Party Time

Alternate Choice


The next day was better.

As I left my apartment Kai was there again waiting with a rose in hand.

‘Who’s this for?’ I asked.

‘It’s for a girl I know.’

‘Really who is she?’ I questioned curious to who this mystery girl was.

‘I’m looking right at her.’

I looked over my shoulder. There was no-one there. Then it hit me like a thirty tonne train.

‘It’s for me?’

Extending his hand he gave me the crimson rose.

‘I’m sorry about yesterday, I didn’t want you to worry,’ he said uncomfortable with his apology.

‘It’s ok, really. Don’t worry. Everyone has bad days.’

He smiled thankful and my understanding.

I quickly ran back into my flat and placed the rose into a red vase, filled it with water and placed it in the light.

‘Let’s go’.


Taemin, Kai and I were sitting around a table at the cafeteria eating our meals.

‘There’s going to be a welcoming party for the exchange students,’ Taemin said leaning keeping his voice low.

‘Is it a secret?’ I asked also whispering.

Suddenly Taemin leaned back in his seat grinning.

‘No, I just felt like saying it like that, create more suspense.’

Kai and I glanced at each other and then Taemin.

‘When is it?’ I asked coolly.

‘Next week Friday.’

My face fell.

‘That’s so long!’ I moaned.

‘At least you have time to buy a dress.’ Kai reasoned.

My eyebrows shot up. ‘That’s right I need to buy a dress. Do you guys want to come? I hate shopping alone.’

Consulting each other in a secretive talk they faced me, very business like,

‘We shall join you; I think I need to buy a suit anyway.’ Taemin said.

 I cheered and turned a few heads in the cafeteria,


That Saturday I had arranged to meet up with Taemin and Kai in front of my flat. Kai had no problems with that since he practically lived ten seconds away from me.

As we waited outside Kai stretched while I struggled to suppress a yawn.

A van pulled up and Onew leaned out the window gesturing for us to get in.

‘Everyone came?!’ I asked incredulously. 

‘Yes, when they heard we were going shopping they couldn’t resist.’

‘Idols’ I muttered as I climbed in.

The only seat left available was to squish in-between Taemin on my left and Kai on my right.

‘This is just great.’ I said sarcastically.

‘I heard you sister,’ they replied.

An uncomfortable twenty minutes later we arrived at the mall. SHINee had to disguise themselves which was incredibly amusing.

Jonghyun looked exactly the same as our first encounter, large sunglasses covering most of his face, a large hat and scarf. Minho similarly clad wore a wig and sunglasses. Key refusing to mess up his hair wore a scarf concealing the lower half of his face until he was attacked by Jonghyun and Onew who forced a wig upon him,

‘You’ll obviously be recognised looking like that,’ which got them a laugh from me.

Onew wore a detective like hat and Taemin a beanie complete with a red scarf.

‘Looking cute maknae.’ I teased.

‘I’m older than you,’ he said smugly.

‘Just means you’ll get wrinkles,’ I shot back.

‘Touché,’ he replied.

‘Thank you,’ I said as I flicked my hair in a conceited manner.

He imitated with his invisible mane.

A long day at the mall had taken it out of me. I had managed to buy a black dress ending just above my knees so it was a modest length with small heels and a few snacks to keep me going. I was munching on my latest energy bar when I was attacked from behind and pulled into a restaurant. Seeing my abductors were Jonghyun and Key I laughed at their mischief. Onew, Minho, Taemin and Kai were already at the table looking at what to order.

I placed my order.

‘I’m so excited about this Friday,’ I commented.

The others agreed but Taemin and Kai the most enthusiastic,

‘I’ll beat you,’ Kai muttered to Taemin.

‘Keep dreaming,’ was his reply.

‘What’s going on?’ I asked worried about their determined attitudes towards something.

‘You’ll see on Friday,’ Onew smiled disclosing no more.

‘Does everyone know what they’re talking about?’ I asked the table.

There was a chorus of ‘yeses’. I just muttered to myself, what was all this secrecy.


Friday came all too soon. Kai had told me he had to go to school earlier to prepare for something so he couldn’t take me. I suppressed my disappointment but took this as an opportunity to take longer to get ready.

I slipped into my black dress and heels. I curled my hair a little and applied some light make up. I shrugged on my fluffy coat and made my way to school. I reached the entrance to the main hall where the lights were dimmed, music was pounding away and numerous tables were laid out clad in delicious food. A dance floor was cleared in the middle of the area with various tables scattered around the room. Only a few guests had arrived although usually most of the school would turn up later.

Taking my coat I left it in the cloakroom, rushing back to reserve a table.

Onew and the others said they weren’t coming, with the exception of Taemin as they didn’t want to cause a riot with their idol status. As time passed more and more students milled through the doors and a low chatter joined the rhythm of music making me sleepy. The atmosphere was enough to lull anyone to sleep.

I was jolted awake by a new addition to my table. Taemin.

‘You look very pretty this evening.’ He complimented.

He was dressed in a white shirt, red tie, and black suit.

‘You look rather handsome yourself,’ I said casually not wanting to disclose the screaming fan girl within me.  

He smiled, the red of the tie complimenting his hair colour.

Soon after Kai arrived. He too wore a white shirt but with a green tie matching his eyes and a black suit.

 His eyes were prominent, emerald.

‘You look amazing,’ he said as his eyes found mine. ‘Very pretty.’

I smiled a little self conscious. Tucking a strand behind my ear, I complimented him too,

‘You look handsome too.’

Kai looked smugly at Taemin although I had said that to the both of them. It was incredibly amusing.

As the evening drew on Kai had offered to get everyone drinks and other students had arrived making their way straight to the dance floor. While Kai had disappeared into the crowd Taemin used the opportunity to ask me to dance.

‘Hey Terra,’ he began, ‘Do you want to dance?’ He asked motioning towards the centre of the hall.

I smiled and nodded, ‘Sure why not.’

He reached out his left arm for me to hold, like a gentleman when I paused.

‘What is it?’ he asked coming to stand in front of me, worried as to my sudden pause.

‘Just don’t laugh at my dancing ok?’ I warned playing with my fingers looking anywhere but Taemin.

I felt a finger under my chin bring my face to meet his gaze.

‘I would never,’ he replied. I smiled a little, before I had any more time to back out Taemin had grabbed my wrist and dragged me into the middle of the dance floor.

He began to dance to the beat of the music, at home in his dancing skills. Just to start off saying, being in the presence of someone with obvious dance skills while I possessed none did not help me to stop making a fool of myself. I awkwardly swayed to the beat of the music, trying to move my hands with the tempo of the music pounding through the speakers. I dared to take a glance at Taemin, who was absorbed in the music, but he had seen my gaze and smiled taking my hands and we continued dancing.

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He kissed her! WAHHHH~.
I really like this story. (:
Dia_Mushroom #3
Thank you, sorry to all my subscribers for the late update, I have tons of work for sixth form.
Yay update........that reminds me god i have to update too uh...great story btw ^^
taeminiee fighting ^^
Aww, Taemin~ you are too adorable. :3<br />
Love it!<3
Awesome story! I can't wait to see how things pan out between Taemin and Kai! :D <br />
But right now I just want to know what Taemin has up his sleeves. :P
Iheartlife #8
Aw! They are so cute! Update soon :D
Oh Kai, you sneaky little devil~!<br />
Dia_Mushroom #10
Thank you ^^ Your comments are really appreciated. You'll find out soon ^-^