Dear Diary

The Scarecrow's Necklace

  I left the pizza place in a daze. Taking out my cell phone, I scrolled down to the m's and dialled his number. It didn't take very long for him to pick up, and when he did, the first thing I blurted out was, "You sent the card."

  "I did," he replied.

  "Don't you ever dare do something like that again," I warned, then hung up before he could say anything else. I didn't want to wander the streets again, so I headed back to Taemin's house. No one was home, because Jinki had also gone to work. He worked as a florist, something I had been very surprised to hear. But he liked the job, and many ahjummas were fond of him. I laughed the first time I had visited his work place, for three ahujummas were excitedly fauning over him, more interested in his smile than the roses.

  I trudged up to the guest room and took up the few belongings I had there. My coat, bag and hairpins. It was time I left Taemin's house to avoid impending trouble. Just as I opened the front door to leave however, I crashed headfirst into Jinki.

  "~~~~~~`!" he exclaimed, as we both rubbed our heads, wincing from the hard contact of our skulls.

  "Hi Jinki," I responded, smiling slightly.

  "Leaving already?" he said, one, thick eyebrow arched.

  I nodded.

  I expected he would want me to stay, and I braced myself to argue my way out, but he only smiled and said, "Of course. But would you like to see something before you leave?"

  Curiosity got the better of me, and I followed Jinki up to his study room, a room I had never stepped foot in. The interior was splendid, with warm rosewood panels covering the walls and customed framed photographs of him and Taemin displayed proudly about the room. But those wasn't what we wanted me to see. Instead, he reached into his drawer and drew out a thick, leather bound book.

  "Read the last few pages," he said, passing the book with the intended pages open.

  I took the book from him. The date on the parchment was a recent one, and I waited a moment before I read, trailing my hands over the smooth flow of ink and paper.

  Dear Diary,

  What is love?

  Love is like a dewdrop in the early mornings, lavishing all its love onto the leafy greenery. Love is like ice cream, soft and sweet and milky, so that when you gulp it all down you're left feeling light-headed and satisfied. Love is like popcorn, because although love is sweet, love is salty too. Love is like a rose, beautiful and fascinating but thorny too. Love is like the sky, vast and unconditional. Love is like the rainbow, colourful and fun and absolutely a miracle in its own way.

  But most of all, love is in the form of ~~~~~~~~~.

  How do I even begin to describe her?

  When I look at her all I want to do is hold her tight and never let her go, or kiss her hard and love her more than anybody else ever will. It's so strange, to think that we once irritated each other. But I know that, perhaps, she will never feel the same way about me.

  But I am willing to wait, and while I wait I will care for her in the best that I can, I promise.

  I'll be her angel.



  I looked up from the book, trembling with a flurry of emotions. My gaze met Jinki's, and he stared at me intensely, not saying a word. He only gestured to the book, motioning me to read on.

Dear Diary,

  Today, I was her angel.

  I finally got to hold her in my arms and comfort her. It was such a magical moment for me to have her lying in my arms, and even now I have to pinch myself hard to make sure that all that has happened is not merely a dream. But it is really true, for right at this moment she is sleeping soundly in the room next to mine.

  I can't put into words how happy and blissful I am; I am literally bursting with joy! It's very hard to control myself around her, all I want to do is sweep her off her feet and tell her to be my princess.

  But as of now, I am going to watch her sleep.

  Because that's what an angel does.

  An angel watches over the one he loves.



  My vision was by now clouded, but I didn't want to cry in front of Jinki, so as I flipped to the final entry of the book, I blinked repeatedly to no avail.

Dear Diary,

  Watching her sleep is something I can do all day.

  I just feel immensely peaceful when I watch her sleep. Her lips form a heart, did you know that? Her hair falls around her messily too, she looks just like a little girl in her sleep. Castles and candies and coins can't ever compare to watching her sleep. It's thhe most wonderful feeling in the world.

  But I fear she's going to leave soon.

  Today, she was caught in a brawl. See, there's another guy who likes her, Minho. And today she accidentally punced him because she thought he was going to punch me. I feel touched, of course, but I wish she didn't need to be entangled in such a messy web.

  If she decides to leave, I'll let her go.

  But there's a little spark within me that wishes she would stay, and it's burning bright.

  Oh, I'm passing you to Jinki for safe keeping, because I don't want her finding this.

  It'd be far too embarrasing.



  I had sunk onto a little armchair in Jinki's study as I had read Taemin's last entry, and by now I couldn't control the tears chasing one after another down my cheeks. I just let the book fall onto my lap and continued to cry silently, until Jinki sat down next to me and kindly offered me a tissue. I roughly rubbed my tears away, but as I finished more new drops leaked out and in the end I gave up on trying to stop the incessant flow. Jinki still didn't talk, until I had finally composed myself and was only hicupping.

  "Do my dongsaeng a favour?" Jinki asked.

  I raised my head to look at him, and he was as gentle and warm as ever.




Shooo, hoped you guys like this chapter!

I'm sorry to say I'll be updating less often, exams are coming!

Please continue to support me though, I love you all!


Jess aka glitteryy

Comment Replies :

@peperomin -- Ahahahah, don't we all! Man, that'd be like, the best thing that ever happened to me <3  MUAHAHAHAH, alright then!

@Aichany -- Drama's what I've got baby. <3 I love that too! HAHAHAH, thank you love <3

@RemIsMee -- Nahh, you're cute to me! <3 I like fudge woohoo. XD Awwwwww I swear you're really too cute! No problem lovely! ^^

@shineeninja -- Don't cry ma looooove! AHAHAHHAHAHAHAH. Once again, you got me laughing like a mad cow. <3

@sakuradrops347 -- Yes, it's a love triangle! Really, Team Minho? Hmmmmm. HAHAHHAHAAH, you had me laughing with "Taemin would get the socks knocked out of him" :D Awwwwwwwww, that's so sweet. <3

@kissmegoodnight -- I love you! Thanks! <3

@MiAmoure -- Nonono, it's not bad at all :D

@WinterRose -- Omg right, love square ahahahah! Awww, thank you so much dear! <3

@Yploverholic -- AHAHAHHAAH, I guess so :/ Thankyouhunn!

@shnuffle -- I'm so glad you love Jinki, it's great to hear that! No problem m'dear, thanks for reading! (:

@ILoveTaeZy -- HIHIHI. :D You love it? I'm glad! (:

@Julley -- OMGOMGOMGOMG. You're back! Ofc I remember you love! <3 Awww, thank you for that heartwarming comment <3


@GoofyElla -- Who wouldn't, right? :D Get ready for the drama ummaaaaaa! <3 Ofc you would, you're the best <3

@BleuumScarlett -- HAHAHHAHAHA, gosh I love you already as well <3 YES JONG IS BUT WE STILL LOVE HIM! <3 Thanks so much!

@E-magine -- I'm glad :D

@sushi_roll101 -- KYAAAAAAAAA. I love you. I love you. I love you. That was so nice, thank you hunny <3

@paper_angel -- Alrightie soulmate, we'll see how it goessss! (:

@hi_and_bye -- Helloooothereyou! I'm glad you're enjoying my story <3

@SBLING -- Awwww, thanks so much, it's great that you like this! <3

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Thank you guys, for 1000 subscribers, that's beyond my imagination, honestly! It feels like ages when I first started this story XD I love all of you!


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taetae29 #1
Chapter 46: AWEEEEEE, ok can i just say my heart warmed up sosososo much after reading this story? Like it makes me want become a better and stuff. (Another new wish for 2017 i probably wont fulfill) haha merry xmas and happy new year author :)
taetae29 #2
Chapter 27: Ofcourse jonghyun, Ofcourse -_______-
Chapter 46: The story was really beautifull. Glad to find your fic ^0^
Please keep writing ♥
Chapter 46: Awwwwww was very beautiful story!!!!!!!
Chapter 45: I can't believe I'm just now reading this. This story is wonderful!
Chapter 46: this is sooo beautiful! Amazing! :)
Umparubadum #7
Chapter 46: woooow,this story is amazing!! I like very much,altough i have to read it slowly because english isn't my main language,hehehe~
This is my favourite fanfic,i think the best parts are part 44 and 45,i almost cried when i read it!
Keep writing,author! :DDD
aww~ this is the 1st story i ever subscribe to ~ :3 love it!!
vbng23 #9
Chapter 46: love this story! <3
this used to be one of my favourite fanfics omg!