Old Acquaintance

Bad Teachers

Painting the walls of his new home, Kris had to give up sooner than he actually wanted. The thoughts of his young spectacular student were driving him insane and anything he wanted more at that time, was being either his age or the boy being Kris' age.

As this came as an impossible request, Kris decided to deal with it himself. But how? 

Planning, a lot of planning went on through the night in Kris' head and what might come as a surprise, he didn't touch himself in any way. He didn't want to. That was only for someone else to do. And that someone was out of question...

If he stays a teacher and has a relationship with Tao, he might be kicked out, put behind bars and never see to his teaching career ever again. He would leave jail at the minimum age of thirty, what means he would be too old to major in another college. He would probably turn out to be a completely different person in jail and maybe Tao won't even have interest in him at that age... 

If Kris quits being a teacher and starts a romantic relationship with Tao, he might be only in danger by law and Tao's guardians. He won't be his teacher anymore, although he still stays an adult spoiling a adolescent kid. However, with Tao's consent, he can't be really in trouble with the law can he? Oh yeah, they could simply assume Kris threatened Tao of saying so...

If Kris just cuts Tao out of his life completely, he won't have any problems with the law, with Tao's guardians, with his own career... But he will never be completely evened out with his decision and he can already see Tao's everyday expression of a hurt, kicked out cub. Now that would hurt him more than being in jail or sent in front of the court...

What the hell is wrong with him? Why did his immature mind chose Tao? Out of all people, out of all single women in the town? Why him? A teenager kid who is, if that's not enough, his student, in his homeroom!

"If this is destiny, I'm ed," Kris groaned and finally decided to sleep at the hour of two in the morning.


Next morning, there was an assembly in the gym, where every student seemed to rush in an excited hurry. Kris didn't really understand what was so amazing about an early morning assembly, he hated it back in the day. But looking at the teenagers, they seemed to be completely out of it. 

"Mr. Wu!" Tao's voice called out, stopping Kris as he turned around. 

"Good morning, Tao," Kris greeted him as if everything was in a proper order. Even Tao seemed to be taking Kris' words in. "What's going on?"

"Oh, Miss Jung told us there will be a new addition to the teacher's staff," Tao shrugged. "I don't remember you having a whole assembly for yourself, Mr. Wu," Tao teased.

"Nor do I," Kris quickly urged as he felt his pride being attacked. He wrapped an arm around Tao's neck and started leading him down, inside the building and into the gym.


"Good morning students, teachers, principal!" Sooyoung stood on the stage in a very formal suit as she was ready to announce anything that was ought to be said.

Kris was sitting at the very edge of the row, his class spread throughout one row to his left arm. Before, when they were seating themselves, the teachers gave Kris a very weird look. When he asked about it from his students, Kai was the one to introduce him to the class' habitual disorder during assemblies. Kai confessed that they would never sit down to their assigned places, they'd sit in the very last row so they could do any mischief they wanted. And what took the teachers by surprise was that they actually attended this and were following given orders. To Kris' shock, his pride was suddenly gaining composure once again.

Tao sat beside Kris, with Kyungsoo next and then Kai. The rest of the class seemed to be pairing up in a surprisingly different way. The rebels were sitting mixed with the normal kids and they seemed to be getting along all of a sudden. That was nothing the other teachers' have ever encountered before.

"I'd like to announce quite a few things this morning. First of, there will be the Ball coming up! Girls from Miss Jung's homeroom class have this year's preparation committee at hand and I trust they will do a great job. Anyone willing to help with the preparation, please approach miss Kwon Yuri, the head of the Ball Preparation Committee. Secondly, what comes hand in hand with the Ball? Of course, the big match of classes. Basketball match, Math match, Essay writing match and of course the great yearly theater play! I want to ask the teachers to sign up for either of these activities. Who feels competent enough to coach basketball, sign up, then math and so on, so forth. We need our classes and students prepared for these events, because we have another, third announcement. We are welcoming a foreign professor, who will be rating our school on every aspect you can imagine," Sooyoung laughed a bit nervously, as she was well concerned with the meaning of this. "Let's give a warm welcome, to Miss Professor Dobrev," she finished and clapped her hands, gaining an applause from the whole school assembled on the seats. 

A young woman, dark wavy hair, thin and very beautiful stood on the stage in a very elegant yet professional manner. Kris' eyes almost ripped out of their sockets.

"Good morning," she started in English. "I'm delighted to work on bringing more light to this school and bring good college education to those, who are willing to earn it and who are worth it." Her speech was very calm and monotonous, as if she had this memorized. Kris knew why, he knew very well what kind of people these were.

"Kris!" a harsh whisper hissed from his side as Tao nudged him with his elbow hard. "Stop staring at her! You were like that for two whole minutes," Tao warned Kris, who seemed to be suddenly woken up.

"Sorry," he apologized and gained his composure. 

"What's wrong?" Tao asked again in a whisper.

"We have a problem," Kris mumbled and started looking around. "We need to have a talk after the assembly. Tell the others we are going to meet in the homeroom right after the assembly and that it is important." Kris' words suddenly became a command and Tao with a nod started giving the message to Kyungsoo, who gave it forward to Kai, who whispered to Chanyeol, but it seemed like Baekhyun had heard as well as he gave the word on to Luhan, who leaned to Sehun, who told Lay, who lazily spoke to Suho, who, as an exception, eagerly told Xiumin and Chen. The last two leaned out of line and showed thumbs up to Kris on the other side of the row. Kris gestured an 'OK' with his fingers and stood up from his seat. "We'll make a little show, okay? When they dismissal for our class you stand up, bow and walk to the door in one line, okay?" Tao nodded at him and from behind him he saw other agreements and nods. "Great, thanks guys," Kris said, but only reached out to touch Tao's shoulder to give it a little squeeze. Tao smiled and sat back in his seat.

"Today's assembly is over," Sooyoung took over the stage again and announced. "Please every homeroom teacher take your students to your homeroom class. Class of Mr. Wu, dismissed!" she announced and Kris stood at attention. Tao and the rest of the boys stood up in sync, bowed in union and turned to their left. Tao gave a little amused smile at Kris, who had to hold back his laughter. The whole row of students started out and into their class.

This order, however, scattered when they reached the hallway. Kris in the lead, checked if they were out of sight and hear, and started running toward their class. All the boys followed his lead, running and sprinting down the hall to reach their class as soon as possible. The athletes of the class seemed to catch up with Kris faster than he would expect and they were first to class, even sooner than Kris.

Chanyeol stood by the door, holding guard, as it was easier for him to see above the heads of his classmates. He was ushering everyone inside the class.

Kai quickly started pushing and pulling desks and their chairs to some normal order, to create proper lines and rows. Some of the others joined him, helping him out and at the same time helping one another out. Kyungsoo was first to grab a sponge, with Tao following, and they started cleaning the black board which was still filled with different words to say '', which was prepared for Kris to learn something from his students in return. Baekhyun, Luhan and Sehun were cleaning the ground from the paper airplanes and spit balls, throwing everything in the garbage can. Suho, Chen, Lay and Xiumin took care of the bulletin, which was filled of caricatures of classmates, drawn mostly by the bad boys like Kai, Chanyeol, Sehun, or 's with eyes drawings, which represented teachers. Even the unnecessary vocabulary of how to swear in different words.

The teacher was the last one to enter the class, making sure no one was still following them. He seemed out of breath, however it was worse to imagine what worse could they get if anyone saw the class like this. Kris sat behind his desk with a loud thud, exhausted and hopeless. Each of the classmates sat down to their assigned places, after they finished cleaning up the mess. However, it hasn't happened often, but they all seemed to be concerned for Kris.

"Mr. Wu?" Baekhyun started from the side of the class.

"Is there a problem?" Lay continued, even taking his headphones off. 

"Well," Kris puffed out a huge exhale. He sit up properly on his chair and looked around the class. "What you've heard from Mrs. Choi, all that means one big trouble for us," he carried on, gaining more and more attention. "That woman, Miss Professor Dobrev is my former classmate from university. We've studied pedagogy together, however she took another goal in her career."

"Is she some kind of an inspection?" Kyungsoo asked, thinking he might get it.

"Exactly. She leads one of those inspections, where they can expel students or shut down the whole school if they find something what is not appealing to the rules," Kris said and suddenly the class took another, gloomy atmosphere.

"We're ed," Kai said without even trying to be polite and dropped on his chair, admitting failure already. "I'm going to be expelled."

", we're all in deep ," Sehun murmured.

"Speak for yourself," Kyungsoo turned around to glare at Sehun.

"Who stole the answers to the intellectual exam last year?" Chen reminded Kyungsoo, who seemed to turn bright, furious red and shut up at once.

"What are we supposed to do?" Tao asked almost in a whisper. 

"I have no idea," Kris let out a clueless snicker. "I really don't know. I've never thought this day would come while I still am your homeroom teacher. Don't get me wrong, you guys are a great bunch, now that we all know each other. But I can't change you," Kris confessed and stood up. "I can't change the way you deal with problems, I can't force you to change the way you behave when you have fun or when you're pissed." These words seemed so heartfelt, that it was honestly visible on the boys that they were hitting them right in the weak spot. "I don't want to be kicked out, and I know you don't want to be either. But this is going to need a lot of cooperation and rule following, if we want to survive this inspection." Looking around the class, he met each pair of eyes and each had a little glimpse of determination in them. 

"What is your plan?" Kai asked, cocking his head a little.

"I don't have a plan," Kris denied. "But I'm opened to any ideas you have."

The class shared looks, few started to whisper, before they all gathered around Kai and had a big group chat. Only Tao kept sitting in his place, turned back to look at them. It seemed like he still felt intimidated by his classmates, even now when it looked a lot better with the relations in the class. There was a knock on the door and the group scattered to their places, sitting up straight. Sooyoung's head peeked inside, aware of what will hit her first, but a shocking expression took over when she saw that unexpected image. She walked in cautiously, looking at the class expectantly before looking at Kris, giving him the 'what the hell' look. However she was accompanied by someone. The foreign professor. She was smiling diplomatically at the class and nodded her head a little. The class stood to their feet and bowed deeply, welcoming the professor. Kris and Sooyoung shared shocked glances, until the vice president cleared .

"So, Mr. Wu," Sooyoung started. "I want to introduce you Miss Professor Dobrev," she said and took a step back, so the two could meet eye to eye.

"We already know each other," the professor said with a wide smile as she leaned in to give Kris a handshake. 

"It's pleasure to meet you again, Nina," Kris said and they shared a moment. Kris hasn't seen her since graduating, but she seemed somehow different. At university, she used to be this all about partying sorority chick, who would do anything to get a booze and pizza on a Friday night. She looked very sophisticated and mature in such a short amount of time that has passed, that it made Kris wonder how much did he change...

Tao cleared his throat angrily.

"Vice versa, Kris," she spoke and stood up properly, retrieving her hand. 

The door opened once again, as Jessica tripped inside the classroom, rushed and clumsy. Kris and Sooyoung jolted in her direction to help her out, but sensing some weird, unfamiliar strictness coming from the foreign professor, they stopped paralyzed. Jessica was very embarrassed, red in the face and breathless. 

"I'm sorry I'm late," she spoke in a perfect English and looked sadly in every direction. Aware of this all, Kris knew what could possibly follow.

"Miss Jung, right?" Miss Dobrev started, tapping a finger on her chin. "I can excuse your unpunctuality only once. So in order to that, don't let that happen again, for your own sake," she said with a fake smile on her lips and turned back to Kris again, her hair flipping dramatically. "I heard a lot about your achievements in this school, Kris, I'm quite surprised you followed the direction of your master degree," she said downgrading. "It's quite the surprise."

"I'm trying," Kris said, giving it all. He could feel few of the held back, spitting snickers coming from his class. 

"I can see that," Miss Dobrev looked around the class smiling, before looking back at Kris. "I'd like to see you try doing far more competitive than teaching in a down town high school, though," she said and crossed her arms on her chest.

"What do you mean by that?" Kris furrowed his eyebrows.

"Let's talk about that by a cup of coffee, shall we?" she said raising an eyebrow in anticipation. Kris couldn't do anything else just agree and she clasped her hands together in the end. "Then, dear homeroom teacher, vice principal, Miss Jung, it was nice meeting you class. We will be meeting daily in the following month, so I hope you will give education and your school spirit the best! Good-bye for now," she said and bowed again, waiting for the class to do the same. 

However, Kris has noticed something. The faces had turned displeased on even those most devoted ones like Kyungsoo. They all looked fairly pissed.

"Class," Kyungsoo announced and stood up. The rest followed his lead. "Farewell, Miss Professor Dobrev!" each of them spoke in English and it shook, not only Kris and Sooyoung, but also their English teacher, Jessica. 

Jessica turned to Kris at once, behind the professor's back, mouthing a: "They speak English?!" in furious way. Kris shrugged, not having any idea about such a thing before either. Were they only acting so careless with everything?

Once the professor was out, followed by Sooyoung, Kris and Jessica lined up in front of the students. Kris' eyes met with Kai's, who was nodding determined.

"What was that?" Jessica suddenly burst. "You speak English?" she pointed at Kyungsoo, who seemed taken aback. "And you too? All of you?" she seemed completely losing her mind.

"Look, we're not as stupid as we appear to be. You need intelligence to be a legal bad rebel," Kai spoke and it somehow made sense.

"Okay, but that's not the only thing we need to discuss," Kris cut in.

"We know. And we are in," Chanyeol stood up, sitting on top of his desk. 

"Yes, we are going to help you keep your job and help each other to graduate," Baekhyun said and they all agreed with them.

"It's our last few years here, and your first. We lived through until now and we are not going to give up that easily," Xiumin said.

"I can't go changing school's anymore," Chen said uneasily. "I've been kicked out from two elementary schools already!" he panicked. However, Xiumin was by his side to calm him down by petting him on the back.

"What's the plan then?" Kris asked, putting his hand on his hips. 

"We'll fill you in on it later," Kai said and nodded it head toward Jessica. "But first let's Miss Sunshine and rainbows take it away!"

Jessica seemed to be taken aback by that said, because she started to stutter, rumble through her papers nervously. It was concerning Kris, because he has never seen her this shaky since the moment he's arrived.

"Jess, are you alright?" he whispered leaning in to her. She looked at him, but her eyes looked watery. She nodded forcing a smile.

"I'm here to ask you boys for a favor," she started.

"Favors have their costs," Baekhyun said aloud.

"I know, I've got everything figured out. At least I thought so, until... Oh!" she held up a whole bunch of papers and spread them over Kris' desk. "This monster- I mean, Miss Professor Dobrev is going to be staying for the whole preparation of the big event of Class match and the Ball. I need all the help I can get to make it the best ever, because..." she suddenly froze.

"Because?" Tao asked silently, trying to wake her up. She just flinched and shook her head.

"I need you boys to participate in anything you can," she said and looked at Kris. "You too, Kris," she said, her eyes pleading.

"What are we supposed to participate in? The Ball preparation is a girly thing," Chanyeol announced crossing his arms.

"Not exactly. The Ball preparation committee needs male specimen to help with the heavy duty, which is preparing tables, heavy decorations, installing all the decorations with tools and gear," Jessica stated and gave Chanyeol a paper with a shaky hand. He looked through it quickly.

"Do I have to?" he asked.

"No," Jessica said hesitantly. "But your help would be appreciated."

"Can we participate in more activities?" Lay asked all of a sudden.

"Sure! As many as you can bear," Jessica stated.

"Cool, sign me up for that , Chan," Lay said and stood up from his spot. 

Jessica and Kris shared, once again, a surprised look. 

"What else do you need help with?" Kyungsoo asked and stood up, taking papers from Jessica and suddenly the whole class was at their feet and reading the conditions on the papers that were handed out.

"In the Ball preparation, you can choose what you'll do, or more exactly Miss Kwon Yuri will be handing out assigned tasks. She is the head of Ball preparation and she will be in charge of every management issue. It includes decoration, heavy changes in the gym, creating invitations, menus, music, food and beverage, pep rally and deciding on the theme in the first place. Meetings are held in the gym every day after last class.

The Math match will have tuition in every second period, after lunch, where you will be excused from your regular lessons. The match will be held between classmates from different classes on different levels. There will be an acceptance test on this Friday, deciding what level are you in and in which you will compete.

The Essay writing match will be held in the idea of a screen play or a fictional story that can be put into a play or dramatization. Everyone can participate, however only one idea wins. That idea and the author will be given the honor to create their own screen play in the theater. There will be castings for the characters, also helpers for the technician and mechanical preparations on the stage. After the match, you all will be able to sign up for the roles and for the casting."

"What about the basketball match?" Tao asked in a small voice.

"Oh yeah, that one is held between classes. One class is one team. Every grade, every class participates with their homeroom teachers as coaches. I assume, Mr. Wu is good at basketball?" Jessica turned to him worriedly.

"Fairly good," Kris shrugged.

"Good enough," Jessica sighed in relief. "So that would be it," she finished.

"Wait! And what do we get after all this? If we win or participate?" Luhan questioned curiously.

"Well, Miss Pretentious- I mean Miss Professor is in very close relation with every big college and university, which can offer your generous scholarships based on how you do on these events. If an individual shows a lot of sense for dignity, loyalty, passion for education and the right school spirit, they will be recommended to chosen colleges by Miss Professor. But be aware, any wrong doing, any rule breaking can cause you instant expulsion, just as any good deeds can give you a promising future," Jessica warned shakily, before leaving the class. 

Kris and Tao shared a look, perhaps both feeling the same pressure building up in their guts. This will be much more of a hell than it had been until now...


A/N: It's been such a long time! I swear I didn't abduct! I just lack inspiration and time! FORGIVE ME! And hope you like it...

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Bad Teachers are back in the game! I'll put the story under minor construction, because the storyline is a mess as I've written it in various stages of my imagination and inspiration! I hope you'll still bear with me and keep the support coming. I really need it *^* INSPIRATION WHERE YOU AT?!


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yini_666 #2
Chapter 17: Getting blocked by the law, man kris you gotta quit your job and get with Tao XD
Chapter 17: I swear that you killed me. I feel like I have sinned now. Not that I don't like it. I loved it but somehow it made me blush just thinking about it. My poor Taoris feels >.< They are so cute together and they like it each other.. Too bad it's forbidden.. Why can't they just move to Japan? Dating a teacher in Japan is fine :( also, I really missed this! You didn't update in a long time so when it did I was so happy and shocked!
Chapter 16: YEHET! Hahaha :D it's always fun to say! Also, thanks for the update even if you are busy :) I hope you have free time to relax soon! Oppa, fighting! Next chapter would be fun to read!
FAKE94 #5
Chapter 16: Thanks for the update! I love your story!
Chapter 15: It's not rushed and I did enjoy it :) I think baekyeol is going to make me laugh XD It doesn't matter what you write sense everything about them is funny :3
Chapter 15: The others outside listening to the two..
Chapter 15: Everybody in the club getting tipsy nice chapter