

"Tao, this is not really something we should be discussing right now," Kris rushes the words out, his eyes finally meeting Tao's strong features. He feels a bit nervous now. "This is not an appropriate topic for a teacher and his student. Let's just forget everything that is... connected to you... your body."

"Why?" Tao asked with an attitude and a skeptical eyebrow raising.

"Because it's not appropriate!" Kris panicked, but didn't gave it away. His voice raised as a matter of being frustrated not only emotionally but slowly even physically. "I'm your teacher, no matter how much of a is between us, no matter how much IQ numbers differ us apart, I'm still your teacher," he reasons with the younger. "This is not normal. Not normal according to society not school laws. Keep these information private please and don't tell these things."

"Do you fear me telling on you? That you used me a threw me away? Or are you just scared to lose your beloved job so much?" Tao asked in sheer disbelief. "Fine, I will keep all those things private. I won't tell anyone what happen, nor that you almost jumped me in the school's bathroom, when all the teachers and students were just behind the closed door." Kris' heart beat bolts up to an inordinate level. It was scary, yet somewhere behind all the threat, he felt the excitement. "You certainly don't want to know that I've done it to myself to thoughts of you and that evening ever since then." Rush crawled down Kris' back and a strange tightening in his abdomen occurred, that Kris tried to ignore so much. "You don't want to imagine how hard is it to hold myself in the class until your lesson is over and I can go the bathroom and release all my fantasies about you. It was pretty damn hard to face you every day, even we were cool and I still actually thought you liked me, after having you doing all those things to me in my imagination while I was pleasuring myself."

"That's enough!" Kris' voice rose few levels, his authoritativeness now finally noticeable between the two.

Tao's mouth shut close and eyes bulged out into a shocked expression. He has never seen Kris this angry and outraged until now. This was a scary sight, it really was, however, something soothed his fear. The realization that this whole thing had a really good and natural reason.

"You seem to like it however," Tao's eyes softened, his jaw unclenched and he relaxed. He was pretty sure that Kris might look scary and aggressive, yet he wouldn't hurt him. Not Tao...

Kris glanced down, conscious about the trouble growing in his pants, hence the youngers sharp and dirty language. He reached down, pulled on his pants just to merely cover up the slightly growing tent, but it was too late. Too late to cover it from the one who caused it.

"Listen," Kris started indifferently. "This is not a matter I can object against, nor which I chose. This is a given thing that we both have to accept. There will be nothing between us. There can't be nothing romantically involved, do you understand?"

"I do, but-"

"There are no buts in this situation. Now leave, go and forget everything that ever went through your head that includes me." Just as much it hurt Kris, as much it hurt Tao. Those were the heaviest words for the teacher to ever speak, now, that he has finally found someone, who he had emotional connection with. It hurt, more or less, but it did.

"So this between us... no good?" Tao gestured his finger between himself and the teacher with a heartbroken expression.

Kris shakes his head, lowering his head and turning away, back to the sink. "No, not good at all."


When Tao arrived home he ended up in his room alone, avoiding his uncle and aunt, which were having a peaceful dinner in the dining room. He barely managed to get inside his, now dark, isolated room before he breaks down in an uncontrollable rage of crying alone into the softness of his pillows. Here comes again, the phase, when he keeps crying to fall asleep.


On the other hand, on the opposite side of the town, Kris dives deep into the clean sheets of his bed in his empty room. He doesn't even have the strength to observe the creepiness of his furniture that is covered with a plastic foil, prepared to be safe once Kris decides to paint the room.

He keeps thinking ever since the dark haired boy left the front porch of his house.

God, that boy. He knows how to drive a man insane.

He is desperate for release, for warmth of another body pressed to his. He wished for Tao's kisses, hugs and touches, yet he had something completely different in mind. 

What was Tao talking about today? Was he honestly speaking or was he just trying to make Kris change his mind. It frustrated him nonetheless. He laid on his side and tried hard to fall asleep, but his eyes wouldn't comply and close themselves.

He thinks about Tao. How he is in his room at night, Kris' name rolling off of his tongue in short desperate moans, sweat dripping down his milky, smooth skin as he himself. He whishes he knew how he looks like while he es, but at this thought, he shivers profusely and turns on the other side. Does he fantasies about Kris kissing him? Heatedly and passionately as they did in the bathroom that day? Does Tao imagine how Kris goes down on him, his tongue tasting every part of the younger's body all the way to his ? Does he think about Kris' tongue trailing over the sensitive skin over Tao's , carefully lapping at the salty leaks of pleasure coming from the tip? Does he want to be ed by Kris, hard and fast? Or slow and passionate? Jesus Christ, now, Kris could simply bid a farewell to his sleep and welcome a in his pajama pants, aching to be touched.


That damn boy!

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Bad Teachers are back in the game! I'll put the story under minor construction, because the storyline is a mess as I've written it in various stages of my imagination and inspiration! I hope you'll still bear with me and keep the support coming. I really need it *^* INSPIRATION WHERE YOU AT?!


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yini_666 #2
Chapter 17: Getting blocked by the law, man kris you gotta quit your job and get with Tao XD
Chapter 17: I swear that you killed me. I feel like I have sinned now. Not that I don't like it. I loved it but somehow it made me blush just thinking about it. My poor Taoris feels >.< They are so cute together and they like it each other.. Too bad it's forbidden.. Why can't they just move to Japan? Dating a teacher in Japan is fine :( also, I really missed this! You didn't update in a long time so when it did I was so happy and shocked!
Chapter 16: YEHET! Hahaha :D it's always fun to say! Also, thanks for the update even if you are busy :) I hope you have free time to relax soon! Oppa, fighting! Next chapter would be fun to read!
FAKE94 #5
Chapter 16: Thanks for the update! I love your story!
Chapter 15: It's not rushed and I did enjoy it :) I think baekyeol is going to make me laugh XD It doesn't matter what you write sense everything about them is funny :3
Chapter 15: The others outside listening to the two..
Chapter 15: Everybody in the club getting tipsy nice chapter