Emergence of the Brother

The Scarecrow's Necklace


I'm thinking of setting up a one shot request shop sometime in the late october, what do you guys think? (:

Because I need your input on this, how many of you would really request, etc. (It'd be really dumb to set up a shop like that without having anything to write, don't you think?)

Please give me your input through your comments! XD

And now, on with the story!


Jinki’s Pov

I glanced at the clock, worried.

Dongsaeng wasn’t home yet and it was already eight o’clock. His dinner had already turned cold; chicken stew and vegetables which I had whipped up. Where in the world could he be? His shift at the pizza place ended some three hours ago, and he had switched his mobile off.

Just as I was about to dial triple nine of the phone, the doorbell rang. I opened in, then staggered back in surprise, for dongsaeng was carrying a girl bridal style in his arms. He strode through the door, and then tenderly placed her down onto the sofa. Turning to the open mouthed me, he asked, “Hyung, do we have a blanket?”


  Taemin devoured the stew and vegetables I had re-heated for him hungrily, and between mouthfuls I was able to piece the whole story together. This was the girl Taemin had gushed about so excitedly over our meals together, and he had just finished his shift when he found her perched on a bench, forlorn and crying.

  Miraculously, there had been a vending machine nearby and he had offered her a cup, only to have her fall in his arms crying again. Or else he had taken her in his arms. I couldn’t quite hear that part because his stew bowl was lifted off the table and completely covered his face as he gulped down the remainder of it.

  I glanced at the sleeping figure of Taemin’s crush, and with a jolt I felt something strike in my heart. I frowned at her face. She looked awfully familiar, I thought. But it could not have been possible that I knew her, for I never frequented coffee places. I surveyed her face again, but quickly shook off the jolt as her resembling someone else I knew.

  “What do you plan to do with her?” I asked straightforwardly, although not unkindly.

  Taemin glanced at her.

  “Well, since she’s already fast asleep … “Taemin trailed off, glancing at me hopefully, his eyes already turning big.

  I held my hands up in surrender.

  “Okay, she’ll stay the night,” I conceded, then shook my head in amusement as Taemin gave soft whoops of delight.


  The next day, I trudged out of my room to find Taemin and the girl at the breakfast table, laughing over bowls of cornflakes and bananas. Another jolt struck in my stomach, this scene seemed so familiar yet I couldn’t place it. I shook the thought out of my head again, debating whether I should consult a psychologist.

  I filled my own bowl with breakfast and joined them at the table. The girl turned to me and smiled, and I offered her a warm one of mine back.

“I’m ~~~~~~~,” she introduced, arm extended to me.

I pumped her hand up and down.

“Lee Jinki,” I said.

I saw in her eyes a flash of recognition when I introduced myself, but as soon as it came it was gone and I became convinced that I really needed to take a trip to the psychologist.

We had an amiable breakfast together, and I found ~~~~~~~~ to be a pleasant girl; our conversation flowed smoothly and easily and I thoroughly enjoyed our meal together. I could see that dongsaeng really liked her too; his eyes were filled with obvious joy and sheer delight. Much of his cornflakes and milk had also sloshed onto the table; for he had been too busy staring at her the entire meal.

I bid them off for work at the door, and regarded them with amusement as they fought over which helmet they would take to ride Taemin’s motorbike.

And then as the two of them zoomed off, I finally realised why I had been having sudden jolts.

She reminded me of Taemin’s friend from long ago.

She and Taemin had been inseparable then, everything they did, they did together. After she left though, I had been left with the task of looking after dongsaeng. It hadn’t been easy; he moped about the house all day, and at times he would skip his meals, preferring to run down to the beach and pretend to skip among the waves with her.

Of course, the day we were to set off for the city was one of great excitement for him. However, when we got there, we received the terrible news of the death of our parents. It had been such a blow to the two of us; and I had to be the strong one. I remember Taemin refusing to eat a single thing; all he did was stare out the window, rocking to and fro as he curled himself up into a ball.

He never cried though, save for one time when the orphanage staff brought us to the beach. He let all his sorrow explode out of him then, and it was also at that moment I vowed to be the best brother Taemin would ever get. The both of us were exceptionally naughty in the orphanage, Taemin because of his sudden tempers, me because I didn’t want anybody to adopt us.

It worked, in the end.

I studied hard in the orphanage and was able to get myself a decent job. After that, I bought my own house and me and Taemin were pretty much on his own. The next few years were very much better, dongsaeng almost went back to his happy-go-lucky self, but I knew that inside of him sorrow was waiting like a time bomb.

Perhaps this girl could help him demolish this bomb.



I've been updating more frequently like a good girl, no?

I smiled reading through all your comments in school today, you guys are the best!

*glomps all of you*


Comment Replies

@wintersnow -- Yours was the first comment for this chapter and I was totally laughing at it, thanks so much! <3

@Yploverholic -- Awww, thankyousomuchlovely! <3

@squirrelldarling -- I seriously had to take a huge breath seeing your comment, it's the longest I've ever seen! I'm so happy! Aw prelim period? You've got to do well okay, fighting! <3 Ohmygod, I'm honestly going to start crying at your comments love! You make me so happy I can fly up to the sky! ))))))))): And I would love to read your writing as well, <3. Okay, set. I'm going to write a oneshot for you! I'll pm you k (I can say more there XD) (:

@WinterRose -- I'm so glad you liked this chapter, and yes, she's finally doing so! Like that? XD

@SHINeeGeppy -- Awwww, that was sweet of you, thanks so much! :D

@pokedeyes -- HEYTHERE! I haven't seen you around before XD (or did you somehow change your user heh) Anyway, I laughed at your "cast Minho out for abit" Glad you enjoy my story! :D

@RemIsMee -- It's no problem updating at all m'dear, so glad for your comments! <3 I really agreed with how your analysed Taemin's and Minho's feelings (:

@Giraffey -- Really, most moving? Well, thank you! Awww, that's nice to hear XD

@shineeninja -- I laughed the most at your comment, I swear I relaly enjoy reading your comments! Your fangirling is something I love <3

@xeroxiff -- Hahahah, a mix between a brat and a sweet guy huh! Don't go crazy :D Really glad you like this, <3you!

@Amethyst -- Ohmygod, thanks so much! Falling for my story again is something I hope every reader will do one day! Thanks so much honey, really. <3

@shnuffle -- *wipes a tear*?! <3you. Well, you'll find out real soon, and now there's Jinki too muaaahahahahah. XD

@GoofyElla -- Aw umma I love you the most. <3 Really, you can relate to that. Aw umma, I want to hug you right now! (: Man, I love your comments so much, it's so inspiring to read that I can capture your emotions! I will gogogo umma (heheheheh), loveyouuuuuuuu. <3

@AiIchany -- Glad I managed to capture that for you! Awwww, I am so over the moon on hearing that! The right amount is always something I've targeted XD

@sakuradrops347 -- HAHAHAHAHHAH! So glad you quoted the line you like best, I like hearing about that! <3

@totalinsanity -- I will darling! Taemin's point of view huh? I just introduced a new point of view ahahahahahh! <333333

@cheryltaeminnie -- Cute? Glad you thought so hun! XD


Really love you guys so much, :'''''')


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Thank you guys, for 1000 subscribers, that's beyond my imagination, honestly! It feels like ages when I first started this story XD I love all of you!


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taetae29 #1
Chapter 46: AWEEEEEE, ok can i just say my heart warmed up sosososo much after reading this story? Like it makes me want become a better and stuff. (Another new wish for 2017 i probably wont fulfill) haha merry xmas and happy new year author :)
taetae29 #2
Chapter 27: Ofcourse jonghyun, Ofcourse -_______-
Chapter 46: The story was really beautifull. Glad to find your fic ^0^
Please keep writing ♥
Chapter 46: Awwwwww was very beautiful story!!!!!!!
Chapter 45: I can't believe I'm just now reading this. This story is wonderful!
Chapter 46: this is sooo beautiful! Amazing! :)
Umparubadum #7
Chapter 46: woooow,this story is amazing!! I like very much,altough i have to read it slowly because english isn't my main language,hehehe~
This is my favourite fanfic,i think the best parts are part 44 and 45,i almost cried when i read it!
Keep writing,author! :DDD
aww~ this is the 1st story i ever subscribe to ~ :3 love it!!
vbng23 #9
Chapter 46: love this story! <3
this used to be one of my favourite fanfics omg!