my bestfriend - I

Jikook needs more OneShot
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jungkook just got back from work, after a long day at the cafe he works part time at. he enters his shared apartment with his bestfriend - jimin, after dropping the keys into the bowl situated on the cabinet beside the space next to the door. 

he walks in the kitchen but to welcome by an empty space, then he walks to jimin's bedroom, just to see an untouched bed. 

"hyung?" jungkook calls out, but he only heard his own echo as the soundwaves hit the wall and bounced back. 

he remembers jimin was supposed to be home tonight so both of them can cook their favourite mac and cheese for their dinner, but now jimin was nowhere to be found.

as jungkook was about to fish out his phone to give his bestfriend a call, his phone buzzed, indicating a message from mochi hyung.

From: Mochi hyung 🍑

hey jeon, I won't be home tonight as I'll be at tae's.

see you tomorrow, :)

jungkook reads the message and soon rammed his phone onto the kitchen counter, a loud thud was heard.

he wasn't mad at anybody, he was just so infuriated with himself. for feeling all the anger, the jealousy, the pang of excitement when jimin says he told jungkook that he will be home early today and the feeling of himself falling harder for his best friend every single ing day. 

he knew jimin was hopelessly in love wit taehyung, none other but a jerk would makes jimin falls for him. jungkook could see how taehyung mistreat jimin by asking the latter to pay his house rent by working over night shift almost every day, and even made jimin travels almost half the island just to buy his hungry , food.  yes, you heard it, food. 

yet there's basically no

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Soffii #1
Chapter 10: Best one so far! omg and the length is perfect.
Chapter 1: Why authornim!?! Jimin why!
DOgirl #3
Chapter 1: No!!!!!!!! Why Jimin, why.. oh my heart ㅠㅠ
Forress1510 #4