Chanyeol created an account too?

The Advantage of Making a Fanfiction

Finally, Misun closed . *Seriously? What's with the members of EXO? Don't tell me the others created an account too?* She wondered.

"Uhm..." Misun bit her lip.

Luhan chuckled then waved his hands, "Come on. Don't freak out." he cooed.

Misun looked at him for a minute then smiled. Her eyes curve into crescent, and Luhan can't take his eyes off from it. It was a staring contest.

Both of them cleared their throats at the same time.

Misun broke the contest and she bit her lip, "Can I ask you something?" she warily asked.

Luhan nodded, "Yeah. What is it?"

"Why did you created an account? I mean, what if someone-" "Because I like your stories." Luhan finished.

Misun finally looked at him, "What's with you, guys?" she muttered.

Luhan raised a brow, "What do you mean?" "First, Chanyeol created an account. Then now, you." she pointed at him, "I wonder if your other members created too." she said.

Luhan's eyes widened. He didn't know anything about this. *Chanyeol created an account too?* "H-how did you know he created an account too?" he asked.

Misun casually shrugged, "We just met each other a few days ago..." she looked at him straight in the eyes, "Did you planned this?"

Luhan choked on his spit, "What?! Of course not! I didn't even know that...Chanyeol created an account too." he muttered at the last sentence.

"What? Why? I mean, you're in the same group. How can you not know about that?" she asked.

Luhan stayed silent. He looked away, and think about the past.


Chanyeol walked out from his room with his camouflage jacket, and a black cap. The whole EXO are free because they don't have any schedules at the moment.

Luhan stopped watching the television, then he did a double look at Chanyeol, "Where are you going?" he snickered.

Chanyeol made a face, "I'm going to meet my friend. I'll be back soon! Bye!" he yelled then stormed out of the dorm.

Luhan shook his head then went back to watching.


Luhan looked at her, "When did you and Chanyeol meet?" he warily asked.

"Uh....Eight days ago." she stated.

Luhan mentally counted from the day he saw Chanyeol wearing camouflage shirt. It's exact eight days also, "What is he wearing?" he asked.

Of course, Misun cannot forget that, "Camouflage jacket with a black cap on." she beamed.

Luhan snapped his fingers. "Is everything okay?" Misun asked.

He nodded, "Yep!" he beamed. *Ha! Chanyeol met Misun, huh?! He's dead when I got home!* He silently growled.

The two of them ordered something to eat. They chat, and laughed with each other. They even shared each others stories to each other. And whenever Misun talked about Chanyeol, Luhan became more quiet.

"Why are you so quiet?" she asked.

Luhan shook his head with a smile, "It's nothing. I'm just a little tired." he said.

Misun softened, "We must go home. It's almost midnight." she glanced at her watch. It's almost 10 pm.

Luhan shook his head, "I'm not tired yet. How about you?" "Liar. You just said you're tired. Come on. You must have a schedule tomorrow. You don't want to be a zombie, right?" she casually asked.

Luhan couldn't help but to laugh, "Yeah, maam. I have no choice. Gaja!" he beamed then stood up with her.

Misun smiled in contentment then slung her bag on her shoulder. She glanced at Gongchan one more time then bowed at him. He beamed then gratefully bowed back at her. Luhan opened the door for Misun, "Thank you." she said.

Luhan grinned then walked up with her. Misun abruptly stopped near a bus stop, "You should go now. It's late." she said and waved.

Luhan panicked a little, "I...Uh...Can I walk you home?" he asked out of the blue.

Misun stiffened, "E-excuse me?"

Luhan rubbed his nape, "I-I mean, it's evening. It's not safe for you to walk alone." well, he meant it.

Misun softened. She didn't expect these. And the words came from Luhan! Can you believe this?! It's actually happening right now!

"Er, I guess, yes...?" she warily said.

Luhan said then held a thumb up, "Cool! Now let's go!" he beamed and Misun chuckled a little. 

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Chapter 30: cute!! But I need more hahaaha!! XD
This was amazing :) So unique.
awww. why is it so sweet? :')
Amazing story can't believe it's done.and I like the tao gif it makes want to hug until he stops crying
this is great !! i like Misun ><

Subscribed! I think it's interesting.
I've subscribed, but don't have much time to read yet. I'll read tmrw though! ^_^ but read your storyline, it is great ^_^