New Story!

Chasing Rainbows
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Alert! New story here. So I've been thinking of starting a new story but don't worry I'll keep updating this. And since I've written a Namjoon centric story and a Taehyung one as well, I was thinking of writing for the other members and this new story revolves around J-Hope so hope ya'll give it a try. 

Second Chance

Sorry for promoting but for sure I'll update Chasing Rainbows as often. No worries 


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dagriduo #1
looking forward to another story like this
dagriduo #2
wow this story is good :)
cloudsFLY09 #3
such a beautiful story. i read it when the rain was pouring hard.. and i want to cry T.T . btw this is the first namjoon's fic i ever read because im so in love with him recently kkk. im looking forwards another namjoon story of yours authornim.. fighting!!!
rap-monnie #4
I truly enjoyed this whole series
Chapter 47: Thanks for telling us that there is new story to read! I love your writing!
Dear01 #6
Chapter 46: Oh man.. miss youuu author-nim. Good luck for school T.T <3<3
Chapter 46: Perfect & I like this
__A__U__ #8
Chapter 11: Oh wow cool you're from Singapore too! I love your story^^
Chapter 45: Nooooo, Kookie, you hurt her so bad! Namjoon, you are dense as well so don't talk about someone else.

Yes, mystic messenger was addictive for me too.
Chapter 44: Oh yes, my feels :) Happiness for kookie???