love me

Jikook needs more OneShot
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the chauffeur dropped jungkook and jimin down at the baby fair held in the convention centre in town.

jungkook has baby troye in his arms meanwhile jimin has baby greyson. The couple is now ready to go grab some baby goods from the baby fair for their twins.

"kook, can you like help me to put up the stroller, I'm gonna put them in" jimin said as the chauffeur carries the stroller out from the car trunk.

"okay baby" the couple then placed the baby boys into the stroller that has double seats, just so perfect for the twins.

they would probably have to buy another new stroller that can fit triplets since baby justin will be coming out in a few months time.

jungkook then rested his arm around jimin's waist after rubbing jimin's baby bump while the male pushes the stroller as they sauntered into the hall, crowded with married couples, kids running around or babies crying for milk and sleep.

the couple then walked around the place, just like any other lovely couple out there. from time to time, jungkook would showers jimin with soft feather kisses on the cheeks or just the side of his head as his husband was busy looking out for baby stuffs.

jimin stopped at one of the stalls, feeling the softness of each and every diffrent kind of diapers for the kids, testing the absorption level when jungkook abruptly slipped out of his side without him noticing.

jimin feels the texture of the diapers while thinking of asking jungkook about his opinions, "kook-" only to see jungkook standing in front of another stall, testing each and every flavours of baby food, offered by one of the pretty sales lady.

jungkook was nodding his head all the way while the lady was explaining the ingredients of the products, probably just trying to seduce jungkook at the same time. 

jimin rolled his tongue in his cheeks while crossing his arms in front of his chest as he stared at how the lady was fangirling over his husband, kept offering jungkook with all kinds of baby porridge, despite knowing that those food are actually, not for him!

"jeon jungkook!!!" jimin raised his voice, ignoring all the stares that were sent to him. 

"oh man holy ! I'll come back" to see jungkook swiftly put back the tester before jogging over to his husband again.

"sorry my baby, the baby food just taste so good, and the texture is like your c-" jungkook was cut off by jimin who quickly covers his mouth before he continue to blabber nons

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Soffii #1
Chapter 10: Best one so far! omg and the length is perfect.
Chapter 1: Why authornim!?! Jimin why!
DOgirl #3
Chapter 1: No!!!!!!!! Why Jimin, why.. oh my heart ㅠㅠ
Forress1510 #4