Chapter Thirteen - Explaination

That Girl


Short update before I go out to eat for Chinese New Year ^^ Happy new year, those who celebrate it!


Hyun Ah’s Hotel Room

Seungho’s P.O.V

I knocked on her door. “Hey, you okay?”

No answer. I knocked again. “Come on, you can talk to me. It’s better to let things out!”

After a few seconds, the door opened and Hyun Ah appeared. “Oh, its you Seungho.”

I grinned. “Why, wanted someone else?”

“hehe, no, you’re fine.” She let me in.

I sat down on the couch. “You okay?”

She nodded. “Yeah, of course. Look… I’m actually fine. Plus, I’m hungry. So you want to go and get lunch?”

I stared at her. “Erm, sure? Hopefully we wont run into Ji Yoon…” I studied her face as I said her name.

Her face tensed for a fraction of a second, then relaxed. “Yeah, hopefully. Come on, lets go.”

Joon’s room

Joon’s P.O.V


How could I say that?



I mean, it wasn’t like I WAS in love with her. It was just something to shut Ji Yoon up, and to protect Hyun Ah from getting any more insults.

But the others would probably not think about this OBVIOUS reason, and jump to conclusions…

I better go and set them straight before they go and blab to Hyun Ah! Aissh!

I grabbed my jacket, wallet and key card and headed out. They were probably still at the beach. After Ji Yoon had left (and she would have, to go and sulk) Mir probably laughed it off, and then dragged the others to go build a sandcastle with him.

Thunder’s P.O.V

Joon walked off, and then Ji Yoon hissed. Steam looked as if it was coming out of her ears! It was kind of… scary…

She ran off in some random direction, and all of us knew she was probably going to sulk somewhere.

“Hehehee… hyunggg, lets go build sandcastles! The weather is nice, after all. And it’s a vacation, right?” Mir looked at us with puppy dog eyes. Aegyo mode – ON.

None of us could say no, so we let him drag him us off closer to the water, each thinking about the words Joon had said.

“I love her.” Kept replaying in our heads, although it was really none of our business. But hyung was a player…

“Could Joon actually like her?” G.O said to himself out loud.

“Looks like it!” Mir piled on some more sand to his castle.

While giving him some sand, I said “I wish Seungho hyung was here. He would probably tell us what hyung meant by ‘love’.”

“GUYS!” I heard someone yell. We all turned around, and saw Joon, panting.

“Why did you come so far down from the hotel? It took me ages to find you three!” he collapsed onto the sand.

“Really? We hadn’t noticed.” G.O said, scratching his head.

He rolled his eyes. “Listen, about what I said before! I didn’t mean it! It was just to shut up Ji Yoon. SO I DON’T ACTUALLY LOVE HER, OKAY? After all, that’s so unlike me! The player! I mean, come on man!” he laughed nervously.

“Oohh~” we all said. He looked a bit nervous, but I shook it off.

“I knew that all along~” Mir grinned. “Hyung doesn’t like anyone!”

“Heheh… yeah…”Joon chuckled.


Weird chapter T___T

But anyway, I guess it makes up for not updating for a while?

See you on the weekend, maybe. Which is like, tomorrow, the day after, lalala.

I’m so freaking tired… everything hurts D: for PE we had to do this ‘fitness test’ and that included situps, pushups and the plank. I stupidly went 6 minutes for the plank D; now everythings hurts…

Oh well, going to dinner now. =D byebye, and HCNY to those who celebrate it!

Love, the duck xx

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whateveryouthink #1
Chapter 25: Update soon.. I want to read the nest chpt and the next and next till it complete.. ^^
Yay! :) read it already until the latest chappie. It's okay even if it's short. Update soon, dear! :">
kpopanimemaddog #3
Hehe I decided to not be a silent reader since yesterday (...) soooooooooo Here I am now......commenting........ya......*cough*......ANYWAY, I really like this fan fic and I will make sure to subscribe!! :)
riting4ux3 #4
hey, i LOVE your fanfic<3 and how it centers around Joon and Seungho<3 i love all of MBLAQ so i thank you for making a fanfic on them x3 its really good so i hope that you'll update soon :D<br />
and if you have time, can you please check out my fanfic?? its called My Dress Up Plan and if you give me a shoutout, I'd really appreciate it(: thank you and HWAITING :D
Go to Joon Seungho is mine!!!>.<
OMO<br />
its so weird i came to this story with my bias as thunder and now its seungho<br />
i guess its always been seungho but i just said thunder<br />