What happens in his room?

Chasing Rainbows
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After Butler Yoo left to send off the doctor, I browsed around the kitchen looking for ingredients to dish up a suitable meal for Jackson. I never knew the real intention of why I’m doing this, either as an act to make amends to what happened earlier or maybe out of sympathy. Either way, it felt weird to leave the house after the mess that happened earlier. So I had to do something to at least, to ease the terrifying event earlier right? My gut tells me too.


“Miss Jeong? What are you doing?” His voice startled me as I was about to peek through the cabinets.


“Oh, Mr Yoo.” I placed my palm on my chest, calming my pounding heart as to the false alarm. “I was just trying to find some ingredients to make porridge for Jack … I mean Mr Wang. If that’s alright if you?”


“Sure, I’ll call Mrs Hong to help you around the kitchen.”


It was much easier with Mrs Hong. She knew where everything was kept - the ingredients, the utensils and how the appliances work - since she is the maid here. But then again, she does work here so she must have had all these information at the back of her head.  


“Mrs Hong, you don’t really have to. I can manage.” I tried to reason with her not needing to help out with the cutting of carrots and potatoes. I called her over for directions as to where the things were placed not to cook with me. But she just smiled and carried on with the slicing of the vegetables. If she isn’t going to budge then I have nothing more to say then to let her be.


“So Miss Jeong, how long have you known Mr Wang?”


I smiled silently while washing rice upon hearing her question; part of it was due to how ridiculous it was how I came to know him but then part of it was because I came to realise that our friendship was moving faster than it should. It just made me giggle; a man I’ve known for a course of two days not only made me a mother to his daughter and even invited me over to his house and I’m even working for him. Somehow without realising, I’ve been tangled up into his life and seeing how things are going these past two days, I’m sure this is just the beginning.


“In fact, it was just yesterday.” I replied.


“Really? Mr Wang isn’t the type who just gets close to someone this quickly.” She questioned herself. “Ah, must be because you look identical to Mrs Wang.”


“I really do look like her, huh?” Again, the picture of the wedding photos came to mind. How we have the same button nose and the same straight jet black hair. Even the way s

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dagriduo #1
looking forward to another story like this
dagriduo #2
wow this story is good :)
cloudsFLY09 #3
such a beautiful story. i read it when the rain was pouring hard.. and i want to cry T.T . btw this is the first namjoon's fic i ever read because im so in love with him recently kkk. im looking forwards another namjoon story of yours authornim.. fighting!!!
rap-monnie #4
I truly enjoyed this whole series
Chapter 47: Thanks for telling us that there is new story to read! I love your writing!
Dear01 #6
Chapter 46: Oh man.. miss youuu author-nim. Good luck for school T.T <3<3
Chapter 46: Perfect & I like this
__A__U__ #8
Chapter 11: Oh wow cool you're from Singapore too! I love your story^^
Chapter 45: Nooooo, Kookie, you hurt her so bad! Namjoon, you are dense as well so don't talk about someone else.

Yes, mystic messenger was addictive for me too.
Chapter 44: Oh yes, my feels :) Happiness for kookie???