Home Sweet Home

Alternate Choice

I awoke; my neck stiff, I felt something was digging into the right side of my face. Lifting my head, rubbing the sleep from my eyes, they met with luminous green ones. Jumping from the shock of my proximity with this individual, I jerked all the way to the other edge of my seat banging my head into the wall of the plane.


‘Oww.’ I rubbed my head as a small laugh escaped Kai’s lips.

I turned and shot him a glare which silenced his amusement.

‘Are you alright?’ he asked as he extended a hand reaching for my aching head.

I winced as he examined my bruised skull. I could feel a lump surfacing.

‘You’ll survive,’ he said after the thorough examination which consisted of him prodding my head with his fingers.

‘I could have come to that conclusion too, doctor.’

Shaking his head he undid his seat belt and reached up to take down his rucksack. ‘We’re here,’ he said as he pointed out the window.

Indeed, the airport was ahead, the sun was setting and the lights shone brightly like lanterns in the darkness.

Groggily getting to my feet, I proceeded to leave the plane seeing the same air hostess waving the passengers off, a smile plastered to her face.

‘I hope you enjoyed your flight.’ I heard as I passed her.

I was about to reply when I saw she had been admiring Kai.

Clamping my mouth shut I stomped off, I felt a headache coming on.


I collected a trolley to put my suitcases on. Kai had easily caught up with me, a trolley of his own in tow. As we waited around the rectangular conveyor belt with dozen of other people I seated my self on the trolley.

Kai mimicking my actions positioned himself opposite me.

‘My luggage always comes last.’ I explained, my chin resting on my palm.

‘What does your luggage look like?’

‘I have two big bright orange cases.’ I saw drawing an imaginary rectangle with my hands.

I saw his eyes widen infinitesimally.

‘So I know which ones are mine.’ I added feeling a need to explain myself yet again.

Covering his mouth I could tell he was laughing at my reasoning.

The minutes ticked by, the crowd thinned until it was Kai, myself and a few other stragglers.

‘They lost my luggage. They lost my luggage.’ I repeated.  Standing I paced back and forth. ‘They lost my lug-’.

As I turned towards the conveyor belt I saw Kai lifting my orange cases from it and placing it onto my trolley; while quickly snatching his up too.

‘They lost your luggage?’ His eyebrows raised, he looked over to my trolley.

‘Thank you,’ I smiled sincerely. His face softened. ‘But can you blame me?’ I asked.

As he made to answer, I added , ‘It was a rhetorical question.’

‘Sure it was.’


The rest of our group were waiting impatiently after we’d turned up latest.


‘Now all of you,’ the authoritative voice of our teacher rang out, Mr. Reese. ‘You are representing our school as the brightest of all so please stay on your best behaviour.’ Members of the public had turned their heads in our direction. Mr. Reese had no concept of volume.

‘To make this trip more exciting, I have given you your addresses I believe.’ The students nodded. ‘It is your job to find your accommodations for the next year; I want you all to call me the minute you step through the door. Do I make that clear?’ he asked. ‘If you fail to ring me I will call the authorities and police who will send out search parties and you will have to do some serious explaining.’

All the students nodded and dispersed, even Mr. Reese had left. I looked around me, the artificial lighting of the airport casting an unhealthy glow on the individuals below.


‘So what are we going to do?’  I was startled by the voice behind me.

Turning I saw Kai looking at me.

Thinking of a plan I took out my address and told Kai to do the same.

‘Where are you living?’ I asked.

Handing me his slip I noticed that we were in the same block, his apartment 38 while mine was 32.

‘Do you think this is seriously a coincidence?’ I asked flabbergasted as I handed him the slips.

He just laughed while we proceeded to make our way out of the airport.

Hailing a taxi, we gave the driver one of the slips and he grunted in understanding while Kai being the gentleman he is loaded our cases into the trunk. Clambering into the taxi, he joined me shortly after and we sped off to our new apartments.


As we neared fear and anxiety gripped me. What if I didn’t like the flat? What if it was small and run down? What if there were psychotic people living in my building? Well, there already was one. I glanced to my right, at Kai, and laughed to myself.

‘What?’ he asked suddenly self conscious.

‘Nothing,’ I replied suppressing my amusement.

‘We’re here,’ the driver said pointing across the road to a luxurious modern 3 storied, white apartment with a garage.


Paying the driver with our allowance, we thanked him and dragged our suitcases up a short flight of stairs before entering the complex which had electric doors requiring a card attached to our keys.


‘There’s a lift!’ I exclaimed in relief as I leaned against my bright orange suitcases. I wouldn’t know how I would have gotten my suitcases up three flights of stairs, with my jet lag, bruised head and exhaustion.


Pressing the button to call the lift, I waited as it silently travelled to meet us; the only sign of its movements was the flashing lights indicating which floor it was at. Opening doors revealed a royal blue carpet and a full length mirror. I pushed my suitcases ahead of me, piling them up, and then Kai’s luggage until finally squeezing ourselves in. We ended up face to face, well that’s technically a lie since it was chest to face because Kai was a good head taller than I was. Although the lift had reached the ground floor quickly, it was taking an awful lot longer to get to the third floor.

Finally the doors pinged open and I fell out the lift enjoying the feeling of having my own personal bubble back. Kai passed his luggage out followed by mine. While he was handing me my last piece the doors had begun to shut. Quickly sliding through with incredible speed and elegance, I put it down to the fact he was a pro in dance. The door opposite the lift read 36.

‘Well I’m off then,’ I said pointing off to the left.

He saluted and headed off in his direction.

If there were any tenants in the rooms on my side they would have heard clattering and muted swears while on the opposite, the steady patter of feet on the carpet almost inaudible.

Sliding the key into the lock I heard the satisfying click as I opened the door, not only to my new apartment but my new life. There was a short corridor, rolling my numerous suitcases into the apartment and shutting the door I abandoned them in the corridor. Tiptoeing forwards, I peeked into the first room on the left which was an ultramodern bathroom, marble black tiles which I later realised were heated, to the west of the room a sparkling white sink with mirror, a white toilet opposite. Beyond that there was a shower and separate bath, black tiled with grains of silver reflecting the light from the ceiling.  I ran my hands over the marble, it was smooth and polished.

Making my way out of the bathroom I continued down the corridor. The next door was on the right leading into the kitchen. There were modern stoves and white working tops spotted with black specks, around the edge of the room, complete with cupboards fixed above them, made with dark mahogany.  Turning to the right as I entered the room there was a white fridge towering above me; it included a fresh water and ice dispenser. My school sure knew how to live in style. There was an island of more work tops that could also be used as a table with short chairs surrounding the circumference. Opposite the fridge there was also a balcony leading outside a black railing running the perimeter of the area, glass doors kept out the chill. Striding to the balcony I slide open the door and walked outside. The air was crisp and fresh, the city sounds of horns and shouting reached up here.

Tearing myself away from the breath taking views, I made my way back into the main corridor. The second door on the left was, I assumed, my bedroom. A double bed lay in front of me, comfortable and inviting. A desk lay opposite the door to the left, and a walk in cupboard facing the bed. Clicking on the light I made my way to the last door on the left. I christened it the living room. A plush pale red couch face a flat screen T.V. Behind the couch was a dining table, with six high chairs around the glistening table, complete with a red scented candle smelling of roses. The room was dotted with long windows allowing me to glimpse the neighbourhood.


Deciding to unpack I laid all my clothes in the cupboard, took my textbooks out which were scattered across my new desk. I was about to take a long bath, but then I remember I had to call Mr. Reese. Dialling I held the mobile to my ear and heard his brittle voice answer,


‘Hi Sir,’ I said wandering mindlessly around the house. ‘I reached my apartment.’

‘Good to hear it.’ He replied. ‘Well get some rest Terra and I’ll see you in school on Monday bright and early.’

‘Yes sir, oh and by the way Kaleb got to his apartment safely too.’

‘Thank you Terra, I’ll take a note. Good evening.’


I hung up and prepared myself a bath. The hot water was relaxing and I felt all the tension leave my muscles. After washing my hair with exotic fruit shampoo, I grabbed my towel and noticed the steam which had filled the bathroom. Going to my bedroom I put on my put on my pale blue spaghetti strap top and dark blue shorts. Grabbing my cell I called my mother and Leon.

After three rings I heard a small voice saying,


‘Leon!’ I yelled. ‘What have I told you about picking up the phone?’

There was a ‘humph’ down the phone. ‘Don’t roll you eyes at me.’ I added just imagining his conceited self, what happened to the crying nine year old begging me not to leave?

‘How are you?’ I asked.

‘I’m ok, Auntie is too, she’s making dinner now. I got to go Terra, I’m winning the Mario Cart Race!’ he said excitement building up in his voice.

‘Wait at least let me talk to-’

Before I could finish my sentence, my angel little cousin had put down the phone.

Letting out a small growl of annoyance I decided tomorrow’s schedule. I needed to buy supplies, and I had forgotten my toothbrush so I would to buy one from the local supermarket. Getting out my laptop, I googled my new address, got familiar with the area and pinpointed the location of the shop.

My thoughts turned sluggish and I drifted off to sleep.

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He kissed her! WAHHHH~.
I really like this story. (:
Dia_Mushroom #3
Thank you, sorry to all my subscribers for the late update, I have tons of work for sixth form.
Yay update........that reminds me god i have to update too uh...great story btw ^^
taeminiee fighting ^^
Aww, Taemin~ you are too adorable. :3<br />
Love it!<3
Awesome story! I can't wait to see how things pan out between Taemin and Kai! :D <br />
But right now I just want to know what Taemin has up his sleeves. :P
Iheartlife #8
Aw! They are so cute! Update soon :D
Oh Kai, you sneaky little devil~!<br />
Dia_Mushroom #10
Thank you ^^ Your comments are really appreciated. You'll find out soon ^-^