Only For You (Kaiminzy)

Kaiminzy & Taeminzy Drabbles

They are known as the dancing couple in their college. One of the few couples that other students adore not only for their talents but also surprisingly their relationship. There were students that give them a lot of support even though they do not openly show their affection in front of others that frequently. Frankly, they can be considered a reserve and private couple when it comes to their relationship but that however, did not stop people from admiring them being together.


They do have their fair share of fans as an individual and together as a team but thank goodness that they are all sane enough to leave them with their privacy. Jongin especially is perceived as cold by people thus, not many people dare to approach him as compared to his girlfriend whom never turn down any request or help from fans and friends alike.


It is not that they dislike the attention on them but sometimes, it can be a little too overwhelming like on their anniversaries or dates where they are being watched upon. It can be a little creepy at times even though they do not approach them. That aside, sometimes they receive pretty cool gifts from strangers that they tend to use more than the clothes that they bought themselves. So, he can forgive them for that. 


All their popularity and talent aside, when the couple is together alone, they do all the silliest stuff and laugh at random topics that they tend to discuss or argue. Most of the time, the cuter side of Jongin that is rarely seen in the school is only for Minzy and her alone. Thus, it makes their relationship more special that way since it is a side that Jongin reserve for only Minzy. Though at times, him trying to be adorable can be a little annoying to his girlfriend of 2 years.


Like now for instance, he was dancing alone to kill some time while waiting for his girlfriend to end her lessons. Since her lessons ends 4 hours after his was done, him being the nice boyfriend decides to wait before they head home together. Yes, they do live in the same apartment complex due to the low rent that they share together. Thus, it is easier for them to have their privacy that they do not get in school with their fans. Minzy just gave him a call to inform him that she just ended her lessons but he was trying to be cute to her which in turn was taken with a bad note instead.




"Hmmmm~?" he dragged his answer with a cute voice


"Jongin ah. I just ended lesson." Minzy said in a tired voice.


"hmmmmm~~~" he said with a tone that he understands.


"Are you in the dance studio still?"


"hmm hmmmmmmm~~"


"Aish! Jongin ah! Speak up will you?!" she said in frustrations.




"Ugh, nevermind, do you want to eat anything since I'm on the way there?"


"errr... asfldgek!!!" he mumbled incoherently.




"eudfyb!!" he gibberishly answered.


"JONGIN! I SWEAR IF YOU...." Minzy screamed before being cut off.


'Noona, can I ask you for help for something?' he heard a boy's voice talking to his girlfriend.


'Yes, cute JunHong?'  Kai's ears perked at the name, that tall kid! The one that Minzy adores so much because he was the giant baby in her eyes.


'During the music elective earlier, the lecturer instructed to use the software to create our own sounds, I was wondering if you could guide me since I was late the first hour earlier.'


'Sure, you give me a moment k?'




"No!" Jongin protested before she could say anything.


"You're finally speaking up?"


"Don't teach him!" he retorts stubbornly.


"Aish! I will! Now, you stay there and dance your off. You can still wait if you want but if not, you can head home first!" Minzy said in frustration before hanging up the phone.


Jongin stared at the phone in shock of what his girlfriend just did. Did she just ditch him to teach that annoying tall kid? He is so having a talk with her about it later. He threw his phone aside and head to the player where he connected to his iPod before playing a song so loud venting out his frustration. Yes! He was very angry that she decides to teach that giant kid despite his protests! Of course any boyfriend will be jealous if their girlfriend is nice to another guy.


A couple of intense dance songs later, he saw his girlfriend standing by the door looking at him through the reflection. Being the stubborn guy he is, he is not going to stop just to acknowledge her presence but then again, Minzy being his girlfriend already knew his habits so she didn't bother him at all. He continued dancing as he saw his girlfriend sat by his bag and started taking out her story book to read! The nerve of her to do this to him like he didn't matter to her at all. Jongin decides to play the game and ignore her as well.


After almost an hour later, he decided to stop and take a break from dancing too much. He was perspiring so hard that his t-shirt was all wet and sticky. Though reluctant, he still approach his bag to take his bottled drink and he still saw his girlfriend engrossed in her story without even looking up at him once since she started opening that damn book. Roughly taking his bag to prove his presence, Minzy look up at him expressionlessly for awhile before going back to reading. He gulp his water in anger before throwing it back into his bag beside her. 


When he was about to move away, he felt his sweatpants being pulled by Minzy. He saw what she did through the mirror but pulled himself away and before he knew it, he was already on the floor face down. Did his girlfriend just kicked his legs? Damn it! He is going to have a bruise on it soon! 


"You're so stubborn jagiya..." Minzy said cheerfully as she pulled his leg and drag him towards her to which he didn't protest. She have probably cooled down from earlier.


It is not like he could blame his girlfriend, she is not the typical cute girl that everyone expects her to be. She actually has attitude and charisma added on to her innocent charms. So, it is not a surprise to him that she is manhandling him at the moment as he let his body get dragged to where she was seated from earlier. Minzy turned him over after much force and pulled his arms to make him sit. She then sat in front of him with a packet of his favourite food from the school canteen with her legs tightly securing his waist in case he runs away because he ever did that before. 


He turn away from her and pout as he was still angry with what she did earlier but soon melt into her hands as she softly turn his head towards her.


"Aww, come on baby.. I know you're hungry.." Minzy coos at him.


Though facing her, Jongin still look elsewhere instead of at his girlfriend, yes he admist he is a 20 year old who acts like a baby. He heard Minzy made childish train sounds as she fed him and he open his mouth nevertheless because he is hungry but is too egoistic to admit it. She continued doing so till he ate half of the food and as much as he wants to be angry with her, it was all forgotten since 'an angry man is a hungry man' which in his case, he is not hungry anymore. Halfway through feeding, he started facing her willingly as she gave him the sweet smile. They were in silence throughout the meal and by then his wet t-shirt was almost dried as well. It was only after he was done eating that he realized Minzy have not even taken a single bite for herself despite being hungry as well.


"Where's your share?" he asked looking around.


"It's there, I'll eat it later." she said as she tries to stand up but Jongin pulled her back but towards his lap instead.


"i'll feed you."


"It's ok. Go take a shower, I'll wait for you at the student lounge." she said before pushing herself away from the sticky him.


"No! Come here! I'll feed you first," Jongin said firmly.


"You stink! Go shower! I'll eat while waiting for you." she said as she stood away from him and after much protest, he gave in.


As they were walking down the hallway, Jongin took initiative to hold her hand and said with a pout, "I'm sorry baby."


"It's fine. You know well enough I don't hold grudges and you should seriously stop doing that. It's annoying you know!"


"But... I've been doing that for years yet you still stick with me! I'm not changing it!" he retorts childishly.


"Tell me again why do I still stick with you?"


"Because you like my aegyo!' he said without shame.


"This is why you're annoying and I can't believe I still fell for this after being stuck with you for so long!" 


"it's part of my charms." he boldly said as he squeeze her hand and she laughed at him.


"Guess that is why I couldn't get angry with you for so long." Miinzy admits before hugging his waist while walking.


"Now, talking about Jun Hong..." Jongin said breaking the loving atmosphere between them as he send her to the student lounge.


"You're such a kid! I told you, he is like my little brother Kim Jongin! Stop being jealous unnecessarily!"


"But he is tall and he dance so much better than me that you praise him more than you do to me." he pouts and Minzy laughs.


"it's not funny! What if you fall for him?"


"I'll be a e. You get so jealous easily I swear that you will be the death of me."


"Can't help that my girl is feisty and I want it all for myself."


"Only for you Jongin ah. I will never do that to another." she said before pushing him away.


"Go shower pretty boy! See you later." she said.


Jongin knew that he rarely show his affection for her in school but at that moment he couldn't help but let his jealousy took over. So while she was walking in, he pulled her towards him as he kiss her hastily on lips. He heard a few gasp coming from the student lounge but who cares, she is his anyway.

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Missyouwannabe #1
Chapter 62: YES!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 62: i really want to see kai and taemin reaction of minzy in MAMA 2015
Chapter 62: I really need kai or taemin reaction over 2ne1 perform on mama T.T
Chapter 62: That cheap trick but get me feel happy.
Seul-Tae #5
Chapter 21: Thats good
andrea13 #6
I wish there was a sequel to clueless my favorite
Chapter 25: wow kai that is scary ><
Missyouwannabe #8
Chapter 61: Ooohhh I wouldn't mind Jongin giving me chocolate donut kisses as well lol
choezna #9
Chapter 60: aigoo, their daughter is so adorable...