We love you..But L.joe loves you more!

I live with this guy. . .

 "Hello?" You stood at the door way. You reached out for the light switch but a hand grabbed yours. You gasp and got scared. The hand was strong and you heard the voice chuckle.

"Happy birthday Miyeon." It whispered in your ear. You froze when you saw the lights turn on revealing 10 boys pop out and throw confetti and streamers in the air.  A big smile formed on your face when you saw Daehyun next to you. He blushed and let go of your hand.

"Wah. Thanks everyone." You smiled and went into each of thier tough built arms.

"HAHAHA! I ditched you! You wanted to cry right? You missed me right?" Chunji said putting his arm around your shoulder.

You eyed him. "Of course not." You ducked out from his arm. Then Zelo came through the front door carrying a big cake.

Your mouth gaped at how delicious it looked. "Sorry for leaving you all alone Miyeon." Zelo said setting the cake on the table.

You laughed and the ones who bailed on you had guilty exprssions.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY GIRL!" Everyone but Daehyun and Jongup shouted. You smiled and blew out the candles.

"What was your wish?" Ricky asked.

"Yah. You cant ask or else it wont come true." Changjo nudged RIcky. Ricky innocently smiled.

As Yongguk cut the cake you couldnt help but wonder where L.joe was. Everyone else was here celebrating with you but him.

Your smile faded a little and your eyes would wonder around the room.

"Looking for someone?" Cap raised an eyebrow at you. Your expression went blank as you nod slowly. Cap smirked.

"I would like to say something!" Chunji slurred.

"HEY! Who gave this kid soju?" Cap rolled his eyes. You giggled at Chunji's state.

"NO. NO,SHH. I would like to say, Thank you Miyeon for meeting us and changing our ways. Bad habits are all gone now. Because of you we have a better life and new..f-friends. I'm happy for that, Miyeon! We love you! But L.joe loves you m-moreee." Chunji cooed.

Your eyes rounded at Chunji's confession.

"Hyung!" Zelo stared wide eyed at Chunji. *It shouldnt be exposed now.*

You laughed and scoted away from all of them. Daehyun came next to you and smiled.


   "Hi." He said grinning staring at them trying to calm Chunji down.

"Hey." You gave a small smile.

"How did you like your presents?" Daehyun asked.

You looked over at the corner filled with weird items, a Korean dictionary, some pencils, stickers and other things that might come in handy.

"Um. I guess they're cool." A satified grin cme to your face. *No matter what it is,it's the that that counts.* Afterall all of the boys had to figure out what to get a girl since they've never bought a present before.

"Really?" Daehyun said taking something out of his pocket. You saw a small red box.

*Chocolates?* You tilted your head. Daehyun shyly smiled and handed it to you.

"Can i open it now?" You bit your lip. He nodded with his eyes shut tight. You lifted the top and saw a sparkling silver chain. Connected to the silver chain was a black heart.

"A bracelet?" Youlooked at Daehyun. Daehyun blushed and rubbed his neck.

"I dont know if you like it or not but.."

"I love it." You stared at it with sparkling eyes.

"I'll put it on for you." He took it out and you gave him your hand. You smiled at Daehyun with an admiring smile. *He's so sweet. Giving me this present then putting it on.* "There." Daehyun looked up at your eyes that were gazing at him.

You snapped out of your thoughts and looked at it. "Hey..." You brought it to your face. "Miyeon...It even has my name on it." You smiled even wider. Daehyun blushed once again.

"Thanks Daehyun oppa. I'll wear it everyday."

*That would mean the world to me.* Daehyun's eye smile flashed.
"Daehyun! It's time." Jongup looked at you then Daehyun. Daehyun put on a serious expression and looked at you.

"What is it time for?" You asked confused.

*Im really thankful for you Miyeon. And im happy if you're happy. So whatever your choice is i have no choice but to accept it. Even though it wont be me. Please keep smiling.* Daehyun sighed and hugged you. You grew more confused.

"Everyone vanished one by one and Daehyun held your shoulders.

"Wait!..You guys are leaving me again?" You asked and watched Daehyun get up. "Where are you going?" You asked as he walked away.

"Dont worry." Daehyun smiled as he shut the door to the house. You ran to the door and opened it wide.

*No one. They disappeared again...* You eyes got watery.

"Those jerks." You muttered and slammed the door. But the door bell rang. *Huh?* You gripped the door knob.

You peeked out and burst into more tears.

L.joe stood before you smiling widely with a teddy bear and many roses in each hand. L.joe's eye brows creased when he saw you with a frown and ters falling out of your eyes.

"W-why are you crying? Do you not like my present? I'm sorry." L.joe set his present on the floor and hugged you.

"No..I like it. But...I thought everyone got sick of me and left to go somewhere else. Instead--"

L.joe chuckled as he wiped your tears.

"It's not funny." You stared at him.

"Well im here. And that's all you need." L.joe comforted you.

"DO IT NOW!" A voice yelled. You looked around but saw nothing. L.joe turned you away from the door so your back was facing the voices.

"First off, happy birthday Miyeon..." L.joe sincerly spoke.

*Come on man..say it..or i will have to take her for myself...* Three anxious guys were focusing on L.joe and you.

"Secondly.." L.joe said voice trembling. You smiled at his nervous state. *I have never done this before! How do other people do this??*

L.joe gulped.

"5....4....3....2....1..NOW!" B.A.P and Teen Top exclaimed.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" L.joe was looking deeply in your eyes gripping you shoulders. You went silent. Registering what he just said.

*What's your answer Miyeon..* A part of Daehyun was hoping you would say no but another part was scolding him for being so selfish.

*...Who do i love more..* You looked at L.joe's pleading eyes. But smiled.

"Yes." You finally answered.

"WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!" All the boys jumped out from thier hiding spots and ran around you and L.joe. L.joe grinned and hugged you very tightly.

Daehyun and Jongup were the only sane ones and standing there applauding.

*Congrats Miyeon..* Daehyun felt saddened but when he saw you hugging L.joe with the bracelet he gave you he felt happy once again. *I'll wear it everyday.* Daehyun grinned with Jongup.

"L.JOE AND MIYEON SITTIN IN A TREE..K-I-S-S-I.." Chunji slurred his words again.

L.joe looked at you in the eye and smiled. You shut your eyes and hugged 'your boyfriend'

"OOOHHHH! Everyone exclaimed at the mushy scene.



FINALLY! I live with this guy is finally completed. :D AH. I know she wouldve been great with Daehyun but hey,L.joe needed her more than anything(: Thank youif you have read this story begginning to end. And please read my other stories.

BAI BAI!! Now say BYE to these beautiful creatures. :))








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Chapter 37: Woah...chunji is soo funny when he is drunk. And what could this be when you said "Come on man..say it..or i will have to take her for myself...* Three anxious guys were focusing on L.joe and you." For two people surely Zelo and Daehyun but who the last one?
Chapter 37: Awwww... such a sweet ending! I love it! Great job you did here author-nim! :D
Chapter 16: its funny when u captioned it sounded wrong lol
JungJeWon #4
Chapter 18: hey author-nim you said daehyun will come at chappie 18???and now is 17...
JungJeWon #5
Chapter 14: hehehe...i dont like hara...but i agreed with him and junhyung if he happy... :(
Chapter 37: New reader. So adorable! I Loved it. Great job author-nim! :]
PandaChu #7
Chapter 37: Hahahaha.....Chunji was damn funny!!!!he must be drunk
Chapter 37: LOL at the last chapter XD Is ChunJi drunk? haha
Anyway,awesome story author-nim ^_^