
단순 연결

[nobody's perspective]

They all watched Kai Ren walked off, while Myungsoo took the chance and ran off.

Thanks girl, He smiled to himself and ran to the garden.

"Finally you're on time!" Sung gyu said.

"Thanks to somebody," Myungsoo tried to catch his breath.

"Who is this somebody?" Sungyeol questioned, curiosity pierced through his skin. 

"Don't worry," he smiled.

Kai Ren made to her class on time, despite the fact she forgot that class ended a while ago.

"Miss Yang, you are quite on time for a newcomer," the teacher smiled.

"Good morning," Kai Ren greeted with a smile and went inside.

Looking around, there was an empty seat. She settled herself in her seat and listened to the teacher lesson. Halfway through Mr. Lee's lesson, Kai Ren's phone vibrated. Kai Ren looked at her phone and checked her inbox.

*1 new message(s)*

Kai Ren clicked and read:  

"To: Kaiiirennnie

Is class over yet? I'll pick you up in front of the school ;) ~Amiee.S

From: Amy.S"

Kai Ren pressed the reply button and type:

"To: Amy.S

Not yet ): 15 more minutes! ~K.Y 

From: Kaiiirennie"

Kai Ren clicked the sent button. Fiveteen minutes went by fast. Everyone began to pack up and head for lunch, while Kai Ren had to head back to the cafe.

"My cutie!" a voice exclaimed.

Kai Ren turned around and saw a familiar face.

"Bang Cheol Yong," Kai Ren yelled, excitedly with a Vietnamese accent.

He chuckled and gave her a hug. Kai Ren hugged back. They both broke the hug afterwards.

"Want a ride?" he offered.

"It would be great!" Kai Ren exclaimed, "Lemme send my friend a text," she added.

"To: Amy.S

Mianhae, you don't need to give me a ride anymore ): Sorry T_T ~K.Y

From: Kaiiirennnie"

She pressed the sent button and slide it back in her pocket.

[Amy's perspective]

I was so absorb in watching City Hunter.

"OH. MY. GAWD. No! Wae?" I screamed in English and Korean as I saw Kim Nana shot Yoon Seong.

♫ Ring ding dong Ring ding dong Ring diggi ding diggi Ding ding ding ♫

*1 new message(s)*

I clicked on it. 

"To: Amy.S

Mianhae, you don't need to give me a ride anymore ): Sorry T_T ~K.Y

From: Kaiiirennnie"

HOLY ! It's passed 15 minutes! Damn, I feel so bad now, I face-palmed myself as guilt starts to strick upon my soul. I was never on time. I mean I lost track on time...always. Well since Kai Ren doesnèt need a ride, I guess I will watch some more dramas. 

[Back to nobody's perspective]

On the other hand, Kai Ren was making coffee as what a barista's job was all about. Cheol Yong was staring at her. Kai Ren tried to ignore it.

[Mir/Bang Cheol Yong's perspective]

I watched Kai Ren as she did her job. She look kind of cute. I was staring at her. She tried to ignore it but I guess it failed since she suddenly stop what she was doing and said, "What's wrong?"

"Just looking at you," I answered, "Can I not?" I added.

"Of course you can," she said sheepishly. I let out a chuckled as I watched her preparing stuff.

(A/N): OMONA, so long DX well I guess that's good, right? Hope you enjoy while, I, _saranghaekyuti, watch my kdramas ^^ 

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_saranghaekyuti #1
@iLoveMyungsoo: thank you (:
this is my first time reading a fanfic that it isnt after months lol.<br />
wow~~ thank you :D
_saranghaekyuti #4
@iluvgurl1997: thanks <br />
@Panda_Jade143: thanks, I don't really care about subscribers. I am happy that there are people willing to read this fanfic of mines.
Awesome!!! ^^<br />
You deserve more subscribers >:|
I did I did ~<br />
asdfghjkl; Trouble Maker!<br />
I loveeeeee it!
_saranghaekyuti #7
@--rainbows: yupp..i had a hard time thinking about the confession part cause 1. never been confessed to and 2. i dont care much beside food and KPOP xD
Over already? This was super cute <3<br />
they're finally together ~
nooo Mir's leaving? gaah; come bacck!