
The new's of love

Rin growled as she tried to hide from the sun light that poured into her room. She could faintly smell eggs and bacon coming from her kitchen. Her eyes burst open. Riri couldn’t cook and she was still asleep so who the hell was cooking in her kitchen? Rin threw off her blankets rushing to the kitchen. When she entered, ten men were smiling at her. Rin blinked then glanced down at her penguin pajama pants and white penguin tank top. She was bra less and sure the boys could tell as well.

 “You look cute,” Ryeowook beamed. Rin growled before marching back to her room and banging on Riri’s door on her way.

“Get up, boy made breakfast wake me up in an hour.” Rin ordered before slamming and locking her door to sleep.

“Well, that didn’t go as planned.” Ryeowook pouted.

“Plan B,” Yesung offered.

“Will she go for it?” Ryeowook asked his hyung.

“She should, all girls love to shop.” Yesung beamed.


Rin growled as she was led from shop to shop by Yesung and Ryeowook. Riri was beside herself with glee as Yesung helped her pick her clothes and gave her a personal fashion show.

“So, you enjoying yourself?” Ryeowook asked making Rin eye him. He didn’t look so enjoyed either.

“Not really, you wanna ditch and get a pizza?” Rin asked offering him a smirk. Ryeowook smiled, food sounded nice.

“I’ll pay,” he offered glad they were having a nice talk without the insults. They made it to the parlor with no one noticing them, which surprised Ryeowook since most Americans seemed to know him.

“Here we are, hole in the wall place with good pizza, hot dogs, and other New York food.” Rin replied hurrying off to buy her pepperoni pizza. Ryeowook smiled as he watched her order. The way her short brown hair swayed with her movements and her straight legged pants hugged her. The grey pull over swallowed her already slim figure. She looked so young, nowhere near her true age.

“Wook, come on and get a table,” Rin called making Ryeowook rush forward and search for any fans.

“Geez, calm down I picked this place because no one comes to places like these around this time. They get freaked out. Mainly tourist with no sense of adventure.” Rin explained easing her elders fears. Ryeowook nodded as their pizza arrived.


Riri grinned as Yesung continued to joke with her. They had left the mall and were now near the Hudson River hand in hand. She could hear fans screaming and calling her names, but Yesung made sure he was the only thing she saw. She felt so safe by his side, like nothing could happen to her.

“So, are you enjoying yourself?” he asked making Riri look over and smile.

“Yeah, this is so perfect,” she admitted. Yesung smiled as they turned to eye the setting son. Riri was between him and the railing by the water as he held her hands and allowed her head to fall back on his shoulder. Her pants and shirt clung to her feeling tighter as she tried to calm her breathing. Her heart was beating faster. This was the perfect scene for a romance.

“You know, the moment Wook and I saw you girls, we thought you were just crazy fans who had tricked Donghae into inviting you to the dorms. But then, Wook remembered the interview with Rin a few years back and we got to know you girls through your week stay. Riri, I can’t stop thinking about you.” Yesung explained, his voice low and husky just as Riri had imagined it sounding when talking to her.

“What are you saying oppa?” Riri asked as Yesung moved closer to her lips.

“I’m saying-“ but, whatever it was, was cut short as Rin and Ryeowook stormed forward covered in pizza and wet.

“What happened unnie?” Riri asked worried for her friend as she rushed forward.

“He is a jerk,” Rin spat as Riri offered her a napkin.

“Well, if you didn’t freak out so easily, it was just a joke,” Ryeowook replied but Yesung could tell he was scared.

“So what happened?” he asked his dongsae wanting both sides of the story.

“I told her she was fat due to all the pizza she was eating,” Ryeowook whispered as Riri gasped and Rin growled.

“Wook, no girl wants to hear their fat,” Yesung reprimanded.

“Are you saying I’m fat?” Rin growled as Riri held her friend back.

“No, not at all,” Yesung panicked. Rin yelled in frustration before stomping away and complaining about stupid Asians.

“I’m sorry, she normally isn’t like this, I swear,” Riri bowed. Yesung waved it off as Ryeowook watched Rin sit down and wait for a bus.

“I’m going to apologize,” he said before rushing after her.

“I really wish they would get together. The ual frustration is way too high in them.” Donghae replied from a bench beside them. Hyukjae was at his side nodding as Riri and Yesung blinked. How had they missed those two?

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Chapter 4: I was listening to Mr. Simple when I was reading this. When I saw RW said his hair looks weird, I was like 'o' Really? xD Luuuurv you fanfic btw :D
I loved this story!
turtlepanda22 #3
Chapter 30: LUV THE ENDING BTW XDDDD hehe news of love im going to miss this u know that rite! i always miss all ur ffs X( gaaah >< lol ryeorin is ALWAYS the cutest bickering couple nd yeri I JUST LURV XDDDDDD thank u so much for writing this^^
turtlepanda22 #4
Chapter 29: omo AKUMAKA O.O plz dont hurt kyumin nd help them instead >< nd DONT COOK RINMIN INTO VOLCANO FOOD! hehe ME ND YESUNG R ON THE WAAAYYYY
turtlepanda22 #5
Chapter 28: Plz dont get thrown in the volcano or have those wackos eat them alive >.< lol taras yayaya just suddenly popped into my head but SAVE KYUWOOK then go save RINMIN
Chapter 27: Uh-oh.... Heads on sticks... that's lovely
turtlepanda22 #7
Chapter 27: plz dont b in danger kyumin ryeorin >< lol heads on a stick im thinkin some loony witch livin on the beach nd brewing potions while practicing voodoo :P
turtlepanda22 #8
Chapter 26: FIND.KYUMIN.NOW O.O they cant b sharkbait TTwTT
turtlepanda22 #9
Chapter 25: OMIGAWD KYUMIN!!!! SOMEBODY HEEEEELP TTWTT they cant get eaten STUPID KYU :( other than that hehe plz lemme drown >.<
turtlepanda22 #10
Chapter 24: hehehe we're in charge of suju ^o^ poor teukie though hope he gets better lmbo sungmin can fit 10hot dogs in his mouth XDDDD