The Date

The Scarecrow's Necklace

  "I have nothing to wear!" I groaned as I flung my tenth piece of clothing down on my bed. I had already gone through y wardrobe plenty of times, yet not one piece matched an evening of dinner and drama. My mother poked her head around my room, amused.

  "Umma! I'm done for!" I cried, flopping down on my bed, then added, "I should just not go."

  "You can't do that," my mother said in a matter of fact tone, then proceeded to rummage my wardrobe herself.

  "How about this?" she asked, and I turned, only to see her holding up a pale yellow dress with a brown belt at the waist. I remembered that dress well. I had gotten it at the orphanage one christmas, but had been far too short to wear it. It was meant for someone much older and taller than I was, but because it was a lucky dip, I had to make do with what I had. I took the dress from my mother, then turned around at the mirror. Now, it flowed to knee length, and although a little crumpled, it was just right.

  "I'll iron it for you," my mother said, smiling, then took the dress from me. With only an hour until Taemin arrived, I hurriedly stepped into the shower, the cold water splashing down on me comforting.   By the time I had towelled off and stepped out wrapped in a towel, my mother had finished with the ironing. I slipped on the dress, and to my surprise, it fitted easily. A little wide around the waist, but other than that, perfect.

  'You look gorgeous," my mother said proudly, spinning me in the direction of the mirror. I smiled and squeezed her hand.

  "I'll dry your hair for you now, come on," my mother said, and I sat, patinetly, as I felt her fingers combing my hair. Just as she finished, the doorbell rang, and I felt my stomach being invaded by butterflies.

  "Go on then," my mother said, and then opened the door.


  The night was beautiful. There was a calm wind, and if you gazed up to the heavens, its brilliant, shining jewels would gaze right back at you. I had my shoes in one hand and  was having a marvellous time delving my feet into the soft sand.

  "This is great," I said, as Taemin laid down a blanket and passed out my plate of food.

  "I knew you'd like a beach dinner," he said.

  We didn't go with Miyeon and Minho in the end, because Miyeon had said she didn't want to be a wet blanket, for god's sakes. So it was just me and Taemin. We sat side by side, munching on sausages and pasta as we enjoyed the comfortable atmosphere. I sighed happily and fed on all that he had brought hungrily. Within minutes, all the food had disappeared.

  Taemin checked his watch and then announced, "We still have half an hour left before the musical starts."

  "I can just stay here all night," I grinned mischievously.

  He grinned back just as mischievously. Grabbing my hand, he dragged me to my feet and then pulled me in the direction of the silently glistening waters.

  "Taemin!" I yelled, laughing.

  Soon we were at the water's edge, and the soft caress of the sea was even better than the sand's touch. We were still holding hands, and frankly I was too absorbed in the sea to shake him off. He pulled me a little further and I gladly obliged. Deeper and deeper we went, but out of the blue, I felt something slimey graze my feet and the sky suddenly spiralled violently as I flaied my arms in the air desperately.

  Sub-consciously, I knew I was going to hit the water, but surprisingly, there was no cold water engulfing me and no fight for oxygen. I opened my previously shut eyes, only to be gazing in the face of taemin. He had caught me in the nick of time, one hand under my waist and another over. I flushed so red, I could literally feel the heat on my face. Thank goodness it was night time.

  He set me down carefully before asking, "Are you alright?"

  I nodded as I put both my hands to my face.

  "Let's get back," he said, gently grabbing hold of my hand and once again leading me back to the shore. The flush stayed, if not turned brighter than ever. We reached shore and dried ourselves, for the hem of my dress and his pants were by now wet.

  'Do we have time?" I asked anxiously.

  Taemin nodded as he checked his watch.

  "But we should hurry," he said, scrambling to his feet. I scrambled to mine too, and this time, I put my hand in his. He jerked back his body a little, surprised by my sudden intiative, but then squeezed my hand tighter and led me back to his motorbike.


  The musical was fantastic.

  It was about how a boy and a girl had been best friends since they were babies. The boy had always wanted to be a pianist, it was his forever dream. One day, the witch of the west kidnapped the girl, put her into a cage, and wanted to her soul to gain eternal life. The boy hunted the witch down and stole the cage's key, but just as he was about to put it through the hole, the witch caught him in the act. She offered him two choices, leave the girl here and get his dream of becoming a pianist, or take the girl and see his dream vanish. The withc conjured up an image of his future success in the crystal ball, and he got into the temptation and left the girl there.

  It was heart breaking, watching the last scene as the girl's soul was and her silvery form floated up and finally drifted out of sight via cables. I cried like there was no tomorrow, and even Taemin did, too, although he tried hard not to show it.

  "That was good," I said, as we walked out of the theatre.

  "It was," Taemin agreed.

  "What would you choose, if it was you?" I asked.

  "The girl of course," he said, and just as I was about to remark that he was not a heartless guy, he added softly, "if she was you."

  I stopped in my tracks, stunned by his additional line. Taemin gulped, and he stopped to. Turning to me, he said, "Hyung said I should do this tonight, and I'm not very good at this, but ... I love you."

  He took a deep intake of breath, then took my hands in his.

  "I love you. And if you were that girl in the cage I would give everything up just to save you," Taemin said, laughing a little, then continued, saying, "cliche, but true."

  "So I guess, what i'm really saying is, well ... " he stammered, and then we was flushing too.

  I put my finger to his lips, smiling up at him.

  "I know what you're saying," I said softly.

  And then he picked me off the ground and kissed me deeply, so that suddenly I was so full of joy I could have shot straight up into the sky and exploded in a myriad of colours like a firework. I kissed him back, hands pressed against his chest, and in that instant, the world seemed like it had disappeared and there was only him and me left.

  Just him and me.


Hey you all!

So I suppose this is the long awaited chapter hahahahahahah.

Hoped it turned our right!

Love you all & love you all somemore.

Jess aka glitteryy <3

Comment Replies :

Yploverholic -- HAHHAHAHAHAHHAA :D

mickey_mouse -- I guess in a sense she's lucky. Like, we're always dreaming about all that happening to us! & hahahah, I would choose minnie too <3 I decided not to make them double date in the end heh. <3

wintersnow -- HAHHAHAHA, really> Good :D

MiAmoure -- I'm surprised to hear that! (:

jjongisluv -- Go for Taemin all yaaaa want XD

shugiimonster -- Glad ya think so XD

hi_and_bye -- HERE'S DA UPDATE! I really love you so much! <3

lee_xuan -- <3333333333333

onkeyjongmintae -- I WANT TO SEE IT IN REAL LIFE ZOMG. Heheheheh, the next chapter is out now! Awww, thanks so much sweetie! :3

placebograce -- Love ya gracie. <3

SHINeeGeppy -- I love ya! 8D Here you go lovely :D

ILoveTaeZy -- I'm really glad you adore Miyeon! <3 Yes, that's true! Here's the "dream" chapter heh. 8D

E_magine -- HAHAHHAAH, I totally laughed when I saw your comment XD I love musicals! Like Wicked zomg, the best evaaaaaa. <3

winterbling -- Yeah, they do, don't they?

Alyssa18 -- Awwww, thanks so much darl! :3

GoofyElla -- Umma yah, saranghaeyooooo. <3

fayeluccie143 -- Yes, she is <3 I hope this satisfies your curiosity partially! <3

Sammery -- YOU ARE DA BEST SISTA. <3 Hoped you like this love! 8D

NinjaLunara123 -- HHAHAHAHAHAHA, yes, poor Minho 8D Maybeeee she could? Nah, idk :/

SuperShineKissBeast - I want a friend like Miyeon too, hands down! <3 /squisheddoubletime I'm glad you thought that chapter was good, hope you love this one as well! <3

WinterRose -- Yes she is! Yeah, their a couple of lovable monkeys <3 Oh well, I saved him that suffering in the end <3

FrogXEcho -- I'm glad you did, I realise I don't do chapter titles very well :/ I think your comment stuck with me the most, especially the taemin-minho part :D

b2utyvipgirlfriend -- Yeah that'd be weird so I decided not to put that it :D

xemmiree -- Welcome lovely! <3 HAHAHHAHAA. I'm so glad you do! 8D

RemIsMee -- Too bad, you're the cutest <3

BleuumScarlett -- I like your first line, & I totally agree with you :D I've been in that kind of situation, but with girlfriends and not guys (I would freak out if they were guys goodness) You're cute yourself :D

cheryltaeminnie -- YES THEY ARE MISSUS! <3 Well, I would choose Taemin, hands down muahahahahahahah! Its what happens after the musical, yes? <3 Hoped you liked this! (:

Aichany -- Awww yes sweetheart, I'm so glad you loved it (: Yeah, she is D: HAHHAHAA, you're like a radio broadcaster! :D

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Thank you guys, for 1000 subscribers, that's beyond my imagination, honestly! It feels like ages when I first started this story XD I love all of you!


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taetae29 #1
Chapter 46: AWEEEEEE, ok can i just say my heart warmed up sosososo much after reading this story? Like it makes me want become a better and stuff. (Another new wish for 2017 i probably wont fulfill) haha merry xmas and happy new year author :)
taetae29 #2
Chapter 27: Ofcourse jonghyun, Ofcourse -_______-
Chapter 46: The story was really beautifull. Glad to find your fic ^0^
Please keep writing ♥
Chapter 46: Awwwwww was very beautiful story!!!!!!!
Chapter 45: I can't believe I'm just now reading this. This story is wonderful!
Chapter 46: this is sooo beautiful! Amazing! :)
Umparubadum #7
Chapter 46: woooow,this story is amazing!! I like very much,altough i have to read it slowly because english isn't my main language,hehehe~
This is my favourite fanfic,i think the best parts are part 44 and 45,i almost cried when i read it!
Keep writing,author! :DDD
aww~ this is the 1st story i ever subscribe to ~ :3 love it!!
vbng23 #9
Chapter 46: love this story! <3
this used to be one of my favourite fanfics omg!