What Can I Do?


I can live well without a man
So if you’re not confident, don’t come to me
I don’t sell myself easily because
I don’t need a man I don’t need a man (What?)
I don’t need a man I don’t need a man (Really?)
I don’t need a man I don’t need a man (For real?)
I don’t need a man I don’t need a man
I can live well without a man

My legs gave way the moment the song ended. I guess the loud thud gave me away. Fellow trainees were crowding around me as my head spun and spun. Give me a break, give me a break. What were they saying? I couldn't hear them. Who were they? I couldn't match their faces to their names. Did some one switch off the lights?

Waking up to a place unfamiliar to you is scary, I'm telling you now. The first thing I saw when I regained my consciousness was a huge bunch of bright sunflowers placed in a vase. Someone remembered my favourite flowers. They were the only flowers I like. At least now I know somebody knows me here. A rather chubby nurse stepped into the room and grinned at me, "Oh you're awake already! Good morning Ji Eunie! You've been a really bad girl!" I stared at her for a moment. I know it's rude. But greeting so casually before knowing me? That's worse. My head suddenly tightened and a really bad headache gripped me.

"You know, you're going to be here until you start eating. Way too skinny. Way too bony. Look at those bruises! Can't be like this eh, darling. Let's work hard!" The nurse gave me a little pat on my shoulder as she casually informed me. She then left the room, saying that she was giving me some time alone, and that she would be back with "really yummy breakfast which will leave you wanting for more!!!!".

Skinny? Bony? Who? My head throbbed furiously.

I got up from the bed and found my way to the toilet. The person in the mirror inspected every part of me. What are these bruises doing on my arms? I  rolled up my pyjamas pants and found more bruises on my humongous legs. My face was bloated and round. My tummy was still protruding. I covered the toilet bowl and sat on the lid. It's really uncomfortable. Someone need to come up with cushiony ones. But then again, who was I to complain about this? Not good enough, Ji Eun, not good enough. No matter what, you'll never be good enough to be the girl standing next to Seunghyun.

Unknowingly, I was pinching my arms. Unknowingly, tears were falling from my eyes. Unknowingly, Seunghyun became the focus of my life again.

"Ji Eun! Breakfast!" The booming voice of the nurse pulled me back. I quickly wiped my tears and let the cooling tap water hit my face. She needed to know that I was fine. The idea of her nagging at me sounded absolutely appalling. Shuffling my feet out of the toilet, I glanced at her, and caught sight of the large serving of food on the plate in her hand. Breakfast? Who needs breakfast? All you need is a large cup of water and a good morning workout. The nurse saw me looking disgusted ( it's hard to miss a tongue sticking out I guess? ) and gently told me that the plate of food would not make me fat. So now, the chubby one is telling me that scrambled eggs, pancakes, sausage and bacon will not make me fat. What in the world is she thinking? I can't eat this.

The nurse sat beside me and quickly cut a piece of pancake before pushing it to me. "Here. Just one bite." I opened my mouth and quickly chewed the bit of useless flour and prayed that the nurse would leave me alone. Suddenly, it hit me. I hate this. I hate this. I got off the bed and headed straight for the toilet. Kneeling down in front of the toilet bowl, I vomited.

That bit of food was unwanted. Just like me.


I figured that maybe a hospital stay is bad enough? :/ Thank you so much for taking your time to read this story :)

Do leave a comment and tell me what I lack and what needs to be improved!! :) I really don't want you guys to waste your time reading a lousy story so help me as we go along please? :)

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should i put this story under the angst tag? ?_?


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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 14: Awwww...sad ending, she died huhu, anyways done reading this one, looove this :)
IMissYouuuu #2
IMissYouuuu #3
I don't know why author-nim, but my heart aches--like literally for their situation. :(
KoalasRULE25 #4
Chapter 13: Ahhhhhhhhhh my heart!!!!!!!
You should-ve gone in there sooner!!!!!
Chapter 11: I just don't (and cant) understand why Seunghyun don't just freakin enter her room and meet her so that she'll be okay again.
Chapter 11: Omg i dont know this is soo sad, seunghyunah just talk to her okay cant you? Uuuh T_T
Lizzy0818 #7
Chapter 11: Sigh, she's still not okay :'( When will they get through this... It's so sad! Update soon!!