Chapter Two

That Girl


Hello everyone! Seeing as it’s the first chapter or two, I’m trying to update everyday. However, this chapter might be a bit off seeing as I’ve been sick all day and I’m suffering from writers block. I have the main plot so far though, so hopefully it’ll be alright!

Also, I dare you to say Kang Dae out loud. Guk Kang Dae. (Hyun Ah’s little brother.) Is it just me, or does Kang Dae seem like a really fun name to say out loud? Okay, enough of me ranting on, enjoy the chapter!


Seungho’s POV

“Remind me why you guys had to crash over at MY place for the night again?” I groaned, waking up to Cheon Dung lying flat on top of me.

“Yah, because you’re supposed to be a responsible hyung, and stuff! I mean, what do you think would happen if we stayed at Mir’s place!” Joon smirked.

I pushed Cheon Dung off me. “Well then, wouldn’t it be obvious not to go?”

“YAH! I’m not that bad!” Mir pouted.

We stared at him. “Okay, maybe I’m a little untidy, but- ”

“A LITTLE?” G.O started chuckling. I smirked.

“Yah, hurry up. We’ll be late to school if we keep talking about Mir’s bad habits!” Cheon Dung complained.

“Speaking about school, I met the new scholarship student the other day. She seems interesting.” Joon had one of those looks on his face. One of those looks which meant, something was up.

“Yours?” G.O asked, with a knowing smile.

“Let’s see how it’ll play out. I wonder if shes fun to play with~” Joon grinned. I rolled my eyes.

“I’m not going to school.” I stated, and rolled back into bed.

“What? Why not!” Joon glared.

“I’m sick, and tired,” I replied, and burrowed my head under the covers. I heard a low chuckle (G.O?) and then suddenly I was being dragged toward the bathroom. “YAH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?”

“Getting you to school, hyung~” Joon grinned at me. Geez, why can’t they just lay off? I rolled my eyes.

“Hyuuuung~ Don’t be like that, you should go to school! If you don’t go today, you won’t find out your class, and be the last one to pick seats~” Mir said.

I pulled a face. He was right, for once. “Fine! Let go of me, I can change by myself,” THUMP! I groaned. “I didn’t mean drop me, damn it.”


Hyun Ah’s P.O.V

Ah, where to go? My parents just left, and here I was standing outside the school office holding a map and my new timetable.

“Hey, have you seen the new class lists?” I heard a girl say as she passed me, talking to her friend.

“Nope! Can we go now?” her friend nodded, and they walked off.

I decided to follow them, seeing as I had nothing to do. Besides, if I didn’t know my class then how was I supposed to make use of this timetable? Keeping a safe distance, I trailed them. Wow, is that what it felt like to be a stalker?

I soon spotted a large crowd around a billboard. Well, this was probably it, right? As soon as I got closer, someone pushed me and I dropped my new timetable, and it was kicked around by the people around me. Soon, it had disappeared and I cursed silently. Just my luck! I pushed back out of the crowd, and got onto my knees. Where was it? I felt someone tap me on the back, and I looked around.

“Is this yours?” A happy voice greeted me. Uwah! Another hottie? First Mr Split Pants, and now this? Such a baby face… “Hello? Is this yours?” I snapped out of my reverie. He was holding my timetable.

“Oh! Yes… where did you find it?” I asked.

“On the floor over there…” he pointed to the other side of the billboard. So far away!? I wasn’t even looking at the right spot!

“O-oh. Kamsamnida!” I thanked him.

“No problems. You’re the new senior scholarship student, right?” he burst into a grin. I nodded. “Awesome, you’re in my year! Maybe I’ll see you around some time. My names Mir!” he seemed to bounce.

“Hehe, yeah… My names Hyun Ah.” I replied.

“Awesome! Well, I gotta go now. I’ve already checked my class, and I don’t want to be around the stampede, so see you later!” he laughed.

I nodded, and then gasped as he suddenly gave me a bear hug. “You seem like a really cool person! Bye, Hyun Ah!” he skipped away to his group of friends waiting for him. Was that…? I tried to see, but then somebody blocked my view. I shrugged it off. Why should I even care if it was Mr Split Pants? I would probably see too much of him this year, anyway.

I turned to face the billboard again. Holding my timetable tightly this time, I managed to get to the front of the billboard. I scanned through the list of names and located mine… and the name after mine. WHAT?

  • Guk Hyun Ah
  • Lee Chang Sun

OHMYGOD, I was in the same class as Mr Split Pants? Oh dear. I looked at my timetable. For my class, next period would be homeroom… well, perfect excuse to give him back his money then.

Mirs P.O.V

“Joon! I met that new scholarship student just then!” I said, skipping back to my group of friends.

G.O raised his eyebrow. (THAT SOUNDS SO WEIRD!) “What’s she like?”

Hm. “Clumsy. She dropped her timetable trying to get to the class lists…” I laughed. “She seems like a really nice person, though.”

“That’s her, alright.” Joon yawned. “Speaking of class lists, I’m with G.O again…”

“I’m with Cheon Dung! So, I’m good.” I grinned, and I high fived Doongie. I heard a snarl, and I looked at Seungho, nervous.

“I’m by myself again…” Seungho sighed. “I knew it was better to stay home today.”

Ring, Ding, Dong!

“Homeroom~!” G.O and Joon chorused.

I made a face. “Maths…”

Hyun Ah’s P.O.V

I made my way over to homeroom nervously. As soon as I entered the room, the teacher looked up at me. “Annyong-haseyo! Are you Guk Hyun Ah?”

I nodded, and he welcomed me to the class. “Everybody, this is Guk Hyun Ah. She’s been homeschooled all her life, and she made it as the new scholarship student. Please welcome her! Hyun Ah, how about you sit next to Si Yeon over there while I take rollcall?”

I thanked the teacher and walked towards the empty seat, staring at Mr Split Pants as I sat down. He was talking to a guy in sunnies, completely disregarding the teacher. Pfft, what a smug guy. Hot though… HYUN AH! I mentally slapped myself.

“Hi, you’re Hyun Ah right? I’m Si Yeon! Kim Si Yeon. Nice to meet you!”

I smiled at her. “Nice to meet you too, Si Yeon. It’s sure nice to meet someone genuinely friendly here.” I glared over at Joon, who was now flirting with the girls while the teacher was taking rollcall.

“Haha, well, lets be good friends alright? Be right back!” Si Yeon got up from her seat and walked over to Joon. I stared at her in disbelief. Was she kidding me? I rolled my eyes. Then, I realised the desks were empty – all the girls were around Joon and his friend in the thick sunnies. The rest of the guys were in another corner, glaring at the two.

I looked over at Joon, and he caught me looking. Crap! I looked down at my desk, cheeks burning. Why was I even nervous? People caught me looking at the all the time… so what if this time it’s a really hot guy who told you a secret and bribed you with 60,000 won? Geez, get a grip Hyun Ah!

I looked over at Joon again, and he was still looking at me, with that smug look on his face. “What do you want.” I snapped.

The girls surrounding him instantly gave me an evil glare. “How dare you do that to Joonie oppa!” One of the girls snarled, and I glared at her.

“Calm down, Ji Yoon,” Joon grabbed her hand as she lunged for me. “It’s fine.”

“But oppa!” she whined.

So, Ji Yoon was her name, huh. I rolled my eyes.

“YAH! How dare you roll your eyes at me!” She yelled.

“Ji Yoon!” Joon snapped.

“Okay, oppa. But she won’t get away if she does it another time!” Ji Yoon glared at me.

“Whatever.” I returned to my book on my desk, my cheeks burning. When did I become so brave to speak up?

I heard Joon chuckle, and the sound of a chair scraping across the floor. Silence… then footsteps. Oh crap! Was Joon walking towards me? I tried to hide my blush, but it only got worse. I stared at the floor in front of me.

I saw feet, and I looked up. Joon. OH CRAP. It was actually him! After staring at him for about two seconds, I looked down at his feet.

Then, I heard the chair next to mine scrape, and I looked up to see Joon in the chair next to mine, laughing. “You blush so easily, huh.”

I heard Ji Yoon whine. “OPPA! What are you doing with her!”

“Shut up, Ji Yoon… I’m tired with you.”

I smiled at her facial expression full of shock, even though I knew I shouldn’t laugh at somebody I haven’t even met for five minutes.

“So, how was your day so far?” I heard Joon ask me.

I stared at him in shock. He was talking to me? “Erm, okay?” I replied, nervous.

I watched him come closer to me, my face heating up as he got closer. Soon, we were just a few centimetres apart. My face felt like it was on fire. If one of us leaned closer we would…


Aysh, throughout this whole chapter I kept writing Hyun Ah as Hyuan T^T annoying!

Here’s a little spoiler: Yes, they do kiss. Haha! But, its nothing new and I’m surprised these chapters are actually making about five pages long. Is it too boring, or too slow? COMMENT! At first, I was actually just going to make Joon sit next to her and start a conversation. And then, I had the idea of the kiss. Then, I decided to keep with the conversation idea, and now suddenly I have both!

So, how was it? COMMENT MORE! I got two comments, both positive ones so I decided to just go with what I had planned. Is it alright? And guys, make sure you read the author’s notes on the top and bottom of each chapter. In it, I tell you updates and stuff. :D

Anyway, so did you like the introduction of the rest of MBLAQ? Leader is the sick one, as always ;) and would you believe I was rewatching the live shows of MBLAQ on youtube while watching this? Ahhaha, so hoot <3 And, is it too early to have the in it? Oops, that should be next chapter. ;) well, 6 proper new characters~ 4 MBLAQ, one friend and one rival. That ok? :DD

Tomorrows NYE, be safe everyone!

Love, the duckk! xx

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whateveryouthink #1
Chapter 25: Update soon.. I want to read the nest chpt and the next and next till it complete.. ^^
Yay! :) read it already until the latest chappie. It's okay even if it's short. Update soon, dear! :">
kpopanimemaddog #3
Hehe I decided to not be a silent reader since yesterday (...) soooooooooo Here I am now......commenting........ya......*cough*......ANYWAY, I really like this fan fic and I will make sure to subscribe!! :)
riting4ux3 #4
hey, i LOVE your fanfic<3 and how it centers around Joon and Seungho<3 i love all of MBLAQ so i thank you for making a fanfic on them x3 its really good so i hope that you'll update soon :D<br />
and if you have time, can you please check out my fanfic?? its called My Dress Up Plan and if you give me a shoutout, I'd really appreciate it(: thank you and HWAITING :D
Go to Joon Seungho is mine!!!>.<
OMO<br />
its so weird i came to this story with my bias as thunder and now its seungho<br />
i guess its always been seungho but i just said thunder<br />