New Student and Meeting Infinite

Prince Charming

Your teacher entered the classroom and there was a student walking behind her. The teacher hushed the student to be quiet and said, "Good morning class! We have a new student today. Please show him around the school and be nice."

The new student wrote his name on the chalk board and turned to face to class.

"Hello, my name is Lee Kikwang. I hope we can all be friends and please take good care of me." Kikwang said and bowed.

The class clapped and said, "Hello Kikwang. Welcome to our class."

The teacher was looking for an empty seat but the only seat that was empty was beside you.

"Eunmi, please raise your hand." the teacher asked and you raised your hand in the air.

"Kikwang, your seat will be beside Eunmi. Please go to your seat." the teacher said and Kikwang walked to the seat beside you.

Kikwang smiled and took out his books and pencil from his bag. You smiled back at him and mouthed, 'Hello Kikwang.' because the teacher was starting the lesson.

*Bring ring*

It was finally lunch time and you packed your books back into your bag.

"Eunmi, could you show me around the school?" Kikwang asked and grabbed his bag from chair.

"Sure. Can I see your locker number?" you replied.

Hyosung and Yubin was waiting for you at the door but you shouted, "I'll meet you guys at the cafeteria. See you guys there!"

They nodded and left the classroom. Kikwang showed you his locker number and suprisingly it was beside your locker. You showed him around the school and the last room you showed Kikwang was the dance room. Your favourite room in the whole school.

"And this is my favourite room in the whole school.. The dance room~" you said.

Kikwang walked in the dance room and smiled.

"I think this is going to be my favourite room in this school too." he replied and smile.

You plugged in your ipod and played Wonder Girls' Tell Me and randomly danced to the song. Kikwang smiled and started dancing beside you and you guys were laughing. After the song was over you stopped and walked out the dance room.

"Wow, I wouldn't have guessed you knew the whole Tell Me dance." you said impressed at him.

"Why wouldn't I? It's like the best dance ever!" Kikwang stated and laughed.

You couldn't help but laugh too.

"Are you hungry?" you asked.

He nodded and you guys started walking to the cafeteria.

"Eunmi!" you heard someone shouted.

You turned around and saw Sunggyu and the other Infinite members. You smiled and shouted, "Hi Sunggyu oppa!"

You guys hugged.

"Hyung, who is she?" the boy who looked small compared to the other Infinite boys.

He looked a bit more feminine than the other boys but he still has the most boyish voice. The other boys were muscular and handsome, no wonder they have so many fangirls in this school.

"She's Choi Eunmi. Her father is the owner of the famous Seoul Tech Company and I was at her father company's party yesterday night. That was why I couldn't hang with you guys.." Sunggyu explained.

The members' mouth shaped into an 'o' and said, "Ohh".

You couldn't help but giggle.

"Who is he?" Sungjong asked and pointed to Kikwang.

*He is a very curious kid..* you thought.

"He's a new student here.. His name is Lee Kikwang, he is in my class and I was giving him the tour of our school." you said.

"Hi, I'm Lee Kikwang. It's a pleasure to meet you." Kikwang introduced himself and bowed.

"Hi. I'm Sunggyu, the leader of Infinite." Sunggyu introduced.

"I'm Woohyun." "I'm Sungyeol."

"Sungjong." "Hoya and Dongwoo here."

"And I'm L."

*I guess he doesn't feel comfortable around Kikwang yet.. Myungsoo oppa, why does it have to be L..* you thought to yourself but couldn't help giggle at the thought of calling him L when you knew his real name.

"It's nice to meet  you all." Kikwang said again.

"And this is Choi Eunmi." Sunggyu introduced you to Infinite.

"It's nice to meet you all." you said and bowed.

"Where are you guys going?" Sunggyu asked.

"The cafeteria." you responded.

"I'll see you around. Text me if you need anything or that you just want to chat." Sunggyu said and waved goodbye.

"Alright. See you around oppa!" you said cutely and walked away with Kikwang.

Myungsoo took a last glance at you and smiled to himself.

*How did you become so close to Sunggyu hyung already..* and sighed.

You walked in the cafeteria with Kikwang and bought your lunches then went to the table Hyosung and Yubin were at. They were discussing if they should join the talent show this year.

"We should join this year.. We haven't even showed the school what we're capable of.. Unni~ pleaseeeee!" Hyosung begged and blinked her beautiful long lashes.

Hyosung saw you and whispered to you, "Beg with me.. I think she's going to crack soon."

You nodded and went the Yubin's other side and gave her your puppy dog eyes.

"Please unni~ We haven't danced together since my birthday party last year.. I think it's time we show the school our moves." you pleaded.

Hyosung was on the right side and you were on the left side of Yubin so she was stuck. Yubin sighed loudly and finally gave in and said, "Fine, we'll participate in this years talent show.. Now stop bugging me already!"

Kikwang was a bit shocked but couldn't keep his laughter to himself and started bursting with laughter. The three of you looked at Kikwang and started laughing loudly too.

"You guys are so cute." Kikwang managed to say after laughing for several minutes.

"What's so cute?" Hyosung asked innocently.

"You three." he replied and pointed at the Yubin, Hyosung and you.

You guys told Kikwang the story about why Hyosung and you wanting to participate in the talent show the school always have when you entered high school but never got the chance too. He was amused by the thought of you dancing on stage but couldn't keep his happiness inside and had to smile.

"You know.. I am in a dance group and we're number one!" Kikwang bragged.

"No way. The number one group has to be DBSK oppas!" Hyosung said.

"Fine, you got me there. We're the second best dance group then!" Kikwang said.

"Well, maybe not here.. Cause apparently the number one dance group in this school is known as Infinite." Yubin stated and pointed out the window.

You saw many fangirls surrounding Infinite when they were trying to have their lunch outdoors but couldn't because they were mobbed by hundreds of fangirls at our school.

"Poor them.. They can't have one day without being mobbed by those damn fangirls.." you sighed and looked out the window.

You saw Myungsoo being poked by several fangirls and he ignored them like they were a bunch of mosquito. Eventually Woohyun shouted at the fangirls and they were ordered to leave and so the fangirls stopped and watched them from afar. You couldn't help but look at how handsome Myungsoo was when he was smiling. Myungsoo looked at you and you looked away quickly, embrassed.

*Was she looking at me this whole time?* he thought.

*No way.. What am I thinking of..* he thought again and went back to his conversation with s.

Class was over and you were at your locker getting your books and putting unneccesary books back in your locker. You started walking to the door until you heard someone shouting, "Eunmi!"

You turned around and saw Myungsoo.

"You dropped your pencil." he said and gave you your pencil you dropped from your bag.

"Oh! Thank you Myungsoo." you replied and put your favourite pencil back in your bag safely.

*You forgot oppa...* he mumbled in his thought but tried to stay cool.

"You waiting for your ride?" he asked as you were guys walking out the school.

You nodded and said, "And you?"

"No. My ride is already here." he said and pointed to the limo on the street across the school.

"I'll see you tomorrow then!" you said but Myungsoo shook his head.

You titled your head to one side and said, "Huh?"

"I'm not leaving until I know you're safely home." he said.

And you remembered the time when the three queenkas incident. You couldn't but be thankful for the thought but you shook your head.

"It's okay. I'll be fine. It's not nice to leave your driver waiting." you insisted.

Myungsoo couldn't help but giggle at your statement so you said, "What? It's the truth." in defense.

"I told him I'll be a couple minutes late. So he's probably taking a nap right now.. You wouldn't want me to wake him from his nap, would you?" he said and smirked.

You looked at him and looked at the ground.

*I guess that's fair..* you thought.

"How was the party yesterday?" Myungsoo said after the meeting with Sunggyu.

You were a bit suprised but relaxed.

"It was great. I never knew Sunggyu oppa can freestyle that well.." you acknowleged.

You and Myungsoo talked for 30 minutes until you got a call from your driver.

"What? Mr.Kwon! Congratulaton! Ne, Areso.. I'll see you at the hospital later tonight. Please tell her I say congratulation." you said and ended your call.

"What's wrong?" Myungsoo asked.

"My driver's wife is in labour and he's going to the hospital right now. I have to find another means of transportation home and then I get to go to the hospital with my family later tonight to see them." you explained and checked your wallet for some coins.

Myungsoo shook his head and covered his hand from your wallet. You looked at him confused and he smiled. That made you feel more comfortable but you were still confused.

"Let me take you home." he finally said.

Your eyes bulged.

"Wae.. It's okay Myungsoo, I can take the bus home.. It's not that far..." you said and looked for the amount of coins to take the bus.

He shook his head and gently pulled you towards his limo. The driver was awake and reading the newspaper.

"Hello sir." he greeted.

"We're going to take Eunmi home." Myungsoo comfirmed.

The driver nodded and took out the GPS and in the 'favourite' category he found your address. He started the engine so you had to accept Myungsoo's offer.

"Thanks for driving me home again." you finally said.

"It's no problem Miss Eunmi." he replied.

You guys talked more comfortably unlike the first time you were in Myungsoo's car and you guys talked until you reached your home. When you were at the entrance of your house Myungsoo couldn't believe his eyes. Your house looks really familiar but he doesn't know why he recongizes your house.

"We're here." the driver announced.

"Thank Mr.Limo Driver." you thanked and opened the door.

"Your welcome Miss Eunmi." the driver responded.

You got off the limo and thanked Myungsoo.

He pouted and you looked confused again.

"You forgot the oppa part.." he pouted again.

You were dumbfounded but couldn't help but laugh.

"What's so funny?" Myungsoo said a bit offended.

"So that's why you were sad whenever I called your name.." you said in acknowlegement.

He looked at you and thought, *So she did notice I was sad...*

"No I wasn't.." he said a bit embrassed that he was caught.

"Sorry, Myungsoo...oppa." you teased.

"YAH!" he said.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Myungsoo..oppa." you teased again before you entered your house.

*Let's see if you'll remember tomorrow when I see you..* Myungsoo thought and kept replaying the words coming out of your mouth.

*Myungsoo..oppa.* he couldn't help but smile like an idiot.

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shafkyulove #1
Great!!! Finished in half a day
AngiSTAR_1207 #2
Awww such a cute story !!! :))
ItsElaine11 #3
GREAT STORY! Read it in less than a day! :D
onewforever #4
this story make me like big band, beast and infinite more!!!
awww. such a great story. <3
So beautiful xD
Update soon ;D
iheartskpop; thank you ^^
aw~. that was such a cute ending! they lived happily ever after! :D good job! (:
I felt both like Eunmi's and Myungsoo's mom after hearing the about Eunmi being pregnant xD
Update soon!!!