Baby Myoui
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Drops of sweat pour down her face. Rain didn’t expect that dancing was going to be this hard. She wasn’t supposed to agree on joining this people who kept on insisting that she is good at dancing. Actually that’s true but she doesn’t want to dance in front of many people.

“Tell me why I agreed to do this again?” Rain muttered as she lay down on the floor.

What they are practicing is a dance that they’re going to perform in their upcoming foundation day. She’s singing on that day too.

“I got to go home now guys, mama called me. something came up” Rain told them as she immediately pack her things up.


I wonder what came up that mama wanted me to go home immediately. Mama is not usually like this. I’m already near our house when I noticed this luxurious car outside our house. I think we have a really important visitor. I wonder who it is.

Before I entered the house, papa welcomed me.

“What’s happening pa?” I asked him. I notice a pretty woman and a handsome man whom I think are Japanese? I don’t know.

“Just come inside Rain. We have something to talk about. It’s really important.” Papa said.

I complied. And just sit just in front of our visitors. I think they are a couple. I just looked at them because I don’t know what to say. They are quiet familiar too. I just can’t point my finger on it.

Mama came from the kitchen bringing some coffee, papa sat beside me while mama sat at the other side.

“So Rain. We just wanted you to meet these persons” Mama started. I just looked at these people in front of me. I’m so confused right now.

I then looked at mama and papa, they had this serious look in their faces.

“Ma? Pa? What’s happening

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Yuna62 #1
Chapter 17: Please update chapitre 17
Chapter 17: Welcome back author-nim! I really love your story. Looking forward to the future chapters. I can't wait!! Fighting!! ♡
stevenlun #3
Chapter 17: Welcome back author nim
Aww i love this story.. Cant wait for your update author~nim.. ? and welcome back.. ?
sone_cywel #6
Chapter 17: Yay! Welcome back authorshi
nickyjang #7
Chapter 17: Thank god.i want to see mina reaction when she met her sister.
kristin_qtink #8
Chapter 17: Cant wait for it author.... ^_^
Minaaa15 #9
Chapter 17: Omg!!!! Can’t wait for it!!! Thank you!!
Chapter 16: Author-nim I'm new to your story and I was excited reading this because it looks interesting and I was right.So I hope that one day you'll come back to this story and update it?.