5TAR (Story Start!)


Basically, everyone did their own thing in the van. Everything was peaceful, until… “Yah, Jinyoung oppa…” Eun Mi called out. Everyone tensed up at the tone of her voice.

“Mworago?” Jinyoung muttered as he went through his phone. Eun Mi sat up straight and scoffed.

“Back at the community center, you were teaching the kids poorly. You’re such a bad teacher, you know that?” Eun Mi commented as she laughed. “One of the kids was sneering at you!” Jinyoung gave his phone to Baro as he turned around.

“Bwoh?” Jinyoung exclaimed. “What do you mean? At least I’m taller than them! One of the kids was almost your height!” Eun Mi gaped at him as Jeuline tried to calm her down.

CNU laughed nervously as he stuttered, “N-now…I think e-everyone should calm down…” Before anyone could do anything, Eun Mi and Jinyoung were throwing insults at each other everywhere. Jackets and pillows from the van were being thrown everywhere. The van door was thrown open, and everyone froze in their place. In Ro was fuming mad as he handed the food all to Sandeul and Briana.

“That is it! Both of you, let’s go!” In Ro exclaimed as he pulled Jinyoung and Eun Mi out.

“In Ro hyung, it was her--” Jinyoung started.

In Ro cut him off, “I don’t care! Aish…if you two will act like children, I will have no choice but to do this. Jinyoung-ah, you’re the leader. Act like one. Eun Mi-ah, you may be one of the maknaes, but that gives you no right to act like this either. The rest of us are going to visit Gongchan, while the two of you sort things out.” In Ro stormed into his seat and the car. He drove off, leaving Eun Mi, Jinyoung, and basically all the others shocked.

Jinyoung called out, “Hyung!” Eun Mi looked down guiltily at the concrete sidewalk. Jinyoung sighed and turned to Eun Mi. He pulled her arm and muttered, “Kaja.”

“Where are we even going?” Eun Mi questioned, her bubbly tone slowly coming back instead of the vicious tone she once had towards Jinyoung.

“Molla. Let’s just walk.” Jinyoung stated as he let her go and began to walk. Eun Mi quietly walked behind him, thinking about what was going on. After walking for what seemed like forever, Jinyoung stared at his phone. “5 P.M. already?” Jinyoung muttered under his breath. Eun Mi looked around and noticed it was getting darker.

“Do you even know where we’re going?” Eun Mi asked with an annoyed tone. Jinyoung stopped walking, which made Eun Mi knock into him.

“Yah, would you watch where you’re going?” Jinyoung mumbled. They both continued to walk, until there was a loud growl. Jinyoung turned around to a very sheepish Eun Mi as she laughed nervously. Eun Mi bowed and apologized as she continued to walk past Jinyoung. Jinyoung sighed and silently pulled Eun Mi over to a ramyeon shop. “Just sit down. I’ll order us some food.” Jinyoung explained. Eun Mi sat down at the nearest table and looked around. There were several other people in the small ramyeon restaurant. Unfortunately, a group of teenagers were sitting in a booth not far from the table Eun Mi was sitting in. They noticed Eun Mi and Jinyoung coming in, and naturally, they began to gossip.

*Maybe I am being a bit harsh…He’s…actually really nice.* Eun Mi processed into her mind. Jinyoung walked over to her with a tray containing two bowls of ramyeon. Eun Mi quietly took her bowl, chopsticks, and soup spoon onto her side. “Oppa…” Eun Mi called out quietly. Jinyoung looked up from eating some of the noodles and finished slurping it up. “Komawo yo. I’m sorry if I was mean to you. I guess…I’m just like that.” Eun Mi apologized. She continued to eat her ramyeon as Jinyoung stared at her with a smile.

When she looked up, he smirked and replied, “Aniya. It’s okay. I’m sorry too. You’re still short, though.” Eun Mi scoffed and shook her head as she took some noodles with her chopsticks. “By the way, you do notice that group of teenage guys taking pictures, right?” Jinyoung mumbled. Eun Mi nodded her head and stood up abruptly, her smile growing wider. She walked over to the group of boys taking pictures, and their faces slowly showed fear.

“Annyeonghaseyo!” Eun Mi exclaimed as she bowed.

“A-ah. Annyeong.” The boys stuttered.

Eun Mi continued her bubbly tone as she asked, “Ne, I know that you guys want to take pictures to show your other friends, but could you please respect our privacy and delete them?” Eun Mi slightly pouted to show some aegyo at the teenage boys. They all laughed nervously and nodded as they hurriedly deleted them off their phones. “Kamsahamnida!” Eun Mi exclaimed as she bounced over to Jinyoung. He chuckled and suggested that they finished their ramyeon and go. When they left the restaurant, they decided to walk around some more.

“Yah, you could’ve handled it a bit more maturely.” Jinyoung explained with a small smirk, expecting her to fight back. He got what he wanted when Eun Mi scoffed.

Eun Mi countered, “Oppa, how could I have handled it more maturely than that? You’re such an ughhhh!” Eun Mi let out a groan as she facepalmed and shook her head. “You never understand.” After a while, Eun Mi walked beside Jinyoung and stared at him in the face. “You look so feminine. Are you sure you’re not a girl?” Eun Mi questioned as she poked Jinyoung on the cheek. Jinyoung gaped at Eun Mi and rolled his eyes.

“Oh please, I’ll admit I’m a girl when you admit you’re a dwarf.” Jinyoung teased. Eun Mi had to hide a smile as she laughed dryly. As they continued to walk, it got windier. Jinyoung heard a small squeal from behind him, so he turned around to find Eun Mi chasing her beanie. “Eun Mi-ah!” Jinyoung exclaimed. Eun Mi grabbed her beanie, which landed in the middle of the street. She did not see the car coming towards her with full speed. “EUN MI!” Jinyoung called out. He ran after her and pulled her away from the street just in time. “Yah! Are you crazy?” Jinyoung called out.

Eun Mi’s head sulked as her eyes cast downward. “Mianhae…” Eun Mi mumbled.

“You could’ve gotten run over!” Jinyoung scolded. He lifted Eun Mi’s chin up and saw the tears in her eyes. “Eun Mi-ah…” Jinyoung called out as his eyes softened up. The two of them went to a park bench and sat down. Jinyoung gave her his jacket to cover her legs. “What’s wrong?” Jinyoung asked. Eun Mi shook her head and smiled at him.

Eun Mi laughed and exclaimed, “Nothing’s wrong, oppa!” She stood up and pulled on Jinyoung’s arm. “Now let’s go! We need to find a way to get back home!” Jinyoung tugged back to Eun Mi.

“Stop hiding everything behind a smile.” Jinyoung said after a while of silence. “It’s not good to. Eun Mi-ah, you can’t just act happy and put up a façade for everyone.” Eun Mi looked at Jinyoung with sadness. “Eun Mi-ah. Tell me.” Eun Mi quietly sat down on the bench and sighed. Jinyoung leaned in closer to listen to what she had to say.

Eun Mi explained, “When I was 10, my younger brother and I were taking a walk to buy snacks because my mother had given us some money for it. My younger brother, Jae Hyun, was only seven then. We were going to cross over train tracks because the candy shop was on the other side, but then…” Eun Mi stopped herself as tears came down her cheeks. Jinyoung calmly placed his arm around her shoulder. “My brother…h-he ran ahead of me a-and…-sobs- I-I…” Eun Mi struggled to finish her story as she continued to sob.

Jinyoung took her in his arms and patted her back. “Gwaenchana. Ssssh it’s okay.” Jinyoung assured into her ear. “Is that why you were so sensitive when I touched that picture frame?” Jinyoung questioned. Eun Mi nodded as she wiped away her tears.

“After that, I blamed myself for the accident. My father neglects me. He ignores me and whatever I did.” Eun Mi explained as she looked down at her lap. Jinyoung stood up and offered her his hand. She took it, and they began to walk back. Placing his arm around her shoulder, he smiled.

“Let’s get back home, shall we?” Jinyoung suggested as they walked along the streets, eventually catching a bus back home. Once they arrived in front of the dorm building, Eun Mi stopped Jinyoung. “What is it?” Jinyoung asked as he gave her a smile. Eun Mi gave him a wide smile and pecked him on the cheek.

“Komawo oppa.” Eun Mi called out as she ran inside the building and into the elevator. Jinyoung didn’t move from his spot outside the building as his hand came up to his cheek. He smirked and shook his head as he walked inside.

*That girl…* Jinyoung thought as he watched her walk inside the elevator happy with joy. 

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Ah! I have changed the debut date to August 31 instead of August 10 because of these updates from AFF and everything! :)


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Chapter 58: ONMG.
now i have no amazing fan fic to look forward to.
the girl's have done a really good job, and you too author-nim.
thankyou for creating us a story that brought us into it too.
hope you make another one.
this was an amazing story.
Chapter 58: wait wait.... IT'S OVER NOW?!
just like that.... it went by so fast!
but ending it like this with a concert is a nostalgic feeling.
and very touching.
i love it a lot and totally enjoyed this story from beginning to end!!
you did a wonderful job of portraying the characters and developing them as the story progress.
glad to know that eunwoo oppa is fine too!! hehehe.
thank you so much for this story completion!!
and have fun at the B.A.P concert and take that fun one month hiatus from writing and enjoy yourself!
well its been a great story! thank you author-nim for actually updating your apply fic! it was fun reading it all!
gahhh concerts seem so emotional T^T i loved brianas letter and how minra and jeuline did that performance XD
thank you once again!
(btw i think you really portrayed minras character a lot ^_^)
Allymo #4
Chapter 58: Awwwwwww I love Briana's letters to here grandma and parents. Thanks for another amazing chapter.
Chapter 57: whooo~ jinmi couple~ lol
and minchan are sooo cute~ lol
but ohhh new concept eh? curious!
Chapter 57: awww the rest of the dates were so cute!
oh god that was awkward but im glad he understands she isnt ready
poor jeuline, shes under so much stress being a leader :(
kia_fabian #7
Chapter 57: I love cnu n jinyoung dates part :)..but when jinyoung start make out with eun mi.. I just want to say O.M.G!
jennifer1801 #8
Chapter 57: Hahaha trying imagining jinyoung having abs lolz
jennifer1801 #9
Chapter 56: I love cnu's date part keke
Chapter 56: awwww their dates were SO FLUFFY!!!
cant wait for the other two!
;A; reading this makes me jealous... i want a date with a b1a4 member! xD