Being Attack

Sealed With A Kiss


A/N      New update. Enjoy neh... Again, sorry for late.


The next day, Jaejoong woke up with yet another great headache. He is slowly gaining his memories back through all the dreams that he had. Even though some of the things were being told by Yunho, there are a few things that he need to figure out by himself such as memories that he had with his biological parents.

Hyung, you woke up already?” Junsu knocked at Jaejoong's door before he stepped inside his room. He saw Jaejoong was sitting head down on the bed. Jaejoong looked up and smiled at Junsu who was clearly wearing a worry face.

Hyung, you have headache again? Another dream?” Junsu asked knowingly. Even though it was normal to see Jaejoong woke up with pale face and headache, Junsu still was concerned about him.

Yeah, but it's okay. I'm going to take a bath.” Jaejoong said and headed to the bathroom.

I'll be waiting for you at kitchen with Bummie.” Junsu yelled to Jaejoong's back before he dissapeared into the bathroom. Junsu then walked out and headed to the kitchen.

After the breakfast, Jaejoong went to school together with Junsu and Kibum. On the way to the school, which was actually around 15 minutes walking distance from their house, Jaejoong felt uncomfortable and uneasy with his surrounding. He was quiet and he glanced to his left and right like he was looking for something. Junsu and Kibum noticed his weird actions and they exchanged glances. Actually, Jaejoong had been acting weird since he woke up. While they were eating their breakfast, Jaejoong did not utter a word and he did not even smile even though Kibum was cracking a joke like he usually did. Once again, when Junsu saw Jaejoong was still looking around, he decided to asked him.

Hyung, gwencana? What's wrong?” Junsu asked Jaejoong with concern. He never see Jaejoong so agitated before.

Ne, gwencana. Let's move on.” Jaejoong said carelessly. Actually, Jaejoong felt that they had been followed. He didn't want his dongsaengs to worry that's why he acted like nothing happened. Jaejoong looked around again but did not see anything or anyone suspicious. When they started to walk, Jaejoong again felt that someone was watching them. He stopped and turned to look but still did not find anything dangerous and harmful.

Hyung, are you sure nothing is wrong? You had been acting strange since we left home.” Kibum copied Jaejoong by looking around because he wanted to know what Jaejoong was looking for. I just remembered that I have a test today and I'm a bit worried, that's all.” Jaejoong lied to his dongsaengs because he don't want them to get panic and furthermore there was nothing to be afraid of. They were nearly at the school gate when suddenly a gash of cold wind came towards them and before they realised it, the three of them had been attacked. Jaejoong was kicked at the abdomen, Junsu had been thrown into a tree while Kibum was being whiped and flung out 100 metres away from the school's gate. The three of them tried to get up from the ground but because of the hard impact, they failed to do so.

Jaejoong was trying to stand up when suddenly he was kicked again at his left leg, making a cracking sound and he yelled in pain. Now, he was laying on the dirt floor hugging his left leg in agony.

Hyung!” Junsu tried to help Jaejoong but before he can go near Jaejoong, he was again attacked from the back and he tumbled face down on the ground, coughing out blood.

Jae hyung! Su hyung!” Kibum ran towards them but again he was thrown into a tree by an unseen force. His head knocked hard on the tree and he lost his consciousness due to the impact.



Jaejoong and Junsu shouted and they scrambbled towards Kibum only to be grabbed by the collar. They felt a hand wrapped hard around their necks and they were chocking because the hands had put a lot of forces on it. Their legs were dangling above the ground and they tried to see who their attacker is but they did not see anybody. Their attacker was invicible.

Both Jaejoong and Junsu were struggling to get free from the hold but they failed as the grip on their neck was too tight and they were weak due to their injuries and lacking of oxygen. Jaejoong closed his eyes and waited for his time to come. A string of tears began to fall from his eyes. He never thought that he will die so young. He was going to give up when suddenly a yelling voice came into his ears.

PUT THEM DOWN, YOU BASTARD!” Jaejoong opened his eyes in a crack and he saw some of the students had been gathered in front of the school. The one that had been yelling was Yunho, his fiance. He was in rage and his brown pupils had turned into red.

You better release them or else...” Yoochun was there too and Junsu was trying to release himself when he saw Yoochun. Yoochun was holding and rubbing his fists, threatening the unseen power to release Jaejoong and Junsu. He was going to charge at the unseen attacker if it did not let his fiance and friend go.

Soon, Jaejoong and Junsu felt a gash of air flew into their lungs. They had been released and they fell hard onto the dirt floor, yepping out their pain. The students upon seeing their school mates had been released charge forward and Jaejoong saw that they were fighting with air before he blackout.



Yunho was pacing around the study room. He was holding his fists tight until all his knuckles were white. His face expression was as hard as stone. He walked from the desk to the window then walked back from the window to the desk then turned around and walked again, and again, and again until a voice stopped him from his frenzy walks.

Yunnie, please stop. You are tiring yourself.” Queen Leeteuk said. He was dizzy looking at Yunho walking passed him again and again.

Omma, he was there in front of me. I was supposed to protect him but I let him be in danger. I should have acted fast but I was late. This is all my fault!” Yunho yelled in pain. His heart was hurting. He let the enemy get his fiance right under his nose. He is so useless.

Yunnie, it's not your fault. Nobody knew this is going to happened. You did not know this will happen, so stop blaming yourself.” Queen Leeteuk get up from his seat and stand in front of Yunho.

Omma, I am so worried. Joongie must be scared. He might be hurt. His kidnapper might him. Andwe!” Yunho lost his compose and he was now in hysterical state.

Jung Yunho, just stop this at once.” King Kangin said strictly.he was having headache with all the things happened and Yunho is not helping at all. He rested his forehead on his palm and Queen Leeteuk went to stand behind him. He put his hands on King Kangin's shoulders and gave him a massage, trying to calm his husband down. They don't need another person break down in this critical situation.

Mianhae appa.” Yunho took a deep breathes and calmed himself. He bowed his head in appologetic way. King Kangin never call him using his full name but if he does meaning Yunho will be in great trouble if he defy his father.

Yunnie, don't worry, okay? Appa already has men looking around for Joongie. They will inform us if they have any information.” King Kangin calmed down a little bit and explained nicely to his worried son.

Kurae, we will find Joongie. Besides, your Siwon Appa is looking for him too, so don't worry, ne.” Queen Leeteuk added on from behind. He knew how anxious and worried Yunho was because he was having the same feelings. Who won't be when their precious 'princess' had been captured and maybe torture and harm by the bad guy.

Meanwhile, the search group was still looking around for Jaejoong. The leader of the group was having stone face and stiff body. Lord Siwon was in rage but he controls it well in front of his men. He don't want to accidentally let out his anger onto those innocent people.

'Whoever did this to my Joongie, I will personally ripe his guts out.' Lord Siwon swore in his head.

Sir, we found a mansion not far away from here. It was an abandoned mansion.” One of the soldiers reported to Lord Siwon.

We head to the mansion. Search the mansion thoroughly. They might be in there.” Lord Siwon replied. All of his men headed towards the said mansion, hoping that they will finally find their leader's precious son.


Jaejoong woke up to complete darkness. He used his vampire eyes to look around. He was in a room, tied to the bed. Both his wrists were tightly attached to the bed poles. He struggled hard trying his best to free himself. He shoved and pulled but all was failed. Jaejoong was in despair and desperate. He tried again and again but still he can't loose himself. Tired of trying, Jaejoong stayed silent, listening to any sound from his surrounding. There was nothing, only the singing sound of insects.

'It must be night already. How long have I passed out?' Jaejoong was thinking and he tried to recall what had actually happened. His mind was in blank and all the images were blurry.

'How hard did I knocked my head?' Jaejoong thought again but still nothing come into his mind. Jaejoong gave up. Silence tears started to flow down his cheeks.

Yunnie...where are you? me.” Jaejoong cried out in whisper.

Then a soft tapping sound can be heard from outside the room. The steps were moving closer and closer. Jaejoong held his cries and breathe. He waited for his capturer to show himself. The door was slightly open ajar. A dim light from the candles lighten up the room. From the dim candle light, Jaejoong saw the face of his capturer. Jaejoong gasped.



A/N      Who? Who did Jaejoong see? What will happen to Jaejoong? Please comment neh. Thank you.

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Going to update next chapter later.


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valeun #1
Chapter 50: are you not gonna finish this story???
Chapter 50: Omg....such cliffhanger...jae not feeling dizzy anymore? Im kinda confuse, i love the plot but its too many characters involve so i quite dont remember other scenes but then i enjoy reading for yunjae...i am confuse too about jaejoong's nightmares...i wonder what will happen next :-D
Chapter 47: “! He did not eat his dinner!” Yunho was defeated.

Holy jung LOL
Chapter 42: Ooooooohhhhhhhhhhh y long yunjae <3
Chapter 39: Omo....i bet that liquid is aphrodisia...
Chapter 32: Wwehhhheee yunjae
Chapter 28: Aaawww yunjae is y finally yunjae :-D
Chapter 27: Aaawwwwww..............
Chapter 26: Aaahhhah changmin and bum were like rabbits LOL
Chapter 22: Omg...wwwooo that was y