Meeting People...Or Rather Person

Alternate Choice

Arrival at the airport was quick and sudden.


My luggage was unloaded and then the little black cab was gone. Heathrow airport loomed ahead of me. Quickly I had found my school group. Most of the people were familiar although we had never talked in school. Together we proceeded to check in. This and passing through the detectors was the worst bit. Every time I walked through them they beeped.


Even after removing my jewellery, watch, belt, they still refused to let me through.


An embarrassing 10 minutes later, my suitcases safely disposed of; I was left with my hand luggage.


I sat down, my iPod on shuffle. The other students were all engrossed in their conversations, their mouths moving but the words drowned by the voices of SHINee. I felt a tap on my shoulder and removed one of the headphones turning to see a boy with luminous green eyes and midnight black hair just falling into his eyes.


Speechless I waited for him to speak.

‘Hello,’ he greeted extending a slender hand. ‘My name is Kaleb Hwan, but please call me Kai.’


Good looking and gentlemanly, what did I do to receive this treatment? His almond shaped eyes gazed at me expectantly. I realised it was my turn to speak but I had been too busy staring at him. Searching for the words I strung together a sentence,

‘T-Terra…my name is Terra…Gray,’ as I shook his hand.


As I thought he was going to walk away, he sat at the vacant seat opposite me. Now I observed his style, fairly baggy jeans, a red and white stripped belt, and a red hooded jumper. I seemed to be making my observations obvious because Kai asked,

‘Liking what you see?’ he asked gesturing towards himself.

I flushed a deep scarlet,


‘It’s passable.’ I replied trying to stay cool. I’d say I was fairly unsuccessful as he smirked,

‘You’re not bad yourself,’ he said as he continued reading his novel.

As I was thinking of a smart comeback, the teachers called us over, they had started boarding the plane.

Lowering his book Kai stood in one fluid motion as I shouldered my bag and juggled my iPod, passport and bottle of water.

Stepping closer to me, he gestured towards my hands,

‘Need any help with those?’


Puffing out air and glaring at my belongings I said,

‘No… it’s ok…’


He raised his eyebrows but said nothing

Sauntering ahead of me I realised how tall he was.

‘Thanks!’ I added as an afterthought. Kai only raised a hand in acknowledgement which also held his passport and ticket.


As I had boarded the plane I passed the forever smiling air hostess.

‘Have a nice flight,’ she said automatically.

I smiled and thanked her, while shuffling to find my seat. A3.

Window seats were my favourite and I smiled as it beckoned me. But my happiness didn’t last very long when I saw a tuft of midnight black in the seat next to mine. Bracing myself for who I was about to see, I was not surprised to see Kai lounging in his seat, and returned to reading his book.


Clearing my throat for attention, I saw his lips turn upwards but made no sign to move. So he had heard me but was forcing me to talk to him. Sighing deeply I said,

‘Kai, can you please let me get to my seat.’

This time he glanced up from his book, expression emotionless but mischief danced in his eyes.

As before, gracefully standing he brushed past me to let me through, I smelt a faint aroma of soap and cologne.

Stumbling to my seat, I blew the loose strands of hair from my face.


Returning to sit beside me, Kai had laid his book aside and was giving me a questioning look.

Turning my head it was my turn to raise my eyebrows but make no sign to talk.

Laughing to himself he asked,

‘What subject are you best in,’ as he gestured at me. ‘I mean to get sent abroad?’

Assessing the question I thought of all my top subjects. Biting my lip, I turned fully to face him saying,

‘I’d have to say art.’

He nodded in understanding. ‘What about you?’

‘Dance,’ was his single reply.


Imitating his previous action I turned towards the window. The plane had begun to move. Take off was my favourite part of the flight.

It was going to be a long flight to Seoul I thought, especially because I was sitting next to him.


’10 hours.’ Kai stated as though reading my mind.

‘Great,’ I replied sarcastically.

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He kissed her! WAHHHH~.
I really like this story. (:
Dia_Mushroom #3
Thank you, sorry to all my subscribers for the late update, I have tons of work for sixth form.
Yay update........that reminds me god i have to update too uh...great story btw ^^
taeminiee fighting ^^
Aww, Taemin~ you are too adorable. :3<br />
Love it!<3
Awesome story! I can't wait to see how things pan out between Taemin and Kai! :D <br />
But right now I just want to know what Taemin has up his sleeves. :P
Iheartlife #8
Aw! They are so cute! Update soon :D
Oh Kai, you sneaky little devil~!<br />
Dia_Mushroom #10
Thank you ^^ Your comments are really appreciated. You'll find out soon ^-^