This Is Why I Don't Want To Fall In Love!

Chapter Nine

"We'll come get you two after school!" Jaeyoung shouts to Jiyeon and Onew, about to get into her car.  "Oh, and don't you dare try to escape LEE JINKI!" Jaeyoung added, emphasizing Onew's name.  Jiyoung just laughs and enters the car and they both were then out of the school's parking lot.

"Great, now what are we to do?" Key asks everyone.

"I knew it, we should've just gone with my plan," Jiyeon said with a sigh.

"For once, I agree with her," Key agrees.

"Fine, we'll just find a random girl and have you her, then one of us well get Kyoungmi to 'accidently' walk in on you ing that random girl," Minho said with crossed arms.

"Yeah, let's do that, it's easier," Key quickly agrees.

"No, I was just being sarcastic.  That just makes you sound like a man-," Minho quickly shots him down.

"Do I have to remind you again that he's already one so it's alright," Jiyeon said with a grin.

"Okay, hold Onew back while I deal with her," Key said as he was about to grab Jiyeon, but too late because Onew already stopped him.

"Stop, I'll deal with her," Onew said with a sigh before releasing Key's arm and grabs Jiyeon, pulling her away from the group.  "Jiyeon," Onew said with a sigh, arms crossed.

"What?" Jiyeon asks with an innocent face.

"Don't do that innocent face.  Stop making fun of him any chance that you have.  He's really hurt by his girlfriend, soon to be ex-girl, cheating on him.  He doesn't show it, but in the past, he'd shut himself away for a while.  Key's a player, but he's different when he's actually dating.  Key would have an almost 360 change.  All the girls at school wishes to go out with him because they know he doesn't cheat on his girlfriend.  Most of his fans has stalked him long enough to know how he is, that's why girls still like him even if he s with different girls all the time," Onew explains to her, making sure that he was only speaking loud enough for her to hear.  Jiyeon already heard about him not cheating on his past girlfriends, but Jiyeon was still a bit doubtful.

"Well, I would have actually felt bad for him, but his attitude towards me is horrible and it just makes me dislike him even more," Jiyeon simply say.

"Jiyeon, at least try to be nicer," Onew said with peading eyes.

"Fine, but he better be nicer too," Jiyeon said with arms crossed.

"Okay, I'll talk with him about it," Onew said before walking away and Jiyeon followed him back to the group.  "Key, it's now our turn to talk," Onew said and drags Key away before he can start ing.

"So what did you two talk about?" Minhee asks her.

"This and that," Jiyeon answered.

"Yah, spit it out," Minhee said as she bumps shoulders with Jiyeon.

"It's a secret," Jiyeon grinned.  "Now I'm going to go to class since I'm now bored," Jiyeon says and runs off before anyone can stop her.

"Yah, Lee Jiyeon, wait for me," Minhee yells after Jiyeon.

"I'm bored too, I'll get to my class too," Taemin said and walks off.

"I'll go with him," Minho said and also walks off, leaving Jonghyung all alone.

"Yah, where did everyone go?" Onew asks when he and Key came back to where the group was suppose to be.

"They left for their classes," Jonghyun answers.

"Aish, I'm heading to class too then," Onew said and left first.

"So what did you two talk about?" Jonghyun asks Key after Onew left.

"He told me to be nicer to the bit-Jiyeon," Key answers.

"Doesn't he always tell us that though?" Jonghyun asks another question.

"Yeah, it seems like he wanted to tell me something else too, but he held back," Key tells him.  "Anyways, let's go back to class, the plans already ruined.  I'll just think of something in class," Key said and heads for the rooftop door and Jonghyun follows after him.

[At Lunch]

Jiyeon's POV

"Jiyeon, we have to go home early today since the noonas want to take us out later," Onew tells me.

"I know, but are they leaving anytime soon?" I ask him.

"I don't know," Onew shrugs his shoulders.

"Key-oppa, where were you this morning?  I was trying to find you everywhere," Kyoungmi said in a cutesy voice as she takes a seat next to Key.

"I just lost my appitite," I whispered to Minhee as I put my sandwich down.

"Me too," Minhee agrees and also puts her sandwich down.

"YAH!  I HEARD THAT!" Kyoungmi snaps at us after overhearing us.  I guess we weren't really whispering.

"Psh, GOOD!" I snapped back.

"Who do you think you are?  Why are you even sitting at the same table as my Key?" Kyoungmi shouts questions at me.

"I'm not sitting at his table, he's the one sitting at my table.  And for your ing information, my name is LEE JIYEON!  Keep that in mind dimwit," I shouted back at her.

"Unnie, you're messing with the wrong person," I hear one of her girls say to her.

"Tch, this don't scare me," Kyoungmi said confidently.

"Okay, if you call my dongs-" Onew was about to defend me when I stopped him.

"Well, you scare me with your ugly face, so please disappear before I make your face even more uglier," I tell her.  This is getting on my last en nerve.

"Key, if you think I'm scary when I'm angry, Jiyeon's 10x scarier than me when she's angry," I can hear Onew whisper Key, hinting him to make the disappear before I really snap.

"Kyoungmi, leave me alone with my friends," Key snaps at her, making her shut up right away.

"But I'm your girlfriend," Kyoungmi pouted, trying to look cute.

"Ewww, I really want to puke right now," I said with a grossed out face and she glared at me.

"Well, we won't be together long if you don't disappear right now," Key tells her and she immediatly stopped glaring at me.

"Fine, I'll see you later then," Kyoungmi quickly say with a smile before giving me a qucik glare before walking off with some girls following her.

"Yah, break up with her already, she called my dongsaeng a ," Onew tells Key.

"I well, as soon as I get revenge," Key explains.

“Ugh, do you even have a plan?” Minho asks him.

“Nope, but I’ll think of something,” Key answers.

“Looky hear, your is now flirting with some guys," I said with a grin when I noticed Kyoungmi acting cute in front of some guys.  Key glances at her direction and then closed his eyes as if he was irritated.  " was clearly written on her forehead, yet you still asked her out," I added before getting up and out of my seat.  "Gosh, I guys guys are all just the same, going for the looks," I grinned and walked away.

"Yah, you don't know me so shut up," Key yells after me.

"Pft, I don't need to know you to know what type of girls you go for," I turn around and say to him before leaving them.

"See you guys later," I hear Minhee say to them before rushig after me.  "Yah, where are we going to go now?" Minhee asks me.

"Library, I need to get some books," I answered, heading towards the direction of the library.

Nobody's POV

"So, since we can't work onour project today, we'll work on it together over the weekend," Jonghyun said to Jiyeon.

"Fine, but we're not going to do this project at my house and we're clearly not going to do it at you house," Jiyeon said with folded arms.

"What?  Why not?" Jonghyun asks.

"Because I don't feel safe being at your house alone with you," Jiyeon asnwers easily.

"What all the guys and Minhee is there too, would you agree then?" Jonghyun tries to convince her.

"Fine, but we all have to be in the same room," Jiyeon agreed.

[After School]

"Hurry up you two," Jaeyoung shouts at Jiyeon and Onew as soon as she sees them.

"Ugh, they're here already," Jiyeon said with a sigh.

"I'm not here," Onew tries to make an escape, but before he could, someone grabs onto his shirt.

"Where do you think you're going Lee Jinki?" Jiyoung asks him with a smirk.

"I-I was..just going...going to-to use the bathroom, yeah the bathroom," Onew answers uneasily.

"Right, I'm sure you were," Jiyoung rolls her eyes.  "Let's go," Jiyoung said as she drags Onew towards Onew's car while Jiyeon followed.  "I'll ride with Jinki while you ride with Jaeyoung-unnie," Jiyoung tells Jiyeon and Jiyeon nods in understanding.  A few minutes later, the four of them was at their house, eating a feast that the chefs made.

"So how's school so far?" Jaeyoung asks the two of them.

"The same; BORING," Jiyeon answers.

"I should set you up with a boy, then your life would probably become more interesting," Jiyoung tells her.

"Noona, don't even bother.  Jiyeon will just ditch them or else try to scare them away.  A lot of guys at school actually like her, but they're too scared to ask her out," Onew tells her.

"Yah, has anyone confessed to you yet?" Jaeyoung asks Jiyeon.

"Yeah, but I obviously turned them down," Jiyeon said before drinking her cup of water.

"Aish, this girl," Jaeyoung said as she shakes her head in disappointment.

"I told you noona, this girl is probably a lesbian," Onew said as he looks at Jiyeon.  Jiyeon looks up and glare at him.

"Omo, are you really one?  Why didn't you tell me?  I would support you no ma-"

"I'm not a lesbian!" I interupted Jaeyoung.

"Then why did Jinki just say-"

"Onew-oppa's just lying, just because I don't have a boyfriend doesn't mean that I'm a lesbian.  I 100% sure of that," I assured her.

"Jinki, stop making up lies.  How come you don't have a girlfriend yet?" Jiyoung suddenly asks Onew.

"Maybe because oppa is gay," I said with a grin and he glared at me.

"No, it's just because I'm just not interested in any girls at school at the moment.  When I find someone that's pretty to me, they end up having a rotten attitude," Onew explains to his noonas.

"Yah, why don't you trying dating Jiyeon's friend, Minhee?  She's pretty and she's nice," Jaeyoung suggested.

"Are you kidding me?  She's mean, she's always mean to me and we always end up arguing," Onew tells her.

"Yeah, and it'd be super weird if Onew-oppa dated Minhee.  Ugh, I can't even imagine it," Jiyeon shuddered.

"Psh, you two need to be more optimistic," Jiyoung said to Jiyeon and Onew.

"We don't need to date, we're perfectly fine," Jiyeon assured her.

"Yes you two do, you're both a senior in highschool already," Jiyoung said with folded arms.

"Yah, Jiyeon's only sixteen, she doesn't really need a boyfriend yet," Jaeyoung said to Jiyoung.

"Oh yeah," Jiyoung remembered.

"Umma doesn't want us to date anyways," I tell them.

"Fine, then who are you two going to take to the senior dance at the end of the year?" Jiyoung asks.

"I'll just ask a random girl," Onew answers with a shrug.

"And I'll just not go since I hate dances," Jiyeon added.

"No, you're going for sure," Jaeyoung tells her.  "And you'll not just ask a random girl.  If you don't find a decent girl by that time, I'll just hook you up with a girl," Jaeyoung added.

"What?  Isn't that just like taking a random girl?" Onew protested.

"Yeah, but I know her so it's a bit better," Jaeyoung reasoned and Onew just gave up.  Jiyeon just didn't say anything, knowing that her older sister is just going to go on and on about it.  After the meal, Jaeyoung and Jiyoung had to leave.

"Jiyeon-ah, if you need anything, just call," Jiyoung tells her.

"Jinki-ah, you better take good care of our dongsaeng.  ANd make sure that you two stay out of trouble," Jaeyoung tells Onew.

"Noona, where are you going this time?" Onew asks her.

"I have a business meeting in the Philliphines so I won't be back for a while," Jaeyoung answers.

Jiyeon's POV

You see, Jaeyoung-unnie is divorced.  She met this guy a couple of years ago and he was filthy rich.  They fell in love and dated for at least three years before they got married and had a child together.  A few years later, unnie found out that he had cheated on her and my sister wasn't going to tolerate it, especially since they shared a child together.  The guy owned a lot of hotels around the world, so after the divorce, Jaeyoung-unnie now owns half of all the hotels that he owns.  No, unnie is not a gold-digger, although my family did have a harsh past, we're now wealthy due to umma's hard work.  Unnie said that she did loved the guy and she still has a bit of feelings left for him, but she won't ever return to him.  Yes, I have a nephew, but sadly, he's with his father because unnie and that guy share custody over my nephew.  Wow, unnie's story is so back to me.

"Onew-oppa, can I start calling you Jinki-oppa again?" I ask Onew.  Yep, I used to call him Jinki-oppa all the time when I was younger, but he said that he wanted to be called Onew-oppa.

"Ani, I like Onew-oppa better.  Besides, the noonas are the only one that can call me Jinki since we're family and they're older," Onew answered.

"Fine, now I have a bunch of homework to do," I said before running up the stairs and into my room.

[The Weekend]

"Yah, hurry up," Onew said while standing by the front door.

"I'm almost done," I sighed, putting on my Nikes.  "Done, happy now?" I asked him sarcastically and he nodded.  "What's so good about seeing a bunch of guys that you see all the time at school?" I muttered to myself as we made our way out the door.  When we finally arrived at Jonghyun's house, I didn't even want to leave the car.

"Jiyeon, get out of my car, we're here already," Onew said, opening my door.  With a sigh, I unbuckled my seatbelt and slugishly got ouy of his car.

"Ugh, I can't believe that I have to deal with dinohead and girly-man today," I let out another sigh.

"Yah, call them by there real name.  Didn't I tell you to be nicer to them?" Onew tells me.

"No, you said to be nicer to girly-man, you never said anything about dinohead," I reminded him.

"Well, be nice to Jonghyun too, then he'll start being nice to you too," Onew tells me, but I'm doubting him.  Wouldn't it be weird if I just suddenly becae nice to them?  Yeah, that'b be SUPER weird.  I mean, who'd want to be nice to jerk #1 and jerk #2?


a/n--sooooo sorry for not updating....I had a bunch of things going on at school...

p.s--this chapter kinda and I didn't edit it yet, but I wanted to update with something...hehehe...

well edit when i have more time...

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TsugumiSora #1
Chapter 25: Are Key's and Jiyeon's moms are trying to hook the two up? :O Anyways can't wait for an update! :) Love your story, it's so funny.
I really like your story :D
makes me lol in every chapter
Please update soon! ^w^
Cosette #3
ahahahaha she made it herself and now she has to pay for it... Jiyeon don't let anger overcome you whenever you're mad! You'll gonna think irraTionally like what just happened..

Thanks for updating again unnie!

Update soon!
taeturtle #4
-sob, I want jonghyun and key to have feelings for her and fight over her to be honest, Aha. DON'T YOU DARE DELETE THIS STORY ! I'm so in love with itt <333 . but why not tae ? D; at least make her date Taemin for a while to get jjong and key a jealous kekekeke. my mind is filled with so much drama X____x
enkhriimaa #5
Maybe with key?
keep updating :DD
i love your story dont delete it D:
and i think she should end up with jonghyun C:
Cosette #7
uwaw, it's been a long time since you've updated.. I'm waiting for an update! d(^_^)b so keep it up!

Maybe Jonghyun...
enkhriimaa #8
I love your fic update soon!!!
Cosette #9
who was that??!!<br />
<br />
update!!!<br />
<br />
and why the heck are they fighting???
I love it, update soon. :)