Settling In...First Meeting

Alternate Choice

I was awoken by heavy banging on the door and then the ringing of the bell. Sprinting to the door I squinted through the key hole I saw Kai standing there, hands in pockets.

Breathing out a sign of relief I unchained the door and opened it.

He looked over to me lazily, his hair messy as though he had just woken up. Then his eyes visibly widened before breaking out into a mischievous grin.

‘Who are you trying to impress?’

‘Impress?’ I repeated. I spotted myself in a mirror to my left and saw I was still wearing my shorts and top which left me incredibly bear. Gasping I slammed the door and ran to my room pulling on a long dark blue silk nightgown. Coming back to the door I found him laughing. As I was about to slam the door he wedged his foot between the wall and the door.

‘Yes?’ I asked through gritted teeth.

‘I’m hungry,’ giving me puppy dog eyes.

‘That’s a shame,’ I replied dead pan, crossing my arms.

I tried to close the door but he just pushed his way through. For a slim person he was incredibly strong. ‘You’re breaking into my apartment.’ I noted.

He just winked at me, I stunned into silence watched him saunter casually to the kitchen and heard him open my fridge. I hesitated, and then followed into the kitchen. He was sitting at the counters tapping his fingers against the marble.

‘I’m hungry,’ he repeated.


Rubbing my face I flicked him an annoyed look. People don’t generally mess with me in the mornings.


‘Just wait here,’ I said as I made my way to the bedroom, locked the door and changed into my previous night’s, or rather this morning’s clothes.

‘I’m going to go shopping for supplies,’ as I grabbed my purse, keys and mobile. ‘Coming?’


Sliding off the stool he followed shadowing my steps. Wandering around the neighbourhood was surprisingly pleasant, the air refreshing. I walked up and down the aisles buying all the essentials, bread, milk, cereal and various other ingredients. I plucked a toothbrush from the shelf too. Having paid and hands full with four over packed bags, Kai identical, we made our way home. Although finding our way to the shop was easy, finding our way back was another matter.


Even asking for directions was difficult because there was barely anyone on the streets.

After what seemed like an eternity, we stumbled upon someone not much older than us hurrying along. Clad in a large black coat, massive sunglasses even though the sun was almost nonexistent, a large black hat and a scarf covering his lower face.


‘Excuse me,’ I called in Korean. Looking alarmed he was about to turn away. ‘Please,’ I pleaded. ‘We’re lost and we were wondering if you could help us find our way back.’

This person visibly relaxed and gave us short precise directions before waving us off.

‘Thank you,’ I called.


Grateful to that individual we had indeed found our way back. Taking the lift up, I dashed towards my apartment fumbling with the key as soon as the doors opened. Slamming the door I heard Kai’s muttering as he stalked to his own. I knew if I let him in he’d make me cook for him too.

Unpacking my ingredients I heard the bell ring. Once again peeking through, I saw no-one.

Suspiciously I opened the door. A blur of colours tackled me and I gave a shriek of surprise before a hand clamped over my mouth. I looked up and saw Kai smirking.

‘You’re easy to scare,’ he observed.

‘Who wouldn’t be scared of a stranger tackling you to the floor and breaking into your house?’ I asked indignant.

‘True,’ agreed.

‘Are you going to get off me?’ I asked trying to push him away from me.

‘If I wasn’t?’

‘It’s rude answer a question with a question.’ I commented.

Sighing he got off me and pulled me to my feet.

Clapping his hands together and rubbing them together he asked, ‘What are we going to eat chef?’

Pouting in thought I finally replied, ‘Pasta.’

‘Sounds good to me.’ He said as he positioned himself in his previous seat.

‘It better,’ I muttered darkly as I prepared the sauce, chopping the onions and tomatoes.

‘What?’ he asked absent minded.

‘Nothing.’ I replied.


Serving the pasta, both ravenous, finished it in a matter of minutes.

‘Compliments to the chef.’ He said taking his plate to the sink.

‘They have been noted.’

‘Thank you for everything but I have to dash.’ He said making his way to the door.

‘What you doing?’

‘Huh? Oh- I have dance practise and I can’t be late.’

‘Oh ok,’ I said unable to hide the disappointment from my voice. Although Kai was incredibly, mind numbingly annoying, without him here is would be boring. ‘Have fun.’ I added trying to dispel my negative emotions.

‘Don’t miss me too much,’ he replied blowing me a kiss.

‘Don’t worry I won’t.’

I heard the door close with a gentle click. I washed up and found something I did not notice yesterday. There was a sound system connected all over the house. Putting my album on shuffle on my laptop, I hooked it up to the system and my apartment pounded with songs. In the process I sang along and put up my posters and finished the last of my unpacking.

‘Home sweet home,’ I breathed, my voice drowned out by the music.

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He kissed her! WAHHHH~.
I really like this story. (:
Dia_Mushroom #3
Thank you, sorry to all my subscribers for the late update, I have tons of work for sixth form.
Yay update........that reminds me god i have to update too uh...great story btw ^^
taeminiee fighting ^^
Aww, Taemin~ you are too adorable. :3<br />
Love it!<3
Awesome story! I can't wait to see how things pan out between Taemin and Kai! :D <br />
But right now I just want to know what Taemin has up his sleeves. :P
Iheartlife #8
Aw! They are so cute! Update soon :D
Oh Kai, you sneaky little devil~!<br />
Dia_Mushroom #10
Thank you ^^ Your comments are really appreciated. You'll find out soon ^-^