Baby Myoui
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I woke up by the voice of my mother waking me up telling me that Mama Sachiko and papa Akira is here to pick me up, I still can’t believe the fact that they are my real parents. Well look at me, I’m nothing compared to them. Hayssss. Anyways, I got up from my bed and do my morning rituals. I dressed up properly and got down. I see them in the living room, talking about something. Mama Sachiko hugged me and kissed my cheek same with Papa Akira.

“We’re we going?” I asked them politely when were in the care.

“Were going to have brunch first princess.”

I stayed silent thru the whole ride. We arrived at a well known restaurant which is really expensive by the way.

I fidgeted in my seat; I’m not comfortable in this kind of place.

“Yui-chan? Are you ok? Is something wrong dear?” Mama noticed me.

“A-ahh. Yeah. It’s just that, I don’t feel comfortable right now.” I answered honestly.

“Why is that dear? If you want we can go to other restaurant.”

“No no, it’s ok. It’s just that I need time to adjust. I’ll be fine.” I exclaimed.

“Are you sure Yui-chan?” She asked.

“Yes. And just call me Rain, I’m not used being called Yui.” I asked them.

“O-ok, if that’s what you want R-rain.” She said sadly. I feel guilty all of a sudden.

“By the way dear, do you agree on coming with us?” Papa asked this time.

“uhhmm, it’s not a problem to me. I want to spend time with my real family and I like to try differently from what I’m used to but I have some concerns. Like how about my adoptive parents? They are gonna be sad if I leave them. And my friends, my studies here. And lastly my work, where I can do what I want to do.” I stated sadly.

“Rain, I know you’re worried about them. You can visit them sometimes. And about your studies,

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Yuna62 #1
Chapter 17: Please update chapitre 17
Chapter 17: Welcome back author-nim! I really love your story. Looking forward to the future chapters. I can't wait!! Fighting!! ♡
stevenlun #3
Chapter 17: Welcome back author nim
Aww i love this story.. Cant wait for your update author~nim.. ? and welcome back.. ?
sone_cywel #6
Chapter 17: Yay! Welcome back authorshi
nickyjang #7
Chapter 17: Thank god.i want to see mina reaction when she met her sister.
kristin_qtink #8
Chapter 17: Cant wait for it author.... ^_^
Minaaa15 #9
Chapter 17: Omg!!!! Can’t wait for it!!! Thank you!!
Chapter 16: Author-nim I'm new to your story and I was excited reading this because it looks interesting and I was right.So I hope that one day you'll come back to this story and update it?.