Paper Stars

The Scarecrow's Necklace

  That evening when Taemin came home, his eyes fell on me and I saw the slight spark flash in his eyes, but he only smiled at me like I had been living in his house for ages now. I smiled back too, but didn't stop staring at him as he bounced up the stairs and whistled.

  DInner was buttered potatoes in their jackets, rice, and Jinki's speciality - kimchi wine soup. Well, at least he said it was his speciality. I peered at te soup suspicioulsy as he ladled some proudly into my bowl. As he set it down in front of me, I stirred the liquid round and round, prodding the various vegetables and meat inside.

  "Don't worry, it's safe to eat," Jinki grinned.

  "Yeah, hyung makes the best soup," Taemin assured.

  "Well, okay," I said, then took a huge gulp of the soup. It was good; the wine and kimci flavour mixed well together and the taste lingered long after you had drunk the last drop.

  "She doesn't trust me, but she trusts me dongsaeng," Jinki said, shaking his head in mock agony.

  "Hyung," Taemin murmured, embarrassed.

  I only ducked my head in my food and shovelled rice into my mouth as fast as I could. Jinki chuckled, and I shoved even more rice into my mouth.

  "You have ... rice," I suddenly heard Taemin say.

  I looked up, mouth bursting full. He smiled, and then leant over the table and removed a single grain of rice lingering on the corner of my mouth. It was just a mere second, but the soft touch of his thumb smoothing over my skin left me with a flurry of fire sparks. Beside me, I could feel Jinki shaking with laughter, and I mentally cursed him as I smiled hesitantly at Taemin. He smiled back, then continued on with his food.

  As the meal came to an end and Jinki began clearing the tables, I decided I should help in the chores if I was to stay, so I said I would do the dishes. Jinki looked at me, pleasantly surprised, and just as I was about to take the dishes from him, Taemin interjected, saying he would help as well. Jinki winked at me, but I only pushed past him and walked into the kitchen, cheeks albeit a flaming red.

  "I'll soap, and you can dry," Taemin said, but I shook my head and demanded I soap instead. He obediently moved away from the sink and I started taking the dishes for a swim. I passed the dishes to him, and then he reached for a dishtowel, wiping the dish dry.

  "It's good to know you know to use a dishtowel," I joked, faintly remembering my scarecrow boy trying to wipe the dishes with tissue.

  He smiled gently, looking down at the towel.

  "Someone once told me I should use a dishtowel," he said.

  We worked in silence then, me thinking about my childhood and him probably thinking about that special somone. We followed a steady rhythm; wash, soap, dry, wash, soap, dry. As he placed the last dish back into its rightful place, I gave a sigh of content and stretched, examining the watery wrinkles on my palms. Taemin laid his palms out for me to see, and I slapped them away playfully, for he didn't need to get his hands wet to become old granny ones.

   "I want to fold paper stars," he suddenly announced.

  I glanced at him, surprised, but followed him out of the kitchen and into his bedroom. I twirled around in his chair as he took out his materials; there were all kinds of artcraft paper! By all kinds I meant all kinds; polka dotted ones, rainbow striped ones, glittery gold ones, furry blue ones, and even girly ones with hearts dotted all over them. I watched, amazed, as he deftly carved out star after star with the strips of paper. He glanced up at me, my face cupped in my hands. I smiled up at him and gestured for him to carry on.

  "Do you like stars?" he asked me.

  "Sure, I guess. Everyone likes stars," I said.

  He thought about that for a moment, then said, "I once made a paper star necklace for a girl, and she really liked it."

  "I once received something like that too," I said.

  He raised an eyebrow.


  I nodded.

  "Would you like another?" he asked mischievously.

  I laughed and shook my head.

  "What I'd really like is a jarful of paper stars!" I said, rounding my hands into a huge circle to show how big the jar would be.


  My head bounced up and down. Secretly in my heart I hoped he got the hint and would say that he'd make my wish come true, but nothing of the sort happened and he resumed his paper star making. I continued watching him, until the floor was littered with multi coloured stars, an amazing myriad of colours all splashed against oak panels. He worked until the clock striked ten, and by then I was struggling to keep my eyelids open and my mouth from yawning.

  "Go to bed," Taemin cajoled me, but I only bearily rubbed my eyes and shook my head.

  He laughed quietly, then put down what seemed like his eightieth star and stared sternly at me.

  "To bed, now," he commanded, but I only laughed at him and plonked myself down on his bed, pretending to snore.

  He shook his head, but I had made a fatal mistake in lying down, for I now felt I couldn't get up at all. As stars continued to fall, my eyelids slowly fluttered close, slowly at first, and then more often, until I found myself entering a world of black completely for minutes a time. I finally succumbed to my fatigue and fell into a deep sleep on Taemin's bed, comfortable and warm.

  Next morning when I woke up however, I was on my own bed, and next to my bed was a huge jar crammed full with hundreds and hundreds of beautiful paper stars.



I LOVE PAPER STARS! But unfortunately, I don't know how to fold them ):

Just saying (:

Hope you guys enjoyed this, stay happy!


Jess aka glitteryy


@winterrose -- Yes, he's sweet isn't he? (: AHAHHAHA, Jinki has good brains (: LOL

@xeroxiff -- YESYES. XD

@Yploverholic -- Awww, thank you so much love!

@shineeninja -- Cows eat grass. ANYWAAAAYGAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH. I'd like to see you react to a situation like that (: Don't hate on yourself babehhhh <3

@E_magine -- Thank you m'deaaaaaar! <3

@sushi_roll101 -- Because he's Lee Taemin that's why! I can't wait to see YOUR reaction! (; <333333333

@SHINeeGeppy -- HAHHAHHAHA, yeshhhhhh. XD Hope you liked this update!

@milkshakelurve -- Heard about experiencing people eating the awful food you made! HMMM> TAEEEEEMIN! Who I coloured today (:

@ILoveTaeZy -- Look high and low baby, high and low ~ (: AWWWW, so touched by your excitement <3

@paper_angel -- *takes hint and nudges back* Glad you do! G'NIGHTTTTBABY <3

@GoofyElla -- THAT IS GREAT! (: Omg yes, I would want a brother like him too (:

@Viviolet -- Awwwwwwwww I was so touched + I was laughing when I read your comment! (:

@joanna_MAgic -- Yeah, he is (: Here's an update! <3

@kwin_shine143 -- I don't mind overloading! (: Thank you! <3

@RemIsMee -- Aw god, you're really too cute! LOL, cutie patootie hahahahhahah. I am not :/ Omg, I totally agree with your bit about Taemin & Onew! (: No problem ma love! <3

@shugiimonster -- <33333 You would? (:

@pokedeyes -- Awwwww, you're too nice! :D I was totally hyped up reading your comment <3

@jotwinslover -- MUAHAHAHAHAH, glad you like it!

@lee_xuan -- Mmm-hmm! <3

@sakuradrops347 -- TEAMTAEMINGO! LOL. (ignore biasedness please :/) Someday ~ We all love sneaky onew muahhahahah. You'll see, Minho'll be back soon (:

@BleuumScarlett -- Glad to know you found that funny! (: Here's the next chapter muahahahahah but yeah, my exams are really important this time round! ( D: )

@Sammery -- I hope you get all the right fuzzies for a very long time, I love you so! Awwww, I don't want to disappoint you either! It's okay to worry, it's just so great seeing you enjoy my story! <3 HMMMM> Hint taken (: Looooveyouuuu. <3

@Aichany -- I love how you always use "ssi", it just sounds so cute! Awwww, it was so great hearing that! <3

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Thank you guys, for 1000 subscribers, that's beyond my imagination, honestly! It feels like ages when I first started this story XD I love all of you!


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taetae29 #1
Chapter 46: AWEEEEEE, ok can i just say my heart warmed up sosososo much after reading this story? Like it makes me want become a better and stuff. (Another new wish for 2017 i probably wont fulfill) haha merry xmas and happy new year author :)
taetae29 #2
Chapter 27: Ofcourse jonghyun, Ofcourse -_______-
Chapter 46: The story was really beautifull. Glad to find your fic ^0^
Please keep writing ♥
Chapter 46: Awwwwww was very beautiful story!!!!!!!
Chapter 45: I can't believe I'm just now reading this. This story is wonderful!
Chapter 46: this is sooo beautiful! Amazing! :)
Umparubadum #7
Chapter 46: woooow,this story is amazing!! I like very much,altough i have to read it slowly because english isn't my main language,hehehe~
This is my favourite fanfic,i think the best parts are part 44 and 45,i almost cried when i read it!
Keep writing,author! :DDD
aww~ this is the 1st story i ever subscribe to ~ :3 love it!!
vbng23 #9
Chapter 46: love this story! <3
this used to be one of my favourite fanfics omg!