Author's Words

Chasing Rainbows
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Good news: I'm writing an epilogue for Jungkooks since it's September - The month of Jungkook and Namjoon (Kookie Monster). So these September babies are the main characters of this story so I thought it would be good to do an epilogue of this story during this month. BTW I'm still writing for Second Chances so don't worry peeps. This epilogue will be short (around 2-3 chaps maybe). And it focuses more on Jungkook. Anyways happy bday Jungkookie!

Anyone interested in reading Second Chances:


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dagriduo #1
looking forward to another story like this
dagriduo #2
wow this story is good :)
cloudsFLY09 #3
such a beautiful story. i read it when the rain was pouring hard.. and i want to cry T.T . btw this is the first namjoon's fic i ever read because im so in love with him recently kkk. im looking forwards another namjoon story of yours authornim.. fighting!!!
rap-monnie #4
I truly enjoyed this whole series
Chapter 47: Thanks for telling us that there is new story to read! I love your writing!
Dear01 #6
Chapter 46: Oh man.. miss youuu author-nim. Good luck for school T.T <3<3
Chapter 46: Perfect & I like this
__A__U__ #8
Chapter 11: Oh wow cool you're from Singapore too! I love your story^^
Chapter 45: Nooooo, Kookie, you hurt her so bad! Namjoon, you are dense as well so don't talk about someone else.

Yes, mystic messenger was addictive for me too.
Chapter 44: Oh yes, my feels :) Happiness for kookie???