Breaking World ~ Judgement - Chapter 10

Breaking World ~ Judgement

Sunggyu pulled up to the Yong clan residence to be greeted by Doojoon and Dongwoon.  They were surprised when they saw Woohyun asleep in the passenger seat.

"Shouldn't he be in the hospital?" asked Dongwoon.

"He's fine," replied Sunggyu with a smile.  "Just exhausted."

"Boss," said Doojoon.  "We have a problem."

Sunggyu lay Woohyun to rest in the bed and pulled up the covers.  He smiled as he watched Woohyun sleeping so peacefully.  He leaned down to place a soft kiss on Woohyun's forehead, not wanting to disturb him.  He must have been so exhausted, thought Sunggyu. 

"There's something I need to take care of," Sunggyu whispered.  "Please don't wake up before I return."

As he closed the door to the room, his eyes turned a darker shade and the gentle smile disappeared from his face.  He made his way downstairs to where his men stood ready and waiting.

"Let's go," he ordered as he put on his jacket and grabbed his gun.

Hoya opened the door to his apartment to find Sungyeol with an arm draped across Myungsoo's shoulders as he held onto him for support.

"Myungsoo?" said Hoya, surprised.  "What happened?"

"You shouldn't let the wounded roam about on their own," said Myungsoo as he pushed Sungyeol to Hoya, before turning to leave.

"Wait," said Sungyeol.  "Where are you going?"

Myungsoo glanced back at Sungyeol.  "If this judge is after us, then Woohyun is also in danger.  I need to warn him."

"Woohyun?" came the surprised voice from behind Hoya.  "Is he alright?"

Myungsoo looked at the door and saw Sungjong with both hands in bandages.

"I tried looking for him," admitted Sungjong.  "It was my fault that he was shot."

"You shot him?" asked Myungsoo, eyes wide with shock.

"He didn't mean it," Sungyeol said, defending Sungjong.  "Back then, we were fighting against each other for different reasons."

Myungsoo looked at Sungyeol.  "He's fine," replied Myungsoo as he turned to walk away.

Gun shots rang out as blood spilled at the battle scene.  Sunggyu arrived with his men and took control of the situation.  He fired his gun, instantly killing all those in his way.

"Boss sure is excited," commented Yoseob.

Hyunseung frowned.  "He's taking all my prey."

"Well, he tends to get fired up when dealing with those with badges," said Junhyung. 

"Gonna have to fight him for some killings," said Hyunseung as he rushed over to where Sunggyu was and started slashing at the group of men.

When Sunggyu saw Hyunseung dashed in front of him, he finally stepped aside.  He look down at himself and finally noticed the blood splattered on his clothes.  He watched as his men finished off the remaining few men.  He watched as the last man fell.  They had annihilated the entire group.

"All that's left is the Superintendent," announced Doojoon as he looked at Sunggyu.  "What are your orders, boss?"

He stood from afar and watched as Sunggyu and his group left the scene.  He then walked over to where the fallen bodies were.  He bent down to pull out the wallet of one of the dead men.  When he saw the ID he realised they were plain clothes detectives.

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Chapter 22: I guessed right! Booyah
khaulabear #2
Chapter 21: I've just finished reading the trilogy and they are actually one of your best stories that I've read. I wonder why I didn't read this sooner. :)
sha_alina19 #3
Chapter 22: What can i say...this story is totally bomb!!!! I like it... And even it has soooo many conflict but in the end its a good ending....thanks for the awesome story.... ^^
Chapter 22: this is so freaking good!! i might die!!
imsmlee86 #5
Chapter 22: First of all I'm so so sorry for only comenting on the last chap, I can't help but forget to comment because too engrossed in reading the story xD AND THIS IS SO SO GOOOOOOOD, ESPECIALLY THE JUDGEMENT, ME LAF IT ♡♡
peychee457 #6
Chapter 22: i was kept constantly on my toes.. everytime woohyun is shot or slashed at I'm like 'again?' i was amazed at how he managed to stay alive through all those blood but i love love loved this! i like how i was made to think sunggyu has actually changed.. my heart was constantly hammered at how the two of them can't stay together longer.. but im also hooked to keep reading and find out how they end up.. i read the first part yesterday, and finished the last two parts in one go today. Thanks for a great story!
Chapter 22: Wait, i think i know it.

Woohyun and Sunggyu never enter that car from the start!
They were blow the car so Infinite will have this in their mind "Woogyu is dead"

And with that car exploded, woogyu have their free life with Shin..

Right? Right?
Chapter 22: All of my guess is wrong ahahahaha
How clever i am..
Even i am wrong. But i am enjoying this trilogy of yours..

Sorry for being a late reader..

Sorry for doubting you too Sunggyu :(

Its feel nice really nice..
Its awesome, like always..

But still, i am still curious, how can Woohyun and Sunggyu escaped from that exploded car?

Great that they are fine. All of them....

Once again, thank you ^^
Chapter 6: Damnnit!!
My guesss is so wronged lol