run! bts - ep56

Jikook needs more OneShot
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as scheduled, the boys are currently enjoying themselves to the fullest by playing with the karaoke set installed in the computer.

despite the whole day carrying out tasks in order to not get penalties, they are still extremely energetic throughout every song they sang; cheering and jumping all over the place.

jungkook who sat by the couch can't resist himself from staring longingly at his boyfriend who was currently fooling around with taehyung who was high as . If the truth to be told, he is exhausted, from all the playing and conquering missions the whole day and also the cooking he did earlier on.

Regardless being the youngest of the group, his physical can't seems to keep up with the older members and of course his hyperactive baby boyfriend.

his eyes travelled along with jimin all the time, simply enjoying the presence of him, seeing him being so happy and excited, just like a kid with zero worries.

as the clock strikes 9pm, the crew asked them to get their poems that they have written ready and put on some warm clothes because they will be having a campfire out in the cold.

jimin was picking out a random black sweater from his baggage that he packed when he suddenly felt a pair of warm arms s around his waist and pulling him closer until his back was in contact with a rather hard surface.

"baby hyung.." it was jungkook. 

"hey kook" jimin smiles and turned around as soon as he knew that was his boyfriend.

"you smell so nice." jungkook mumbles as he pushed jimin slightly so that he could fully hugged the shorter male in his arms. 

"says the one who had the minty smell all over him." jimin said at the crook of jungkook's neck before placing a feather kiss against it. 

"because I know you love it." the younger male chuckled.

their moment was interuppted when a staff came out to search for them as it is time for all of them to camp around the fire at a place not far away from their mansion. 

"lets hold on for another hour or two, baby. And I love you" jungkook then swiftly placed a kiss on jimin's forehead before both of them rushed down to the place where they have to gather. 

The boys make themselves comfortable by circling the campfire that was set up nicely. And as warned, jimin and jungkook are no supposedly to sit together, this is a special order given by the staffs as they knew the two of them will ended up interacting with each other instead of the other members and will eventually neglect the schedule.

jungkook looks against seokjin in scissors, paper and stone thus the poem reading Wll start off from the youngest to the eldest member.  jungkook was obviously the first one to stand up and had his poem gripped on his hand. 

his gaze unintentionally stopped at jimin who just gave him a sweetest smile, "oh jungkookie, how are you feeling before you start?" he casually asked.

"I'm embarrassed~" the all adorable maknae blushed upon saying, can't wait to blur out the poem that he had spend some good amount of time writing it.

jungkook inhales a deep breath before he

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Soffii #1
Chapter 10: Best one so far! omg and the length is perfect.
Chapter 1: Why authornim!?! Jimin why!
DOgirl #3
Chapter 1: No!!!!!!!! Why Jimin, why.. oh my heart ㅠㅠ
Forress1510 #4