Meeting Her

Chasing Rainbows
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My world went blank.“Why didn’t you tell me?” I looked up to him, focusing into his eyes. It is never easy.

It just never is. The whole journey, every step, is a grueling climb up a monstrous peak with a very steep drop at the end. I figured that was why the color drained from my face as soon as I stepped out of his car. He could have at least told me beforehand. I wasn’t ready - physically and emotionally, I wasn’t ready to meet her yet.


“I just thought it would be a good surprise.” He said, eyes never leaving my face.


“A little heads up would be good,”I muttered under my breath as I pouted.


“Well, the black dress was a hint. Anyways, come on.” Jackson curled his arm around mine, entangling it so as I wouldn’t get lost around here. The weather wasn’t on the good side either. The curtain of clouds turning a darker shade of grey and the sudden gush of the wind that began to envelop us, showing signs of how it’s going to rain sooner or later. In the darkness, I can't get a sense that anything is important at all – life, death, pain. It was just dark and all I know is that Jackson was beside me, holding me on so as the muddy soil and the chilly wind won’t get to me. The dress wasn’t helping much but I wouldn’t mind dressing up to meet my sister. Anything for her.


Rows of tombstones stood erect in silence everywhere that it began to feel like a maze, finding for hers. We moved across the cold earth on tiptoes, moving our feet faster so as we wouldn’t get stuck in the muddy soil on the ground. Jackson was leading the way and it showed how often he came here to visit based on his confident steps he took. My heart accelerated with each passing stone. My face will remain rigid still wondering if I’m ready to face her. Part of me felt guilty for owning what she had before - her husband and her child. It’s as if I’m living her life which makes me wary. The other part of me feel a little jittery. It’s the first time I’ll be meeting her. We’re twins for goodness sake and yet I never knew her existence. It’s a shame she went off without knowing me, without knowing us.


Here it is.


Jackson halted for a moment. That was when I knew that the tombstone belonged to her.


It was still new. Compare to the other tombstones, it was still fairly new. It was a smooth marble with new black writing and laid with floral tributes. Even the grass was well kept and manicured. Jackson must have been taking care of his wife's grave with much care - he really loves her doesn’t he? Instead of envying the whole situation, I was touched by his sweet gesture.


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dagriduo #1
looking forward to another story like this
dagriduo #2
wow this story is good :)
cloudsFLY09 #3
such a beautiful story. i read it when the rain was pouring hard.. and i want to cry T.T . btw this is the first namjoon's fic i ever read because im so in love with him recently kkk. im looking forwards another namjoon story of yours authornim.. fighting!!!
rap-monnie #4
I truly enjoyed this whole series
Chapter 47: Thanks for telling us that there is new story to read! I love your writing!
Dear01 #6
Chapter 46: Oh man.. miss youuu author-nim. Good luck for school T.T <3<3
Chapter 46: Perfect & I like this
__A__U__ #8
Chapter 11: Oh wow cool you're from Singapore too! I love your story^^
Chapter 45: Nooooo, Kookie, you hurt her so bad! Namjoon, you are dense as well so don't talk about someone else.

Yes, mystic messenger was addictive for me too.
Chapter 44: Oh yes, my feels :) Happiness for kookie???