home stay

The new's of love

Rin forced a smile as she finished the interview with their newest President. She hated this so called Honor on account that to her it wasn’t an honor but a curse, she had not voted for him.

“Drink?” Riri asked after shutting off the camera and aiding her friend gather their things. It had been three months since their Korean trip, and things had returned to normal. They had managed to return to dreaming of their biases and laughing at their memories with them. How many ELF’s would actually hate them now if they knew what happened?

“I’m debating buying a turtle.” Riri announced as they walked back towards their office.

“Why?” Rin asked confused.

“It will remind me of Yesung.” She replied.

“Visit the aquarium or the beach.” Rin suggested. They entered the building sighing as they entered the elevator to their floor for editing. Below them in the lobby they had just left entered thirteen men.


Ryeowook searched the building in small hopes of seeing the girl he had fought with. They were supposed to be here for promotional reasons, but he couldn’t help but wish it was Rin and her friend giving them the live in for America.

“So, you were sent here,” the lady at the desk asked.

“Ne, we were told the person who would tell us where to go would be here, um here’s the letter.” Leeteuk replied handing over the English letter. The woman read over it with a nod before turning to her computer.

“They live here, so just go there around five this evening and they should be home.” The woman explained before shooing them out of the office building.

“She was nice,” Sungmin smiled.

“So what do we do now?” Donghae asked.

“Easy, Super Junior is exploring New York City!” Leeteuk yelled making everyone cheer.

The group made their way to various places. China town, Little Italy, Time square. They were mesmerized by the city.

“It’s getting dark,” Hyukjae yawned as he leaned against Donghae. Everyone nodded in agreement. They were supposed to go to some house at five and it was already nearly eight.

“We should go,” Kyuhyun announced leading them back to the bus they were using to get around. When they reached their destination both Sungmin and Ryeowook were hopping around having to pee.

“Hurry up!” Ryeowook growled as he waited for the elevator doors to open.

“Aish so slow!” Sungmin groaned as he hopped in place. Ryeowook fell to his knees begging for a bathroom close by.

“Serves the two of you right for drinking Starbucks coffee off of every street corner we passed.

“So good!” they wailed before rushing from the elevator once the doors opened. Leeteuk motioned at the door that housed their new living quarters and knocked. When it opened revealing two girls, they began their introduction.

“We are Super-“ they began before being interrupted by Sungmin and Ryeowook.

“Where’s your bathroom!” they yelled before rushing in and locating said room on their own. Rin blinked before her face grew red with anger.

“If that lid is up when I walk in there later, they are so dead.” She growled.

“Omo Super Junior is in our home!” Riri gasped as Yesung smiled and walked in.

“Hey who’s room is this?” Ryeowook called making Rin snarl.

“Get the hell out of my room ert!” she snapped rushing to grab the eternal makanae from her precious sanctuary.

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Chapter 4: I was listening to Mr. Simple when I was reading this. When I saw RW said his hair looks weird, I was like 'o' Really? xD Luuuurv you fanfic btw :D
I loved this story!
turtlepanda22 #3
Chapter 30: LUV THE ENDING BTW XDDDD hehe news of love im going to miss this u know that rite! i always miss all ur ffs X( gaaah >< lol ryeorin is ALWAYS the cutest bickering couple nd yeri I JUST LURV XDDDDDD thank u so much for writing this^^
turtlepanda22 #4
Chapter 29: omo AKUMAKA O.O plz dont hurt kyumin nd help them instead >< nd DONT COOK RINMIN INTO VOLCANO FOOD! hehe ME ND YESUNG R ON THE WAAAYYYY
turtlepanda22 #5
Chapter 28: Plz dont get thrown in the volcano or have those wackos eat them alive >.< lol taras yayaya just suddenly popped into my head but SAVE KYUWOOK then go save RINMIN
Chapter 27: Uh-oh.... Heads on sticks... that's lovely
turtlepanda22 #7
Chapter 27: plz dont b in danger kyumin ryeorin >< lol heads on a stick im thinkin some loony witch livin on the beach nd brewing potions while practicing voodoo :P
turtlepanda22 #8
Chapter 26: FIND.KYUMIN.NOW O.O they cant b sharkbait TTwTT
turtlepanda22 #9
Chapter 25: OMIGAWD KYUMIN!!!! SOMEBODY HEEEEELP TTWTT they cant get eaten STUPID KYU :( other than that hehe plz lemme drown >.<
turtlepanda22 #10
Chapter 24: hehehe we're in charge of suju ^o^ poor teukie though hope he gets better lmbo sungmin can fit 10hot dogs in his mouth XDDDD